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Created April 20, 2022 16:32
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Presenter using callbacks instead of and event bus
fun ArticleScreen() {
val presenter: ArticlePresenter by inject() // koin compose ext
val model = presenter.present()
ArticleView(model, presenter)
fun ArticleView(uiModel: ArticleUiModel, uiActions: ArticleUiActions) {
when (uiModel) {
is ArticleUiModel.Loading -> Shimmer()
is ArticleUiModel.Data -> {
Row {
Button(onClick = { uiActions.onShareArticle() }) {
fun ContentView(uiModel: ContentUiModel) {
when (uiModel) {
is ContentUiModel.Error -> Unit // nothing to render
is ContentUiModel.Data -> Text(uiModel.content)
sealed interface ArticleUiModel : UiModel {
object Loading : ArticleUiModel
data class Data(val title: String, val content: ContentUiModel) : ArticleUiModel
class ArticlePresenter(
private val resourceFetcher: ResourceFetcher,
private val navigator: Navigator,
private val getLatestArticleUseCase: GetLatestArticleUseCase,
private val contentPresenter: ContentPresenter
) : ArticleUiActions, ResourceFetcher by resourceFetcher {
fun present(): ArticleUiModel {
val latestArticleResult by getLatestArticleUseCase.toFlow().collectAsState(initial = null)
val latestArticle = latestArticleResult?.getOrNull() ?: return ArticleUiModel.Loading
return ArticleUiModel.Data(
title = latestArticle.title,
content = contentPresenter.present(latestArticle.content)
override fun onShareArticle() {
val message = getString(R.string.share_article_message, latestArticle.title)
interface ArticleUiActions {
fun onShareArticle()
sealed interface ContentUiModel : UiModel {
object Error : ContentUiModel
data class Data(val content: String) : ContentUiModel
class ContentPresenter(
private val formatArticleContentUseCase: FormatArticleContentUseCase
) {
fun present(articleContent: String): ContentUiModel {
// cache result from SynchronousUseCase
val formattedContentResult = remember(articleContent) {
return formattedContentResult.getOrNull()?.let { formattedContent ->
} ?: ContentUiModel.Error
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