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Created December 24, 2016 08:53
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require_once ("yaml.class.php");
function SteamIDFrom64 ($id) {
// Thanks Gio!? <>
function parseInt ($string) {
if (preg_match ('/(\d+)/', $string, $array)) {
return $array[1];
} else {
return 0;
$steamY = parseInt($id);
$steamY = $steamY - 76561197960265728;
$steamX = 0;
if ($steamY % 2 == 1){
$steamX = 1;
} else {
$steamX = 0;
$steamY = (($steamY - $steamX) / 2);
return sprintf ("STEAM_0:%s:%s", (string) $steamX, (string) $steamY);
* Account Class
* @version RC5
* @author Poatofactory <>
* @package cloud-db <YAML, JSON, XML>
class Account {
private $parser;
private $path;
public $data = array ();
public $primary = array (
"m_strSteamID64" => "",
"m_strSteamID32" => "",
"m_iRegisterDate" => "0",
"m_iUpdateLast" => "0",
function __construct ($strSteam64) {
$this->parser = new Spyc;
$this->primary["m_strSteamID64"] = $strSteam64;
$this->primary["m_strSteamID32"] = SteamIDFrom64 ($strSteam64);
$this->path = sprintf ("/var/www/~hidden/account-db/%s.yaml", $strSteam64);
$this->load ();
private function valAccount () {
if (file_exists ($this->path)) {
return (bool) $this->parser->YAMLLoad ($this->path);
} else {
return false;
public function load () {
$this->data = $this->getAccount ();
public function getAccount ($type = "array") {
$arrAccount = array ();
if ($this->valAccount ()) {
$arrAccount = $this->parser->YAMLLoad ($this->path);
} else {
$this->primary["m_iRegisterDate"] = Date ("U");
$arrAccount[".primary"] = $this->primary;
switch ($type) {
case "json":
return json_encode ($arrAccount, true);
case "yaml":
return $this->parser->dump ($arrAccount);
case "array":
return $arrAccount;
return $arrAccount;
public function getSteamID32 () {
return $this->primary["m_strSteamID32"];
public function getSteamID64 () {
return $this->primary["m_strSteamID64"];
public function getPrimary () {
return $this->primary;
public function setData ($key, $value) {
return $this->data[$key] = $value;
public function getData ($key) {
return isset ($this->data[$key]) ? $this->data[$key] : null;
public function save () {
if (!isset ($this->data[".primary"])) {
die ("{\"message\": \"error: cannot save account (missing primary data)\"}");
} else {
$this->primary["m_iUpdateLast"] = Date ("U");
$strParsedYAML = $this->parser->dump ($this->data, true, true);
file_put_contents ($this->path, $strParsedYAML);
* Steam Account Class
* @version RC5
* @author Poatofactory <>
* @package cloud-db <YAML, JSON, XML>
class SteamAccount extends Account
public $API = array (
"key" => "",
"formats" => array (
"GetPlayerSummaries" => "",
"GetFriendList" => "",
"GetPlayerAchievements" => "",
"GetPlayerBans" => "",
"GetRecentlyPlayedGames" => "",
private function Validate () {
!isset ($this->primary["m_strSteamID64"])
|| $this->primary["m_strSteamID64"] == ""
|| !isset ($this->primary["m_strSteamID32"])
|| $this->primary["m_strSteamID32"] == ""
echo ("{\"message\": \"cannot fetch SteamAPI data from user (missing primary data)\"}");
return false;
} else {
return true;
public $APICache = array ();
private function FetchURL ($strURL) {
return json_decode (file_get_contents ($strURL), true);
public function GetPlayerSummaries () {
if (!$this->Validate ()) {
$url = sprintf ($this->API["formats"]["GetPlayerSummaries"],
$result = $this->FetchURL ($url)["response"]["players"][0];
$APICache["GetPlayerSummaries"] = $result;
return $result;
public function GetFriendList () {
if (!$this->Validate ()) {
$url = sprintf ($this->API["formats"]["GetFriendList"],
$result = $this->FetchURL ($url)["response"]["players"][0];
$APICache["GetFriendList"] = $result;
return $result;
public function GetPlayerAchievements ($appid) {
if (!$this->Validate ()) {
$url = sprintf ($this->API["formats"]["GetPlayerAchievements"],
$result = $this->FetchURL ($url)["response"]["players"][0];
$APICache["GetPlayerAchievements"] = $result;
return $result;
public function GetPlayerBans () {
if (!$this->Validate ()) {
$url = sprintf ($this->API["formats"]["GetPlayerBans"],
$result = $this->FetchURL ($url)["response"]["players"][0];
$APICache["GetPlayerBans"] = $result;
return $result;
public function GetRecentlyPlayedGames () {
if (!$this->Validate ()) {
$url = sprintf ($this->API["formats"]["GetRecentlyPlayedGames"],
$result = $this->FetchURL ($url)["response"]["players"][0];
$APICache["GetRecentlyPlayedGames"] = $result;
return $result;
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