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Created September 8, 2015 17:38
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Save montrealist/0f4a7649ebeb2ef79a2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WordPress Options Framework, and Polylang - given a post ID, return a URL for a default image specified in admin options.
unction get_default_image_for_post($post_id){
if(!$post_id) { return false; }
global $smof_data;
$thumb_url = false;
$prefix = 'mxp_';
$key_cat_news = $prefix . 'category_news';
$key_cat_blog = $prefix . 'category_blog';
$key_img_news = $prefix . 'img_default_news';
$key_img_blog = $prefix . 'img_default_blog';
$keys_to_search = [ $key_cat_news => $key_img_news, $key_cat_blog => $key_img_blog ];
$post_categories = wp_get_post_categories( $post_id );
foreach ($keys_to_search as $key_category => $key_image) {
// do we have a category set as a 'blog' category in the admin?
if(array_key_exists($key_category, $smof_data) && $smof_data[$key_category]) {
error_log('news category slug: ' . $smof_data[$key_category]);
// get ID of the category in question
$theCatId = get_term_by( 'slug', $smof_data[$key_category], 'category' );
if(property_exists($theCatId, 'term_id')) {
error_log('category object based on slug:');
error_log(print_r($theCatId->term_id, true));
// get ID of the translation:
$translated_term_id = get_id_of_translated_category($theCatId->term_id);
error_log('translated term: ' . $translated_term_id);
$first_check = array_search($theCatId->term_id, $post_categories);
// error_log(print_r($first_check, true));
if( array_search($theCatId->term_id, $post_categories) !== false || ($translated_term_id !== false && array_search($translated_term_id, $post_categories)) ) {
error_log('the post has a category that we are interested in.');
// see if have default image for articles of this category
if( array_key_exists($key_image, $smof_data) ) {
error_log( 'have ' . $key_image . ' in smof_data...' );
if( $smof_data[$key_image] ) {
error_log( $key_image . ' in smof_data is not empty!' );
$thumb_url = $smof_data[$key_image];
//error_log('default image does exist: ' . $thumb_url);
} else {
error_log('nope 5');
$thumb_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/img/' . $key_image . '.jpg';
} else {
$thumb_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/img/' . $key_image . '.jpg';
error_log('nope 4');
} else {
error_log('nope 3');
} else {
error_log('nope 2');
} else {
//error_log('nope 1');
return $thumb_url;
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