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Created February 18, 2014 15:21
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FUNCTION neobundle#autoload#function()
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.008816
Self time: 0.002334
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000025 let function = expand('<amatch>')
3 0.000056 let function_prefix = get(split(function, '#'), 0, '') . '#'
3 0.003212 0.002182 let bundles = filter(neobundle#config#get_autoload_bundles(), "get(v:val.autoload, 'function_prefix', '').'#' ==# function_prefix || (has_key(v:val.autoload, 'functions') && index(neobundle#util#convert2list( v:val.autoload.functions), function) >= 0)")
3 0.005511 0.000059 call neobundle#config#source_bundles(bundles)
FUNCTION neobundle#util#is_windows()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000004
Self time: 0.000004
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000003 return s:is_windows
FUNCTION neobundle#config#get_types()
Called 100 times
Total time: 0.002047
Self time: 0.002047
count total (s) self (s)
100 0.000478 let type = get(a:000, 0, '')
100 0.000221 if type ==# 'git'
100 0.000408 if !exists('s:neobundle_type_git')
let s:neobundle_type_git = neobundle#types#git#define()
100 0.000203 return s:neobundle_type_git
if !exists('s:neobundle_types')
" Load neobundle types.
let s:neobundle_types = []
for list in map(split(globpath(&runtimepath, 'autoload/neobundle/types/*.vim', 1), '\n'), "neobundle#util#convert2list( neobundle#types#{fnamemodify(v:val, ':t:r')}#define())")
let s:neobundle_types += list
let s:neobundle_types = neobundle#util#uniq( s:neobundle_types, '')
return (type == '') ? s:neobundle_types : get(filter(copy(s:neobundle_types), ' ==# type'), 0, {})
FUNCTION neobundle#config#source_bundles()
Called 18 times
Total time: 0.005601
Self time: 0.000215
count total (s) self (s)
18 0.000058 if !empty(a:bundles)
1 0.004522 call neobundle#config#source(map(copy(a:bundles), "type(v:val) == type({}) ? : v:val"))
1 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION neobundle#set_neobundle_dir()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000006
Self time: 0.000006
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000004 let s:neobundle_dir = a:path
FUNCTION neobundle#get_rtp_dir()
Called 16 times
Total time: 0.000071
Self time: 0.000071
count total (s) self (s)
16 0.000059 return s:neobundle_dir . '/.neobundle'
FUNCTION neobundle#autoload#init()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000584
Self time: 0.000068
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000001 augroup neobundle
1 0.000008 autocmd FileType * call neobundle#autoload#filetype()
1 0.000006 autocmd FuncUndefined * call neobundle#autoload#function()
1 0.000012 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * call neobundle#autoload#filename(expand('<afile>'))
1 0.000006 autocmd InsertEnter * call neobundle#autoload#insert()
1 0.000004 autocmd BufCreate * call neobundle#autoload#explorer( expand('<afile>'), 'BufCreate')
1 0.000006 autocmd BufEnter * call neobundle#autoload#explorer( expand('<afile>'), 'BufEnter')
1 0.000005 autocmd BufWinEnter * call neobundle#autoload#explorer( expand('<afile>'), 'BufWinEnter')
1 0.000001 augroup END
1 0.000528 0.000012 call neobundle#autoload#filename(bufname('%'))
FUNCTION neobundle#util#convert2list()
Called 1359 times
Total time: 0.006752
Self time: 0.006752
count total (s) self (s)
1359 0.005873 return type(a:expr) ==# type([]) ? a:expr : [a:expr]
FUNCTION neobundle#util#uniq()
Called 75 times
Total time: 0.004844
Self time: 0.004844
count total (s) self (s)
75 0.000520 let list = a:0 ? map(copy(a:list), printf('[v:val, %s]', a:1)) : copy(a:list)
75 0.000157 let i = 0
75 0.000151 let seen = {}
105 0.000319 while i < len(list)
30 0.001501 let key = string(a:0 ? list[i][1] : list[i])
30 0.000175 if has_key(seen, key)
call remove(list, i)
30 0.000226 let seen[key] = 1
30 0.000067 let i += 1
30 0.000032 endif
30 0.000038 endwhile
75 0.000229 return a:0 ? map(list, 'v:val[0]') : list
FUNCTION neobundle#config#is_sourced()
Called 91 times
Total time: 0.001201
Self time: 0.000740
count total (s) self (s)
91 0.001131 0.000670 return get(neobundle#config#get(a:name), 'sourced', 0)
FUNCTION neobundle#autoload#filename()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000516
Self time: 0.000292
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000503 0.000279 let bundles = filter(neobundle#config#get_autoload_bundles(), "has_key(v:val.autoload, 'filename_patterns')")
1 0.000005 if !empty(bundles)
call neobundle#config#source_bundles(filter(copy(bundles)," len(filter(copy(neobundle#util#convert2list( v:val.autoload.filename_patterns)), 'a:filename =~? v:val')) > 0"))
FUNCTION neobundle#util#name_conversion()
Called 100 times
Total time: 0.001988
Self time: 0.001988
count total (s) self (s)
100 0.001901 return fnamemodify(a:path, ':s?/$??:t:s?\c\.git\s*$??')
FUNCTION neobundle#rc()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.007577
Self time: 0.000293
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000262 let path = (a:0 > 0) ? a:1 : get(filter(split(globpath(&runtimepath, 'bundle', 1), '\n'), 'isdirectory(v:val)'), 0, '~/.vim/bundle')
1 0.007313 0.000029 return neobundle#init#_rc(path)
FUNCTION neobundle#parser#lazy()
Called 77 times
Total time: 0.117872
Self time: 0.004531
count total (s) self (s)
77 0.069417 0.000796 let bundle = s:parse_arg(a:arg)
77 0.000175 if empty(bundle)
return {}
" Update lazy flag.
77 0.000144 let bundle.lazy = 1
77 0.000137 let bundle.resettable = 0
86 0.000243 for depend in bundle.depends
9 0.000021 let depend.lazy = bundle.lazy
9 0.000017 let depend.resettable = 0
9 0.000015 endfor
77 0.046648 0.001928 call neobundle#config#add(bundle)
77 0.000137 return bundle
FUNCTION neobundle#parser#path()
Called 100 times
Total time: 0.025437
Self time: 0.007343
count total (s) self (s)
100 0.000483 let opts = get(a:000, 0, {})
100 0.000517 let site = get(opts, 'site', g:neobundle#default_site)
100 0.001025 let path = substitute(a:path, '/$', '', '')
100 0.001184 if path !~ '^/\|^\a:' && path !~ ':'
" Add default site.
100 0.000469 let path = site . ':' . path
100 0.000101 endif
100 0.000294 if has_key(opts, 'type')
let type = neobundle#config#get_types(opts.type)
let types = empty(type) ? [] : [type]
100 0.019611 0.001517 let detect = neobundle#config#get_types('git').detect(path, opts)
100 0.000321 if !empty(detect)
100 0.000152 return detect
let types = neobundle#config#get_types()
for type in types
let detect = type.detect(path, opts)
if !empty(detect)
return detect
if isdirectory(path)
" Detect nosync type.
return { 'name' : split(path, '/')[-1], 'uri' : path, 'type' : 'nosync' }
return {}
FUNCTION neobundle#config#get_neobundles()
Called 61 times
Total time: 0.001077
Self time: 0.001077
count total (s) self (s)
61 0.001028 return values(s:neobundles)
FUNCTION neobundle#config#get_autoload_bundles()
Called 19 times
Total time: 0.004592
Self time: 0.004592
count total (s) self (s)
19 0.004575 return filter(values(s:neobundles), "!v:val.sourced && v:val.rtp != '' && v:val.lazy")
FUNCTION neobundle#parser#fetch()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.001066
Self time: 0.000035
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000949 0.000015 let bundle = s:parse_arg(a:arg)
1 0.000003 if empty(bundle)
return {}
" Clear runtimepath.
1 0.000002 let bundle.rtp = ''
1 0.000106 0.000009 call neobundle#config#add(bundle)
1 0.000002 return bundle
FUNCTION neobundle#util#join_rtp()
Called 16 times
Total time: 0.000455
Self time: 0.000455
count total (s) self (s)
16 0.000442 return (a:runtimepath !~ '\\' && a:rtp !~ ',') ? join(a:list, ',') : join(map(copy(a:list), 's:escape(v:val)'), ',')
FUNCTION neobundle#config#init()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.005948
Self time: 0.002484
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.003240 0.000323 filetype off
92 0.000557 for bundle in values(s:neobundles)
91 0.000423 if (!bundle.resettable && !bundle.lazy) || (bundle.sourced && bundle.lazy && neobundle#is_sourced(
call neobundle#config#rtp_add(bundle)
elseif bundle.resettable
" Reset.
14 0.000599 0.000106 call neobundle#config#rtp_rm(bundle)
14 0.000099 call remove(s:neobundles,
14 0.000016 endif
91 0.000099 endfor
" Load extra bundles configuration.
1 0.000076 0.000022 call neobundle#config#load_extra_bundles()
1 0.000002 augroup neobundle
1 0.000013 autocmd VimEnter * call s:on_vim_enter()
1 0.000002 augroup END
FUNCTION neobundle#call_hook()
Called 31 times
Total time: 0.003034
Self time: 0.002253
count total (s) self (s)
31 0.000550 0.000338 let bundles = neobundle#util#convert2list( (empty(a:000) ? neobundle#config#get_neobundles() : a:1))
31 0.000808 let bundles = filter(copy(bundles), 'has_key(v:val.hooks, a:hook_name) && !has_key(v:val.called_hooks, a:hook_name)')
31 0.000121 if a:hook_name ==# 'on_source' || a:hook_name ==# 'on_post_source'
31 0.001055 0.000486 let bundles = filter(neobundle#config#tsort(filter(bundles, 'neobundle#config#is_sourced( && neobundle#config#is_installed(')), 'has_key(v:val.hooks, a:hook_name) && !has_key(v:val.called_hooks, a:hook_name)')
31 0.000033 endif
31 0.000073 for bundle in bundles
call call(bundle.hooks[a:hook_name], [bundle], bundle)
let bundle.called_hooks[a:hook_name] = 1
FUNCTION neobundle#parser#bundle()
Called 22 times
Total time: 0.079014
Self time: 0.000548
count total (s) self (s)
22 0.015592 0.000204 let bundle = s:parse_arg(a:arg)
22 0.000100 let is_parse_only = get(a:000, 0, 0)
22 0.000042 if !is_parse_only
13 0.063168 0.000090 call neobundle#config#add(bundle)
13 0.000013 endif
22 0.000032 return bundle
FUNCTION neobundle#autoload#source()
Called 15 times
Total time: 0.018880
Self time: 0.009877
count total (s) self (s)
15 0.018615 0.009761 let bundles = filter(neobundle#config#get_autoload_bundles(), "index(neobundle#util#convert2list( get(v:val.autoload, 'on_source', [])), a:bundle_name) >= 0")
15 0.000244 0.000095 call neobundle#config#source_bundles(bundles)
FUNCTION neobundle#config#check_not_exists()
Called 15 times
Total time: 0.021727
Self time: 0.001138
count total (s) self (s)
" For infinite loop.
15 0.000065 let self = get(a:000, 0, [])
15 0.020285 0.000176 let _ = map(neobundle#get_not_installed_bundles(a:names), '')
30 0.000312 for bundle in map(filter(copy(a:names), 'index(self, v:val) < 0 && has_key(s:neobundles, v:val)'), 's:neobundles[v:val]')
15 0.000071 call add(self,
15 0.000043 if !empty(bundle.depends)
let _ += neobundle#config#check_not_exists( map(copy(bundle.depends), ''), self)
15 0.000014 endfor
15 0.000588 0.000108 return neobundle#util#uniq(_)
FUNCTION neobundle#config#load_extra_bundles()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000054
Self time: 0.000047
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000027 0.000020 let path = neobundle#get_neobundle_dir() . '/extra_bundles.vim'
1 0.000020 if filereadable(path)
source `=path`
FUNCTION neobundle#util#expand()
Called 116 times
Total time: 0.002795
Self time: 0.002795
count total (s) self (s)
116 0.002009 let path = expand(escape(a:path, '*?{}'), 1)
116 0.000648 return (s:is_windows && path =~ '\\') ? neobundle#util#substitute_path_separator(path) : path
FUNCTION neobundle#init#_rc()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.007284
Self time: 0.000622
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000070 0.000034 let path = neobundle#util#substitute_path_separator( neobundle#util#expand(a:path))
1 0.000009 if path =~ '/$'
let path = path[: -2]
1 0.000025 0.000019 call neobundle#set_neobundle_dir(path)
" Join to the tail in runtimepath.
1 0.000015 0.000010 let rtp = neobundle#get_rtp_dir()
1 0.000028 execute 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(rtp)
1 0.000069 0.000017 let rtps = neobundle#util#split_rtp(&runtimepath)
1 0.000007 let n = index(rtps, $VIMRUNTIME)
1 0.000060 0.000029 let &runtimepath = neobundle#util#join_rtp( insert(rtps, rtp, n-1), &runtimepath, rtp)
1 0.000003 augroup neobundle
1 0.000428 autocmd!
1 0.000002 augroup END
1 0.005959 0.000011 call neobundle#config#init()
1 0.000597 0.000013 call neobundle#autoload#init()
FUNCTION neobundle#config#fuzzy_search()
Called 15 times
Total time: 0.014313
Self time: 0.005011
count total (s) self (s)
15 0.000040 let bundles = []
30 0.000076 for name in a:bundle_names
15 0.004391 0.004133 let bundles += filter(neobundle#config#get_neobundles(), 'stridx(, name) >= 0')
15 0.000026 endfor
15 0.000031 let _ = []
30 0.000061 for bundle in bundles
15 0.007668 0.000189 let _ += neobundle#config#search( map(copy(bundle.depends), ''))
15 0.000068 call add(_, bundle)
15 0.000018 endfor
15 0.001663 0.000098 return neobundle#util#uniq(_)
FUNCTION neobundle#get_not_installed_bundles()
Called 15 times
Total time: 0.020109
Self time: 0.000875
count total (s) self (s)
15 0.014524 0.000211 let bundles = empty(a:bundle_names) ? neobundle#config#get_neobundles() : neobundle#config#fuzzy_search(a:bundle_names)
15 0.004741 0.000299 call neobundle#installer#_load_install_info(bundles)
15 0.000797 0.000318 return filter(copy(bundles), " v:val.rtp != '' && !v:val.local && !isdirectory(neobundle#util#expand(v:val.path))")
FUNCTION neobundle#parser#_function_prefix()
Called 67 times
Total time: 0.002829
Self time: 0.002829
count total (s) self (s)
67 0.000516 let function_prefix = tolower(fnamemodify(a:name, ':r'))
67 0.000794 let function_prefix = substitute(function_prefix,'^vim-', '','')
67 0.000657 let function_prefix = substitute(function_prefix,'^unite-', 'unite#sources#','')
67 0.000563 let function_prefix = substitute(function_prefix,'-', '_', 'g')
67 0.000154 return function_prefix
FUNCTION neobundle#config#get()
Called 198 times
Total time: 0.001070
Self time: 0.001070
count total (s) self (s)
198 0.000926 return get(s:neobundles, a:name, {})
FUNCTION neobundle#config#rtp_rm()
Called 106 times
Total time: 0.004377
Self time: 0.004377
count total (s) self (s)
106 0.002676 execute 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(a:bundle.rtp)
106 0.000961 if isdirectory(a:bundle.rtp.'/after')
7 0.000173 execute 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(a:bundle.rtp.'/after')
7 0.000007 endif
FUNCTION neobundle#util#substitute_path_separator()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000006
Self time: 0.000006
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000006 return (s:is_windows && a:path =~ '\\') ? substitute(a:path, '\\', '/', 'g') : a:path
FUNCTION neobundle#util#split_rtp()
Called 31 times
Total time: 0.001171
Self time: 0.001171
count total (s) self (s)
31 0.000125 let rtp = a:0 ? a:1 : &runtimepath
31 0.000140 if type(rtp) == type([])
return rtp
31 0.000299 if rtp !~ '\\'
31 0.000457 return split(rtp, ',')
let split = split(rtp, '\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\zs,')
return map(split,'substitute(v:val, ''\\\([\\,]\)'', "\\1", "g")')
FUNCTION neobundle#config#rtp_add()
Called 15 times
Total time: 0.002739
Self time: 0.001083
count total (s) self (s)
15 0.000066 if has_key(s:neobundles,
15 0.000763 0.000137 call neobundle#config#rtp_rm(s:neobundles[])
15 0.000015 endif
15 0.000046 let rtp = a:bundle.rtp
15 0.000107 if isdirectory(rtp)
" Join to the tail in runtimepath.
15 0.000678 0.000138 let rtps = neobundle#util#split_rtp(&runtimepath)
15 0.000789 0.000299 let &runtimepath = neobundle#util#join_rtp( insert(rtps, rtp, index(rtps, neobundle#get_rtp_dir())), &runtimepath, rtp)
15 0.000019 endif
15 0.000104 if isdirectory(rtp.'/after')
1 0.000022 execute 'set rtp+='.fnameescape(rtp.'/after')
1 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION neobundle#init#_bundle()
Called 100 times
Total time: 0.038178
Self time: 0.024387
count total (s) self (s)
100 0.000277 let bundle = a:bundle
100 0.000455 if !has_key(bundle, 'type') && get(bundle, 'local', 0)
" Default type.
let bundle.type = 'nosync'
100 0.000271 if !has_key(bundle, 'type')
call neobundle#installer#error( printf('Failed parse name "%s" and args %s', a:bundle.orig_name, string(a:bundle.orig_opts)))
return {}
100 0.000275 if get(bundle, 'lazy', 0)
call s:init_lazy(bundle)
100 0.005159 0.001271 let bundle = extend(s:get_default(), bundle)
100 0.000298 if !has_key(bundle, 'name')
let = neobundle#util#name_conversion(bundle.orig_name)
100 0.000310 if !has_key(bundle, 'normalized_name')
100 0.001746 let bundle.normalized_name = substitute( fnamemodify(, ':r'), '^vim-\|-vim$', '', 'g')
100 0.000126 endif
100 0.000445 if !has_key(bundle.orig_opts, 'name') && g:neobundle#enable_name_conversion
" Use normalized name.
let = bundle.normalized_name
100 0.000265 if !has_key(bundle, 'directory')
100 0.000304 let =
100 0.000245 if bundle.rev != ''
let .= '_' . substitute(bundle.rev, '[^[:alnum:]_-]', '_', 'g')
100 0.000068 endif
100 0.003087 0.001000 let bundle.base = s:expand_path(bundle.base)
100 0.001128 if bundle.base =~ '[/\\]$'
" Chomp.
let bundle.base = substitute(bundle.base, '[/\\]\+$', '', '')
100 0.001098 let bundle.path = isdirectory(bundle.uri) ? bundle.uri : bundle.base.'/'
100 0.000285 let rtp = bundle.rtp
" Check relative path.
100 0.001588 let bundle.rtp = (rtp =~ '^\%([~/]\|\a\+:\)') ? s:expand_path(rtp) : (bundle.path.'/'.rtp)
100 0.001141 if bundle.rtp =~ '[/\\]$'
" Chomp.
100 0.001582 let bundle.rtp = substitute(bundle.rtp, '[/\\]\+$', '', '')
100 0.000123 endif
100 0.000286 if bundle.normalized_name ==# 'neobundle'
" Do not add runtimepath.
1 0.000002 let bundle.rtp = ''
1 0.000001 endif
100 0.000214 if bundle.script_type != ''
" Add script_type.
" Note: To check by neobundle#config#is_installed().
let bundle.path .= '/' . bundle.script_type
100 0.000293 if !has_key(bundle, 'resettable')
100 0.000315 let bundle.resettable = !bundle.lazy
100 0.000093 endif
100 0.000273 if !has_key(bundle, 'augroup')
100 0.000317 let bundle.augroup =
100 0.000087 endif
" Parse depends.
100 0.000257 if !empty(bundle.depends)
8 0.003239 call s:init_depends(bundle)
8 0.000006 endif
100 0.001506 0.000933 if get(neobundle#config#get(, 'sourced', 0)
let bundle.sourced = 1
100 0.000139 return bundle
FUNCTION neobundle#parser#_init_bundle()
Called 100 times
Total time: 0.080200
Self time: 0.007599
count total (s) self (s)
100 0.004128 0.001842 let path = neobundle#util#expand( substitute(a:name, "['".'"]\+', '', 'g'))
100 0.007089 0.000994 let opts = s:parse_options(a:opts)
100 0.000317 if !has_key(opts, 'recipe')
100 0.000270 let opts.recipe = ''
100 0.000088 endif
100 0.026755 0.001318 let bundle = extend(neobundle#parser#path( path, opts), opts)
100 0.000295 if bundle.recipe != ''
call extend(bundle, neobundle#parser#_parse_recipe(bundle.recipe), 'keep')
100 0.000328 let bundle.orig_name = a:name
100 0.000290 let bundle.orig_path = path
100 0.000244 let bundle.orig_opts = opts
100 0.032322 0.003679 let bundle = neobundle#init#_bundle(bundle)
100 0.000129 return bundle
FUNCTION neobundle#config#add()
Called 91 times
Total time: 0.107895
Self time: 0.010644
count total (s) self (s)
91 0.000258 if empty(a:bundle)
91 0.000214 let bundle = a:bundle
91 0.000421 let is_force = get(a:000, 0, bundle.local)
91 0.000341 if !is_force && !bundle.overwrite && has_key(s:neobundles,
91 0.000447 let prev_bundle = get(s:neobundles,, {})
91 0.000337 if get(prev_bundle, 'local', 0) && !bundle.local
91 0.000206 if !empty(prev_bundle)
77 0.003723 0.000465 call neobundle#config#rtp_rm(prev_bundle)
77 0.000070 endif
91 0.000407 let s:neobundles[] = bundle
91 0.001327 0.001187 if bundle.disabled || (bundle.gui && !has('gui_running')) || (bundle.terminal && has('gui_running')) || (bundle.vim_version != '' && s:check_version(bundle.vim_version)) || (!empty(bundle.external_commands) && s:check_external_commands(bundle))
" Ignore load.
1 0.000002 return
90 0.000212 if !empty(bundle.depends)
8 0.000297 0.000061 call s:add_depends(bundle)
8 0.000006 endif
90 0.000197 if !bundle.lazy && bundle.rtp != ''
13 0.000068 if !has('vim_starting')
" Load automatically.
13 0.061688 0.000197 call neobundle#config#source(, bundle.force)
13 0.000013 else
let bundle.sourced = 1
call neobundle#config#rtp_add(bundle)
if bundle.force
runtime! plugin/**/*.vim
13 0.000016 elseif bundle.lazy
76 0.032761 0.000635 call s:add_lazy(bundle)
76 0.000071 endif
90 0.000728 if !is_force && bundle.overwrite && !empty(prev_bundle) && prev_bundle.overwrite && bundle.orig_arg !=# prev_bundle.orig_arg && prev_bundle.resettable && prev_bundle.overwrite
" echomsg string(bundle.orig_arg)
" echomsg string(prev_bundle.orig_arg)
" Warning.
call neobundle#util#print_error( 'Overwrite previous neobundle configuration in ' .
FUNCTION neobundle#get_neobundle_dir()
Called 116 times
Total time: 0.000390
Self time: 0.000390
count total (s) self (s)
116 0.000291 return s:neobundle_dir
FUNCTION neobundle#config#tsort()
Called 31 times
Total time: 0.000569
Self time: 0.000569
count total (s) self (s)
31 0.000077 let sorted = []
31 0.000062 let mark = {}
31 0.000088 for target in a:bundles
call s:tsort_impl(target, a:bundles, mark, sorted)
31 0.000057 return sorted
FUNCTION neobundle#config#source()
Called 15 times
Total time: 0.080102
Self time: 0.011027
count total (s) self (s)
15 0.000083 let is_force = get(a:000, 0, 1)
15 0.000240 0.000129 let names = neobundle#util#convert2list(a:names)
15 0.017745 0.000187 let bundles = empty(names) ? neobundle#config#get_neobundles() : neobundle#config#search(names)
15 0.021877 0.000150 let not_exists = neobundle#config#check_not_exists(names)
15 0.000041 if !empty(not_exists)
call neobundle#util#print_error( 'Not installed plugin-names are detected : '. string(not_exists))
15 0.000670 0.000091 let rtps = neobundle#util#split_rtp()
15 0.000444 0.000235 let bundles = filter(bundles, "!neobundle#config#is_sourced( || (v:val.rtp != '' && index(rtps, v:val.rtp) < 0)")
15 0.000033 if empty(bundles)
15 0.000039 let filetype_out = ''
15 0.000071 redir => filetype_out
15 0.000119 silent filetype
15 0.000069 redir END
15 0.000058 redir => filetype_before
15 0.000419 execute 'silent autocmd FileType' &filetype
15 0.000063 redir END
15 0.000045 let reset_ftplugin = 0
30 0.000066 for bundle in bundles
15 0.000039 let bundle.sourced = 1
15 0.000031 let bundle.disabled = 0
15 0.000072 if !get(s:sourced_neobundles,, 0)
" Unmap dummy mappings.
15 0.000071 for [mode, mapping] in get(bundle, 'dummy_mappings', [])
silent! execute mode.'unmap' mapping
" Delete dummy commands.
16 0.000068 for command in get(bundle, 'dummy_commands', [])
1 0.000009 silent! execute 'delcommand' command
1 0.000001 endfor
15 0.000077 let s:sourced_neobundles[] = 1
15 0.000018 endif
15 0.000043 let bundle.dummy_mappings = []
15 0.000037 let bundle.dummy_commands = []
15 0.002922 0.000183 call neobundle#config#rtp_add(bundle)
15 0.019001 0.000121 call neobundle#autoload#source(
15 0.000075 if exists('g:loaded_neobundle') || is_force
15 0.001336 0.000113 call neobundle#call_hook('on_source', bundle)
" Reload script files.
26 0.000620 for directory in filter( ['ftdetect', 'after/ftdetect', 'plugin', 'after/plugin'], "isdirectory(bundle.rtp.'/'.v:val)")
26 0.002271 for file in split(glob(bundle.rtp.'/'.directory.'/**/*.vim'), '\n')
15 0.005947 0.001221 silent! source `=file`
15 0.000030 endfor
11 0.000010 endfor
15 0.000120 if exists('#'.bundle.augroup.'#VimEnter')
execute 'silent doautocmd' bundle.augroup 'VimEnter'
if has('gui_running') && &term ==# 'builtin_gui'
execute 'silent doautocmd' bundle.augroup 'GUIEnter'
15 0.000011 endif
15 0.000030 if !reset_ftplugin
15 0.000125 for filetype in split(&filetype, '\.')
for directory in ['ftplugin', 'indent', 'syntax', 'after/ftplugin', 'after/indent', 'after/syntax']
let base = bundle.rtp . '/' . directory
if filereadable(base.'/'.filetype.'.vim') || (directory =~# 'ftplugin$' && isdirectory(base . '/' . filetype) || glob(base.'/'.filetype.'_*.vim') != '')
let reset_ftplugin = 1
15 0.000013 endif
15 0.000026 endfor
15 0.000079 redir => filetype_after
15 0.000398 execute 'silent autocmd FileType' &filetype
15 0.000069 redir END
15 0.000026 if reset_ftplugin
filetype off
if filetype_out =~# 'detection:ON'
silent! filetype on
if filetype_out =~# 'plugin:ON'
silent! filetype plugin on
if filetype_out =~# 'indent:ON'
silent! filetype indent on
" Reload filetype plugins.
let &l:filetype = &l:filetype
elseif filetype_before !=# filetype_after
execute 'doautocmd FileType' &filetype
15 0.000056 if exists('g:loaded_neobundle')
15 0.001470 0.000147 call neobundle#call_hook('on_post_source', bundles)
15 0.000014 endif
FUNCTION neobundle#get()
Called 7 times
Total time: 0.000086
Self time: 0.000050
count total (s) self (s)
7 0.000082 0.000046 return neobundle#config#get(a:name)
FUNCTION neobundle#util#set_default()
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.000062
Self time: 0.000062
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000018 if !exists(a:var) || type({a:var}) != type(a:val)
3 0.000013 let alternate_var = get(a:000, 0, '')
3 0.000022 let {a:var} = exists(alternate_var) ? {alternate_var} : a:val
3 0.000003 endif
FUNCTION neobundle#installer#_load_install_info()
Called 15 times
Total time: 0.002214
Self time: 0.002160
count total (s) self (s)
15 0.000192 0.000138 let install_info_path = neobundle#get_neobundle_dir() . '/.neobundle/install_info'
15 0.000069 if !exists('s:install_info')
1 0.000003 let s:install_info = {}
1 0.000022 if filereadable(install_info_path)
1 0.000003 try
1 0.000128 let list = readfile(install_info_path)
1 0.000006 let ver = list[0]
1 0.000870 sandbox let s:install_info = eval(list[1])
1 0.000007 if ver !=# s:install_info_version || type(s:install_info) != type({})
let s:install_info = {}
1 0.000001 catch
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000001 endif
15 0.000458 call map(a:bundles, "extend(v:val, get(s:install_info,, { 'checked_time' : localtime(), 'updated_time' : localtime(), 'installed_uri' : v:val.uri, 'installed_path' : v:val.path, 'revisions' : {},}))")
15 0.000032 return s:install_info
FUNCTION neobundle#config#search()
Called 45 times
Total time: 0.032880
Self time: 0.020930
count total (s) self (s)
" For infinite loop.
45 0.000215 let self = get(a:000, 0, [])
45 0.000092 let _ = []
60 0.020384 0.019594 for bundle in copy(filter(neobundle#config#get_neobundles(), 'index(self, < 0 && index(a:bundle_names, >= 0'))
15 0.000087 call add(self,
15 0.000171 let _ += neobundle#config#search( map(copy(bundle.depends), ''), self)
15 0.000071 call add(_, bundle)
15 0.000033 endfor
45 0.003132 0.000333 return neobundle#util#uniq(_)
count total (s) self (s) function
77 0.117872 0.004531 neobundle#parser#lazy()
91 0.107895 0.010644 neobundle#config#add()
100 0.080200 0.007599 neobundle#parser#_init_bundle()
15 0.080102 0.011027 neobundle#config#source()
22 0.079014 0.000548 neobundle#parser#bundle()
100 0.038178 0.024387 neobundle#init#_bundle()
45 0.032880 0.020930 neobundle#config#search()
100 0.025437 0.007343 neobundle#parser#path()
15 0.021727 0.001138 neobundle#config#check_not_exists()
15 0.020109 0.000875 neobundle#get_not_installed_bundles()
15 0.018880 0.009877 neobundle#autoload#source()
15 0.014313 0.005011 neobundle#config#fuzzy_search()
3 0.008816 0.002334 neobundle#autoload#function()
1 0.007577 0.000293 neobundle#rc()
1 0.007284 0.000622 neobundle#init#_rc()
1359 0.006752 neobundle#util#convert2list()
1 0.005948 0.002484 neobundle#config#init()
18 0.005601 0.000215 neobundle#config#source_bundles()
75 0.004844 neobundle#util#uniq()
19 0.004592 neobundle#config#get_autoload_bundles()
count total (s) self (s) function
100 0.038178 0.024387 neobundle#init#_bundle()
45 0.032880 0.020930 neobundle#config#search()
15 0.080102 0.011027 neobundle#config#source()
91 0.107895 0.010644 neobundle#config#add()
15 0.018880 0.009877 neobundle#autoload#source()
100 0.080200 0.007599 neobundle#parser#_init_bundle()
100 0.025437 0.007343 neobundle#parser#path()
1359 0.006752 neobundle#util#convert2list()
15 0.014313 0.005011 neobundle#config#fuzzy_search()
75 0.004844 neobundle#util#uniq()
19 0.004592 neobundle#config#get_autoload_bundles()
77 0.117872 0.004531 neobundle#parser#lazy()
106 0.004377 neobundle#config#rtp_rm()
67 0.002829 neobundle#parser#_function_prefix()
116 0.002795 neobundle#util#expand()
1 0.005948 0.002484 neobundle#config#init()
3 0.008816 0.002334 neobundle#autoload#function()
31 0.003034 0.002253 neobundle#call_hook()
15 0.002214 0.002160 neobundle#installer#_load_install_info()
100 0.002047 neobundle#config#get_types()
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