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Last active October 21, 2023 06:12
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Bounded Parallel Get Requests in Golang
package main
import (
// a struct to hold the result from each request including an index
// which will be used for sorting the results after they come in
type result struct {
index int
res http.Response
err error
// boundedParallelGet sends requests in parallel but only up to a certain
// limit, and furthermore it's only parallel up to the amount of CPUs but
// is always concurrent up to the concurrency limit
func boundedParallelGet(urls []string, concurrencyLimit int) []result {
// this buffered channel will block at the concurrency limit
semaphoreChan := make(chan struct{}, concurrencyLimit)
// this channel will not block and collect the http request results
resultsChan := make(chan *result)
// make sure we close these channels when we're done with them
defer func() {
// keen an index and loop through every url we will send a request to
for i, url := range urls {
// start a go routine with the index and url in a closure
go func(i int, url string) {
// this sends an empty struct into the semaphoreChan which
// is basically saying add one to the limit, but when the
// limit has been reached block until there is room
semaphoreChan <- struct{}{}
// send the request and put the response in a result struct
// along with the index so we can sort them later along with
// any error that might have occoured
res, err := http.Get(url)
result := &result{i, *res, err}
// now we can send the result struct through the resultsChan
resultsChan <- result
// once we're done it's we read from the semaphoreChan which
// has the effect of removing one from the limit and allowing
// another goroutine to start
}(i, url)
// make a slice to hold the results we're expecting
var results []result
// start listening for any results over the resultsChan
// once we get a result append it to the result slice
for {
result := <-resultsChan
results = append(results, *result)
// if we've reached the expected amount of urls then stop
if len(results) == len(urls) {
// let's sort these results real quick
sort.Slice(results, func(i, j int) bool {
return results[i].index < results[j].index
// now we're done we return the results
return results
// we'll use the init function to set up the benchmark
// by making a slice of 100 URLs to send requets to
var urls []string
func init() {
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
urls = append(urls, "")
// the main function sets up an anonymous benchmark func
// that will time how long it takes to get all the URLs
// at the specified concurrency level
// and you should see something like the following printed
// depending on how fast your computer and internet is
// 5 bounded parallel requests: 100/100 in 5.533223255
// 10 bounded parallel requests: 100/100 in 2.5115351219
// 25 bounded parallel requests: 100/100 in 1.189462884
// 50 bounded parallel requests: 100/100 in 1.17430002
// 75 bounded parallel requests: 100/100 in 1.001383863
// 100 bounded parallel requests: 100/100 in 1.3769354
func main() {
benchmark := func(urls []string, concurrency int) string {
startTime := time.Now()
results := boundedParallelGet(urls, concurrency)
seconds := time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
tmplate := "%d bounded parallel requests: %d/%d in %v"
return fmt.Sprintf(tmplate, concurrency, len(results), len(urls), seconds)
fmt.Println(benchmark(urls, 10))
fmt.Println(benchmark(urls, 25))
fmt.Println(benchmark(urls, 50))
fmt.Println(benchmark(urls, 75))
fmt.Println(benchmark(urls, 100))
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how can handle error if i passed a non existing url it says panic memory error can we avoit that and send all 100 request to non existing url

i am using this script to read 100 url from file some of url non existing or time out but it is fail to run complite script

can you help me

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sending request from a file but this script stop woking

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You saved my life lol

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Impressive. I'm totally impressed how you explain stuff with comments. Thanks Man!

You should definitely create a blog of your own :)

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great example, only one thing - it will result in deadlock if urls is an empty array

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jurabek commented Apr 12, 2022

instead infinite loop you can use:

for i := 0; i < len(urls); i++ {
    result := <-resultsChan

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instead infinite loop you can use:

for i := 0; i < len(urls); i++ {
    result := <-resultsChan

or... i later found the community prefering this:

for {
    // infinite loop until stopped

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hotrush commented Aug 25, 2022

Is it possible to stop execution of first error? (not panic)

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Is it possible to stop execution of first error? (not panic)

error counter variable maybe?

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hotrush commented Aug 25, 2022

Is it possible to stop execution of first error? (not panic)

error counter variable maybe?

variable or channel?

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