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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Example on how to prevent reordering of paragraphs field forms (and other forms) #drupal #form-api #tabledrag
* Removes item sort/add/remove capabilities.
* When called on an element during hook_field_attach_form(), this function
* ensures that no item can be added, removed or reordered.
* Currently adjusted to paragraphs. The core MV widget may required different
* button keys.
function EXAMPLE_lock_paragraphs_multiple_value_form(&$element) {
if(empty($element[$element['#language']])) {
// For safety only. This case might never happen.
$items = &$element[$element['#language']];
foreach(element_children($items) as $delta) {
// Disables the remove button, preventing the item from getting deleted.
if(isset($items[$delta]['actions']['remove_button'])) {
$items[$delta]['actions']['remove_button']['#access'] = false;
// Convert weight elements to hidden, to retain their value in
// $form_state['input'] without allowing user chances.
if(isset($items[$delta]['_weight'])) {
$items[$delta]['_weight'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $items[$delta]['_weight']['#default_value']
// Add back original keys, in case other modules rely on them.
) + $items[$delta]['_weight'];
// Disable the add_more button. This prevents additional items from being
// added.
if(isset($items['add_more'])) {
$items['add_more']['#access'] = false;
$items['#post_render'][] = 'EXAMPLE_disable_tabledrag';
* Disables tableDrag by removing related JS settings.
* If this function has been specified as #post_render callback on an element,
* it is fairly safe to assume that the last call to drupal_add_js() added
* tableDrag related settings. This function identifies these settings via
* the generated table id and removes them.
function EXAMPLE_disable_tabledrag($element, $children) {
$html_ids = drupal_static('drupal_html_id');
// Per reference, as we might remove an entry
$js = &drupal_static('drupal_add_js');
if(!empty($js['settings']['data'])) {
// Fetch the latest js settings entry
$data_last = end($js['settings']['data']);
// The table ID created by theme_multiple_value_form
$table_id = $children['#field_name'] . '_values';
// Apply sanitizing from drupal_html_id(). Not very DRY, but it's not
// like we have a choice here.
$table_id = strtr(drupal_strtolower($table_id), array(' ' => '-', '_' => '-', '[' => '-', ']' => ''));
$table_id = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-_]/', '', $table_id);
$table_id = preg_replace('/\-+/', '-', $table_id);
// Verify that the html id actually exists, and append a counter if needed.
if(isset($html_ids[$table_id])) {
$table_id = $html_ids[$table_id] === 1 ? $table_id : "$table_id--" . $html_ids[$table_id];
// Finally check if we guessed right and there are tableDrag settings for
// our table ID.
if(isset($data_last['tableDrag'][$table_id])) {
// ... and get rid of them.
return $element;
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