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Created June 30, 2021 14:27
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Peter Stahlecker's example that has a large number of operations
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"number of operations in rhs[-2] is 13235\n"
"source": [
"# n body pendulum.\n",
"# it seems, that if I rotate the bodies using the 'Body' method is MUCH slower that using two intermediate frames with the 'Axis' method\n",
"from sympy.physics.mechanics import *\n",
"import sympy\n",
"from sympy import Dummy, lambdify, symbols, sin, cos, simplify, Matrix, solve, count_ops\n",
"from scipy.integrate import odeint, solve_ivp\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"from matplotlib import animation\n",
"from IPython.display import HTML\n",
"import matplotlib\n",
"import time\n",
"matplotlib.rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 2**128\n",
"n = 1 # number of pendulum bodies\n",
"start = time.time()\n",
"# Generalized coordinates and velocities\n",
"q = []\n",
"qd = []\n",
"u = []\n",
"ud = []\n",
"for i in range(1, n+1): #Notice: data of body i in list location i-1\n",
" for j in ('x', 'y', 'z'):\n",
" q.append(dynamicsymbols('q'+str(i) + str(j))) #Rotation of Frame i relative to inertial frame N\n",
" u.append(dynamicsymbols('u'+str(i) + str(j))) \n",
" qd.append(dynamicsymbols('q'+str(i) + str(j), 1)) \n",
" ud.append(dynamicsymbols('u'+str(i) + str(j), 1))\n",
"ux, uy, uz, f1, f2, f3 = dynamicsymbols('ux, uy, uz, f1, f2, f3') # needed to calculate the forces at the fixed point of the pendulum\n",
"g, l, m, reibung, t = symbols('g, l, m, reibung, t') # Reibung is German for friction\n",
"r = symbols('r') \n",
"iXX, iYY, iZZ = symbols('iXX, iYY, iZZ') \n",
"#Reference frame, reference point\n",
"N = ReferenceFrame('N')\n",
"P0 = Point('P0')\n",
"P01 = P0.locatenew('P01', 0)\n",
"P01.set_vel(N, ux*N.x + uy*N.y + uz*N.z)\n",
"#Frame points, bodies for each Pendulum, numbered 1, 2, ..., n\n",
"rot = [0]\n",
"rot1 = [0]\n",
"A = [N]\n",
"P = [P01]\n",
"DMC = [0] #center of grvity of each body relative to Pi\n",
"BODY = [Particle('P01a', P01, m)]\n",
"#two versions to rotate each body: intermediate frames or all in once. Using intermediate frames run much faster here\n",
"# version one: intermediate frames\n",
"for i in range(1, n+1):\n",
" Lx = N.orientnew('Lx', 'Axis', [q[3*i-2], N.y])\n",
" Ly = Lx.orientnew('Ly', 'axis', [q[3*i-3], Lx.x])\n",
" Ai = Ly.orientnew('A' + str(i), 'Axis', [q[3*i-1], Ly.z])\n",
"# version two: all in once\n",
"#Ai = N.orientnew('A' + str(i), 'Body', (q[3*i-2], q[3*i-3], q[3*i-1]), '213')\n",
" \n",
" rot.append(Ai.ang_vel_in(N))\n",
" Ai.set_ang_vel(N, u[3*i-3] * N.x + u[3*i-2] * N.y + u[3*i-1] * N.z )\n",
" rot1.append(Ai.ang_vel_in(N))\n",
" A.append(Ai)\n",
" Pi = P[i-1].locatenew('P' + str(i), l * A[i].y)\n",
" Pi.v2pt_theory(P[i-1], N, A[i])\n",
" P.append(Pi)\n",
" Dmci = P[i-1].locatenew('Dmc' + str(i), r * A[i].y) #Schwerpunktslage in A[i]\n",
" Dmci.v2pt_theory(P[i-1], N, A[i])\n",
" DMC.append(Dmci)\n",
" I = inertia(A[i], iXX, iYY, iZZ)\n",
" Bodyi = RigidBody('Body' + str(i), Dmci, A[i], m, (I, Dmci))\n",
" BODY.append(Bodyi) \n",
" \n",
"#Kinematic differential equations\n",
"kd = [] \n",
"for i in range(1, n+1):\n",
" for uv in N:\n",
" kd.append(dot(rot[i] - rot1[i], uv))\n",
"FL = [(P01, -m*g*N.y + f1*N.x + f2*N.y + f3*N.z)] # to calculate forces in the fixed point, of no interest to myissue\n",
"for i in range(1, n+1):\n",
" kraft_auf_punkt = (DMC[i], -m*g*N.y)\n",
" torque_on_body = (A[i], -reibung * (dot(A[i].ang_vel_in(N),A[i].x)*A[i].x + dot(A[i].ang_vel_in(N),A[i].y)*A[i].y + dot(A[i].ang_vel_in(N),A[i].z)*A[i].z))\n",
" FL.append(kraft_auf_punkt)\n",
" FL.append(torque_on_body)\n",
"aux = [ux, uy, uz]\n",
"# equations of motion\n",
"KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, u_auxiliary=aux, kd_eqs=kd)\n",
"(fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(BODY, FL)\n",
"MM = KM.mass_matrix_full\n",
"force = KM.forcing_full\n",
"rhs = KM.rhs()\n",
"AAA = rhs[-2].count_ops(visual=False) #calculate the number of operation in one element of rhs\n",
"print('number of operations in rhs[-2] is {}'.format(AAA))\n",
"# forces on the fixed point\n",
"ersetze = [i.diff(t) for i in u]\n",
"subs_dict = {}\n",
"zz = 3 * n\n",
"for i in range(3*n):\n",
" subs_dict.update({ersetze[i]: rhs[-zz]}) # replace accelerations in ersetze with the respective element of rhs\n",
" zz -= 1\n",
"eingepraegt = KM.auxiliary_eqs \n",
"eingepraegt = solve(eingepraegt, (f1, f2, f3)) \n",
"schluessel = list(eingepraegt.keys()) # to simply adress the keys in that dictionary\n",
"eingepraegt_x = eingepraegt[schluessel[0]].subs(subs_dict)\n",
"eingepraegt_y = eingepraegt[schluessel[1]].subs(subs_dict)\n",
"eingepraegt_z = eingepraegt[schluessel[2]].subs(subs_dict)\n",
"# Lambdification\n",
"qL = q + u\n",
"pL = [g, m, l, r, iXX, iYY, iZZ, reibung] \n",
"MM_lam = lambdify(qL + pL, MM)\n",
"force_lam = lambdify(qL + pL, force)\n",
"eingepraegt_x_lam = lambdify(qL + pL, eingepraegt_x)\n",
"eingepraegt_y_lam = lambdify(qL + pL, eingepraegt_y)\n",
"eingepraegt_z_lam = lambdify(qL + pL, eingepraegt_z)\n",
"print(\"it took {:.3f} sec to establish Kane's equations\".format(time.time() - start))\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#Numerisches Integrieren\n",
"laenge = 25/n\n",
"start = time.time()\n",
"intervall = 25\n",
"schritte = 500\n",
"times = np.linspace(0, intervall, schritte)\n",
"#qL = [q0x, q0z] + q + [u0x, u0z] + u\n",
"#pL = [g, m, l, r, iXX, iYY, iZZ, reibung] #r ist Abstand vom Schwerpunkt zum Aufhängepunkt \n",
"pL_vals = [9.8, 1, 10, 5, 12, 24, 12., 10.] #reibung ist Dämpfung in den Gelenken\n",
"y0 = [0, 0, 0] * int(len(q)/3) + [0., 3., 1.] * int(len(u)/3)\n",
" \n",
"zaehler = 0\n",
"def gradient(y, t, args): #ich denke, das erzwingt, dass y, t an den richtigen Plätzen für odeint sind.\n",
" global zaehler\n",
" zaehler += 1\n",
" vals = np.concatenate((y, args))\n",
" sol = np.linalg.solve(MM_lam(*vals), force_lam(*vals))\n",
" return np.array(sol).T[0]\n",
" \n",
"resultat = odeint(gradient, y0, times, args=(pL_vals,))\n",
"print('to calculate an intervall of {} sec it took {} loops and {:.3f} sec running time'.format(intervall, zaehler, time.time() - start))\n",
"#drucken der Koordinaten\n",
"fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))\n",
"for i in range(6*n):\n",
" ax.plot(times, resultat[:, i], label='Koordinate {}'.format(i+1))\n",
"#Drucken der eingeprägten Kräfte\n",
"kraft_x = np.zeros(schritte)\n",
"kraft_y = np.zeros(schritte)\n",
"kraft_z = np.zeros(schritte)\n",
"for i in range(schritte):\n",
" kraft_x[i] = eingepraegt_x_lam(*[resultat[i, j] for j in range(6*n)], *pL_vals)\n",
" kraft_y[i] = eingepraegt_y_lam(*[resultat[i, j] for j in range(6*n)], *pL_vals)\n",
" kraft_z[i] = eingepraegt_z_lam(*[resultat[i, j] for j in range(6*n)], *pL_vals)\n",
"fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6))\n",
"plt.plot(times, kraft_x, label='X force')\n",
"plt.plot(times, kraft_y, label='Y force')\n",
"plt.plot(times, kraft_z, label='Z force')\n",
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