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Created June 11, 2020 14:57
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Simple Store for state management using rxjs
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash';
export interface State {}
export class Store {
private _state = new BehaviorSubject<State>({});
public constructor() {
// this.state$.subscribe((state) => console.log('state >>>', state));
/** Getter for current state */
public get state(): State {
return cloneDeep(this._state.getValue());
/** Getter for current state observable */
public get state$(): Observable<State> {
return this._state.asObservable();
* Subscribe for state updates
* @param [next] - Handler for each value emitted by the observable.
* @param [error] - Handler for each error emitted by the observable.
* @param [complete] - Handler for observable completeness.
public sub(next?: (value: State) => void, error?: (error: Error) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription {
return this.state$.subscribe(next, error, complete);
* Unsubscribe state observable
* @param subscription- State subscription
public unsub(subscription: Subscription): void {
if (subscription) subscription.unsubscribe();
* Setter (reducer) for state
* @param prop - Property to update
* @param value - Value to update with
public set<K extends keyof State>(prop: K, value: State[K]): void {
if (! State(), prop)) {
throw new Error('There is no such property in App State');
if ( State(), prop)) {{ ...this.state, [prop]: cloneDeep(value) });
* Getter for current state or state property
* @param prop - Optional state property to get
public get(): State;
public get<K extends keyof State>(prop: K): State[K];
public get<K extends keyof State>(prop?: K): State | State[K] {
if (!prop) return this._state.getValue();
return cloneDeep(this._state.getValue()[prop]);
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