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Created October 3, 2014 14:28
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[2014-10-03T14:42:09+0300] <@moomoohk> i think i got it
[2014-10-03T14:42:10+0300] <FleshyPig> yo moomoohk, i played the just cause 2 demo
[2014-10-03T14:42:12+0300] <FleshyPig> it is sick
[2014-10-03T14:42:19+0300] <@moomoohk> figured as much
[2014-10-03T14:42:31+0300] <FleshyPig> totally gonna get it soon
[2014-10-03T14:42:36+0300] <St1nG> fleshypig, just cause 2 is legit
[2014-10-03T14:42:43+0300] <FleshyPig> so is my ass
[2014-10-03T14:42:45+0300] <FleshyPig> ooooohhhhh
[2014-10-03T14:42:46+0300] <St1nG> I prefer it to gta
[2014-10-03T14:43:31+0300] <FleshyPig> cool
[2014-10-03T14:45:05+0300] littlekid (b1ea0cca@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ joined the channel
[2014-10-03T14:45:19+0300] <FleshyPig> St1nG: are you from South Africa?
[2014-10-03T14:45:19+0300] <granate07> Oh christ.
[2014-10-03T14:45:23+0300] <St1nG> yeah
[2014-10-03T14:45:27+0300] <FleshyPig> :O
[2014-10-03T14:45:29+0300] <FleshyPig> ME TOO
[2014-10-03T14:45:35+0300] <granate07> Moomoohk
[2014-10-03T14:45:42+0300] <@moomoohk> yes granate07
[2014-10-03T14:45:45+0300] <FleshyPig> waar woon jy St1nG?
[2014-10-03T14:45:48+0300] <granate07> Up there.
[2014-10-03T14:45:51+0300] <@moomoohk> i see
[2014-10-03T14:45:53+0300] <St1nG> fleshypig in durban
[2014-10-03T14:45:57+0300] <FleshyPig> ooooh
[2014-10-03T14:46:03+0300] <FleshyPig> dude, i'm by Cape Town
[2014-10-03T14:46:58+0300] <littlekid> FleshyPig: Ek eet piesang
[2014-10-03T14:47:04+0300] <FleshyPig> wow
[2014-10-03T14:47:06+0300] Ardi__ ( joined the channel
[2014-10-03T14:47:11+0300] Ardi__ ( left IRC (Client Quit)
[2014-10-03T14:47:17+0300] <FleshyPig> you just insulted yourself so hard
[2014-10-03T14:47:44+0300] <littlekid> FleshyPig: Dit is die punt
[2014-10-03T14:47:49+0300] AustinRoush ( left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
[2014-10-03T14:48:12+0300] <FleshyPig> god damnit
[2014-10-03T14:48:25+0300] <FleshyPig> and by banana, are you referring to penis?
[2014-10-03T14:48:48+0300] <littlekid> FleshyPig: Wat jy kan dink
[2014-10-03T14:48:56+0300] <FleshyPig> wow
[2014-10-03T14:48:56+0300] <@moomoohk> littlekid: english please
[2014-10-03T14:49:05+0300] <littlekid> moomoohk: sure.
[2014-10-03T14:49:06+0300] <FleshyPig> that is the worst grammer ever
[2014-10-03T14:49:26+0300] <littlekid> FleshyPig: I know, since i'm using google translate.
[2014-10-03T14:49:31+0300] <FleshyPig> wow
[2014-10-03T14:50:18+0300] <littlekid> moomoohk: Let's just agree on 1 thing, the security in this game is the worst.
[2014-10-03T14:50:29+0300] <Haidawe> Might drop from the server again. Just how mobile IRC is. Going idle... for 3 minutes (iOS yay)
[2014-10-03T14:50:39+0300] <@moomoohk> littlekid: if you have any vulnerabilities you'd like to report please pm me
[2014-10-03T14:50:53+0300] <littlekid> moomoohk: if i had a hour of time i would.
[2014-10-03T14:51:02+0300] <littlekid> Also if i wanted to that is;
[2014-10-03T14:51:24+0300] <@moomoohk> what's driving you exactly
[2014-10-03T14:51:38+0300] <littlekid> moomoohk: if i'd tell you you wouldn't understand.
[2014-10-03T14:51:56+0300] <@moomoohk> try me
[2014-10-03T14:52:08+0300] <littlekid> moomoohk: i'd rather not.
[2014-10-03T14:52:19+0300] <@moomoohk> well then
[2014-10-03T14:52:31+0300] <@moomoohk> i think you have no business being here
[2014-10-03T14:52:36+0300] <@moomoohk> please don't come back
[2014-10-03T14:52:39+0300] moomoohk sets mode +b *!b1ea0cca@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
[2014-10-03T14:52:39+0300] moomoohk kicked littlekid from the channel (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.)
[2014-10-03T14:52:40+0300] Tottel|2 (~kvirc@ joined the channel
[2014-10-03T14:53:22+0300] Haidawe (~Haidawe64@ left IRC (Quit: Leaving... If Join/Quit times are erratic I'm likely on mobile.)
[2014-10-03T14:55:19+0300] moomoohk sets mode +b *!*@
[2014-10-03T14:55:34+0300] moomoohk sets mode +b *!*@
[2014-10-03T14:55:42+0300] moomoohk sets mode -b *!b1ea0cca@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
[2014-10-03T14:55:45+0300] Tottel (~kvirc@ left IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2014-10-03T14:55:51+0300] moomoohk sets mode -b *!6dc81cda@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
[2014-10-03T14:56:32+0300] <@moomoohk> he should be back in 2 minutes
[2014-10-03T14:56:37+0300] <@moomoohk> if he's consistent
[2014-10-03T14:59:10+0300] <@moomoohk> guess he isn't
[2014-10-03T14:59:31+0300] <@moomoohk> .players
[2014-10-03T14:59:32+0300] <Z26> bringer (As of 9 minutes ago) lol
[2014-10-03T14:59:53+0300] SeventhFrost ( left IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[2014-10-03T15:00:08+0300] SeventhFrost ( joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:00:22+0300] <St1nG> bye huys
[2014-10-03T15:00:30+0300] St1nG (2985e080@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ left IRC (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
[2014-10-03T15:01:30+0300] <@moomoohk> ..test
[2014-10-03T15:01:31+0300] <Z26> Hahahaha
[2014-10-03T15:01:36+0300] <@moomoohk> pfffffff
[2014-10-03T15:02:40+0300] Haidawe (~Haidawe64@ joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:03:10+0300] blugamer44 (327ce742@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:03:17+0300] <Haidawe> Boarding the plane in 52 minutes.
[2014-10-03T15:03:21+0300] <Haidawe> Weee
[2014-10-03T15:03:29+0300] <@moomoohk> i never asked you where you're off to
[2014-10-03T15:03:42+0300] <Haidawe> Boston m8
[2014-10-03T15:03:48+0300] <@moomoohk> what's there?
[2014-10-03T15:03:54+0300] <@moomoohk> also long flight right?
[2014-10-03T15:03:56+0300] <Haidawe> Stuff.
[2014-10-03T15:04:04+0300] <@moomoohk> stuff he says
[2014-10-03T15:04:06+0300] <Haidawe> Not that long. 4 hours or so.
[2014-10-03T15:04:12+0300] <Haidawe> Good amount of American history.
[2014-10-03T15:04:15+0300] <@moomoohk> yeah relatively long
[2014-10-03T15:04:21+0300] <@moomoohk> for a domestic flight
[2014-10-03T15:04:45+0300] <Haidawe> There's really no reason we're going other than just going.
[2014-10-03T15:04:49+0300] <bringer> Boston has good dogs and burgers
[2014-10-03T15:04:55+0300] <@moomoohk> deep dish pizza
[2014-10-03T15:05:06+0300] <@moomoohk> and my cousin lives there too i think
[2014-10-03T15:05:53+0300] <Haidawe> Bringing my t3i, this'll be fun.
[2014-10-03T15:06:01+0300] <@moomoohk> t3i
[2014-10-03T15:06:13+0300] <Haidawe> Basically made a wallpaper out of one picture about 5 minutes ago.
[2014-10-03T15:06:24+0300] <@moomoohk> what's a t3i
[2014-10-03T15:06:28+0300] <Haidawe> Canon t3i.
[2014-10-03T15:06:33+0300] <Haidawe> DSLR camera.
[2014-10-03T15:06:39+0300] <@moomoohk> ah
[2014-10-03T15:06:54+0300] <Haidawe> Might've messed up that initialism. Eh.
[2014-10-03T15:07:20+0300] <Haidawe> Nice, I didn't.
[2014-10-03T15:07:26+0300] • Haidawe: high fives self
[2014-10-03T15:07:58+0300] <@moomoohk> the childish need to spread anarchy
[2014-10-03T15:08:10+0300] <@moomoohk> hateful vendetta against an indie game developer
[2014-10-03T15:08:16+0300] <@moomoohk> no less childish
[2014-10-03T15:08:29+0300] <@moomoohk> the desire to break a game
[2014-10-03T15:08:40+0300] <@moomoohk> the last one is ok if you do it contructively
[2014-10-03T15:08:55+0300] <@moomoohk> but if it's done destructively it's basically the first point
[2014-10-03T15:09:36+0300] <@moomoohk> these things are only fun for the person involved
[2014-10-03T15:09:39+0300] <@moomoohk> pretty selfish
[2014-10-03T15:09:46+0300] <Haidawe> It is.
[2014-10-03T15:10:07+0300] <@moomoohk> blugamer44: thoughts?
[2014-10-03T15:10:29+0300] <Haidawe> Might drop again. Be back in a bit.
[2014-10-03T15:12:47+0300] <bringer> Lots of people that do those types of things do not realize it against the law and can get them behind bars or if a minor but in juve
[2014-10-03T15:13:00+0300] <bringer> put*
[2014-10-03T15:13:06+0300] <@moomoohk> not much of a deterrent
[2014-10-03T15:13:10+0300] <@moomoohk> they'll never get caught
[2014-10-03T15:13:28+0300] Haidawe (~Haidawe64@ left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
[2014-10-03T15:13:29+0300] <bringer> tell that to Lulsec....just took them targeting the wrong group
[2014-10-03T15:13:41+0300] <@moomoohk> yeah what was it? the fbi?
[2014-10-03T15:13:46+0300] <@moomoohk> superboss is no fbi
[2014-10-03T15:14:00+0300] <bringer> The attacked the NSA
[2014-10-03T15:14:20+0300] <@moomoohk> right, even worse
[2014-10-03T15:14:27+0300] <bringer> and less than 48hrs later more than 12 of their members were behind bars across the globe
[2014-10-03T15:15:23+0300] <bringer> Superboss may be unable to do anything besides shore up security flaws but people that do that type of stuff always mess with wrong group in the end normally
[2014-10-03T15:15:36+0300] <@moomoohk> eh
[2014-10-03T15:15:44+0300] <@moomoohk> not really the issue here
[2014-10-03T15:19:08+0300] <@moomoohk> blugamer44: i'm going to kickban you again now
[2014-10-03T15:19:13+0300] <@moomoohk> i can't stop you from rejoining
[2014-10-03T15:19:18+0300] <@moomoohk> but i can keep banning you
[2014-10-03T15:19:46+0300] <@moomoohk> so ima ask you again, please don't come back unless you're willing to report the vulnerabilities you found
[2014-10-03T15:19:58+0300] moomoohk kicked blugamer44 from the channel (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.)
[2014-10-03T15:20:01+0300] moomoohk sets mode +b *!*@
[2014-10-03T15:20:19+0300] <granate07> Uh.. How did you know it was him?
[2014-10-03T15:20:37+0300] <@moomoohk> intuition
[2014-10-03T15:20:49+0300] <@moomoohk> if it isn't we'll find out soon enough
[2014-10-03T15:20:52+0300] <granate07> But blugamer is a normal player. Actually, he's in the tournament.
[2014-10-03T15:20:59+0300] <@moomoohk> wait really?
[2014-10-03T15:21:07+0300] <Tottel|2> Lol.
[2014-10-03T15:21:11+0300] <@moomoohk> fuck i thought it was a lame alt nick
[2014-10-03T15:21:18+0300] moomoohk sets mode -b *!*@
[2014-10-03T15:21:29+0300] <@moomoohk> tell him what happened when he comes back in case i wasn't around
[2014-10-03T15:21:34+0300] <@moomoohk> i'm not*
[2014-10-03T15:21:46+0300] <@moomoohk> coulda sworn he was the guy
[2014-10-03T15:21:47+0300] Tottel|2 is now known as Tottel
[2014-10-03T15:22:08+0300] <Tottel> Maybe he just managed to sneak in the tournament? :p
[2014-10-03T15:23:59+0300] <@moomoohk> .profile blugamer44
[2014-10-03T15:23:59+0300] <Z26>
[2014-10-03T15:26:07+0300] <@moomoohk> sent him a forum message
[2014-10-03T15:26:25+0300] <@moomoohk> also that means my monologue fell on the wrong ears as well
[2014-10-03T15:26:29+0300] <@moomoohk> godammit
[2014-10-03T15:26:39+0300] <granate07> A breach of security is a stressful thing, eh.
[2014-10-03T15:27:20+0300] <@moomoohk> it's worse than that
[2014-10-03T15:27:43+0300] <@moomoohk> i personally knew that the game had huge flaws that could lead to security issues
[2014-10-03T15:27:50+0300] <@moomoohk> i've known them forever
[2014-10-03T15:27:53+0300] <@moomoohk> and i've told rob
[2014-10-03T15:28:40+0300] <@moomoohk> he's using a third party server system which is good because he's got full control over all the servers and he doesn't have to deal with the bandwidth
[2014-10-03T15:28:56+0300] <@moomoohk> but it's bad because they're not necessarily safe
[2014-10-03T15:28:59+0300] <@moomoohk> evidently
[2014-10-03T15:29:36+0300] <bringer> Not matter how secure something is; if someone has the know how and willing to get in they will
[2014-10-03T15:29:46+0300] <bringer> though good security does keep the low levels out
[2014-10-03T15:31:43+0300] xDinkyx (8d870c08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:33:01+0300] <@moomoohk> i wonder
[2014-10-03T15:33:02+0300] xDinkyx (8d870c08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ left IRC (Client Quit)
[2014-10-03T15:33:08+0300] <@moomoohk> i'm done wondering
[2014-10-03T15:33:54+0300] Enemby ( joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:35:36+0300] Haidawe (~Haidawe64@ joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:35:56+0300] <Haidawe> On the plane. No Wi-Fi :-/
[2014-10-03T15:36:01+0300] <Haidawe> Wish me luck guys!
[2014-10-03T15:36:04+0300] <Haidawe> O/
[2014-10-03T15:36:10+0300] Haidawe (~Haidawe64@ left IRC (Client Quit)
[2014-10-03T15:36:24+0300] <rollig> moomoohk, I doubted dusty was the actual guy in the first instance
[2014-10-03T15:36:34+0300] <rollig> I suspected he was impersonating dusty from the get go
[2014-10-03T15:36:38+0300] <granate07> I doubt it too.
[2014-10-03T15:36:40+0300] <rollig> hard to say trally
[2014-10-03T15:36:43+0300] <@moomoohk> what?
[2014-10-03T15:36:47+0300] <granate07> But there's no other name for now
[2014-10-03T15:36:49+0300] <rollig> really*
[2014-10-03T15:36:56+0300] <@moomoohk> you think that this guy and dusty were the same guy?
[2014-10-03T15:37:02+0300] <rollig> clearly
[2014-10-03T15:37:09+0300] <@moomoohk> what's so clear?
[2014-10-03T15:37:18+0300] <granate07> Moomoohk: Yes. It is probably the same guy.
[2014-10-03T15:37:19+0300] <rollig> two hackers in a week
[2014-10-03T15:37:28+0300] <rollig> i mean it could happen
[2014-10-03T15:37:29+0300] <@moomoohk> two completely separate bugs
[2014-10-03T15:37:31+0300] <granate07> He wasn't as aggressive last time, but the pattern was similar.
[2014-10-03T15:37:56+0300] <@moomoohk> one is the perms bug (which we already know about) and one is screwing with photon
[2014-10-03T15:38:07+0300] <rollig> what about photon
[2014-10-03T15:38:20+0300] <@moomoohk> spoofing nicks
[2014-10-03T15:38:27+0300] <rollig> no its very easy
[2014-10-03T15:38:40+0300] <rollig> as easy as the other thing
[2014-10-03T15:38:43+0300] <@moomoohk> but it's not the same
[2014-10-03T15:39:14+0300] <rollig> I'd be very surpsied if that guy from 10 minutes ago wasnt 'dusty'
[2014-10-03T15:39:26+0300] <@moomoohk> noted then
[2014-10-03T15:39:32+0300] <@moomoohk> someone will have to tell rob
[2014-10-03T15:39:46+0300] <@moomoohk> yom kippur is coming up real soon, i'll be gone for a day
[2014-10-03T15:39:49+0300] <@moomoohk> probably longer
[2014-10-03T15:39:52+0300] <rollig> tis unfortunate that people are dicks
[2014-10-03T15:39:55+0300] <rollig> which day
[2014-10-03T15:40:02+0300] <@moomoohk> tonight/tomorrow
[2014-10-03T15:40:08+0300] <rollig> right ok
[2014-10-03T15:40:26+0300] <@moomoohk> what's more unfortunate is that rob settled for these terrible techniques
[2014-10-03T15:40:28+0300] <rollig> I'm sure someone else will tell him, but when i next see him on i'll make sure
[2014-10-03T15:40:35+0300] <@moomoohk> which i never liked the sound of
[2014-10-03T15:40:56+0300] <rollig> suuure i guess
[2014-10-03T15:41:10+0300] <rollig> putting a game out there is priority really
[2014-10-03T15:41:21+0300] Enemby ( left IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2014-10-03T15:41:27+0300] <rollig> personally I'd never make a mp game, because someone will hack it.
[2014-10-03T15:41:29+0300] <@moomoohk> i'm telling you, the moment i heard how photon and the intruder servers work i knew it's only a matter of time
[2014-10-03T15:41:45+0300] <rollig> sure
[2014-10-03T15:41:46+0300] <@moomoohk> i'd never use such a system
[2014-10-03T15:42:32+0300] AustinRoush (~AustinRou@ joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:42:32+0300] ChanServ sets mode +o AustinRoush
[2014-10-03T15:42:34+0300] <rollig> but cs has always had speedhackers and aimbots, the most limited sort of hacking really, but almost as disruptive
[2014-10-03T15:42:55+0300] <rollig> some people are just not very nice
[2014-10-03T15:42:57+0300] <@moomoohk> spoofing nicks and granting perms
[2014-10-03T15:43:00+0300] <@moomoohk> different level
[2014-10-03T15:43:05+0300] <@moomoohk> AustinRoush: you around?
[2014-10-03T15:43:21+0300] <@moomoohk> he just dips in and out
[2014-10-03T15:43:29+0300] Geuden (adf543f1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:43:38+0300] <rollig> sure, but my point is that even if you have money to throw at the problem people will try to ruin your fun
[2014-10-03T15:43:54+0300] <@moomoohk> it's not a matter of money really
[2014-10-03T15:43:57+0300] <rollig> so the money/effort you expend on it is a balancing act
[2014-10-03T15:44:01+0300] ActionMan (cbce74ce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:44:04+0300] <rollig> money time effort
[2014-10-03T15:44:07+0300] <@moomoohk> i mean they're paying for what they got atm
[2014-10-03T15:44:28+0300] <rollig> Actionman should have the best pov here really
[2014-10-03T15:44:34+0300] <@moomoohk> what makes you say that
[2014-10-03T15:44:40+0300] <@moomoohk> .profil Geuden
[2014-10-03T15:44:41+0300] <Z26> That user doesn't exist
[2014-10-03T15:44:44+0300] <rollig> he's an engine coder
[2014-10-03T15:44:58+0300] <@moomoohk> so am i, kinda
[2014-10-03T15:45:13+0300] <ActionMan> what we talkin bout?
[2014-10-03T15:45:14+0300] <@moomoohk> grame isn't close to what he made but still
[2014-10-03T15:45:25+0300] <rollig> ActionMan: truder heckers
[2014-10-03T15:45:40+0300] <ActionMan> we have heckers?
[2014-10-03T15:45:48+0300] <rollig> at least one
[2014-10-03T15:46:08+0300] <rollig> but with the way it all works, one can fuck shit right up
[2014-10-03T15:46:18+0300] <rollig> which is what moo is complaining about
[2014-10-03T15:46:26+0300] <@moomoohk> has been complaining about for over a year*
[2014-10-03T15:46:44+0300] <@moomoohk> at first in theory
[2014-10-03T15:46:47+0300] <@moomoohk> no in practice
[2014-10-03T15:46:48+0300] <ActionMan> yeah from my experience, I would guess that the netcode on truda isn't very secure
[2014-10-03T15:46:59+0300] <@moomoohk> now*
[2014-10-03T15:47:00+0300] <rollig> I'm with you - its so not optimal, but having the game out there was clearly a priority
[2014-10-03T15:47:12+0300] <ActionMan> it seems like the hit detection is done on the client-side, and then you tell the server "I shot that guy", and the server tells that guy to die
[2014-10-03T15:47:19+0300] <@moomoohk> ActionMan: yes
[2014-10-03T15:47:19+0300] <granate07> Yeah
[2014-10-03T15:47:20+0300] <rollig> precisely
[2014-10-03T15:47:22+0300] <@moomoohk> it's really bad
[2014-10-03T15:47:29+0300] <@moomoohk> it makes me want to cry
[2014-10-03T15:47:31+0300] <rollig> client decides everything
[2014-10-03T15:47:43+0300] <granate07> I was actually thinking about how you could modify stuff client side, that could ruin a lot of stuff.
[2014-10-03T15:47:52+0300] <@moomoohk> that's all it is granate07
[2014-10-03T15:48:34+0300] <ActionMan> Whereas something like CS:GO, the client says "I fired a shot at this moment", the server rewinds to that moment, traces the bullet, and decides for itself whether you hit
[2014-10-03T15:48:43+0300] <rollig> you know how when you join an empty server and you see all the doors close granate07
[2014-10-03T15:48:43+0300] <@moomoohk> mhm
[2014-10-03T15:48:50+0300] <rollig> thats your client closing the doors
[2014-10-03T15:48:54+0300] SeventhFrost ( left IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[2014-10-03T15:48:59+0300] <ActionMan> Truda could do that, but "money time effort" :)
[2014-10-03T15:48:59+0300] <@moomoohk> spooky
[2014-10-03T15:49:00+0300] <rollig> client/server at that point
[2014-10-03T15:49:24+0300] <@moomoohk> Geuden: welcome to our irc
[2014-10-03T15:49:32+0300] <@moomoohk> i noticed you don't own the game
[2014-10-03T15:49:37+0300] <@moomoohk> anything i could help you with?
[2014-10-03T15:49:51+0300] _Hamstah ( joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:49:56+0300] SeventhFrost ( joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:49:56+0300] <Geuden> moomoohk: No, i'm just looking since if i say anything i get banned.
[2014-10-03T15:50:12+0300] <@moomoohk> have you been banned before?
[2014-10-03T15:50:22+0300] <rollig> Geuden, whats your real username?
[2014-10-03T15:50:55+0300] <@moomoohk> if it's blugamer44 go ahead and check your forum message inbox
[2014-10-03T15:51:38+0300] <@moomoohk> otherwise i'll have to assume you're the same person i've already banned twice for very clear reasons
[2014-10-03T15:51:43+0300] <@moomoohk> which didn't include "saying anything"
[2014-10-03T15:52:39+0300] <Geuden> moomoohk: just imagine i'm not here =)
[2014-10-03T15:52:43+0300] <rollig> I would ask, where's the fun in being a twat about it
[2014-10-03T15:52:45+0300] <@moomoohk> not gonna happen
[2014-10-03T15:53:08+0300] <@moomoohk> Geuden: if you are indeed the hacker, i don't want you here
[2014-10-03T15:53:23+0300] <@moomoohk> and i will keep banning your alt vpn ip's until you don't come back
[2014-10-03T15:53:27+0300] <rollig> i'd like to see if he answers first
[2014-10-03T15:53:34+0300] <Geuden> moomoohk: I'm not hacking.
[2014-10-03T15:53:37+0300] aHamstah ( left IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[2014-10-03T15:53:53+0300] <rollig> Geuden, constructive discussion is the only way to avoid being instabanned in here
[2014-10-03T15:53:59+0300] <rollig> we know the regulars pretty well
[2014-10-03T15:54:20+0300] <@moomoohk> Geuden: are you robstorm101 and littlekid from earlier?
[2014-10-03T15:54:44+0300] <Geuden> moomoohk: yes
[2014-10-03T15:54:54+0300] <@moomoohk> then you have hacked the game
[2014-10-03T15:55:06+0300] <Geuden> moomoohk: No.
[2014-10-03T15:55:07+0300] <@moomoohk> broken the terms and conditions you agreed to when you first launched the game
[2014-10-03T15:55:12+0300] <@moomoohk> and i don't want you here
[2014-10-03T15:55:37+0300] <@moomoohk> unless you're willing to contribute by sharing the vulnerabilities you've found
[2014-10-03T15:55:39+0300] <Geuden> moomoohk: I'm not a hacker.
[2014-10-03T15:55:51+0300] <Geuden> moomoohk: I already did.
[2014-10-03T15:55:58+0300] <@moomoohk> i don't recall
[2014-10-03T15:56:06+0300] <Geuden> moomoohk: robstorm.
[2014-10-03T15:56:09+0300] EpicSC ( joined the channel
[2014-10-03T15:56:17+0300] <rollig> Geuden, how can you deny hacking
[2014-10-03T15:56:25+0300] <rollig> elaborate on your semantics
[2014-10-03T15:56:31+0300] <@moomoohk> Geuden: for good measure please pm me here and now
[2014-10-03T15:56:49+0300] <ActionMan> .online
[2014-10-03T15:56:51+0300] <Z26> swagalicious420 (As of 6 minutes ago)
[2014-10-03T15:56:53+0300] <@moomoohk> i'll make double sure rob knows exactly what's up so he can fix it
[2014-10-03T15:57:26+0300] <@moomoohk> Geuden: i meant pm me details of the vulnerabilities you found
[2014-10-03T15:58:14+0300] <@moomoohk> if you're not willing to do that i'll go back to banning you
[2014-10-03T16:00:22+0300] EpicSC ( left IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2014-10-03T16:00:39+0300] EpicSC ( joined the channel
[2014-10-03T16:00:50+0300] Thisisnotatag (~Thisisnot@2600:1003:b029:5aee:c2f:be85:82ba:effd) joined the channel
[2014-10-03T16:03:39+0300] <ActionMan> .players
[2014-10-03T16:03:40+0300] EpicSC ( left IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2014-10-03T16:03:41+0300] <Z26> actionman, serrinstoes (as of 3 minutes ago)
[2014-10-03T16:04:31+0300] EpicSC ( joined the channel
[2014-10-03T16:04:59+0300] EpicSC ( left IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2014-10-03T16:10:19+0300] moomoohk kicked Geuden from the channel (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.)
[2014-10-03T16:10:21+0300] moomoohk sets mode +b *!*@
[2014-10-03T16:10:35+0300] <rollig> bummer
[2014-10-03T16:12:11+0300] <@moomoohk> here's the log from the pm in case anyone's interested
[2014-10-03T16:13:23+0300] Thisisnotatag (~Thisisnot@2600:1003:b029:5aee:c2f:be85:82ba:effd) left IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[2014-10-03T16:13:49+0300] <rollig> weird
[2014-10-03T16:13:57+0300] <@moomoohk> yup
[2014-10-03T16:14:32+0300] <FleshyPig> sup my homies
[2014-10-03T16:14:39+0300] <@moomoohk> i need a nap
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