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Last active March 12, 2019 16:38
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/* eslint camelcase: 0 */
import Shippo from "shippo";
import { Meteor } from "meteor/meteor";
import { SimpleSchema } from "meteor/aldeed:simple-schema";
import { Logger } from "/server/api";
import { purchaseAddressSchema, parcelSchema } from "../lib/shippoApiSchema";
export const ShippoApi = {
methods: {}
* Retrieves the address objects stored in Shippo Account
* @see
* @param {Object} parameter - ValidatedMethod's parameter
* @param {String} parameter.apiKey - The Test or Live Token required
* for authentication by Shippo's api
* @return {Object} addressList - compound object returned returned by Shippo
* @return {Array} addressList.results - An array with the address objects
* @return {Number} addressList.count - the count of the address objects.
* */
ShippoApi.methods.getAddressList = new ValidatedMethod({
name: "ShippoApi.methods.getAddressList",
validate: new SimpleSchema({
apiKey: {
type: String
run({ apiKey }) {
const shippoObj = new Shippo(apiKey);
const getAddressListFiber = Meteor.wrapAsync(shippoObj.address.list, shippoObj.address);
try {
const addressList = getAddressListFiber();
return addressList;
} catch (error) {
throw new Meteor.Error(error.message);
* Retrieves all Shippo carriers from the Shippo Account
* @see
* @param {Object} parameter - ValidatedMethod's parameter
* @param {String} parameter.apiKey - The Test or Live Token required
* for authentication by Shippo's api
* @return {Object} carrierAccountList - the compound object returned by Shippo
* @return {Array} carrierAccountList.results - An array with the carrier accounts objects
* @return {Number} carrierAccountList.count - the count of the carrier accounts objects.
ShippoApi.methods.getCarrierAccountsList = new ValidatedMethod({
name: "ShippoApi.methods.getCarrierAccountsList",
validate: new SimpleSchema({
apiKey: {
type: String
run({ apiKey }) {
const shippoObj = new Shippo(apiKey);
const getCarrierAccountsListFiber = Meteor.wrapAsync(shippoObj.carrieraccount.list, shippoObj.carrieraccount);
try {
const carrierAccountList = getCarrierAccountsListFiber();
return carrierAccountList;
} catch (error) {
throw new Meteor.Error(error.message);
* Creates a Shippo's Shipment object for the given addresses and gets Rates for the particular shipment)
* @see
* @param {Object} parameter - ValidatedMethod's parameter
* @param {Object} parameter.shippoAddressFrom - The address of the sender
* @param {Object} parameter.shippoAddressTo - The address of the receiver
* @param {Object} parameter.shippoParcel - The parcel dimensions's/weight
* @param {String("QUOTE"|"PURCHASE")} parameter.purpose - The reason of the shipment(check prices/ purchase labels)
* @param {String} parameter.apiKey - The Test or Live Token required
* for authentication by Shippo's api
* @return {Object} shipment - The compound shipment object returned by Shippo
* @return {Array} shipment.rates_list - The available rate objects
* */
ShippoApi.methods.createShipment = new ValidatedMethod({
name: "ShippoApi.methods.createShipment",
validate: new SimpleSchema({
shippoAddressFrom: { type: purchaseAddressSchema },
shippoAddressTo: { type: purchaseAddressSchema },
shippoParcel: { type: parcelSchema },
purpose: { type: String, allowedValues: ["QUOTE", "PURCHASE"] },
apiKey: { type: String },
carrierAccounts: { type: [String], optional: true }
run({ shippoAddressFrom, shippoAddressTo, shippoParcel, purpose, apiKey, carrierAccounts }) {
const shippoObj = new Shippo(apiKey);
const createShipmentFiber = Meteor.wrapAsync(shippoObj.shipment.create, shippoObj.shipment);
try {
const shipment = createShipmentFiber({
object_purpose: purpose,
address_from: shippoAddressFrom,
address_to: shippoAddressTo,
parcel: shippoParcel,
carrier_accounts: carrierAccounts,
async: false
return shipment;
} catch (error) {
throw new Meteor.Error(error.message);
* Makes the transaction (purchasing of a shipping label from a shipping provider for a specific service)
* for the specific rateId and returns its Shipping Label ,Tracking number etc
* @see
* @param {Object} parameter - ValidatedMethod's parameter
* @param {String} parameter.rateId - unique identifier of the chosen rate object
* @param {String} parameter.apiKey - The Test or Live Token required
* for authentication by Shippo's api
* @return {Object} transaction - The compound transaction object returned by Shippo
* */
ShippoApi.methods.createTransaction = new ValidatedMethod({
name: "ShippoApi.methods.createTransaction",
validate: new SimpleSchema({
rateId: { type: String },
apiKey: { type: String }
run({ rateId, apiKey }) {
const shippoObj = new Shippo(apiKey);
const createTransactionFiber = Meteor.wrapAsync(shippoObj.transaction.create, shippoObj.transaction);
try {
const transaction = createTransactionFiber({
rate: rateId,
label_file_type: "PDF",
async: false
if (transaction.object_status !== "SUCCESS") {
const error = transaction.messages[0].text;
throw new Meteor.Error(error);
return transaction;
} catch (error) {
throw new Meteor.Error(error.message);
* Retrieves transaction with transactionId of Shippo Account
* @see
* @param {Object} parameter - ValidatedMethod's parameter
* @param {String} parameter.transactionId - unique identifier of the transaction object
* @param {String} parameter.apiKey - The Test or Live Token required
* for authentication by Shippo's api
* @return {Object} transaction - transaction object returned by Shippo
* */
ShippoApi.methods.getTransaction = new ValidatedMethod({
name: "ShippoApi.methods.getTransaction",
validate: new SimpleSchema({
transactionId: { type: String },
apiKey: { type: String }
run({ transactionId, apiKey }) {
const shippoObj = new Shippo(apiKey);
const retrieveTransactionFiber = Meteor.wrapAsync(shippoObj.transaction.retrieve, shippoObj.transaction);
try {
const transaction = retrieveTransactionFiber(transactionId);
return transaction;
} catch (error) {
throw new Meteor.Error(error.message);
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