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Created June 2, 2015 20:40
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  • Save montefra/e7c18edfbecf7b8ce2a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save montefra/e7c18edfbecf7b8ce2a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
logging of nose
# from python nosetests --verbosity=4 > nose.log 2>&1
['nose>=1', 'coverage', 'pyhetdex']
running nosetests
running egg_info
writing dependency_links to vhc.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to vhc.egg-info/requires.txt
writing top-level names to vhc.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing entry points to vhc.egg-info/entry_points.txt
writing vhc.egg-info/PKG-INFO
reading manifest file 'vhc.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
writing manifest file 'vhc.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
Searching for coverage
Best match: coverage 4.0a5
Processing coverage-4.0a5-py3.4-linux-x86_64.egg
Using /path/to/trunk/.eggs/coverage-4.0a5-py3.4-linux-x86_64.egg
nose.config: INFO: Set working dir to /path/to/trunk
nose.config: INFO: Ignoring files matching ['^\\.', '^_', '^setup\\.py$']
nose.plugins.manager: DEBUG: Configuring plugins
nose.plugins.cover: INFO: Coverage report will include only packages: ['libvhc']
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: Will put HTML coverage report in cover
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: Coverage begin
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: Clearing previously collected coverage statistics
nose.plugins.manager: DEBUG: Plugins enabled: [<nose.plugins.capture.Capture object at 0x7f2ac6c88940>, <nose.plugins.cover.Coverage object at 0x7f2ac6c889e8>, <nose.plugins.deprecated.Deprecated object at 0x7f2ac6c88c18>, <nose.plugins.doctests.Doctest object at 0x7f2ac6c08cc0>, <nose.plugins.failuredetail.FailureDetail object at 0x7f2ac6bcfd68>, <nose.plugins.skip.Skip object at 0x7f2ac6bcfe10>]
nose.core: DEBUG: configured Config(addPaths=True, args=(), configSection='nosetests', debug=None, debugLog=None, env={}, exclude=None, files=[], firstPackageWins=False, getTestCaseNamesCompat=False, ignoreFiles=[re.compile('^\\.'), re.compile('^_'), re.compile('^setup\\.py$')], ignoreFilesDefaultStrings=['^\\.', '^_', '^setup\\.py$'], include=None, includeExe=False, logStream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, loggingConfig=None, options=<Values at 0x7f2ac68855f8: {'debugFailures': False, 'verbosity': 4, 'cover_tests': True, 'cover_html': True, 'cover_inclusive': True, 'logcapture_format': '%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s', 'enable_plugin_isolation': None, 'debugErrors': False, 'cover_erase': True, 'xunit_file': 'nosetests.xml', 'detailedErrors': True, 'debugBoth': False, 'loggingConfig': None, 'logcapture': False, 'enable_plugin_allmodules': None, 'includeExe': False, 'cover_min_percentage': None, 'xunit_testsuite_name': 'nosetests', 'doctest_result_var': None, 'debugLog': None, 'firstPackageWins': False, 'cover_xml': None, 'addPaths': True, 'ignoreFiles': [], 'eval_attr': None, 'cover_html_dir': 'cover', 'logcapture_filters': None, 'debug': None, 'enable_plugin_xunit': None, 'showPlugins': False, 'doctestExtension': None, 'multiprocess_timeout': 10, 'traverseNamespace': False, 'enable_plugin_doctest': True, 'enable_plugin_id': None, 'attr': None, 'cover_xml_file': 'coverage.xml', 'noSkip': False, 'testMatch': '(?:^|[\\b_\\./-])[Tt]est', 'noDeprecated': False, 'stopOnError': False, 'version': False, 'exclude': [], 'cover_packages': ['libvhc'], 'files': None, 'logcapture_level': 'NOTSET', 'byteCompile': True, 'testNames': None, 'cover_branches': True, 'multiprocess_workers': 0, 'where': ['.'], 'failed': False, 'doctestOptions': None, 'include': [], 'doctestFixtures': None, 'multiprocess_restartworker': False, 'py3where': None, 'enable_plugin_coverage': True, 'logcapture_clear': False, 'logcapture_datefmt': None, 'doctest_tests': None, 'testIdFile': '.noseids', 'capture': True, 'collect_only': None}>, parser=<optparse.OptionParser object at 0x7f2ac6c88320>, parserClass=<class 'optparse.OptionParser'>, plugins=<nose.plugins.manager.DefaultPluginManager object at 0x7f2ac6c88198>, py3where=(), runOnInit=True, srcDirs=('lib', 'src'), stopOnError=False, stream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, testMatch=re.compile('(?:^|[\\b_\\./-])[Tt]est'), testMatchPat='(?:^|[\\b_\\./-])[Tt]est', testNames=[], traverseNamespace=False, verbosity=4, where=(), worker=False, workingDir='/path/to/trunk')
nose.importer: DEBUG: Add path /path/to/trunk
nose.core: DEBUG: test loader is <nose.loader.TestLoader object at 0x7f2ac62755f8>
nose.core: DEBUG: defaultTest .
nose.core: DEBUG: Test names are ['.']
nose.core: DEBUG: createTests called with None
nose.loader: DEBUG: load from . (None)
nose.selector: DEBUG: Test name . resolved to file ., module None, call None
nose.selector: DEBUG: Final resolution of test name .: file /path/to/trunk module None call None
nose.suite: DEBUG: Create suite for [<nose.suite.LazySuite tests=generator (139821689821840)>]
nose.suite: DEBUG: tests [<nose.suite.LazySuite tests=generator (139821689821840)>] context None
nose.suite: DEBUG: wrap [<nose.suite.LazySuite tests=generator (139821689821840)>]
nose.suite: DEBUG: wrapping <nose.suite.LazySuite tests=generator (139821689821840)>
nose.suite: DEBUG: Context suite for [<nose.suite.LazySuite tests=generator (139821689821840)>] (None) (139821772210248)
nose.core: DEBUG: runTests called
nose.suite: DEBUG: suite 139821772210248 (<nose.suite.ContextSuite context=None>) run called, tests: <generator object _get_wrapped_tests at 0x7f2ac62e9d38>
nose.suite: DEBUG: suite 139821772210248 setUp called, tests: <generator object _get_wrapped_tests at 0x7f2ac62e9d38>
nose.suite: DEBUG: tests in 139821772210248?
nose.suite: DEBUG: precache is [<nose.suite.LazySuite tests=generator (139821689821840)>]
nose.suite: DEBUG: precache is []
nose.loader: DEBUG: load from dir /path/to/trunk
nose.importer: DEBUG: Add path /path/to/trunk
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantFile /path/to/trunk/AUTHORS? False
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantFile /path/to/trunk/Changelog? False
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantFile /path/to/trunk/LICENSE? False
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantFile /path/to/trunk/ False
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantFile /path/to/trunk/ False
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantDirectory /path/to/trunk/cover? False
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantDirectory /path/to/trunk/doc? False
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantDirectory /path/to/trunk/libvhc? True
nose.loader: DEBUG: load from /path/to/trunk/libvhc (None)
nose.selector: DEBUG: Test name /path/to/trunk/libvhc resolved to file /path/to/trunk/libvhc, module None, call None
nose.selector: DEBUG: Final resolution of test name /path/to/trunk/libvhc: file /path/to/trunk/libvhc module libvhc call None
nose.importer: DEBUG: Import libvhc from /path/to/trunk
nose.importer: DEBUG: Add path /path/to/trunk
nose.importer: DEBUG: find module part libvhc (libvhc) in ['/path/to/trunk']
nose.loader: DEBUG: Load from module <module 'libvhc' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/'>
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantModule <module 'libvhc' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/'>? False
nose.loader: DEBUG: os.path.normcase('/path/to/trunk/libvhc'): '/path/to/trunk/libvhc'
nose.loader: DEBUG: Load tests from module path /path/to/trunk/libvhc?
nose.loader: DEBUG: path: /path/to/trunk/libvhc os.path.realpath(/path/to/trunk/libvhc): /path/to/trunk/libvhc
nose.loader: DEBUG: load from dir /path/to/trunk/libvhc
nose.importer: DEBUG: Add path /path/to/trunk/libvhc
nose.importer: DEBUG: Add path /path/to/trunk
nose.selector: DEBUG: matches ignoreFiles pattern; skipped
nose.selector: DEBUG: __init__.pyc matches ignoreFiles pattern; skipped
nose.selector: DEBUG: plugin setting want /path/to/trunk/libvhc/ to True
nose.selector: DEBUG: wantFile /path/to/trunk/libvhc/ True
nose.loader: DEBUG: load from /path/to/trunk/libvhc/ (None)
nose.selector: DEBUG: Test name /path/to/trunk/libvhc/ resolved to file /path/to/trunk/libvhc/, module None, call None
nose.selector: DEBUG: Final resolution of test name /path/to/trunk/libvhc/ file /path/to/trunk/libvhc/ module libvhc.common call None
nose.importer: DEBUG: Import libvhc.common from /path/to/trunk
nose.importer: DEBUG: Add path /path/to/trunk
nose.importer: DEBUG: find module part libvhc (libvhc) in ['/path/to/trunk']
nose.importer: DEBUG: sys.modules has libvhc as <module 'libvhc' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/'>
nose.importer: DEBUG: module already loaded? mod: /path/to/trunk/libvhc new: /path/to/trunk/libvhc
nose.importer: DEBUG: find module part common (libvhc.common) in ['/path/to/trunk/libvhc']
nose.suite: DEBUG: context teardown
nose.suite: DEBUG: No reason to teardown (was_setup? False was_torndown? False)
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: Coverage report
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for textwrap: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.bdist_egg: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of astropy.extern.six.moves.urllib: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for token: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.filelist: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.iterators: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.__about__: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for warnings: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _socket: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of builtins: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pgen2.literals: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for keyword: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.sax.saxutils: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.parser: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of numpy.lib._compiled_base: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.specifiers: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for operator: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for copyreg: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.errorclass: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pytree: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for doctest: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.dom: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of xml.parsers.expat.errors: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of numpy.core.multiarray: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.package_index: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for linecache: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _operator: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email._parseaddr: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _sre: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _struct: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for zipfile: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.sax.xmlreader: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for importlib.machinery: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for sre_parse: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _json: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for cmd: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of numpy.core.umath: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for __future__: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.install_lib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.py27compat: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.fancy_getopt: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for bdb: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for enum: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.cover: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of itertools: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of select: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.windows_support: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for unittest.loader: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of array: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for encodings.latin_1: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _posixsubprocess: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.skip: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for importlib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of unicodedata: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.pytracer: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.errors: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.builtin: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for functools: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email._encoded_words: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for locale: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.command.build_ext: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of math: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for copy: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _collections: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for argparse: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for encodings.utf_8: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.inspector: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.capture: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _csv: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for urllib.request: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of astropy.utils._compiler: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.plugintest: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for stat: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for urllib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.errors: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pkg_resources._vendor.packaging._compat: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.ssl_support: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _string: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.attrib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.fixer_util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pkg_resources._vendor.packaging: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.cmdline: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.cmd: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.allmodules: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for calendar: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for unittest.result: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: coverage for libvhc.factories
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for unittest.signals: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of parser: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for urllib.parse: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for random: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of mtrand: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.version: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pgen2.pgen: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.version: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _heapq: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for _collections_abc: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.install_scripts: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for tarfile: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.command.install: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.misc: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for abc: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of numpy.linalg._umath_linalg: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _weakref: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.doctests: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for _compat_pickle: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of six.moves: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: coverage for libvhc.html.fplane
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for weakref: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of mpl_toolkits: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.py26compat: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for _weakrefset: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.encoders: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _stat: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for plistlib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for optparse: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.summary: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.command.build_scripts: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _ssl: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for bz2: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.msvc9_support: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.collector: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for heapq: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pdb: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.btm_utils: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of fcntl: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for html: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for _frozen_importlib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.debug: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email._policybase: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.archive_util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for uu: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.testid: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pgen2.grammar: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.manager: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.dom.NodeFilter: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.phystokens: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.html: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lzma: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _hashlib: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.dom.minicompat: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for socketserver: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for ctypes._endian: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of coverage.tracer: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for __main__: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.install: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.base: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.commands: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for http.server: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for ctypes: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of binascii: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of gc: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of signal: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.command.install_scripts: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for multiprocessing.process: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for unittest.main: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of zipimport: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of numpy.random.mtrand: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.setopt: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.btm_matcher: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for re: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for collections: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.compat: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of numpy.fft.fftpack_lite: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of posix: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for configparser: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pygram: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of atexit: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: coverage for libvhc.config
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _thread: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for _virtualenv_distutils: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.parsers.expat: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pkg_resources: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for contextlib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.loader: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _locale: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.annotate: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.suite: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of xml.parsers.expat.model: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.version: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of termios: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _functools: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for os: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for codecs: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.core: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for imp: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of numpy.core.scalarmath: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.lib2to3_ex: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for bisect: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for sre_compile: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of grp: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.py31compat: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.ccompiler: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for ast: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.version: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.sax._exceptions: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of marshal: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for fnmatch: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.logcapture: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.results: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for difflib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.config: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.isolate: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _bisect: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.config: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pgen2.driver: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for _bootlocale: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for multiprocessing.context: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of zlib: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of mmap: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for mimetypes: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for encodings.aliases: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.dist: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.debug: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for datetime: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.command.build_py: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.text_file: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.message: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.dom.domreg: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _random: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for html.entities: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.extension: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of pwd: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.dom.minidom: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for socket: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.dir_util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.monkey: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for selectors: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for io: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.config: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.feedparser: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.importer: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for glob: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.egg_info: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.base64mime: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.env: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pgen2: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pkg_resources._vendor: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for genericpath: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for inspect: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _datetime: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.depends: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.quoprimime: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for http.client: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for http: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for shutil: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for base64: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _bz2: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _ctypes: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for importlib._bootstrap: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for unittest.suite: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for os.path: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.bytecode: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for opcode: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _io: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for numbers: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for tokenize: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.codeunit: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for _markerlib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for json.encoder: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of errno: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.failure: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.command.sdist: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for json.scanner: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.parser: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.pyversion: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _lzma: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.dist: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _ast: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.utils: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.dom.xmlbuilder: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for sysconfig: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _warnings: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.command: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _opcode: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for getopt: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for __mp_main__: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for threading: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pprint: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for sre_constants: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _multiprocessing: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.file_util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for _markerlib.markers: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.execfile: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pkgutil: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for shlex: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.header: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for tempfile: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.extension: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for string: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: coverage for libvhc.utils
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.sysconfig: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.dep_util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pgen2.token: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.build_ext: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for platform: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.unicode_utils: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.sax: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of sys: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for unittest: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.sax.handler: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of time: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for traceback: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.charset: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.failuredetail: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.easy_install: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: coverage for libvhc.loggers
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _imp: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.command.install_lib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for json.decoder: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.collect: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.xmlreport: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for reprlib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.exc: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of pyexpat.errors: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.pgen2.parse: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.templite: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for hashlib: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of markupsafe._speedups: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for symbol: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for urllib.error: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for subprocess: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.control: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for xml.parsers: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.refactor: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.multiprocess: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for gettext: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.files: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for urllib.response: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for dis: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for certifi.core: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of astropy.extern.six.moves: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for types: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pickle: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of numpy.linalg.lapack_lite: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of astropy._compiler: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.debug: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.spawn: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.result: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for posixpath: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _codecs: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.selector: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: coverage for libvhc
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.backward: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for ntpath: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for codeop: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.sdist: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.proxy: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for queue: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for code: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of pyexpat.model: no __file__
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.plugin: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for logging: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for pkg_resources._vendor.packaging._structures: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of pyexpat: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.log: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for ssl: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.deprecated: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for site: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for importlib.util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for encodings: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for _sysconfigdata: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for certifi: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for distutils.command.bdist: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for unittest.util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for lib2to3.patcomp: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage of _pickle: not a python file
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for email.utils: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.sandbox: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: coverage for libvhc.html
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.plugins.xunit: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for unittest.runner: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.archive_util: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for nose.core: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for setuptools.command.build_py: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for quopri: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for multiprocessing: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for struct: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for json: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: no coverage for coverage.python: loaded before coverage start
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: Coverage report will cover modules: [<module 'libvhc.factories' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/'>, <module 'libvhc.html.fplane' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/html/'>, <module 'libvhc.config' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/'>, <module 'libvhc.utils' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/'>, <module 'libvhc.loggers' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/'>, <module 'libvhc' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/'>, <module 'libvhc.html' from '/path/to/trunk/libvhc/html/'>]
Name Stmts Miss Branch BrPart Cover Missing
------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 15 4 0 44% 54, 58, 62, 66, 69-70, 73-74, 78-83, 86, 105
libvhc/ 48 31 8 0 30% 14-15, 51-62, 67, 72, 77, 93-111, 132-142
libvhc/ 83 65 14 0 19% 100-139, 191-198, 280-356
libvhc/ 47 31 6 0 30% 38-39, 56, 79, 106, 125, 149-180, 200-204
libvhc/html/ 87 65 28 0 19% 30-40, 45, 50, 55, 70-73, 93-99, 127-129, 139, 144-148, 164-165, 178, 216-224, 230-231, 244, 257, 273-278, 288, 294-311
libvhc/ 32 21 2 0 32% 76-92, 112, 133-139, 159-162
libvhc/ 78 55 13 0 25% 66, 82, 101-121, 141-152, 186-196, 222-228, 253-257, 282-286, 311-315
TOTAL 405 283 75 0 25%
nose.plugins.cover: DEBUG: Generating HTML coverage report
Ran 0 tests in 111.462s
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