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moonmilk / alphabetical-prefixes.txt
Last active September 5, 2020 17:02
words that differ only in the last letter
aa ad ae ah ai ak al am an ar as at aw ax ay
aal aam
Ab Ah Al Ao As Ay
aba abb abu aby
abac abas
abaca aback
abaff abaft
abandoned abandonee abandoner
abase abash abask
abased abaser
moonmilk / diatonic mold.stl
Created April 9, 2019 03:14
diatonic pineapple mold
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moonmilk / optic mold.stl
Created April 9, 2019 02:31
pentatonic pineapple draft
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moonmilk / lobsterbowl.ino
Created February 20, 2017 02:22
instrument-a-day 2017, day 18: lobster bowl
// Lobster Bowl arduino due touch glitch thing
// readCapacitivePin
// Arduino Due version, from
// Input: Arduino pin number
// Output: A number, from 0 to 17 expressing
// how much capacitance is on the pin
// When you touch the pin, or whatever you have
// attached to it, the number will get higher
uint8_t readCapacitivePin(int pinToMeasure) {
moonmilk / ofxMSAWord2Vec playground.ipynb
Last active July 5, 2016 00:14
messing around with ofxMSAWord2Vec
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moonmilk / whisperer2.ino
Created February 18, 2016 01:44
instrument-a-day 17: teensy whisperer
// whisperer2 for teensy 3.1/3.2 with teensy audio board
#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <SerialFlash.h>
// GUItool: begin automatically generated code
AudioSynthWaveform waveform1; //xy=253,396
moonmilk / vowel formants.maxpat
Created February 13, 2016 01:41
instrument-a-day 2016, day 12: vowel explorer
"patcher" : {
"fileversion" : 1,
"appversion" : {
"major" : 6,
"minor" : 1,
"revision" : 10,
"architecture" : "x86"
moonmilk / bottle_imp_1.ino
Created February 8, 2016 01:07
instrument-a-day 2016, day 7: Bottle Imp 1
// teensy 3.1 in USB MIDI mode
const int MIDI_CHANNEL = 1;
const int TOUCH_PINS[] = {0, 1, 15, 16};
const int CONTROLLERS[] = {20, 21, 22, 23};
float touch[] = {0,0,0,0};
moonmilk / newpentagon.svg
Created August 11, 2015 16:15
new tiling pentagon
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moonmilk / dotcollection.json
Created May 31, 2015 23:20
graphics in tracery
"origin": [
"<svg width=\"400\" height=\"200\">#pattern#</svg>"
"circlecolor": [