export KUBE_EDITOR='code --wait'
Running k edit ...
will open up the yaml using Visual Studio Code.
@mousavian kubeclt
thanks 🙏
For PowerShell use
$env:KUBE_EDITOR="code --wait"
To make this permanent, edit ~/.bash-profile
with code ~/.bash-profile
and enter this into it:
export KUBE_EDITOR='code --wait'
indeed opens up vscode just fine, but I can't make a change and save it. it says Edit cancelled, no changes made.
tried it with --wait flag
On macOS, has anyone encountered the problem that closing the editing page will not save the changes, and need to exit the vscode process to save the changes.
On my mac Ventura in my ~/.bash_profile I have :
export KUBE_EDITOR='open -a "Visual Studio Code" --wait'
and it is opening the new VSCode window with command on terminal:
kubectl edit pod fooapp
The problem is once I am done editing the yml and save it and close the associated VSCode window the control is not returning to terminal.
For that I have to Quit VSCode completely.
This is very inconvenient as this is resulting in closing all my other open / work in progress files with VSCode .
Please suggest.
$env:KUBE_EDITOR="code --wait"
Thanx you
thanks mate!
^ inline temporary editor change for mac users