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Created July 12, 2020 01:30
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simple CLI credit calculator
import math
import sys
# credit_principal = p
# annuity_payment = a
# count_of_periods = n
# credit_interest = i
def calc_parameter(dict_pars, dict_calc):
j = 'interest'
for j in dict_calc:
if j not in dict_pars:
param = j
if param != 'periods':
i = dict_pars['interest']
n = dict_pars['periods']
capital_recovery_f = (i * (1 + i) ** n) / (-1 + (1 + i) ** n)
dict_pars[param] = dict_calc[param][0](dict_pars, capital_recovery_f)
dict_pars[param] = dict_calc[param][0](dict_pars)
return dict_calc[param][1](dict_pars[param])
def n_str(n):
years = n // 12
months = n % 12
yrs_str = f" {years} year{'s' * (years > 1)} " if years else ''
mth_str = f" {months} month{'s' * (months > 1)} " if months else ''
and_str = "and" if years and months else ''
return "You need" + yrs_str + and_str + mth_str + "to repay this credit!"
def diff_payment(dict_pars, period):
p = dict_pars['principal']
n = dict_pars['periods']
i = dict_pars['interest']
m = period
return math.ceil(p / n + i * (p - p * (m - 1) / n))
dict_funcs_a = dict(
lambda params, crf: math.ceil(params['payment'] // crf),
lambda p: f"Your credit principal = {p}!"),
lambda params, crf: math.ceil(params['principal'] * crf),
lambda a: f"Your annuity payment = {a}!"),
lambda params: math.ceil(math.log(
params['payment'] / (params['payment'] - (
params['interest'] * params['principal'])),
1 + params['interest'])
lambda n: n_str(n)),
interest=(lambda i: None, None)
args = sys.argv[1:]
dict_args = dict([j.lstrip('-').split('=') if j.startswith("--") else (None, None) for j in args])
if None in dict_args or "type" not in dict_args or len(dict_args) < 4 or "interest" not in dict_args:
print("Incorrect parameters.")
calc_type = dict_args.pop("type")
for parameter in dict_args:
if parameter == 'interest':
dict_args[parameter] = float(dict_args[parameter]) / (12 * 100)
dict_args[parameter] = math.ceil(float(dict_args[parameter]))
if [j for j in dict_args.values() if j < 0]:
print("Incorrect parameters.")
if calc_type == "annuity":
# print(dict_args)
print(calc_parameter(dict_args, dict_funcs_a))
print(f"\nOverpayment = {math.ceil(dict_args['payment'] * dict_args['periods'] - dict_args['principal'])}")
elif calc_type == "diff":
if "payment" in dict_args:
print("Incorrect parameters.")
overpay = 0
for j in range(1, dict_args['periods'] + 1):
d = diff_payment(dict_args, j)
print(f"Month {j}: paid out {d}")
overpay += d
print(f"\nOverpayment = {math.ceil(overpay - dict_args['principal'])}")
print("Incorrect parameters.")
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