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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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def readTile[K: TileReader: JsonFormat: ClassTag](layerId: LayerId): K => Tile = {
val accumuloLayerMetaData =
val keyBounds =[KeyBounds[K]](layerId, "keyBounds")
val index =[KeyIndex[K]](layerId, "keyIndex")
implicitly[TileReader[K]].read(instance, layerId, accumuloLayerMetaData, index)(_)
val tile = (catalog.readTile[SpaceTimeKey](layerId))(key) // Throws
val tile = catalog.readTile[SpaceTimeKey](layerId)(key) // Throws
val tile = catalog.readTile[SpaceTimeKey](layerId).apply(key) // Works
val getTile = catalog.readTile[SpaceTimeKey](layerId); getTile(key) // Works
not enough arguments for method readTile: (implicit evidence$9:[geotrellis.spark.SpaceTimeKey], implicit evidence$10: spray.json.JsonFormat[geotrellis.spark.SpaceTimeKey], implicit evidence$11: scala.reflect.ClassTag[geotrellis.spark.SpaceTimeKey])geotrellis.spark.SpaceTimeKey => geotrellis.raster.Tile.
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