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Forked from anonymous/index.html
Last active December 15, 2015 23:49
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function Animal(data) { = data;
this.base = '1966/12/31';
this.count = data.length;
Animal.prototype.get = function(birthday) {
var number = this.number(birthday);
var data =[number];
data.number = number;
return data;
Animal.prototype.number = function(birthday) {
var date = this.strtotime(birthday);
var base = this.strtotime(this.base);
var result = (date - base + 1) % this.count;
if (result < 0) {
result += this.count;
return result;
Animal.prototype.strtotime = function(date) {
var HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60;
var date = Date.parse(date);
date += HOUR * 9;
date /= (HOUR * 24);
return date;
var animals = [
{animal: "トラ", type: "心優しいトラ"},
{animal: "チーター", type: "おしゃれな チーター"},
{animal: "たぬき", type: "飾り気のないたぬき"},
{animal: "さる", type: "センスのあるさる"},
{animal: "コアラ", type: "意志が強く努力家のコアラ"},
{animal: "ひょう", type: "人気者の黒ひょう"},
{animal: "トラ", type: "愛情いっぱいのトラ"},
{animal: "チーター", type: "上品なチーター"},
{animal: "たぬき", type: "人をサポートするたぬき"},
{animal: "さる", type: "大きな志を持ったさる"},
{animal: "コアラ", type: "感激屋のコアラ"},
{animal: "こじか", type: "純真なこじか"},
{animal: "ゾウ", type: "直感型のゾウ"},
{animal: "おおかみ", type: "正義感の強いおおかみ"},
{animal: "ひつじ", type: "情熱的なひつじ"},
{animal: "さる", type: "発展していくさる"},
{animal: "コアラ", type: "繊細な心を持つコアラ"},
{animal: "こじか", type: "強い意志を持ったこじか"},
{animal: "ゾウ", type: "まっしぐらに突き進むゾウ"},
{animal: "おおかみ", type: "お人好しのおおかみ"},
{animal: "ひつじ", type: "慈悲ぶかいひつじ"},
{animal: "ペガサス", type: "どこまでも熱いペガサス"},
{animal: "ペガサス", type: "おおらかな精神を持つペガサス"},
{animal: "ひつじ", type: "陽気なひつじ"},
{animal: "おおかみ", type: "几帳面なおおかみ"},
{animal: "おおかみ", type: "探求心のあるおおかみ"},
{animal: "ひつじ", type: "人の力を 育むひつじ"},
{animal: "ペガサス", type: "芸術家であるペガサス"},
{animal: "ペガサス", type: "自分に正直なペガサス"},
{animal: "ひつじ", type: "チャレンジ精神旺盛なひつじ"},
{animal: "おおかみ", type: "粘り強いおおかみ"},
{animal: "ゾウ", type: "リーダーとなるゾウ"},
{animal: "こじか", type: "正義感の強いこじか"},
{animal: "コアラ", type: "個性豊かなコアラ"},
{animal: "さる", type: "フランクなさる"},
{animal: "ひつじ", type: "面倒見の良いひつじ"},
{animal: "おおかみ", type: "分析力に優れたおおかみ"},
{animal: "ゾウ", type: "度量の大きいゾウ"},
{animal: "こじか", type: "人懐っこいこじか"},
{animal: "コアラ", type: "感受性の強いコアラ"},
{animal: "さる", type: "頭脳明晰なさる"},
{animal: "たぬき", type: "控えめなたぬき"},
{animal: "チーター", type: "俊敏なチーター"},
{animal: "トラ", type: "アクティブなトラ"},
{animal: "ひょう", type: "ユーモアにあふれた黒ひょう"},
{animal: "コアラ", type: "人なつっこいコアラ"},
{animal: "さる", type: "いきいきとしたさる"},
{animal: "たぬき", type: "感性豊かなたぬき"},
{animal: "チーター", type: "世渡り上手なチーター"},
{animal: "トラ", type: "堂々としたトラ"},
{animal: "ひょう", type: "アイデアマンの黒ひょう"},
{animal: "ライオン", type: "我が道を行くライオン"},
{animal: "ライオン", type: "慎重なライオン"},
{animal: "ひょう", type: "センスの良い黒ひょう"},
{animal: "トラ", type: "フランクなトラ"},
{animal: "トラ", type: "パワフルなトラ"},
{animal: "ひょう", type: "誠実な黒ひょう"},
{animal: "ライオン", type: "親分肌なライオン"},
{animal: "ライオン", type: "どーんと構えているライオン"},
{animal: "ひょう", type: "前向きな黒ひょう"},
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="animals.js"></script>
<script src="animal.js"></script>
var animal = new Animal(animals);
console.log(animal.get('1967/01/02').number == 3);
console.log(animal.get('1967/01/01').number == 2);
console.log(animal.get('1966/12/31').number == 1);
console.log(animal.get('1966/12/30').number == 0);
console.log(animal.get('1966/12/29').number == 59);
console.log(animal.get('1966/12/28').number == 58);
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