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Created May 29, 2023 11:46
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  • Save moodymudskipper/04ae38a649ba19f9dfd45cf482e5a957 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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git dm draft
objects_output <- system("git cat-file --batch-check --batch-all-objects", intern = TRUE)
objects_list <- strsplit(objects_output, "\\s")
objects <- data.frame(ObjectID = sapply(objects_list, "[[", 1),
Type = sapply(objects_list, "[[", 2),
Size = as.numeric(sapply(objects_list, "[[", 3)))
# commits
commits_output <- system('git log --pretty=format:"%H|/|%an|/|%ae|/|%cn|/|%ce|/|%s|/|%P|/|%T|/|%ct" --all', intern = TRUE)
commits_list <- strsplit(commits_output, "\\|/\\|")
commits <- data.frame(CommitID = sapply(commits_list, "[[", 1),
Author = sapply(commits_list, "[[", 2),
AuthorEmail = sapply(commits_list, "[[", 3),
Committer = sapply(commits_list, "[[", 4),
CommitterEmail = sapply(commits_list, "[[", 5),
CommitMessage = sapply(commits_list, "[[", 6),
ParentCommit = sapply(commits_list, "[[", 7),
TreeID = sapply(commits_list, "[[", 8),
Timestamp = as.POSIXct(as.numeric(sapply(commits_list, "[[", 9)), origin = "1970-01-01"))
# trees table
trees_output <- system("git ls-tree --full-tree -r HEAD", intern = TRUE)
trees_list <- strsplit(trees_output, "\\t| ")
trees <- data.frame(
tree_id = sapply(trees_list, "[[", 1),
type = sapply(trees_list, "[[", 2),
object_id = sapply(trees_list, "[[", 3),
path = sapply(trees_list, "[[", 4)
# tags
# tags_output <- system("git show-ref --tags --abbrev=40 --hash --dereference", intern = TRUE)
# tags_list <- strsplit(tags_output, "\\s")
# tags <- data.frame(TagID = sapply(tags_list, "[[", 1),
# ObjectID = sapply(tags_list, "[[", 2),
# TagName = sapply(tags_list, "[[", 3),
# Tagger = NA,
# TaggerEmail = NA,
# TagMessage = NA,
# Timestamp = NA)
# branches
branches_output <- system("git show-ref --heads --abbrev=40 --hash", intern = TRUE)
branches_list <- strsplit(branches_output, "\\s")
branches <- data.frame(BranchName = sapply(branches_list, "[[", 2),
CommitID = sapply(branches_list, "[[", 1))
# authors
blobs_output <- system("git cat-file --batch-check --batch-all-objects | grep blob", intern = TRUE)
blobs_list <- strsplit(blobs_output, "\\s")
blobs <- data.frame(BlobID = sapply(blobs_list, "[[", 1),
Size = as.numeric(sapply(blobs_list, "[[", 3)),
Content = NA)
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