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Created April 30, 2018 13:09
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Swap the display of the ability score and the ability modifier for MPMB's Character Record Sheet (Printer Friendly)
>>> WHAT DOES IT DO? <<<
This script offers a way to swap the displayed numbers in the ability score and ability modifier fields for MPMB's Character Record Sheet (Printer Friendly).
>>> HOW DO YOU USE IT? <<<
1) Open the JavaScript console (a.k.a. JavaScript debugger). This can be done from any of the 'Import' dialogs in the sheet.
2) Copy the code below to the console.
3) Select all the code. Make sure that all what you just copied is highlighted.
4) While the code is highlighted, press Ctrl+ENTER (Command+ENTER on Mac) to run all the code.
5) See that where you enter the ability scores did not change, but that it did change what number is displayed where.
Note that you will only need to run it once, and the PDF will be forever changed.
var aScores = ["Str", "Dex", "Con", "Int", "Wis", "Cha", "HoS"];
var AScompA = What("Template.extras.AScomp").split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < aScores.length; i++) {
if (!typePF) continue;
tDoc.getField(aScores[i]).setAction("Format", "event.value = What('"+aScores[i]+" Mod') > 0 ? '+'+What('"+aScores[i]+" Mod') : What('"+aScores[i]+" Mod');");
tDoc.getField(aScores[i]+" Mod").setAction("Format", "event.value = What('"+aScores[i]+"');");
if (aScores[i] == "HoS") continue;
for (tA = 0; tA < AScompA.length; tA++) {
var compSc = AScompA[tA] + "Comp.Use.Ability." + aScores[i];
var compForm = "event.value = What('"+compSc+".Mod') > 0 ? '+'+What('"+compSc+".Mod') : What('"+compSc+".Mod');";
tDoc.getField(compSc + ".Score").setAction("Format", compForm);
tDoc.getField(compSc + ".Mod").setAction("Format", "event.value = What('"+compSc+".Score');");
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