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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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band supervisor
(defmodule band-supervisor
(export all)
(behavior 'supervisor))
(defun start-link (type)
(supervisor:start_link `#(local ,(MODULE)) (MODULE) type))
(defun start_link (type)
(start-link type))
(defun init
(init #(one_for_one 3 60)))
(init #(rest_for_one 2 60)))
(init #(one_for_all 1 60)))
`#(ok #(#(simple_one_for_one 3 60)
#(musicians start-link ())
temporary 1000 worker (musicians))))))
((`#(,restart-strategy ,max-restart ,max-time))
`#(ok #(#(,restart-strategy ,max-restart ,max-time)
#(musicians start-link (singer good))
permanent 1000 worker (musicians))
#(musicians start-link (bass good))
temporary 1000 worker (musicians))
#(musicians start-link (drum bad))
transient 1000 worker (musicians))
#(musicians start-link (keytar good))
transient 1000 worker (musicians)))))))
(defmodule musicians
(export all)
(behavior 'gen_server))
(defrecord state
(name "")
(skill 'good))
(defmacro delay () 750)
(defun start-link (role skill)
(gen_server:start_link `#(local ,role) (MODULE) `(,role ,skill) '()))
(defun start_link (role skill)
(start-link role skill))
(defun stop (role)
(gen_server:stop `#(,role stop)))
;; gen_server callback
(defun init
((`(,role ,skill))
(process_flag 'trap_exit 'true)
(random:seed (now))
(let ((time-to-play (random:uniform 3000))
(name (pick-name))
(str-role (atom_to_list role)))
(io:format "time ~p~n" `(,time-to-play))
(io:format "Musician ~s, playing the ~s entered the room~n" `(,name ,role))
`#(ok ,(make-state name name role str-role skill skill) ,time-to-play))))
(defun pick-name ()
(string:join `(,(lists:nth (random:uniform 10) (firstnames))
,(lists:nth (random:uniform 10) (lastnames))) " "))
(defun firstnames ()
`("Valerie" "Arnold" "Carlos" "Dorothy" "Keesha"
"Phoebe" "Ralphie" "Tim" "Wanda" "Janet"))
(defun lastnames ()
`("Frizzle" "Perlstein" "Ramon" "Ann" "Franklin"
"Terese" "Tennelli" "Jamal" "Li" "Perlstein"))
(defun handle_call
(('stop _from (= (match-state) s))
`#(stop normal ok ,s))
((_message _from s)
`#(noreply ,s ,(delay))))
(defun handle_cast (_message s)
`#(noreply ,s ,(delay)))
(defun handle_info
(('timeout (= (match-state name n skill 'good) s))
(io:format "~s produced sound!~n" `(,n))
`#(noreply ,s ,(delay)))
(('timeout (= (match-state name n skill 'bad) s))
(case (random:uniform 5)
(io:format "~s played a false note. Uh oh~n" `(,n))
`#(stop bad-note ,s))
(io:format "~s produced sound!~n" `(,n))
`#(noreply ,s ,(delay)))))
((_message s)
`#(noreply ,s ,(delay))))
(defun code_change (_oldvsn state _extra)
`#(ok ,state))
(defun terminate
(('normal s)
(io:format "~s left the room (~s)~n" `(,(state-name s) ,(state-role s))))
(('bad-note s)
(io:format "~s sucks! kicked that member out of the band! (~s)~n" `(,(state-name s) ,(state-role s))))
(('shutdown s)
(io:format "The manager is mad and fired the whole band! ~s (~s) just got back to playing in the subway~n" `(,(state-name s) ,(state-role s))))
((_reason s)
(io:format "~s has been kicked out (~s)~n" `(,(state-name s) ,(state-role s)))))
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