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Created November 15, 2017 23:38
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+ function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(a, b) {
if (!(a instanceof b)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
var c = function() {
function a(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c];
d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1, d.configurable = !0, "value" in d && (d.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, d.key, d)
return function(b, c, d) {
return c && a(b.prototype, c), d && a(b, d), b
(function(a) {
var d = "ekkoLightbox",
e = a.fn[d],
f = {
title: "",
footer: "",
maxWidth: 9999,
maxHeight: 9999,
showArrows: !0,
wrapping: !0,
type: null,
alwaysShowClose: !1,
loadingMessage: '<div class="ekko-lightbox-loader"><div><div></div><div></div></div></div>',
leftArrow: "<span>&#10094;</span>",
rightArrow: "<span>&#10095;</span>",
strings: {
close: "Close",
fail: "Failed to load image:",
type: "Could not detect remote target type. Force the type using data-type"
doc: document,
onShow: function() {},
onShown: function() {},
onHide: function() {},
onHidden: function() {},
onNavigate: function() {},
onContentLoaded: function() {}
g = function() {
function d(c, e) {
var g = this;
b(this, d), this._config = a.extend({}, f, e), this._$modalArrows = null, this._galleryIndex = 0, this._galleryName = null, this._padding = null, this._border = null, this._titleIsShown = !1, this._footerIsShown = !1, this._wantedWidth = 0, this._wantedHeight = 0, this._touchstartX = 0, this._touchendX = 0, this._modalId = "ekkoLightbox-" + Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random() + 1), this._$element = c instanceof jQuery ? c : a(c), this._isBootstrap3 = 3 == a.fn.modal.Constructor.VERSION[0];
var h = '<h4 class="modal-title">' + (this._config.title || "&nbsp;") + "</h4>",
i = '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="' + this._config.strings.close + '"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>',
j = '<div class="modal-header' + (this._config.title || this._config.alwaysShowClose ? "" : " hide") + '">' + (this._isBootstrap3 ? i + h : h + i) + "</div>",
k = '<div class="modal-footer' + (this._config.footer ? "" : " hide") + '">' + (this._config.footer || "&nbsp;") + "</div>",
l = '<div class="modal-body"><div class="ekko-lightbox-container"><div class="ekko-lightbox-item fade in show"></div><div class="ekko-lightbox-item fade"></div><span id="targetToClone"></span></div></div>',
m = '<div class="modal-dialog" role="document"><div class="modal-content">' + j + l + k + "</div></div>";
a(this._config.doc.body).append('<div id="' + this._modalId + '" class="ekko-lightbox modal fade" tabindex="-1" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">' + m + "</div>"), this._$modal = a("#" + this._modalId, this._config.doc), this._$modalDialog = this._$modal.find(".modal-dialog").first(), this._$modalContent = this._$modal.find(".modal-content").first(), this._$modalBody = this._$modal.find(".modal-body").first(), this._$modalHeader = this._$modal.find(".modal-header").first(), this._$modalFooter = this._$modal.find(".modal-footer").first(), this._$lightboxContainer = this._$modalBody.find(".ekko-lightbox-container").first(), this._$lightboxBodyOne = this._$lightboxContainer.find("> div:first-child").first(), this._$lightboxBodyTwo = this._$lightboxContainer.find("> div:last-child").first(), this._border = this._calculateBorders(), this._padding = this._calculatePadding(), this._galleryName = this._$"gallery"), this._galleryName && (this._$galleryItems = a(document.body).find('*[data-gallery="' + this._galleryName + '"]'), this._galleryIndex = this._$galleryItems.index(this._$element), a(document).on("keydown.ekkoLightbox", this._navigationalBinder.bind(this)), this._config.showArrows && this._$galleryItems.length > 1 && (this._$lightboxContainer.append('<div class="ekko-lightbox-nav-overlay"><a href="#">' + this._config.leftArrow + '</a><a href="#">' + this._config.rightArrow + "</a></div>"), this._$modalArrows = this._$lightboxContainer.find("div.ekko-lightbox-nav-overlay").first(), this._$lightboxContainer.on("click", "a:first-child", function(a) {
return a.preventDefault(), g.navigateLeft()
}), this._$lightboxContainer.on("click", "a:last-child", function(a) {
return a.preventDefault(), g.navigateRight()
}), this.updateNavigation())), this._$modal.on("", this._config.onShow.bind(this)).on("", function() {
return g._toggleLoading(!0), g._handle(),
}).on("", this._config.onHide.bind(this)).on("", function() {
return g._galleryName && (a(document).off("keydown.ekkoLightbox"), a(window).off("resize.ekkoLightbox")), g._$modal.remove(),
}).modal(this._config), a(window).on("resize.ekkoLightbox", function() {
g._resize(g._wantedWidth, g._wantedHeight)
}), this._$lightboxContainer.on("touchstart", function() {
g._touchstartX = event.changedTouches[0].screenX
}).on("touchend", function() {
g._touchendX = event.changedTouches[0].screenX, g._swipeGesure()
return c(d, null, [{
key: "Default",
get: function() {
return f
}]), c(d, [{
key: "element",
value: function() {
return this._$element
}, {
key: "modal",
value: function() {
return this._$modal
}, {
key: "navigateTo",
value: function(b) {
return b < 0 || b > this._$galleryItems.length - 1 ? this : (this._galleryIndex = b, this.updateNavigation(), this._$element = a(this._$galleryItems.get(this._galleryIndex)), void this._handle())
}, {
key: "navigateLeft",
value: function() {
if (this._$galleryItems && 1 !== this._$galleryItems.length) {
if (0 === this._galleryIndex) {
if (!this._config.wrapping) return;
this._galleryIndex = this._$galleryItems.length - 1
} else this._galleryIndex--;
return, "left", this._galleryIndex), this.navigateTo(this._galleryIndex)
}, {
key: "navigateRight",
value: function() {
if (this._$galleryItems && 1 !== this._$galleryItems.length) {
if (this._galleryIndex === this._$galleryItems.length - 1) {
if (!this._config.wrapping) return;
this._galleryIndex = 0
} else this._galleryIndex++;
return, "right", this._galleryIndex), this.navigateTo(this._galleryIndex)
}, {
key: "updateNavigation",
value: function() {
if (!this._config.wrapping) {
var a = this._$lightboxContainer.find("div.ekko-lightbox-nav-overlay");
0 === this._galleryIndex ? a.find("a:first-child").addClass("disabled") : a.find("a:first-child").removeClass("disabled"), this._galleryIndex === this._$galleryItems.length - 1 ? a.find("a:last-child").addClass("disabled") : a.find("a:last-child").removeClass("disabled")
}, {
key: "close",
value: function() {
return this._$modal.modal("hide")
}, {
key: "_navigationalBinder",
value: function(a) {
return a = a || window.event, 39 === a.keyCode ? this.navigateRight() : 37 === a.keyCode ? this.navigateLeft() : void 0
}, {
key: "_detectRemoteType",
value: function(a, b) {
return b = b || !1, !b && this._isImage(a) && (b = "image"), !b && this._getYoutubeId(a) && (b = "youtube"), !b && this._getVimeoId(a) && (b = "vimeo"), !b && this._getInstagramId(a) && (b = "instagram"), (!b || ["image", "youtube", "vimeo", "instagram", "video", "url"].indexOf(b) < 0) && (b = "url"), b
}, {
key: "_isImage",
value: function(a) {
return a && a.match(/(^data:image\/.*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp|svg)((\?|#).*)?$)/i)
}, {
key: "_containerToUse",
value: function() {
var a = this,
b = this._$lightboxBodyTwo,
c = this._$lightboxBodyOne;
return this._$lightboxBodyTwo.hasClass("in") && (b = this._$lightboxBodyOne, c = this._$lightboxBodyTwo), c.removeClass("in show"), setTimeout(function() {
a._$lightboxBodyTwo.hasClass("in") || a._$lightboxBodyTwo.empty(), a._$lightboxBodyOne.hasClass("in") || a._$lightboxBodyOne.empty()
}, 500), b.addClass("in show"), b
}, {
key: "_handle",
value: function() {
var a = this._containerToUse();
var b = this._$element.attr("data-remote") || this._$element.attr("href"),
c = this._detectRemoteType(b, this._$element.attr("data-type") || !1);
if (["image", "youtube", "vimeo", "instagram", "video", "url"].indexOf(c) < 0) return this._error(this._config.strings.type);
switch (c) {
case "image":
this._preloadImage(b, a), this._preloadImageByIndex(this._galleryIndex, 3);
case "youtube":
this._showYoutubeVideo(b, a);
case "vimeo":
this._showVimeoVideo(this._getVimeoId(b), a);
case "instagram":
this._showInstagramVideo(this._getInstagramId(b), a);
case "video":
this._showHtml5Video(b, a);
this._loadRemoteContent(b, a)
return this
}, {
key: "_getYoutubeId",
value: function(a) {
if (!a) return !1;
var b = a.match(/^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/);
return !(!b || 11 !== b[2].length) && b[2]
}, {
key: "_getVimeoId",
value: function(a) {
return !!(a && a.indexOf("vimeo") > 0) && a
}, {
key: "_getInstagramId",
value: function(a) {
return !!(a && a.indexOf("instagram") > 0) && a
}, {
key: "_toggleLoading",
value: function(b) {
return b = b || !1, b ? (this._$modalDialog.css("display", "none"), this._$modal.removeClass("in show"), a(".modal-backdrop").append(this._config.loadingMessage)) : (this._$modalDialog.css("display", "block"), this._$modal.addClass("in show"), a(".modal-backdrop").find(".ekko-lightbox-loader").remove()), this
}, {
key: "_calculateBorders",
value: function() {
return {
top: this._totalCssByAttribute("border-top-width"),
right: this._totalCssByAttribute("border-right-width"),
bottom: this._totalCssByAttribute("border-bottom-width"),
left: this._totalCssByAttribute("border-left-width")
}, {
key: "_calculatePadding",
value: function() {
return {
top: this._totalCssByAttribute("padding-top"),
right: this._totalCssByAttribute("padding-right"),
bottom: this._totalCssByAttribute("padding-bottom"),
left: this._totalCssByAttribute("padding-left")
}, {
key: "_totalCssByAttribute",
value: function(a) {
return parseInt(this._$modalDialog.css(a), 10) + parseInt(this._$modalContent.css(a), 10) + parseInt(this._$modalBody.css(a), 10)
}, {
key: "_updateTitleAndFooter",
value: function() {
var a = this._$"title") || "",
b = this._$"footer") || "";
return this._titleIsShown = !1, a || this._config.alwaysShowClose ? (this._titleIsShown = !0, this._$modalHeader.css("display", "").find(".modal-title").html(a || "&nbsp;")) : this._$modalHeader.css("display", "none"), this._footerIsShown = !1, b ? (this._footerIsShown = !0, this._$modalFooter.css("display", "").html(b)) : this._$modalFooter.css("display", "none"), this
}, {
key: "_showYoutubeVideo",
value: function(a, b) {
var c = this._getYoutubeId(a),
d = a.indexOf("&") > 0 ? a.substr(a.indexOf("&")) : "",
e = this._$"width") || 560,
f = this._$"height") || e / (560 / 315);
return this._showVideoIframe("//" + c + "?badge=0&autoplay=1&html5=1" + d, e, f, b)
}, {
key: "_showVimeoVideo",
value: function(a, b) {
var c = this._$"width") || 500,
d = this._$"height") || c / (560 / 315);
return this._showVideoIframe(a + "?autoplay=1", c, d, b)
}, {
key: "_showInstagramVideo",
value: function(a, b) {
var c = this._$"width") || 612,
d = c + 80;
return a = "/" !== a.substr(-1) ? a + "/" : a, b.html('<iframe width="' + c + '" height="' + d + '" src="' + a + 'embed/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'), this._resize(c, d),, this._$modalArrows && this._$modalArrows.css("display", "none"), this._toggleLoading(!1), this
}, {
key: "_showVideoIframe",
value: function(a, b, c, d) {
return c = c || b, d.html('<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><iframe width="' + b + '" height="' + c + '" src="' + a + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen class="embed-responsive-item"></iframe></div>'), this._resize(b, c),, this._$modalArrows && this._$modalArrows.css("display", "none"), this._toggleLoading(!1), this
}, {
key: "_showHtml5Video",
value: function(a, b) {
var c = this._$"width") || 560,
d = this._$"height") || c / (560 / 315);
return b.html('<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><video width="' + c + '" height="' + d + '" src="' + a + '" preload="auto" autoplay controls class="embed-responsive-item"></video></div>'), this._resize(c, d),, this._$modalArrows && this._$modalArrows.css("display", "none"), this._toggleLoading(!1), this
}, {
key: "_loadRemoteContent",
value: function(b, c) {
var d = this,
e = this._$"width") || 560,
f = this._$"height") || 560,
g = this._$"disableExternalCheck") || !1;
return this._toggleLoading(!1), g || this._isExternal(b) ? (c.html('<iframe src="' + b + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'), : c.load(b, a.proxy(function() {
return d._$element.trigger("")
})), this._$modalArrows && this._$modalArrows.css("display", "none"), this._resize(e, f), this
}, {
key: "_isExternal",
value: function(a) {
var b = a.match(/^([^:\/?#]+:)?(?:\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]+)?(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/);
return "string" == typeof b[1] && b[1].length > 0 && b[1].toLowerCase() !== location.protocol || "string" == typeof b[2] && b[2].length > 0 && b[2].replace(new RegExp(":(" + {
"http:": 80,
"https:": 443
}[location.protocol] + ")?$"), "") !==
}, {
key: "_error",
value: function(a) {
return console.error(a), this._containerToUse().html(a), this._resize(300, 300), this
}, {
key: "_preloadImageByIndex",
value: function(b, c) {
if (this._$galleryItems) {
var d = a(this._$galleryItems.get(b), !1);
if ("undefined" != typeof d) {
var e = d.attr("data-remote") || d.attr("href");
return ("image" === d.attr("data-type") || this._isImage(e)) && this._preloadImage(e, !1), c > 0 ? this._preloadImageByIndex(b + 1, c - 1) : void 0
}, {
key: "_preloadImage",
value: function(b, c) {
var d = this;
c = c || !1;
var e = new Image;
return c && ! function() {
var f = setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
e.onload = function() {
f && clearTimeout(f), f = null;
var b = a("<img />");
return b.attr("src", e.src), b.addClass("img-fluid"), b.css("width", "100%"), c.html(b), d._$modalArrows && d._$modalArrows.css("display", ""), d._resize(e.width, e.height), d._toggleLoading(!1),
}, e.onerror = function() {
return d._toggleLoading(!1), d._error( + (" " + b))
}(), e.src = b, e
}, {
key: "_swipeGesure",
value: function() {
return this._touchendX < this._touchstartX ? this.navigateRight() : this._touchendX > this._touchstartX ? this.navigateLeft() : void 0
}, {
key: "_resize",
value: function(b, c) {
c = c || b, this._wantedWidth = b, this._wantedHeight = c;
var d = b / c,
e = this._padding.left + this._padding.right + this._border.left + this._border.right,
f = this._config.doc.body.clientWidth > 575 ? 20 : 0,
g = this._config.doc.body.clientWidth > 575 ? 0 : 20,
h = Math.min(b + e, this._config.doc.body.clientWidth - f, this._config.maxWidth);
b + e > h ? (c = (h - e - g) / d, b = h) : b += e;
var i = 0,
j = 0;
this._footerIsShown && (j = this._$modalFooter.outerHeight(!0) || 55), this._titleIsShown && (i = this._$modalHeader.outerHeight(!0) || 67);
var k = + this._padding.bottom + this._border.bottom +,
l = parseFloat(this._$modalDialog.css("margin-top")) + parseFloat(this._$modalDialog.css("margin-bottom")),
m = Math.min(c, a(window).height() - k - l - i - j, this._config.maxHeight - k - i - j);
c > m && (b = Math.ceil(m * d) + e), this._$lightboxContainer.css("height", m), this._$modalDialog.css("flex", 1).css("maxWidth", b);
var n = this._$"bs.modal");
if (n) try {
} catch (o) {
return this
}], [{
key: "_jQueryInterface",
value: function(b) {
var c = this;
return b = b || {}, this.each(function() {
var e = a(c),
f = a.extend({}, d.Default,, "object" == typeof b && b);
new d(c, f)
}]), d
return a.fn[d] = g._jQueryInterface, a.fn[d].Constructor = g, a.fn[d].noConflict = function() {
return a.fn[d] = e, g._jQueryInterface
}, g
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