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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save morewry/9478469 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compass sprites with placeholder (use compass icon sprites with placeholders) instead of class selectors (except the generated sprite map) and retina support
# Sprite (Theme)
// ---------------------------------------
// Config
$disable-magic-sprite-selectors: true;
$sprite-default-margin: 1px;
$sprite-debug: true;
// ---------------------------------------
// Names must be updated per folder
$icons-1x-sprite-base-class: ".icons-1x-sprite"; // name of sprite placeholder defining background-image (use class for retina)
$icons-1x-inline: false; // whether to inline sprite image as base64
$icons-1x-layout: vertical; // how to lay out icons on canvas (can't use smart with 2x support as can't force same wrap on both generated sprites)
$icons-1x-spacing: $sprite-default-margin; // amount of blank space between individual icons in sprite
// Map & Import
$icons-1x-map: sprite-map("icons-1x/*.png", $spacing: $icons-1x-spacing, $layout: $icons-1x-layout);
// @import "icons-1x/*.png";
// References
$icons-1x-names: sprite-names($icons-1x-map);
$icons-1x-path: sprite-path($icons-1x-map);
// Media Query: wrapping both sprite maps in a query ensures only one is downloaded
only screen and ( -webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1),
only screen and ( max__moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1),
only screen and ( -o-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1/1),
only screen and ( max-device-pixel-ratio: 1),
only screen and ( max-resolution: 96dpi),
only screen and ( max-resolution: 1.0dppx) {
// Create sprite class/placeholder defining background-image
#{$icons-1x-sprite-base-class} {
background-image: $icons-1x-map;
} // @media
// ---------------------------------------
// Names must be updated per folder
$icons-2x-sprite-base-class: $icons-1x-sprite-base-class; // name of sprite placeholder defining background-image (use same class as 1x for retina)
$icons-2x-inline: $icons-1x-inline; // whether to inline sprite image as base64
$icons-2x-layout: $icons-1x-layout; // how to lay out icons on canvas (can't use smart with 2x support as can't force same wrap on both generated sprites)
$icons-2x-spacing: $icons-1x-spacing * 2; // amount of blank space between individual icons in sprite (should be 2x the 1x sprite)
// Map & Import
$icons-2x-map: sprite-map("icons-2x/*.png", $spacing: $icons-2x-spacing, $layout: $icons-2x-layout);
// @import "icons-2x/*.png";
// References
$icons-2x-names: sprite-names($icons-2x-map);
$icons-2x-path: sprite-path($icons-2x-map);
// Media Query: wrapping both sprite maps in a query ensures only one is downloaded
only screen and ( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.1),
only screen and ( min__moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.1),
only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 11/10),
only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.1),
only screen and ( min-resolution: 97dpi),
only screen and ( min-resolution: 1.1dppx) {
// Create sprite class/placeholder defining a background-image
#{$icons-2x-sprite-base-class} {
background-image: $icons-2x-map;
// set 2x sprite's background-size to 1x sprite image dimensions, allows same position and width/height to be re-used
background-size: image-width($icons-1x-path) image-height($icons-1x-path);
} // @media
// ---------------------------------------
// Generate icon placeholders (instead of classes)
// Only need one set for 1x and 2x
@each $img in $icons-1x-names {
// .icon-#{$img}, // (uncomment to test)
%icon-#{$img} {
@extend #{$icons-1x-sprite-base-class};
@include sprite-dimensions($icons-1x-map, $img);
background-position: sprite-position($icons-1x-map, $img);
// Optional debugging
@if ( $sprite-debug == true ) {
@if ( index($icons-1x-names, $img) and index($icons-2x-names, $img) ) {
@if (image-width(sprite-file($icons-1x-map, $img)) * 2 != image-width(sprite-file($icons-2x-map, $img)) ) {
@warn "#{$img} 2x icon (#{image-width(sprite-file($icons-2x-map, $img))}) is not exactly twice the width of the 1x icon (#{image-width(sprite-file($icons-1x-map, $img))})";
} // width issue
@if (image-height(sprite-file($icons-1x-map, $img)) * 2 != image-height(sprite-file($icons-2x-map, $img)) ) {
@warn "#{$img} 2x icon (#{image-height(sprite-file($icons-2x-map, $img))}) is not exactly twice the height of the 1x icon (#{image-height(sprite-file($icons-1x-map, $img))})";
} // height issue
} // size issue
@else {
@warn "#{$img} 2x icon does not exist or its name does not match the name of the 1x icon";
} // file issue
} // if debug
} // %icon-#{$img}
} // @each
// ---------------------------------------
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