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Last active August 19, 2021 13:39
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Workshop Commands and Functions

Gettings Started


  • An Internet Connection
  • Docker
  • VirusTotal Account (username and password)
  • The following headers, which can be gathered by examining the headers in Burp or DevTools.
    • X-Recaptcha-Response
    • X-Vt-Anti-Abuse-Header

1. Start docker

docker run -p8888:8888 azuretrustworthyml/counterfit-mlsecevasion:latest

Get into the interface and open a terminal. Counterfit should start automatically, if it doesn't you can run python

2. Run some basic commands

There is a basic use case in the Counterfit wiki

  • list targets
  • list frameworks
                          __            _____ __
  _________  __  ______  / /____  _____/ __(_) /_
 / ___/ __ \/ / / / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ /_/ / __/
/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/  __/ /  / __/ / /
\___/\____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/  /_/ /_/\__/



        [+] 28 attacks
        [+] 8 targets
counterfit> list targets 

Name             Type             Input Shape      Location                                                                             
mlsecmalware     pe               (1,)                                                                
moviereviews     text             (1,)             counterfit/targets/moviereviews/                  
creditfraud      numpy            (30,)            counterfit/targets/creditfraud/creditfraud_sklearn_pipeline.pkl                      
ember            pe               (1,)             counterfit/targets/ember/ember_model.txt.gz                                          
satelliteimages  image            (3, 256, 256)    counterfit/targets/satelliteimages/satellite-image-params-airplane-stadium.h5        
tutorial         image            (1, 28, 28)      counterfit/targets/tutorial/mnist_sklearn_pipeline.pkl                               
mlsecphish       html             (1,)                                                          

counterfit> list frameworks 

Framework             # of Attacks                  
mlsecevade            10                            
textattack            11                            
art                   7                             

3. Load the mlsecevade framework and list the attacks.

  • load mlsecevade
  • list attacks
counterfit> load mlsecevade 

[+] Framework loaded successfully!

counterfit> list attacks

Name                       Type             Category         Tags             Framework 
hop_skip_jump-pe           evasion          blackbox         pe               mlsecevade
randdescent-html           evasion          blackbox         html             mlsecevade
zoo-html                   evasion          blackbox         html             mlsecevade
hyperopt-pe                evasion          blackbox         pe               mlsecevade
zoo-pe                     evasion          blackbox         pe               mlsecevade
hop_skip_jump-html         evasion          blackbox         html             mlsecevade
boundary-html              evasion          blackbox         html             mlsecevade
hyperopt-html              evasion          blackbox         html             mlsecevade
boundary-pe                evasion          blackbox         pe               mlsecevade

4. Create a new VirusTotal target.

counterfit> new 
? Target name: virustotal
? Which framework? art
? What data type? numpy

The target is written to a folder under /counterfit/targets/.

Note: There is a bug for the new framework. We will change some of this information in the next step.

5. Open the target file and edit such that it matches the below.

from counterfit.core.targets import ArtTarget

class virustotal(ArtTarget):
    model_name = "virustotal"
    model_data_type = "pe"
    model_endpoint = ""
    model_input_shape = (1,)
    model_output_classes = [0, 1]
    X = []

    def __init__(self):
        self.X = []

    def __call__(self, x):
        return x

6. Save and reload the target.

You should see the information about the model change.

counterfit> reload
counterfit> list targets
counterfit> list targets 

Name             Type             Input Shape      Location                                                                             
virustotal       pe               (1,)     

7. Start building out the core functionality.

Here is the completed target for reference. Note: there was a revision that changed the way target interacts with VT. The API takes >10 minutes to process new files, but the UI takes ~75 seconds. As Counterfit is generating new malware algorithmically, this code change will save ALOT of time.

The process inside def __init__(self) is,

  1. Download malware samples.
  2. Load malware samples into the target (self.X)
  3. Manually gather the proper headers
  4. Login programatically, keep a session

After you have data loaded, it's time to send it to the target. The process inside def __call__(self, x) is,

  1. Extract the malware from the list of samples
  2. Upload the malware to VT
  3. Check the results with the file_id VT returns
  4. Process scores and return a list of probabilities

8. After the completed attack code has been saved, either interact with or reload the target.

counterfit> interact virustotal

[-] scanning malware sample info from counterfit/targets/virustotal/

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [00:00<00:00, 214652.20it/s]


9. Select an attack and checkout the parameters

virustotal> use hyperopt-pe

[+] Using hyperopt-pe 3321e1d0

virustotal>hyperopt-pe> show options 

Attack Parameter (type)      Default       Current   
          max_evals (int)  10            10          
       sample_index (int)  0             0           
       target_class (int)  0             0           


10. Run it!

You can explore what to print, save them off, etc. Be aware that as scores change the regex might not work any more for some products. For example, CrowdStrike will go from win/malicious_confidence_100% (W) to 'usafe'. This both breaks a regex looking for a score and obviously removes a score for an algo to use.

virustotal>hyperopt-pe> run 

[+] Running hyperopt-pe on virustotal

Remember to reload the target after making changes!

Other products using scores (average the scores?)

    'category': 'malicious',
    'engine_name': 'CrowdStrike',
    'engine_version': '1.0',
    'result': 'win/malicious_confidence_100% (W)',
    'method': 'blacklist',
    'engine_update': '20210203'

    'category': 'malicious',
    'engine_name': 'eGambit',
    'engine_version': None,
    'result': 'Unsafe.AI_Score_94%',
    'method': 'blacklist',
    'engine_update': '20210806' 

     'category': 'malicious',
     'engine_name': 'MAX',
     'engine_version': '2019.9.16.1',
     'result': 'malware (ai score=80)',
     'method': 'blacklist',
     'engine_update': '20210806'

    'category': 'malicious',
    'engine_name': 'Cynet',
    'engine_version': '',
    'result': 'Malicious (score: 100)',
    'method': 'blacklist',
    'engine_update': '20210806'

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