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Created March 28, 2023 03:02
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# General settings
# The program to perform the actual stress test
# The following programs are available:
# - PRIME95
# - AIDA64
# You can change the test mode for each program in the relavant [sections] below.
# Note: For AIDA64, you need to manually download and extract the portable ENGINEER version and put it
# in the /test_programs/aida64/ folder
# Note: AIDA64 is somewhat sketchy as well
# Default: PRIME95
stressTestProgram = YCRUNCHER
# Set the runtime per core
# You can define a specific runtime per core, by entering a numeric value in seconds,
# or use 'h' for hours, 'm' for minutes and 's' for seconds
# Examples: 360 = 360 seconds
# 1h4m = 1 hour, 4 minutes
# 1.5m = 1.5 minutes = 90 seconds
# Automatic runtime:
# You can also set it to "auto", in which case it will perform one full run of all the FFT sizes in the selected
# Prime95 preset for each core, and when that is finished, it continues to the next core and starts again
# For Aida64 and y-Cruncher, the "auto" setting will default to 10 Minutes per core
# Below are some examples of the runtime for one iteration for the various tests on my 5900X with one thread
# The first iteration is also usually the fastest one
# Selecting two threads usually takes *much* longer than one thread for one iteration in Prime95
# - Prime95 "Smallest": 4K to 21K - [SSE] ~3-4 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~8-9 Minutes <|> [AVX2] ~8-10 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Small": 36K to 248K - [SSE] ~4-6 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~14-19 Minutes <|> [AVX2] ~14-19 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Large": 426K to 8192K - [SSE] ~18-22 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~37-44 Minutes <|> [AVX2] ~38-51 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Huge": 8960K to MAX - [SSE] ~13-19 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~27-40 Minutes <|> [AVX2] ~33-51 Minutes
# - Prime95 "All": 4K to MAX - [SSE] ~40-65 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~92-131 Minutes <|> [AVX2] ~102-159 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Moderate": 1344K to 4096K - [SSE] ~7-15 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~17-30 Minutes <|> [AVX2] ~17-33 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Heavy": 4K to 1344K - [SSE] ~15-28 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~43-68 Minutes <|> [AVX2] ~47-73 Minutes
# - Prime95 "HeavyShort": 4K to 160K - [SSE] ~6-8 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~22-24 Minutes <|> [AVX2] ~23-25 Minutes
# - y-Cruncher: ~10 Minutes
# Default: 6m
runtimePerCore = 20m
# Periodically suspend the stress test program
# This can simulate load changes / switches to idle and back
# Setting this to 1 will periodically suspend the stress test program, wait for a bit, and then resume it
# You should see the CPU load and clock speed drop significantly while the program is suspended and rise back up again
# Note: This will increase the runtime of the various stress tests as seen in the "runtimePerCore" setting by roughly 10%
# Default: 1
suspendPeriodically = 1
# The test order of the cores
# Available modes:
# Default: On CPUs with more than 8 physical cores: 'Alternate'. Otherwise 'Random'
# Alternate: Alternate between the 1st core on CCD1, then 1st on CCD2, then 2nd on CCD1, then 2nd on CCD2, etc.
# This should distribute the heat more evenly and possibly allow for higher clocks on CPUs with 2 CCDs
# Random: A random order
# Sequential: Cycle through the cores in numerical order
# You can also define your own testing order by entering a list of comma separated values.
# The list will be processed as provided, which means you can test the same core multiple times per iteration.
# Do note however that the "coresToIgnore" setting still takes precedence over any core listed here.
# The enumeration of cores starts with 0
# Example: 5, 4, 0, 5, 5, 7, 2
# Default: Default
# coreTestOrder = 12, 9, 13, 10, 8, 11, 14, 15
coreTestOrder = 0, 8, 1, 9, 2, 10, 3, 11, 4, 12, 5, 13, 6, 14, 7, 15
# Skip a core that has thrown an error in the following iterations
# If set to 0, this will test a core in the next iterations even if has thrown an error before
# Default: 1
skipCoreOnError = 1
# Stop the whole testing process if an error occurred
# If set to 0 (default), the stress test programm will be restarted when an error
# occurs and the core that caused the error will be skipped in the next iteration
# Default: 0
stopOnError = 0
# The number of threads to use for testing
# You can only choose between 1 and 2
# If Hyperthreading / SMT is disabled, this will automatically be set to 1
# Currently there's no automatic way to determine which core has thrown an error
# Setting this to 1 causes higher boost clock speed (due to less heat)
# Default: 1
# Maximum: 2
numberOfThreads = 2
# The max number of iterations
# High values are basically unlimited (good for testing over night)
# Default: 10000
maxIterations = 10000
# Ignore certain cores
# Comma separated list of cores that will not be tested
# The enumeration of cores starts with 0
# Example: coresToIgnore = 0, 1, 2
# Default: (empty)
coresToIgnore =
# Restart the stress test process when a new core is selected
# This means each core will perform the same sequence of tests during the stress test
# Note: The monitor doesn't seem to turn off when this setting is enabled
# Important note:
# One disadvantage of this setting is that it has the potential to limit the amount of tests that the stress test program
# can run.
# In Prime95 for example, each FFT size will run for roughly 1 minute (except for very small ones), so if you want to make
# sure that Prime95 runs all of the available FFT sizes for a setting, you'll have to extend the "runtimePerCore" setting
# from the default value to something higher.
# For example the "Huge"/SSE preset has 19 FFT entries, and tests on my 5900X showed that it roughly takes 13-19 Minutes
# until all FFT sizes have been tested. The "Large"/SSE seems to take between 18 and 22 Minutes.
# I've included the measured times in the comment for the "runtimePerCore" setting above.
# If this setting is disabled, there's a relatively high chance that each core will eventually pass through all of the
# FFT sizes since Prime95 doesn't stop between the cores and so it evens out after time.
# Default: 0
restartTestProgramForEachCore = 0
# Set a delay between the cores
# If the "restartTestProgramForEachCore" flag is set, this setting will define the amount of seconds between the end of the
# run of one core and the start of another
# If "restartTestProgramForEachCore" is 0, this setting has no effect
# Default: 15
delayBetweenCores = 15
# Debug setting to disable the periodic CPU utilization check
# Important:
# Normally you should not need to set this, as it is the only way to determine for certain test programs (like y-Cruncher)
# if the stress test is still running or if there has been an error.
# However on some systems this seems to report incorrect values, which causes the script to throw an error despite
# the stress test program still running fine, so here is a way to disable this behavior.
# Note: The check for the CPU utilization uses the Windows Performance Counters, which can be corrupted for unknown
# reasons. Please see the readme.txt and the /tools/enable_performance_counter.bat file for a possible way
# to fix these issues. There's no guarantee that it works though.
# Default: 0
disableCpuUtilizationCheck = 0
# Prime95 specific settings
# The test modes for Prime95
# SSE: lightest load on the processor, lowest temperatures, highest boost clock
# AVX: medium load on the processor, medium temperatures, medium boost clock
# AVX2: heavy load on the processor, highest temperatures, lowest boost clock
# AVX512: only available for certain CPUs (Ryzen 7000, some Intel Alder Lake, etc)
# CUSTOM: you can define your own settings for Prime. See the "customs" section further below
# Default: SSE
mode = SSE
# The FFT size preset to test for Prime95
# These are basically the presets as present in Prime95, plus an additional few
# Note: If "mode" is set to "CUSTOM", this setting will be ignored
# Smallest: 4K to 21K - Prime95 preset text: "tests L1/L2 caches, high power/heat/CPU stress"
# Small: 36K to 248K - Prime95 preset text: "tests L1/L2/L3 caches, maximum power/heat/CPU stress"
# Large: 426K to 8192K - Prime95 preset text: "stresses memory controller and RAM" (although dedicated memory stress testing is disabled here by default!)
# Huge: 8960K to MAX - anything beginning at 8960K up to the highest FFT size (32768K for SSE/AVX, 51200K for AVX2, 65536K for AVX512)
# All: 4K to MAX - 4K to up to the highest FFT size (32768K for SSE/AVX, 51200K for AVX2, 65536K for AVX512)
# Moderate: 1344K to 4096K - special preset, recommended in the "Curve Optimizer Guide Ryzen 5000"
# Heavy: 4K to 1344K - special preset, recommended in the "Curve Optimizer Guide Ryzen 5000"
# HeavyShort: 4K to 160K - special preset, recommended in the "Curve Optimizer Guide Ryzen 5000"
# You can also define you own range by entering two FFT sizes joined by a hyphen, e.g 36-1344
# Default: Huge
FFTSize = Moderate
# Aida64 specific settings
# The test modes for Aida64
# Note: "RAM" consumes basically all of the available memory and makes the computer pretty slow
# You can change the amount of RAM being used / tested with the "maxMempory" setting below
# CACHE: Starts Aida64 with the "Cache" stress test
# CPU: Starts Aida64 with the "CPU" stress test
# FPU: Starts Aida64 with the "FPU" stress test
# RAM: Starts Aida64 with the "Memory" stress test
# You can also combine multiple stress tests like so: CACHE,CPU,FPU
# Default: CACHE
mode = CACHE
# Use AVX for Aida64
# This enables or disables the usage of AVX instructions during Aida64's stress tests
# Default: 0
useAVX = 0
# The maximum memory allocation for Aida64
# Sets the maximum memory usage during the "RAM" stress test in percent
# Note: Setting this too high can cause your Windows to slow down to a crawl!
# Default: 90
maxMemory = 90
# y-Cruncher specific settings
# The test modes for y-Cruncher
# See the \test_programs\y-cruncher\Binaries\Tuning.txt file for a detailed explanation
# "00-x86" - 86/IA-32 since Pentium (BSWAP, CMPXCHG, CPUID, RDTSC, possibly others...)
# "04-P4P" - SSE, SSE2, SSE3
# "05-A64 ~ Kasumi" - x64, SSE, SSE2, SSE3
# "08-NHM ~ Ushio" - x64, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1
# "11-SNB ~ Hina" - x64, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX
# "13-HSW ~ Airi" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# "14-BDW ~ Kurumi" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# "17-ZN1 ~ Yukina" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# "19-ZN2 ~ Kagari" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# "20-ZN3 ~ Yuzuki" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# The following settings are available as well, but they seem to be intended for Intel CPUs and don't run on Ryzen 3000/5000 CPUs
# "11-BD1 ~ Miyu" - x64, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, ABM, FMA4, XOP
# "17-SKX ~ Kotori" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2, AVX512-(F/CD/VL/BW/DQ)
# "18-CNL ~ Shinoa" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2, AVX512-(F/CD/VL/BW/DQ/IFMA/VBMI)
# The follwing setting is intended for Ryzen 7000 CPUs and doesn't run on Ryzen 3000/5000 CPUs
# "22-ZN4 ~ Kizuna" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2, AVX512-(F/CD/VL/BW/DQ/IFMA/VBMI/GFNI)
# "00-x86" should produce the highest boost clock on most tests
# "19-ZN2 ~ Kagari" is optimized for Zen 2/3 (Ryzen 3000/5000), but produces more heat and a lower boost clock on most tests
# "22-ZN4 ~ Kizuna" is optimized for Zen 4 (Ryzen 7000) and uses AVX-512 instructions (it will crash if no AVX-512 is supported on your CPU)
# Default: 00-x86
mode = 19-ZN2 ~ Kagari
# Set the test algorithms to run for y-Cruncher
# y-Crunchers offers various different "tests" that it can run, here you can select which ones
# Tag - Test Name Component CPU------Mem
# BKT - Basecase + Karatsuba Scalar Integer -|--------
# BBP - BBP Digit Extraction Floating-Point |--------- depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# SFT - Small In-Cache FFT Floating-Point -|-------- depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# FFT - Fast Fourier Transform Floating-Point ---------| depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# N32 - Classic NTT (32-bit) Scalar Integer -----|---- depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# N64 - Classic NTT (64-bit) Scalar Integer ---|------ depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# HNT - Hybrid NTT Mixed Workload -----|----
# VST - Vector Transform Floating-Point ------|--- depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# C17 - Code 17 Experiment AVX2/512 Mixed ---|------ depending on the selected mode uses AVX2 or AVX512
# Important:
# "C17" (Code 17 Experiment) will only work with a AVX2 and AVX512 workload (so with mode "13-HSW ~ Airi" and above)
# Use a comma separated list
# Default: BKT, BBP, SFT, FFT, N32, N64, HNT, VST
tests = BKT, BBP, SFT, FFT, N32, N64, HNT, VST
# Memory allocation for y-Cruncher
# This allows you to customize the allocated memory for y-Cruncher
# Set the value in bytes (e.g. 1 GiB = 1073741824)
# The default value uses 12.8 MiB for one resp. 25.3 MiB for two threads
# Default: Default
memory = Default
# Log specific settings
# The name of the log file
# The "mode" parameter, the selected stress test program and test mode, as well as the start date & time will be
# added to the name, with a .log file ending
# Default: CoreCycler
name = CoreCycler
# Set the log level
# 0: Do not log or display additional information
# 1: Write additional information to the log file (verbose)
# 2: Write even more information to the log file (debug)
# 3: Also display the verbose messages in the terminal
# 4: Also display the debug messages in the terminal
# Default: 2
logLevel = 0
# Custom settings for Prime95
# This needs to be set to 1 for AVX mode
# (and also if you want to set AVX2 below)
CpuSupportsAVX = 0
# This needs to be set to 1 for AVX2 mode
CpuSupportsAVX2 = 0
# This also needs to be set to 1 for AVX2 mode on Ryzen
CpuSupportsFMA3 = 0
# This needs to be set to 1 for AVX512 mode
CpuSupportsAVX512 = 0
# The minimum FFT size to test
# Value for "Smallest FFT": 4
# Value for "Small FFT": 36
# Value for "Large FFT": 426
MinTortureFFT = 4
# The maximum FFT size to test
# Value for "Smallest FFT": 21
# Value for "Small FFT": 248
# Value for "Large FFT": 8192
MaxTortureFFT = 8192
# The amount of memory to use in MB
# 0 = In-Place
TortureMem = 0
# The max amount of minutes for each FFT size during the stress test
# Note: It may be much less than one minute, basically it seems to be "one run or one minute, whichever is less"
TortureTime = 1
-------------- CoreCycler v0.9.3.0 started at 2023-03-27 10:14:55 --------------
Log Level set to: ................ 0 [No additional output]
Stress test program: ............. Y-CRUNCHER
Selected test mode: .............. 19-ZN2 ~ KAGARI
Logical/Physical cores: .......... 32 logical / 16 physical cores
Hyperthreading / SMT is: ......... ON
Selected number of threads: ...... 2
Runtime per core: ................ 20 MINUTES
Suspend periodically: ............ ENABLED
Restart for each core: ........... OFF
Test order of cores: ............. 0, 8, 1, 9, 2, 10, 3, 11, 4, 12, 5, 13, 6, 14, 7, 15
Number of iterations: ............ 10000
Selected y-Cruncher Tests: ....... BKT, BBP, SFT, FFT, N32, N64, HNT, VST
The log files for this run are stored in:
- CoreCycler: CoreCycler_2023-03-27_10-14-52_YCRUNCHER_19-ZN2 ~ KAGARI.log
10:14:57 - Iteration 1
10:14:57 - Set to Core 0 (CPU 0 and 1)
Running for 20 minutes...
10:34:59 - Completed the test on Core 0 (CPU 0 and 1)
10:34:59 - Set to Core 8 (CPU 16 and 17)
Running for 20 minutes...
10:55:02 - Completed the test on Core 8 (CPU 16 and 17)
10:55:02 - Set to Core 1 (CPU 2 and 3)
Running for 20 minutes...
11:15:05 - Completed the test on Core 1 (CPU 2 and 3)
11:15:05 - Set to Core 9 (CPU 18 and 19)
Running for 20 minutes...
11:35:08 - Completed the test on Core 9 (CPU 18 and 19)
11:35:08 - Set to Core 2 (CPU 4 and 5)
Running for 20 minutes...
11:55:10 - Completed the test on Core 2 (CPU 4 and 5)
11:55:10 - Set to Core 10 (CPU 20 and 21)
Running for 20 minutes...
12:15:13 - Completed the test on Core 10 (CPU 20 and 21)
12:15:13 - Set to Core 3 (CPU 6 and 7)
Running for 20 minutes...
12:35:16 - Completed the test on Core 3 (CPU 6 and 7)
12:35:16 - Set to Core 11 (CPU 22 and 23)
Running for 20 minutes...
ERROR: 12:36:40
ERROR: y-Cruncher seems to have stopped with an error!
ERROR: At Core 11 (CPU 11 or 12)
ERROR MESSAGE: The y-Cruncher process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0% instead of the expected 6.25%)
12:36:41 - Trying to restart y-Cruncher
12:36:43 - Set to Core 4 (CPU 8 and 9)
Running for 20 minutes...
12:56:46 - Completed the test on Core 4 (CPU 8 and 9)
12:56:46 - Set to Core 12 (CPU 24 and 25)
Running for 20 minutes...
13:16:48 - Completed the test on Core 12 (CPU 24 and 25)
13:16:48 - Set to Core 5 (CPU 10 and 11)
Running for 20 minutes...
13:36:50 - Completed the test on Core 5 (CPU 10 and 11)
13:36:50 - Set to Core 13 (CPU 26 and 27)
Running for 20 minutes...
13:56:53 - Completed the test on Core 13 (CPU 26 and 27)
13:56:53 - Set to Core 6 (CPU 12 and 13)
Running for 20 minutes...
A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.
At D:\Programs\CoreCycler\script-corecycler.ps1:3477 char:53
+ ... h]::Round(((Get-Counter $processCounterPathTime -ErrorAction Ignore). ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidResult: (:) [Get-Counter], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CounterApiError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCounterCommand
You can find more information in the log file:
D:\Programs\CoreCycler\logs\CoreCycler_2023-03-27_10-14-52_YCRUNCHER_19-ZN2 ~ KAGARI.log
When reporting this error, please provide this log file.
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