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Last active February 23, 2019 20:34
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[[Initialize]]: @title What's on the Table: A Doting Sim @clear @set not hat @set not eating @set weight=150 @set dispWeight=150 @set fill=0 @set capacity=2 @set dispCapacity=2 @set hardcap=2 @set speed=2 @set hunger=1 @set spread=0 @set status=hungry @set mood=0 @set assistance=0

//define constructor function for foods
function consfood(added, eaten, singular, plural, toTable, emoji) {
    return {
        toTable: toTable,
        singular: singular,
        plural: plural,
        added: added,
        eaten: eaten,
        emoji: emoji,
        amount: 0

//initialize the table
    eggs: consfood(2, 0.5, 'a scrambled egg', 'scrambled eggs', 'some scrambled eggs', '🍳'),
    toast: consfood(2, 0.5, 'a slice of toast', 'slices of toast', 'some toast', '🍞'),
    bacon: consfood(8, 2, 'a strip of bacon', 'strips of bacon', 'a plate of bacon', 'πŸ₯“'),
    pancakes: consfood(4, 1, 'a pancake', 'pancakes', 'a stack of pancakes', 'πŸ₯ž'),
    milk: consfood(1, 0.5, 'a glass of milk', 'glasses of milk', 'some milk', 'πŸ₯›'),
    burger: consfood(1, 0.25, 'a burger', 'burgers', 'a burger', 'πŸ”'),
    fries: consfood(1, 0.25, 'a serving of fries', 'servings of fries', 'some fries', '🍟'),
    pizza: consfood(8, 1, 'a slice of pizza', 'slices of pizza', 'a whole pizza', 'πŸ•'),
    sandwich: consfood(1, 0.25, 'a sandwich', 'sandwiches', 'a sandwich', 'πŸ₯ͺ'),
    soda: consfood(1, 0.25, 'a bottle of soda', 'bottles of soda', 'a bottle of soda', 'πŸ₯€'),
    chicken: consfood(1, 0.125, 'a whole chicken', 'chickens', 'a roasted chicken', 'πŸ—'),
    pasta: consfood(1, 0.25, 'a bowl of pasta', 'bowls of pasta', 'a bowl of pasta', '🍝'),
    soup: consfood(1, 0.25, 'a bowl of soup', 'bowls of soup', 'a bowl of soup', '🍲'),
    fish: consfood(1, 0.25, 'a fish', 'fish', 'a grilled fish', '🐟'),
    beer: consfood(6, 1, 'a beer', 'beers', 'a 6-pack of beer', '🍺'),
    donuts: consfood(6, 1, 'a donut', 'donuts', 'a box of donuts', '🍩'),
    cookies: consfood(8, 2, 'a cookie', 'cookies', 'a box of cookies', 'πŸͺ'),
    cake: consfood(8, 1, 'a slice of cake', 'slices of cake', 'a whole cake', 'πŸŽ‚'),
    fudge: consfood(16, 2, 'a piece of fudge', 'pieces of fudge', 'a tray of fudge', '🍫'),
    milkshake: consfood(1, 0.25, 'a milkshake', 'milkshakes', 'a milkshake', '🍦'),
    //: consfood(2, 0.5, 'a ', 's', 'a '),
squiffy.set('sounds', [[

//format stuff and turn links inside <td>s into proper buttons
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console.log('hey', style)
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##What's on the Table ###A Doting Sim

####Pick your Pronouns

Dotee: {rotate doteePronoun:They:She:He:You:I}
Doter: {rotate doterPronoun:You:I:They:She:He}


[[BEGIN]]: var pronouns = { They: ['They', 'Them', 'Their', 'Theirs', ''], She: ['She', 'Her', 'Her', 'Hers', 's'], He: ['He', 'Him', 'His', 'His', 's'], You: ['You', 'You', 'Your', 'Yours', ''], I: ['I', 'Me', 'My', 'Mine', ''] } window.squiffy = squiffy var dotee = pronouns[squiffy.get('doteePronoun')] var doter = pronouns[squiffy.get('doterPronoun')]; //inflections of the pronouns, as well as whether they add an "s" to verbs //are put into separate variables instead of an array for easy access in the text [0,1,2,3,4].forEach(i=>{ squiffy.set('dotee'+i, dotee[i]) squiffy.set('doter'+i, doter[i]) })

Let's get started!


var rand = Math.random, r = rand()
var g = squiffy.get
var status = g('status'), fill = g('fill'), capacity = g('capacity'); var hcap = g('hardcap'), spread = g('spread'), room = (capacity + 0.5*(capacity-2) - fill) / capacity, speed = g('speed'), mood = g('mood')
function qs(q, s, e) {squiffy.set('quote1', q); s && squiffy.set('status', s); e != undefined && squiffy.set('eating',e)}
switch (status) {
case 'starving':
case 'hungry':
    qs('Finally!', room > 0.5 ? 'gorging' : 'digging in', true)
case 'satisfied':
    if (room > -r/2) qs('Sure, I could go for a some more!', room > 0 ? 'digging in' : 'slowing down', true)
    else qs('Nah, I think I\'m good for now.')
case 'stuffed':
    if (room >= -hcap*r) qs('I really shouldn\'t, but...', room > -hcap*(r+0.1) ? 'slowing down' : 'persevering', true)
    else qs(' thanks...')
case 'glutted':
    qs('Oog, no way.')
    mood = mood + 0.25
    qs(`[Mood bonus +0.25 (now ${mood})]`)
    squiffy.set('mood', mood)


[[Feed]]: γ€ˆFπš„πš—πš’πš–πš™πš•πšŽπš–πšŽπš—πšπšŽπšγ€‰

[[Assist]]: γ€ˆπš„πš—πš’πš–πš™πš•πšŽπš–πšŽπš—πšπšŽπšγ€‰

[[Wait]]: {doter0} sit{doter4} and watch.


var g = squiffy.get, s = squiffy.set
var weight = g('weight'), capacity = g('capacity'), fill = g('fill'), status = g('status'), dispWeight, dispCapacity
var statuses = ['starving','starving','hungry','satisfied', 'stuffed', 'glutted']
var statusIndex = statuses.lastIndexOf(status)
if (statusIndex === -1) squiffy.story.go("Wait")
else {
    s('mood', 0)
    capacity = Math.max(capacity, (capacity*15.1+fill)/16)
    dispCapacity = Math.round(capacity*10)/10
    var digest = Math.round(fill*4)/8
    fill -= digest
    weight += digest/8
    dispWeight = Math.round(weight*10)/10
    status = statuses[statusIndex-1]
    s('weight',weight), s('dispWeight',dispWeight), s('capacity',capacity), s('dispCapacity',dispCapacity), s('fill', fill), s('status',status)

{dotee0} take{dotee4} some time to sleep it off.


var whichfood = squiffy.get('f'), foods = squiffy.get('foods')
if (foods.hasOwnProperty(whichfood)) {
    squiffy.set('foodstring', foods[whichfood].toTable)
    foods[whichfood].amount += foods[whichfood].added
    squiffy.set('spread', squiffy.get('spread')+foods[whichfood].added/foods[whichfood].eaten)
else squiffy.set('foodstring', 'γ€ˆπ™Όπš’πšœπšœπš’πš—πšπ™½πš˜: '+whichfood+'〉')

{doter0} bring{doter4} {foodstring} to the table.

[[]]: @clear

// SETUP //

//variable getting
var g = squiffy.get, s = squiffy.set
var foods = g('foods'), foodarray=[], status = g('status'), fill = g('fill'), capacity = g('capacity'); var hcap = g('hardcap'), spread = g('spread'), speed = g('speed'), wasEating = g('eating'), sounds = g('sounds'), p0 = squiffy.get('dotee0'), p2 = squiffy.get('dotee2'), ps = squiffy.get('dotee4'), mood = Math.max(g('mood') - 0.05, 0)
s('dispEating', wasEating)
var room = (capacity + 0.5*(capacity-2) - fill) / capacity
var greed = Math.round(Math.log2(capacity)) / 2 + 0.5
//Notes about `room`:
//can sometimes be not a sum of powers of two, therefore not suitable for display
//use only internally
//chart of room values for capacity = 2 and capacity >> 2
//           |   2   |  big  |
// ----------+-------+-------|
//      empty|   1   |   1.5 |
// half full |   0.5 |   1   |
//      full |   0   |   0.5 |
//   2x full |  -1   |  -0.5 |
//chart of 1/(2-room) values for capacity = 2 and capacity >> 2
//           |   2   |  big  |
// ----------+-------+-------|
//     empty |   1   |   2   |
// half full |   0.7 |   1   |
//      full |   0.5 |   0.7 |
//   2x full |   0.3 |   0.4 |

//utility and brevity functions
var rand = Math.random
function pickfrom(arr) {return arr[~~(rand()*arr.length)]}
function lwr(s) {return s.toLowerCase()}

function eat(max, eaten, loop=1000) {
    if (!eaten) {
        eaten = {_amount:0,_wanted:max}
        max = Math.ceil(max*(0.75+rand()/2))
    if (foodarray.length == 0) return eaten
    var which = pickfrom(foodarray)
    var clampedMax = Math.min(max, foods[which].amount/foods[which].eaten)
    var unitHowMuch = ~~rand()*(clampedMax-1)+1
    max -= unitHowMuch
    fill += unitHowMuch*0.25
    spread -= unitHowMuch
    var howMuch = unitHowMuch*foods[which].eaten
    foods[which].amount -= howMuch
    if (eaten.hasOwnProperty(which)) eaten[which] += howMuch
    else eaten[which] = howMuch
    if (unitHowMuch == clampedMax) foodarray.splice(which,1)
    if (max === 0 || loop === 0) return eaten
    if (foodarray.length === 0) {
        eaten._more = max
        return eaten
    else return eat(max, eaten, loop-1)

function chooseGulp() {
    var gulp = pickfrom([[' gulp', ' down '],[' gobble', ' up '],[' chew', ' through '],[' wolf', ' down '],[' devour', ' '],[' scarf', ' down '],[' gorge', ' on ']])
    gulp = gulp[0] + ps + gulp[1]
    return p0+gulp

function createChomp(num=3, delim = ' ') {
    var c = '', s
    for (var i = 0; i<num; i++) {
    	s = rand()>0.1 ? pickfrom(sounds) : pickfrom([[['gulp'],['']],[['glug'],['']]])
    	c+= pickfrom(s[0])+pickfrom(s[1]) + pickfrom(delim)
    return c

// STEP //

//figure out what's on the table and put it there
if (foods !== null) {
    foodarray = Object.keys(foods).filter(f=>(foods[f].amount>0 && f[0]!='_'))
    if (foodarray.length) {
        var ts = 'The table contains '
        var last = foodarray.length-1
        foodarray.forEach((f, i) => {
            f = foods[f]
            if (f.amount == 1) ts += f.singular
            else ts += f.amount+' '+f.plural
            if (i == last) ts += '.'
            else if (last > 1) ts += ', '
            if (i == last-1) ts += ' and '
        squiffy.set('tablestring', ts)
    else squiffy.set('tablestring', 'The table is empty.')

function qs(q, s, e) {squiffy.set('quote0', q); s && squiffy.set('status', s); e != undefined && squiffy.set('eating',e)}
var r=rand()
var eaten

switch (status) {
case 'starving':
    if (r<0.1) qs('Arrrg, I can\'t take it anymore!', room > 0.75 ? 'gorging' : 'digging in', true)
    else qs('Ughhh, I\'m so hungry...')
case 'hungry':
    if (r<0.02) qs('...I\'m just gonna start.', room > 1 ? 'gorging' : 'digging in', true)
    else if (r<0.05) qs('Ughhh, I\'m so hungry...' , 'starving')
    else qs(spread < 8? 'I can\'t wait!' : 'Oooh, everything looks so gooood...')
case 'satisfied':
    if (r<0.005 && fill<hcap) qs('Hmm, maybe I could go for a *bit* more...', 'slowing down', true)
    else qs('Mmm, that was good!')
case 'stuffed':
    if (r<0.001 && fill<hcap) qs(' it possible to be full and still be hungry?', 'persevering', true)
    qs('Oof, I think I ate a bit too much.')
case 'glutted':

    var zeal, nextCond, next, chompiness, eatingNext = true
    switch (status) {
    case 'gorging':
        zeal = 1.5
        nextCond = r > 1/((2.01-room)**2)
        next = 'digging in'
        chompiness = 6
    case 'digging in':
        zeal = 1.0
        nextCond = r > 1/((2.01-room)**2)
        next = 'slowing down'
        chompiness = 4
    case 'slowing down':
        zeal = 0.5
        nextCond = r > 1/((2.01-room)**2)
        next = 'persevering'
        chompiness = 3
    case 'persevering':
        zeal = 0.25
        nextCond = r > 1/((2.01-room)**2)
        next = 'stuffed'
        chompiness = 2
        eatingNext = false
    eaten = eat(greed * speed * (zeal + mood))
    if (!eaten._more || eaten._more < speed*0.75/1.5) {
        if (room <= -hcap) { 
                ['...oof...','...hng...','...huf...','...urg...',' ']),
        else if (nextCond) {
            qs(createChomp(chompiness - 1), next)
        else qs(createChomp(chompiness))

if (eaten !== null && eaten !== undefined) {
    var eatenarray = Object.keys(eaten).filter(f=>f[0]!='_')
    if (eatenarray.length) {
        var es = chooseGulp()
        var last = eatenarray.length-1
        eatenarray.forEach((f, i) => {
            var official = foods[f]
            if (eaten[f] == 1) es += official.singular
            else es += eaten[f]+' '+official.plural
            if (i == last) es += '.'
            else if (last > 1) es += ', '
            if (i == last-1) es += ' and '
        let eatenmod = ''
        switch (squiffy.get('status')){
        case 'starving':
            eatenmod = ` But then...${lwr(p0)} mysteriously stop${ps}! Even the narrator doesn\'t know why.`
        case 'hungry':
            eatenmod = ` But then, oddly, ${lwr(p0)} stop${ps}! Even the narrator isn\'t sure why.`
        case 'satisfied':
            eatenmod = ` Then ${lwr(p0)} stop${ps}, apparently satisfied.`
        case 'stuffed':
            eatenmod = ` Then ${lwr(p0)} stop${ps} with a grunt, and pat${ps} ${lwr(p2)} bloated belly.`
        case 'glutted':
            eatenmod = ` Then ${lwr(p0)} stop${ps} with a groan, ${lwr(p2)} hand on ${lwr(p2)} bloated, aching belly.`
        squiffy.set('eatenstring', es + eatenmod)
    else squiffy.set('eatenstring', `The table is empty. ${p0} look${ps} at it forlornly.`)
else squiffy.set('dispEating', false)

s('fill', fill); s('spread', spread); s('foods', foods); s('mood', mood)


Weight: {dispWeight}
Stomach: {fill}/{dispCapacity}
Status: {status}


###The Table


[[Add Eggs]](bring, f=eggs) [[Add Toast]](bring, f=toast) [[Add Bacon]](bring, f=bacon) [[Add Pancakes]](bring, f=pancakes) [[Add Milk]](bring, f=milk)
[[Add Burger]](bring, f=burger) [[Add Fries]](bring, f=fries) [[Add Pizza]](bring, f=pizza) [[Add Sandwich]](bring, f=sandwich) [[Add Soda]](bring, f=soda)
[[Add Chicken]](bring, f=chicken) [[Add Pasta]](bring, f=pasta) [[Add Soup]](bring, f=soup) [[Add Fish]](bring, f=fish) [[Add Beer]](bring, f=beer)
[[Add Donuts]](bring, f=donuts) [[Add Cookies]](bring, f=cookies) [[Add Cake]](bring, f=cake) [[Add Fudge]](bring, f=fudge) [[Add Milkshake]](bring, f=milkshake)

{if dispEating:{eatenstring}}


{if eating:

[[Encourage]] [[Assist]] [[Wait]]
[Start] [[Wait]] [[Rest]]
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