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Created August 14, 2010 16:31
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import Data.Char (isSpace)
trim :: String -> String
trim = trimAndReverse . trimAndReverse
where trimAndReverse = reverse . dropWhile isSpace
reverseBreak :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
reverseBreak f xs = (reverse before, reverse after)
where (after, before) = break f $ reverse xs
wrapLine :: Int -> String -> [String]
wrapLine maxLen line
| length line <= maxLen = [line]
| any isSpace beforeMax = beforeSpace : (wrapLine maxLen $ afterSpace ++ afterMax)
| otherwise = beforeMax : wrapLine maxLen afterMax
where (beforeMax, afterMax) = splitAt maxLen line
(beforeSpace, afterSpace) = reverseBreak isSpace beforeMax
main :: IO ()
main = interact $ unlines . concatMap (map trim . wrapLine maxLen) . lines
where maxLen = 72
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