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Created March 5, 2024 14:31
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evm --help 1.14.0-unstable-66e1a6ef-20240305
evm - the evm command line interface
evm [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
compile Compiles easm source to evm binary
disasm Disassembles evm binary
run Run arbitrary evm binary
blocktest Executes the given blockchain tests
statetest Executes the given state tests. Filenames can be fed via standard input (batch mode) or as an argument (one-off execution).
transition, t8n Executes a full state transition
transaction, t9n Performs transaction validation
block-builder, b11r Builds a block
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--log.compress (default: false)
Compress the log files
--log.file value
Write logs to a file
--log.format value
Log format to use (json|logfmt|terminal)
--log.maxage value (default: 30)
Maximum number of days to retain a log file
--log.maxbackups value (default: 10)
Maximum number of log files to retain
--log.maxsize value (default: 100)
Maximum size in MBs of a single log file
--log.rotate (default: false)
Enables log file rotation
--log.vmodule value
Per-module verbosity: comma-separated list of <pattern>=<level> (e.g.
--pprof (default: false)
Enable the pprof HTTP server
--pprof.addr value (default: "")
pprof HTTP server listening interface
--pprof.blockprofilerate value (default: 0)
Turn on block profiling with the given rate
--pprof.cpuprofile value
Write CPU profile to the given file
--pprof.memprofilerate value (default: 524288)
Turn on memory profiling with the given rate
--pprof.port value (default: 6060)
pprof HTTP server listening port
--trace value
Write execution trace to the given file
--verbosity value (default: 3)
Logging verbosity: 0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=detail
--help, -h (default: false)
show help
--version, -v (default: false)
print the version
--bench (default: false)
benchmark the execution
--code value
EVM code
--codefile value
File containing EVM code. If '-' is specified, code is read from stdin
--create (default: false)
indicates the action should be create rather than call
--debug (default: false)
output full trace logs
--dump (default: false)
dumps the state after the run
--gas value (default: 10000000000)
gas limit for the evm
--input value
input for the EVM
--inputfile value
file containing input for the EVM
--json (default: false)
output trace logs in machine readable format (json)
--nomemory (default: true)
disable memory output
--noreturndata (default: true)
enable return data output
--nostack (default: false)
disable stack output
--nostorage (default: false)
disable storage output
--prestate value
JSON file with prestate (genesis) config
--price value (default: 0)
price set for the evm
--receiver value
The transaction receiver (execution context)
--sender value
The transaction origin
--statdump (default: false)
displays stack and heap memory information
--value value (default: 0)
value set for the evm
Copyright 2013-2024 The go-ethereum Authors
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