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Created September 18, 2021 00:51
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//Compiled on 9/17/2021 7:46:51 PM
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifndef JUNIPER_H
#define JUNIPER_H
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace juniper
template <typename contained>
class shared_ptr {
contained* ptr_;
int* ref_count_;
void inc_ref() {
if (ref_count_ != nullptr) {
void dec_ref() {
if (ref_count_ != nullptr) {
if (*ref_count_ <= 0)
if (ptr_ != nullptr)
delete ptr_;
delete ref_count_;
: ptr_(nullptr), ref_count_(new int(1))
shared_ptr(contained* p)
: ptr_(p), ref_count_(new int(1))
// Copy constructor
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr& rhs)
: ptr_(rhs.ptr_), ref_count_(rhs.ref_count_)
// Move constructor
shared_ptr(shared_ptr&& dyingObj)
: ptr_(dyingObj.ptr_), ref_count_(dyingObj.ref_count_) {
// Clean the dying object
dyingObj.ptr_ = nullptr;
dyingObj.ref_count_ = nullptr;
void set(contained* p) {
ptr_ = p;
contained* get() { return ptr_; }
const contained* get() const { return ptr_; }
// Copy assignment
shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr& rhs) {
this->ptr_ = rhs.ptr_;
this->ref_count_ = rhs.ref_count_;
if (rhs.ptr_ != nullptr)
return *this;
// Move assignment
shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr&& dyingObj) {
this->ptr_ = dyingObj.ptr;
this->ref_count_ = dyingObj.refCount;
// Clean the dying object
dyingObj.ptr_ = nullptr;
dyingObj.ref_count_ = nullptr;
return *this;
contained& operator*() {
return *ptr_;
contained* operator->() {
return ptr_;
bool operator==(shared_ptr& rhs) {
return ptr_ == rhs.ptr_;
bool operator!=(shared_ptr& rhs) {
return ptr_ != rhs.ptr_;
template <typename ClosureType, typename Result, typename ...Args>
class function;
template <typename Result, typename ...Args>
class function<void, Result(Args...)> {
function(Result(*f)(Args...)) : F(f) {}
Result operator()(Args... args) {
return F(args...);
template <typename ClosureType, typename Result, typename ...Args>
class function<ClosureType, Result(Args...)> {
ClosureType Closure;
Result(*F)(ClosureType&, Args...);
function(ClosureType closure, Result(*f)(ClosureType&, Args...)) : Closure(closure), F(f) {}
Result operator()(Args... args) {
return F(Closure, args...);
template<typename T, size_t N>
class array {
array<T, N>& fill(T fillWith) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
data[i] = fillWith;
return *this;
T& operator[](int i) {
return data[i];
bool operator==(array<T, N>& rhs) {
for (auto i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (data[i] != rhs[i]) {
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(array<T, N>& rhs) { return !(rhs == *this); }
T data[N];
struct unit {
bool operator==(unit rhs) {
return true;
bool operator!=(unit rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
class rawpointer_container {
void* data;
function<void, unit(void*)> destructorCallback;
rawpointer_container(void* initData, function<void, unit(void*)> callback)
: data(initData), destructorCallback(callback) {}
~rawpointer_container() {
void *get() { return data; }
using smartpointer = shared_ptr<rawpointer_container>;
smartpointer make_smartpointer(void *initData, function<void, unit(void*)> callback) {
return smartpointer(new rawpointer_container(initData, callback));
template<typename T>
T quit() {
// Equivalent to std::aligned_storage
template<unsigned int Len, unsigned int Align>
struct aligned_storage {
struct type {
alignas(Align) unsigned char data[Len];
template <unsigned int arg1, unsigned int ... others>
struct static_max;
template <unsigned int arg>
struct static_max<arg>
static const unsigned int value = arg;
template <unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int ... others>
struct static_max<arg1, arg2, others...>
static const unsigned int value = arg1 >= arg2 ? static_max<arg1, others...>::value :
static_max<arg2, others...>::value;
template<class T> struct remove_reference { typedef T type; };
template<class T> struct remove_reference<T&> { typedef T type; };
template<class T> struct remove_reference<T&&> { typedef T type; };
template<unsigned char n, typename... Ts>
struct variant_helper_rec;
template<unsigned char n, typename F, typename... Ts>
struct variant_helper_rec<n, F, Ts...> {
inline static void destroy(unsigned char id, void* data)
if (n == id) {
} else {
variant_helper_rec<n + 1, Ts...>::destroy(id, data);
inline static void move(unsigned char id, void* from, void* to)
if (n == id) {
// This static_cast and use of remove_reference is equivalent to the use of std::move
new (to) F(static_cast<typename remove_reference<F>::type&&>(*reinterpret_cast<F*>(from)));
} else {
variant_helper_rec<n + 1, Ts...>::move(id, from, to);
inline static void copy(unsigned char id, const void* from, void* to)
if (n == id) {
new (to) F(*reinterpret_cast<const F*>(from));
} else {
variant_helper_rec<n + 1, Ts...>::copy(id, from, to);
inline static bool equal(unsigned char id, void* lhs, void* rhs)
if (n == id) {
return (*reinterpret_cast<F*>(lhs)) == (*reinterpret_cast<F*>(rhs));
} else {
return variant_helper_rec<n + 1, Ts...>::equal(id, lhs, rhs);
template<unsigned char n> struct variant_helper_rec<n> {
inline static void destroy(unsigned char id, void* data) { }
inline static void move(unsigned char old_t, void* from, void* to) { }
inline static void copy(unsigned char old_t, const void* from, void* to) { }
inline static bool equal(unsigned char id, void* lhs, void* rhs) { return false; }
template<typename... Ts>
struct variant_helper {
inline static void destroy(unsigned char id, void* data) {
variant_helper_rec<0, Ts...>::destroy(id, data);
inline static void move(unsigned char id, void* from, void* to) {
variant_helper_rec<0, Ts...>::move(id, from, to);
inline static void copy(unsigned char id, const void* old_v, void* new_v) {
variant_helper_rec<0, Ts...>::copy(id, old_v, new_v);
inline static bool equal(unsigned char id, void* lhs, void* rhs) {
return variant_helper_rec<0, Ts...>::equal(id, lhs, rhs);
template<> struct variant_helper<> {
inline static void destroy(unsigned char id, void* data) { }
inline static void move(unsigned char old_t, void* old_v, void* new_v) { }
inline static void copy(unsigned char old_t, const void* old_v, void* new_v) { }
template<typename F>
struct variant_helper_static;
template<typename F>
struct variant_helper_static {
inline static void move(void* from, void* to) {
new (to) F(static_cast<typename remove_reference<F>::type&&>(*reinterpret_cast<F*>(from)));
inline static void copy(const void* from, void* to) {
new (to) F(*reinterpret_cast<const F*>(from));
// Given a unsigned char i, selects the ith type from the list of item types
template<unsigned char i, typename... Items>
struct variant_alternative;
template<typename HeadItem, typename... TailItems>
struct variant_alternative<0, HeadItem, TailItems...>
using type = HeadItem;
template<unsigned char i, typename HeadItem, typename... TailItems>
struct variant_alternative<i, HeadItem, TailItems...>
using type = typename variant_alternative<i - 1, TailItems...>::type;
template<typename... Ts>
struct variant {
static const unsigned int data_size = static_max<sizeof(Ts)...>::value;
static const unsigned int data_align = static_max<alignof(Ts)...>::value;
using data_t = typename aligned_storage<data_size, data_align>::type;
using helper_t = variant_helper<Ts...>;
template<unsigned char i>
using alternative = typename variant_alternative<i, Ts...>::type;
unsigned char variant_id;
data_t data;
variant(unsigned char id) : variant_id(id) {}
template<unsigned char i>
static variant create(alternative<i>& value)
variant ret(i);
variant_helper_static<alternative<i>>::copy(&value, &;
return ret;
template<unsigned char i>
static variant create(alternative<i>&& value) {
variant ret(i);
variant_helper_static<alternative<i>>::move(&value, &;
return ret;
variant() {}
variant(const variant<Ts...>& from) : variant_id(from.variant_id)
helper_t::copy(from.variant_id, &, &data);
variant(variant<Ts...>&& from) : variant_id(from.variant_id)
helper_t::move(from.variant_id, &, &data);
variant<Ts...>& operator= (variant<Ts...>& rhs)
helper_t::destroy(variant_id, &data);
variant_id = rhs.variant_id;
helper_t::copy(rhs.variant_id, &, &data);
return *this;
variant<Ts...>& operator= (variant<Ts...>&& rhs)
helper_t::destroy(variant_id, &data);
variant_id = rhs.variant_id;
helper_t::move(rhs.variant_id, &, &data);
return *this;
unsigned char id() {
return variant_id;
template<unsigned char i>
void set(alternative<i>& value)
helper_t::destroy(variant_id, &data);
variant_id = i;
variant_helper_static<alternative<i>>::copy(&value, &data);
template<unsigned char i>
void set(alternative<i>&& value)
helper_t::destroy(variant_id, &data);
variant_id = i;
variant_helper_static<alternative<i>>::move(&value, &data);
template<unsigned char i>
alternative<i>& get()
if (variant_id == i) {
return *reinterpret_cast<alternative<i>*>(&data);
} else {
return quit<alternative<i>&>();
~variant() {
helper_t::destroy(variant_id, &data);
bool operator==(variant& rhs) {
if (variant_id == rhs.variant_id) {
return helper_t::equal(variant_id, &data, &;
} else {
return false;
bool operator==(variant&& rhs) {
if (variant_id == rhs.variant_id) {
return helper_t::equal(variant_id, &data, &;
} else {
return false;
bool operator!=(variant& rhs) {
return !(this->operator==(rhs));
bool operator!=(variant&& rhs) {
return !(this->operator==(rhs));
template<typename a, typename b>
struct tuple2 {
a e1;
b e2;
tuple2(a initE1, b initE2) : e1(initE1), e2(initE2) {}
bool operator==(tuple2<a,b> rhs) {
return e1 == rhs.e1 && e2 == rhs.e2;
bool operator!=(tuple2<a,b> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename a, typename b, typename c>
struct tuple3 {
a e1;
b e2;
c e3;
tuple3(a initE1, b initE2, c initE3) : e1(initE1), e2(initE2), e3(initE3) {}
bool operator==(tuple3<a,b,c> rhs) {
return e1 == rhs.e1 && e2 == rhs.e2 && e3 == rhs.e3;
bool operator!=(tuple3<a,b,c> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename a, typename b, typename c, typename d>
struct tuple4 {
a e1;
b e2;
c e3;
d e4;
tuple4(a initE1, b initE2, c initE3, d initE4) : e1(initE1), e2(initE2), e3(initE3), e4(initE4) {}
bool operator==(tuple4<a,b,c,d> rhs) {
return e1 == rhs.e1 && e2 == rhs.e2 && e3 == rhs.e3 && e4 == rhs.e4;
bool operator!=(tuple4<a,b,c,d> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename a, typename b, typename c, typename d, typename e>
struct tuple5 {
a e1;
b e2;
c e3;
d e4;
e e5;
tuple5(a initE1, b initE2, c initE3, d initE4, e initE5) : e1(initE1), e2(initE2), e3(initE3), e4(initE4), e5(initE5) {}
bool operator==(tuple5<a,b,c,d,e> rhs) {
return e1 == rhs.e1 && e2 == rhs.e2 && e3 == rhs.e3 && e4 == rhs.e4 && e5 == rhs.e5;
bool operator!=(tuple5<a,b,c,d,e> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename a, typename b, typename c, typename d, typename e, typename f>
struct tuple6 {
a e1;
b e2;
c e3;
d e4;
e e5;
f e6;
tuple6(a initE1, b initE2, c initE3, d initE4, e initE5, f initE6) : e1(initE1), e2(initE2), e3(initE3), e4(initE4), e5(initE5), e6(initE6) {}
bool operator==(tuple6<a,b,c,d,e,f> rhs) {
return e1 == rhs.e1 && e2 == rhs.e2 && e3 == rhs.e3 && e4 == rhs.e4 && e5 == rhs.e5 && e6 == rhs.e6;
bool operator!=(tuple6<a,b,c,d,e,f> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename a, typename b, typename c, typename d, typename e, typename f, typename g>
struct tuple7 {
a e1;
b e2;
c e3;
d e4;
e e5;
f e6;
g e7;
tuple7(a initE1, b initE2, c initE3, d initE4, e initE5, f initE6, g initE7) : e1(initE1), e2(initE2), e3(initE3), e4(initE4), e5(initE5), e6(initE6), e7(initE7) {}
bool operator==(tuple7<a,b,c,d,e,f,g> rhs) {
return e1 == rhs.e1 && e2 == rhs.e2 && e3 == rhs.e3 && e4 == rhs.e4 && e5 == rhs.e5 && e6 == rhs.e6 && e7 == rhs.e7;
bool operator!=(tuple7<a,b,c,d,e,f,g> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename a, typename b, typename c, typename d, typename e, typename f, typename g, typename h>
struct tuple8 {
a e1;
b e2;
c e3;
d e4;
e e5;
f e6;
g e7;
h e8;
tuple8(a initE1, b initE2, c initE3, d initE4, e initE5, f initE6, g initE7, h initE8) : e1(initE1), e2(initE2), e3(initE3), e4(initE4), e5(initE5), e6(initE6), e7(initE7), e8(initE8) {}
bool operator==(tuple8<a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h> rhs) {
return e1 == rhs.e1 && e2 == rhs.e2 && e3 == rhs.e3 && e4 == rhs.e4 && e5 == rhs.e5 && e6 == rhs.e6 && e7 == rhs.e7 && e8 == rhs.e8;
bool operator!=(tuple8<a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename a, typename b, typename c, typename d, typename e, typename f, typename g, typename h, typename i>
struct tuple9 {
a e1;
b e2;
c e3;
d e4;
e e5;
f e6;
g e7;
h e8;
i e9;
tuple9(a initE1, b initE2, c initE3, d initE4, e initE5, f initE6, g initE7, h initE8, i initE9) : e1(initE1), e2(initE2), e3(initE3), e4(initE4), e5(initE5), e6(initE6), e7(initE7), e8(initE8), e9(initE9) {}
bool operator==(tuple9<a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i> rhs) {
return e1 == rhs.e1 && e2 == rhs.e2 && e3 == rhs.e3 && e4 == rhs.e4 && e5 == rhs.e5 && e6 == rhs.e6 && e7 == rhs.e7 && e8 == rhs.e8 && e9 == rhs.e9;
bool operator!=(tuple9<a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename a, typename b, typename c, typename d, typename e, typename f, typename g, typename h, typename i, typename j>
struct tuple10 {
a e1;
b e2;
c e3;
d e4;
e e5;
f e6;
g e7;
h e8;
i e9;
j e10;
tuple10(a initE1, b initE2, c initE3, d initE4, e initE5, f initE6, g initE7, h initE8, i initE9, j initE10) : e1(initE1), e2(initE2), e3(initE3), e4(initE4), e5(initE5), e6(initE6), e7(initE7), e8(initE8), e9(initE9), e10(initE10) {}
bool operator==(tuple10<a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j> rhs) {
return e1 == rhs.e1 && e2 == rhs.e2 && e3 == rhs.e3 && e4 == rhs.e4 && e5 == rhs.e5 && e6 == rhs.e6 && e7 == rhs.e7 && e8 == rhs.e8 && e9 == rhs.e9 && e10 == rhs.e10;
bool operator!=(tuple10<a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
namespace Prelude {}
namespace List {}
namespace Signal {}
namespace Io {}
namespace Maybe {}
namespace Time {}
namespace Math {}
namespace Button {}
namespace Vector {}
namespace CharList {}
namespace StringM {}
namespace Random {}
namespace Color {}
namespace Blink {}
namespace List {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace Signal {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace Io {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace Maybe {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace Time {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace Math {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace Button {
using namespace Prelude;
using namespace Io;
namespace Vector {
using namespace Prelude;
using namespace List;
using namespace Math;
namespace CharList {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace StringM {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace Random {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace Color {
using namespace Prelude;
namespace Blink {
using namespace Prelude;
using namespace Io;
using namespace Time;
namespace juniper::records {
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4>
struct recordt_5 {
T1 a;
T2 b;
T3 g;
T4 r;
recordt_5() {}
recordt_5(T1 init_a, T2 init_b, T3 init_g, T4 init_r)
: a(init_a), b(init_b), g(init_g), r(init_r) {}
bool operator==(recordt_5<T1, T2, T3, T4> rhs) {
return true && a == rhs.a && b == rhs.b && g == rhs.g && r == rhs.r;
bool operator!=(recordt_5<T1, T2, T3, T4> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4>
struct recordt_7 {
T1 a;
T2 h;
T3 s;
T4 v;
recordt_7() {}
recordt_7(T1 init_a, T2 init_h, T3 init_s, T4 init_v)
: a(init_a), h(init_h), s(init_s), v(init_v) {}
bool operator==(recordt_7<T1, T2, T3, T4> rhs) {
return true && a == rhs.a && h == rhs.h && s == rhs.s && v == rhs.v;
bool operator!=(recordt_7<T1, T2, T3, T4> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3>
struct recordt_2 {
T1 actualState;
T2 lastDebounceTime;
T3 lastState;
recordt_2() {}
recordt_2(T1 init_actualState, T2 init_lastDebounceTime, T3 init_lastState)
: actualState(init_actualState), lastDebounceTime(init_lastDebounceTime), lastState(init_lastState) {}
bool operator==(recordt_2<T1, T2, T3> rhs) {
return true && actualState == rhs.actualState && lastDebounceTime == rhs.lastDebounceTime && lastState == rhs.lastState;
bool operator!=(recordt_2<T1, T2, T3> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3>
struct recordt_4 {
T1 b;
T2 g;
T3 r;
recordt_4() {}
recordt_4(T1 init_b, T2 init_g, T3 init_r)
: b(init_b), g(init_g), r(init_r) {}
bool operator==(recordt_4<T1, T2, T3> rhs) {
return true && b == rhs.b && g == rhs.g && r == rhs.r;
bool operator!=(recordt_4<T1, T2, T3> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename T1>
struct recordt_3 {
T1 data;
recordt_3() {}
recordt_3(T1 init_data)
: data(init_data) {}
bool operator==(recordt_3<T1> rhs) {
return true && data ==;
bool operator!=(recordt_3<T1> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename T1,typename T2>
struct recordt_0 {
T1 data;
T2 length;
recordt_0() {}
recordt_0(T1 init_data, T2 init_length)
: data(init_data), length(init_length) {}
bool operator==(recordt_0<T1, T2> rhs) {
return true && data == && length == rhs.length;
bool operator!=(recordt_0<T1, T2> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3>
struct recordt_6 {
T1 h;
T2 s;
T3 v;
recordt_6() {}
recordt_6(T1 init_h, T2 init_s, T3 init_v)
: h(init_h), s(init_s), v(init_v) {}
bool operator==(recordt_6<T1, T2, T3> rhs) {
return true && h == rhs.h && s == rhs.s && v == rhs.v;
bool operator!=(recordt_6<T1, T2, T3> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
template<typename T1>
struct recordt_1 {
T1 lastPulse;
recordt_1() {}
recordt_1(T1 init_lastPulse)
: lastPulse(init_lastPulse) {}
bool operator==(recordt_1<T1> rhs) {
return true && lastPulse == rhs.lastPulse;
bool operator!=(recordt_1<T1> rhs) {
return !(rhs == *this);
namespace juniper::closures {
template<typename T1,typename T2>
struct closuret_8 {
T1 buttonState;
T2 delay;
closuret_8(T1 init_buttonState, T2 init_delay) :
buttonState(init_buttonState), delay(init_delay) {}
template<typename T1>
struct closuret_1 {
T1 f;
closuret_1(T1 init_f) :
f(init_f) {}
template<typename T1,typename T2>
struct closuret_0 {
T1 f;
T2 g;
closuret_0(T1 init_f, T2 init_g) :
f(init_f), g(init_g) {}
template<typename T1,typename T2>
struct closuret_2 {
T1 f;
T2 valueA;
closuret_2(T1 init_f, T2 init_valueA) :
f(init_f), valueA(init_valueA) {}
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3>
struct closuret_3 {
T1 f;
T2 valueA;
T3 valueB;
closuret_3(T1 init_f, T2 init_valueA, T3 init_valueB) :
f(init_f), valueA(init_valueA), valueB(init_valueB) {}
template<typename T1>
struct closuret_4 {
T1 maybePrevValue;
closuret_4(T1 init_maybePrevValue) :
maybePrevValue(init_maybePrevValue) {}
template<typename T1>
struct closuret_6 {
T1 pin;
closuret_6(T1 init_pin) :
pin(init_pin) {}
template<typename T1>
struct closuret_7 {
T1 prevState;
closuret_7(T1 init_prevState) :
prevState(init_prevState) {}
template<typename T1,typename T2>
struct closuret_5 {
T1 val1;
T2 val2;
closuret_5(T1 init_val1, T2 init_val2) :
val1(init_val1), val2(init_val2) {}
namespace Prelude {
template<typename a>
struct maybe {
juniper::variant<a, uint8_t> data;
maybe() {}
maybe(juniper::variant<a, uint8_t> initData) : data(initData) {}
a just() {
return data.template get<0>();
uint8_t nothing() {
return data.template get<1>();
uint8_t id() {
bool operator==(maybe rhs) {
return data ==;
bool operator!=(maybe rhs) {
return !(this->operator==(rhs));
template<typename a>
Prelude::maybe<a> just(a data0) {
return Prelude::maybe<a>(juniper::variant<a, uint8_t>::template create<0>(data0));
template<typename a>
Prelude::maybe<a> nothing() {
return Prelude::maybe<a>(juniper::variant<a, uint8_t>::template create<1>(0));
namespace Prelude {
template<typename a, typename b>
struct either {
juniper::variant<a, b> data;
either() {}
either(juniper::variant<a, b> initData) : data(initData) {}
a left() {
return data.template get<0>();
b right() {
return data.template get<1>();
uint8_t id() {
bool operator==(either rhs) {
return data ==;
bool operator!=(either rhs) {
return !(this->operator==(rhs));
template<typename a, typename b>
Prelude::either<a, b> left(a data0) {
return Prelude::either<a, b>(juniper::variant<a, b>::template create<0>(data0));
template<typename a, typename b>
Prelude::either<a, b> right(b data0) {
return Prelude::either<a, b>(juniper::variant<a, b>::template create<1>(data0));
namespace Prelude {
template<typename a, int n>
using list = juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<a, n>, uint32_t>;
namespace Prelude {
template<int n>
using charlist = juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(n)>, uint32_t>;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename a>
struct sig {
juniper::variant<Prelude::maybe<a>> data;
sig() {}
sig(juniper::variant<Prelude::maybe<a>> initData) : data(initData) {}
Prelude::maybe<a> signal() {
return data.template get<0>();
uint8_t id() {
bool operator==(sig rhs) {
return data ==;
bool operator!=(sig rhs) {
return !(this->operator==(rhs));
template<typename a>
Prelude::sig<a> signal(Prelude::maybe<a> data0) {
return Prelude::sig<a>(juniper::variant<Prelude::maybe<a>>::template create<0>(data0));
namespace Io {
struct pinState {
juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t> data;
pinState() {}
pinState(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t> initData) : data(initData) {}
uint8_t high() {
return data.template get<0>();
uint8_t low() {
return data.template get<1>();
uint8_t id() {
bool operator==(pinState rhs) {
return data ==;
bool operator!=(pinState rhs) {
return !(this->operator==(rhs));
Io::pinState high() {
return Io::pinState(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t>::template create<0>(0));
Io::pinState low() {
return Io::pinState(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t>::template create<1>(0));
namespace Io {
struct mode {
juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> data;
mode() {}
mode(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> initData) : data(initData) {}
uint8_t input() {
return data.template get<0>();
uint8_t output() {
return data.template get<1>();
uint8_t inputPullup() {
return data.template get<2>();
uint8_t id() {
bool operator==(mode rhs) {
return data ==;
bool operator!=(mode rhs) {
return !(this->operator==(rhs));
Io::mode input() {
return Io::mode(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>::template create<0>(0));
Io::mode output() {
return Io::mode(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>::template create<1>(0));
Io::mode inputPullup() {
return Io::mode(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>::template create<2>(0));
namespace Io {
struct base {
juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> data;
base() {}
base(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> initData) : data(initData) {}
uint8_t binary() {
return data.template get<0>();
uint8_t octal() {
return data.template get<1>();
uint8_t decimal() {
return data.template get<2>();
uint8_t hexadecimal() {
return data.template get<3>();
uint8_t id() {
bool operator==(base rhs) {
return data ==;
bool operator!=(base rhs) {
return !(this->operator==(rhs));
Io::base binary() {
return Io::base(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>::template create<0>(0));
Io::base octal() {
return Io::base(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>::template create<1>(0));
Io::base decimal() {
return Io::base(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>::template create<2>(0));
Io::base hexadecimal() {
return Io::base(juniper::variant<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>::template create<3>(0));
namespace Time {
using timerState = juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>;
namespace Button {
using buttonState = juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>;
namespace Vector {
template<typename a, int n>
using vector = juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<a, n>>;
namespace Color {
using rgb = juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>;
namespace Color {
using rgba = juniper::records::recordt_5<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>;
namespace Color {
using hsv = juniper::records::recordt_6<float, float, float>;
namespace Color {
using hsva = juniper::records::recordt_7<float, float, float, float>;
namespace Prelude {
void * extractptr(juniper::smartpointer p);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t10, typename t6, typename t7, typename t8, typename t9>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_0<juniper::function<t8, t7(t6)>, juniper::function<t9, t6(t10)>>, t7(t10)> compose(juniper::function<t8, t7(t6)> f, juniper::function<t9, t6(t10)> g);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t22, typename t23, typename t20, typename t21>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>, t22>, t20(t23)>(t22)> curry(juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)> f);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t34, typename t35, typename t31, typename t32, typename t33>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t32, juniper::function<t33, t31(t35)>(t34)>>, t31(t34, t35)> uncurry(juniper::function<t32, juniper::function<t33, t31(t35)>(t34)> f);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t48, typename t49, typename t50, typename t46, typename t47>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>, t46(t50)>(t49)>(t48)> curry3(juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)> f);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t64, typename t65, typename t66, typename t60, typename t61, typename t62, typename t63>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t61, juniper::function<t62, juniper::function<t63, t60(t66)>(t65)>(t64)>>, t60(t64, t65, t66)> uncurry3(juniper::function<t61, juniper::function<t62, juniper::function<t63, t60(t66)>(t65)>(t64)> f);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t77>
bool eq(t77 x, t77 y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t80>
bool neq(t80 x, t80 y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t82, typename t83>
bool gt(t82 x, t83 y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t85, typename t86>
bool geq(t85 x, t86 y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t88, typename t89>
bool lt(t88 x, t89 y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t91, typename t92>
bool leq(t91 x, t92 y);
namespace Prelude {
bool notf(bool x);
namespace Prelude {
bool andf(bool x, bool y);
namespace Prelude {
bool orf(bool x, bool y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t102, typename t103, typename t104>
t103 apply(juniper::function<t104, t103(t102)> f, t102 x);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t109, typename t110, typename t111, typename t112>
t111 apply2(juniper::function<t112, t111(t109, t110)> f, juniper::tuple2<t109,t110> tup);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t122, typename t123, typename t124, typename t125, typename t126>
t125 apply3(juniper::function<t126, t125(t122, t123, t124)> f, juniper::tuple3<t122,t123,t124> tup);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t139, typename t140, typename t141, typename t142, typename t143, typename t144>
t143 apply4(juniper::function<t144, t143(t139, t140, t141, t142)> f, juniper::tuple4<t139,t140,t141,t142> tup);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t160, typename t161>
t160 fst(juniper::tuple2<t160,t161> tup);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t165, typename t166>
t166 snd(juniper::tuple2<t165,t166> tup);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t170>
t170 add(t170 numA, t170 numB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t172>
t172 sub(t172 numA, t172 numB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t174>
t174 mul(t174 numA, t174 numB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t176>
t176 div(t176 numA, t176 numB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t179, typename t180>
juniper::tuple2<t180,t179> swap(juniper::tuple2<t179,t180> tup);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t184, typename t185, typename t186>
t184 until(juniper::function<t185, bool(t184)> p, juniper::function<t186, t184(t184)> f, t184 a0);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t194>
juniper::unit ignore(t194 val);
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t u8ToU16(uint8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t u8ToU32(uint8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int8_t u8ToI8(uint8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int16_t u8ToI16(uint8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int32_t u8ToI32(uint8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
float u8ToFloat(uint8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
double u8ToDouble(uint8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t u16ToU8(uint16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t u16ToU32(uint16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int8_t u16ToI8(uint16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int16_t u16ToI16(uint16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int32_t u16ToI32(uint16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
float u16ToFloat(uint16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
double u16ToDouble(uint16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t u32ToU8(uint32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t u32ToU16(uint32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int8_t u32ToI8(uint32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int16_t u32ToI16(uint32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int32_t u32ToI32(uint32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
float u32ToFloat(uint32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
double u32ToDouble(uint32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t i8ToU8(int8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t i8ToU16(int8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t i8ToU32(int8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int16_t i8ToI16(int8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int32_t i8ToI32(int8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
float i8ToFloat(int8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
double i8ToDouble(int8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t i16ToU8(int16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t i16ToU16(int16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t i16ToU32(int16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int8_t i16ToI8(int16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int32_t i16ToI32(int16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
float i16ToFloat(int16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
double i16ToDouble(int16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t i32ToU8(int32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t i32ToU16(int32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t i32ToU32(int32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int8_t i32ToI8(int32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
int16_t i32ToI16(int32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
float i32ToFloat(int32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
double i32ToDouble(int32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t floatToU8(float n);
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t floatToU16(float n);
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t floatToU32(float n);
namespace Prelude {
int8_t floatToI8(float n);
namespace Prelude {
int16_t floatToI16(float n);
namespace Prelude {
int32_t floatToI32(float n);
namespace Prelude {
double floatToDouble(float n);
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t doubleToU8(double n);
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t doubleToU16(double n);
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t doubleToU32(double n);
namespace Prelude {
int8_t doubleToI8(double n);
namespace Prelude {
int16_t doubleToI16(double n);
namespace Prelude {
int32_t doubleToI32(double n);
namespace Prelude {
float doubleToFloat(double n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t252>
uint8_t toUInt8(t252 n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t254>
int8_t toInt8(t254 n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t256>
uint16_t toUInt16(t256 n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t258>
int16_t toInt16(t258 n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t260>
uint32_t toUInt32(t260 n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t262>
int32_t toInt32(t262 n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t264>
float toFloat(t264 n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t266>
double toDouble(t266 n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t268>
t268 fromUInt8(uint8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t270>
t270 fromInt8(int8_t n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t272>
t272 fromUInt16(uint16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t274>
t274 fromInt16(int16_t n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t276>
t276 fromUInt32(uint32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t278>
t278 fromInt32(int32_t n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t280>
t280 fromFloat(float n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t282>
t282 fromDouble(double n);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t284, typename t285>
t285 cast(t284 x);
namespace List {
template<typename t292, typename t296, typename t289, int c4>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t296, c4>, uint32_t> map(juniper::function<t289, t296(t292)> f, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t292, c4>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t304, typename t300, typename t301, int c7>
t300 foldl(juniper::function<t301, t300(t304, t300)> f, t300 initState, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t304, c7>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t315, typename t311, typename t312, int c9>
t311 foldr(juniper::function<t312, t311(t315, t311)> f, t311 initState, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t315, c9>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t331, int c11, int c12, int c13>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c13>, uint32_t> append(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c11>, uint32_t> lstA, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c12>, uint32_t> lstB);
namespace List {
template<typename t335, int c18>
t335 nth(uint32_t i, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t335, c18>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t348, int c20, int c21>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t348, (c21)*(c20)>, uint32_t> flattenSafe(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t348, c20>, uint32_t>, c21>, uint32_t> listOfLists);
namespace List {
template<typename t354, int c26, int c27>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t354, c27>, uint32_t> resize(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t354, c26>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t362, typename t359, int c30>
bool all(juniper::function<t359, bool(t362)> pred, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t362, c30>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t371, typename t368, int c32>
bool any(juniper::function<t368, bool(t371)> pred, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t371, c32>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t376, int c34>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t376, c34>, uint32_t> pushBack(t376 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t376, c34>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t386, int c36>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t386, c36>, uint32_t> pushOffFront(t386 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t386, c36>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t398, int c40>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t398, c40>, uint32_t> setNth(uint32_t index, t398 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t398, c40>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t403, int c42>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t403, c42>, uint32_t> replicate(uint32_t numOfElements, t403 elem);
namespace List {
template<typename t413, int c43>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t413, c43>, uint32_t> remove(t413 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t413, c43>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t417, int c47>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t417, c47>, uint32_t> dropLast(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t417, c47>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t426, typename t423, int c48>
juniper::unit foreach(juniper::function<t423, juniper::unit(t426)> f, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t426, c48>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t436, int c50>
t436 last(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t436, c50>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t446, int c52>
t446 max_(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t446, c52>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t456, int c56>
t456 min_(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t456, c56>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t458, int c60>
bool member(t458 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t458, c60>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t470, typename t472, int c62>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>, uint32_t> zip(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t470, c62>, uint32_t> lstA, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t472, c62>, uint32_t> lstB);
namespace List {
template<typename t483, typename t484, int c66>
juniper::tuple2<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t483, c66>, uint32_t>,juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t484, c66>, uint32_t>> unzip(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t483,t484>, c66>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t493, int c70>
t493 sum(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t493, c70>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t505, int c71>
t505 average(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t505, c71>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t511, typename t512, typename t513>
Prelude::sig<t512> map(juniper::function<t513, t512(t511)> f, Prelude::sig<t511> s);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t529, typename t530>
juniper::unit sink(juniper::function<t530, juniper::unit(t529)> f, Prelude::sig<t529> s);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t535, typename t536>
Prelude::sig<t535> filter(juniper::function<t536, bool(t535)> f, Prelude::sig<t535> s);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t551>
Prelude::sig<t551> merge(Prelude::sig<t551> sigA, Prelude::sig<t551> sigB);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t553, int c72>
Prelude::sig<t553> mergeMany(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<Prelude::sig<t553>, c72>, uint32_t> sigs);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t570, typename t571>
Prelude::sig<Prelude::either<t570, t571>> join(Prelude::sig<t570> sigA, Prelude::sig<t571> sigB);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t601>
Prelude::sig<juniper::unit> toUnit(Prelude::sig<t601> s);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t607, typename t615, typename t609>
Prelude::sig<t615> foldP(juniper::function<t609, t615(t607, t615)> f, juniper::shared_ptr<t615> state0, Prelude::sig<t607> incoming);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t631>
Prelude::sig<t631> dropRepeats(juniper::shared_ptr<Prelude::maybe<t631>> maybePrevValue, Prelude::sig<t631> incoming);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t643>
Prelude::sig<t643> latch(juniper::shared_ptr<t643> prevValue, Prelude::sig<t643> incoming);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t658, typename t662, typename t654, typename t655>
Prelude::sig<t654> map2(juniper::function<t655, t654(t658, t662)> f, juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::tuple2<t658,t662>> state, Prelude::sig<t658> incomingA, Prelude::sig<t662> incomingB);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t683, int c74>
Prelude::sig<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t683, c74>, uint32_t>> record(juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t683, c74>, uint32_t>> pastValues, Prelude::sig<t683> incoming);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t693>
Prelude::sig<t693> constant(t693 val);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t701>
Prelude::sig<Prelude::maybe<t701>> meta(Prelude::sig<t701> sigA);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t706>
Prelude::sig<t706> unmeta(Prelude::sig<Prelude::maybe<t706>> sigA);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t718, typename t719>
Prelude::sig<juniper::tuple2<t718,t719>> zip(juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::tuple2<t718,t719>> state, Prelude::sig<t718> sigA, Prelude::sig<t719> sigB);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t750, typename t757>
juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t750>,Prelude::sig<t757>> unzip(Prelude::sig<juniper::tuple2<t750,t757>> incoming);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t764, typename t765>
Prelude::sig<t764> toggle(t764 val1, t764 val2, juniper::shared_ptr<t764> state, Prelude::sig<t765> incoming);
namespace Io {
Io::pinState toggle(Io::pinState p);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printStr(const char * str);
namespace Io {
template<int c75>
juniper::unit printCharList(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c75>, uint32_t> cl);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printFloat(float f);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printInt(int32_t n);
namespace Io {
template<typename t790>
t790 baseToInt(Io::base b);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printIntBase(int32_t n, Io::base b);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printFloatPlaces(float f, int32_t numPlaces);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit beginSerial(uint32_t speed);
namespace Io {
uint8_t pinStateToInt(Io::pinState value);
namespace Io {
Io::pinState intToPinState(uint8_t value);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit digWrite(uint16_t pin, Io::pinState value);
namespace Io {
Io::pinState digRead(uint16_t pin);
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> digIn(uint16_t pin);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit digOut(uint16_t pin, Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> sig);
namespace Io {
uint16_t anaRead(uint16_t pin);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit anaWrite(uint16_t pin, uint8_t value);
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<uint16_t> anaIn(uint16_t pin);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit anaOut(uint16_t pin, Prelude::sig<uint8_t> sig);
namespace Io {
uint8_t pinModeToInt(Io::mode m);
namespace Io {
Io::mode intToPinMode(uint8_t m);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit setPinMode(uint16_t pin, Io::mode m);
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<juniper::unit> risingEdge(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> sig, juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState> prevState);
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<juniper::unit> fallingEdge(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> sig, juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState> prevState);
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> edge(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> sig, juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState> prevState);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t905, typename t906, typename t907>
Prelude::maybe<t906> map(juniper::function<t907, t906(t905)> f, Prelude::maybe<t905> maybeVal);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t917>
t917 get(Prelude::maybe<t917> maybeVal);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t919>
bool isJust(Prelude::maybe<t919> maybeVal);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t921>
bool isNothing(Prelude::maybe<t921> maybeVal);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t926>
uint8_t count(Prelude::maybe<t926> maybeVal);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t930, typename t931, typename t932>
t931 foldl(juniper::function<t932, t931(t930, t931)> f, t931 initState, Prelude::maybe<t930> maybeVal);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t938, typename t939, typename t940>
t939 fodlr(juniper::function<t940, t939(t938, t939)> f, t939 initState, Prelude::maybe<t938> maybeVal);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t947, typename t948>
juniper::unit iter(juniper::function<t948, juniper::unit(t947)> f, Prelude::maybe<t947> maybeVal);
namespace Time {
juniper::unit wait(uint32_t time);
namespace Time {
uint32_t now();
namespace Time {
juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>> state();
namespace Time {
Prelude::sig<uint32_t> every(uint32_t interval, juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>> state);
namespace Math {
double degToRad(double degrees);
namespace Math {
double radToDeg(double radians);
namespace Math {
double acos_(double x);
namespace Math {
double asin_(double x);
namespace Math {
double atan_(double x);
namespace Math {
double atan2_(double y, double x);
namespace Math {
double cos_(double x);
namespace Math {
double cosh_(double x);
namespace Math {
double sin_(double x);
namespace Math {
double sinh_(double x);
namespace Math {
double tan_(double x);
namespace Math {
double tanh_(double x);
namespace Math {
double exp_(double x);
namespace Math {
juniper::tuple2<double,int16_t> frexp_(double x);
namespace Math {
double ldexp_(double x, int16_t exponent);
namespace Math {
double log_(double x);
namespace Math {
double log10_(double x);
namespace Math {
juniper::tuple2<double,double> modf_(double x);
namespace Math {
double pow_(double x, double y);
namespace Math {
double sqrt_(double x);
namespace Math {
double ceil_(double x);
namespace Math {
double fabs_(double x);
namespace Math {
double floor_(double x);
namespace Math {
double fmod_(double x, double y);
namespace Math {
double round_(double x);
namespace Math {
template<typename t1009>
t1009 min_(t1009 x, t1009 y);
namespace Math {
template<typename a>
a max_(a x, a y);
namespace Math {
double mapRange(double x, double a1, double a2, double b1, double b2);
namespace Math {
template<typename t1013>
t1013 clamp(t1013 x, t1013 min, t1013 max);
namespace Math {
template<typename t1018>
int8_t sign(t1018 n);
namespace Button {
juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>> state();
namespace Button {
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> debounceDelay(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> incoming, uint16_t delay, juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>> buttonState);
namespace Button {
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> debounce(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> incoming, juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>> buttonState);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1060, int c76>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1060, c76>> make(juniper::array<t1060, c76> d);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1062, int c77>
t1062 get(uint32_t i, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1062, c77>> v);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1072, int c79>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> add(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> v1, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> v2);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1076, int c83>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1076, c83>> zero();
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1085, int c84>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> subtract(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> v1, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> v2);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1093, int c88>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1093, c88>> scale(t1093 scalar, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1093, c88>> v);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1104, int c91>
t1104 dot(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1104, c91>> v1, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1104, c91>> v2);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1113, int c94>
t1113 magnitude2(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1113, c94>> v);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1115, int c97>
double magnitude(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1115, c97>> v);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1133, int c98>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> multiply(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> u, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> v);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1144, int c102>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1144, c102>> normalize(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1144, c102>> v);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1157, int c105>
double angle(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1157, c105>> v1, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1157, c105>> v2);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1175>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1175, 3>> cross(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1175, 3>> u, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1175, 3>> v);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1202, int c118>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> project(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> a, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> b);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1215, int c119>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1215, c119>> projectPlane(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1215, c119>> a, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1215, c119>> m);
namespace CharList {
template<int c120>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c120>, uint32_t> toUpper(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c120>, uint32_t> str);
namespace CharList {
template<int c121>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c121>, uint32_t> toLower(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c121>, uint32_t> str);
namespace CharList {
template<int c122>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c122)>, uint32_t> i32ToCharList(int32_t m);
namespace CharList {
template<int c123>
uint32_t length(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c123>, uint32_t> s);
namespace CharList {
template<int c124, int c125, int c126>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c126)>, uint32_t> concat(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c124)>, uint32_t> sA, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c125)>, uint32_t> sB);
namespace CharList {
template<int c133, int c134>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, ((1)+(c133))+(c134)>, uint32_t> safeConcat(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c133)>, uint32_t> sA, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c134)>, uint32_t> sB);
namespace Random {
int32_t random_(int32_t low, int32_t high);
namespace Random {
juniper::unit seed(uint32_t n);
namespace Random {
template<typename t1279, int c138>
t1279 choice(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t1279, c138>, uint32_t> lst);
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> hsvToRgb(juniper::records::recordt_6<float, float, float> color);
namespace Color {
uint16_t rgbToRgb565(juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> color);
namespace Blink {
juniper::unit loop();
namespace Blink {
juniper::unit setup();
namespace Prelude {
void * extractptr(juniper::smartpointer p) {
return (([&]() -> void * {
void * ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = p.get()->get();
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t10, typename t6, typename t7, typename t8, typename t9>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_0<juniper::function<t8, t7(t6)>, juniper::function<t9, t6(t10)>>, t7(t10)> compose(juniper::function<t8, t7(t6)> f, juniper::function<t9, t6(t10)> g) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_0<juniper::function<t8, t7(t6)>, juniper::function<t9, t6(t10)>>, t7(t10)> {
using a = t10;
using b = t6;
using c = t7;
using closureF = t8;
using closureG = t9;
return juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_0<juniper::function<t8, t7(t6)>, juniper::function<t9, t6(t10)>>, t7(t10)>(juniper::closures::closuret_0<juniper::function<t8, t7(t6)>, juniper::function<t9, t6(t10)>>(f, g), [](juniper::closures::closuret_0<juniper::function<t8, t7(t6)>, juniper::function<t9, t6(t10)>>& junclosure, t10 x) -> t7 {
juniper::function<t8, t7(t6)>& f = junclosure.f;
juniper::function<t9, t6(t10)>& g = junclosure.g;
return f(g(x));
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t22, typename t23, typename t20, typename t21>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>, t22>, t20(t23)>(t22)> curry(juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)> f) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>, t22>, t20(t23)>(t22)> {
using a = t22;
using b = t23;
using c = t20;
using closure = t21;
return juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>, t22>, t20(t23)>(t22)>(juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>>(f), [](juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>>& junclosure, t22 valueA) -> juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>, t22>, t20(t23)> {
juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>& f = junclosure.f;
return juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>, t22>, t20(t23)>(juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>, t22>(f, valueA), [](juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>, t22>& junclosure, t23 valueB) -> t20 {
juniper::function<t21, t20(t22, t23)>& f = junclosure.f;
t22& valueA = junclosure.valueA;
return f(valueA, valueB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t34, typename t35, typename t31, typename t32, typename t33>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t32, juniper::function<t33, t31(t35)>(t34)>>, t31(t34, t35)> uncurry(juniper::function<t32, juniper::function<t33, t31(t35)>(t34)> f) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t32, juniper::function<t33, t31(t35)>(t34)>>, t31(t34, t35)> {
using a = t34;
using b = t35;
using c = t31;
using closureA = t32;
using closureB = t33;
return juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t32, juniper::function<t33, t31(t35)>(t34)>>, t31(t34,t35)>(juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t32, juniper::function<t33, t31(t35)>(t34)>>(f), [](juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t32, juniper::function<t33, t31(t35)>(t34)>>& junclosure, t34 valueA, t35 valueB) -> t31 {
juniper::function<t32, juniper::function<t33, t31(t35)>(t34)>& f = junclosure.f;
return f(valueA)(valueB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t48, typename t49, typename t50, typename t46, typename t47>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>, t46(t50)>(t49)>(t48)> curry3(juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)> f) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>, t46(t50)>(t49)>(t48)> {
using a = t48;
using b = t49;
using c = t50;
using d = t46;
using closureF = t47;
return juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>, t46(t50)>(t49)>(t48)>(juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>>(f), [](juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>>& junclosure, t48 valueA) -> juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>, t46(t50)>(t49)> {
juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>& f = junclosure.f;
return juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48>, juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>, t46(t50)>(t49)>(juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48>(f, valueA), [](juniper::closures::closuret_2<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48>& junclosure, t49 valueB) -> juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>, t46(t50)> {
juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>& f = junclosure.f;
t48& valueA = junclosure.valueA;
return juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>, t46(t50)>(juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>(f, valueA, valueB), [](juniper::closures::closuret_3<juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>, t48, t49>& junclosure, t50 valueC) -> t46 {
juniper::function<t47, t46(t48, t49, t50)>& f = junclosure.f;
t48& valueA = junclosure.valueA;
t49& valueB = junclosure.valueB;
return f(valueA, valueB, valueC);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t64, typename t65, typename t66, typename t60, typename t61, typename t62, typename t63>
juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t61, juniper::function<t62, juniper::function<t63, t60(t66)>(t65)>(t64)>>, t60(t64, t65, t66)> uncurry3(juniper::function<t61, juniper::function<t62, juniper::function<t63, t60(t66)>(t65)>(t64)> f) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t61, juniper::function<t62, juniper::function<t63, t60(t66)>(t65)>(t64)>>, t60(t64, t65, t66)> {
using a = t64;
using b = t65;
using c = t66;
using d = t60;
using closureA = t61;
using closureB = t62;
using closureC = t63;
return juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t61, juniper::function<t62, juniper::function<t63, t60(t66)>(t65)>(t64)>>, t60(t64,t65,t66)>(juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t61, juniper::function<t62, juniper::function<t63, t60(t66)>(t65)>(t64)>>(f), [](juniper::closures::closuret_1<juniper::function<t61, juniper::function<t62, juniper::function<t63, t60(t66)>(t65)>(t64)>>& junclosure, t64 valueA, t65 valueB, t66 valueC) -> t60 {
juniper::function<t61, juniper::function<t62, juniper::function<t63, t60(t66)>(t65)>(t64)>& f = junclosure.f;
return f(valueA)(valueB)(valueC);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t77>
bool eq(t77 x, t77 y) {
return (([&]() -> bool {
using a = t77;
return (x == y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t80>
bool neq(t80 x, t80 y) {
return (x != y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t82, typename t83>
bool gt(t82 x, t83 y) {
return (x > y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t85, typename t86>
bool geq(t85 x, t86 y) {
return (x >= y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t88, typename t89>
bool lt(t88 x, t89 y) {
return (x < y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t91, typename t92>
bool leq(t91 x, t92 y) {
return (x <= y);
namespace Prelude {
bool notf(bool x) {
return !(x);
namespace Prelude {
bool andf(bool x, bool y) {
return (x && y);
namespace Prelude {
bool orf(bool x, bool y) {
return (x || y);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t102, typename t103, typename t104>
t103 apply(juniper::function<t104, t103(t102)> f, t102 x) {
return (([&]() -> t103 {
using a = t102;
using b = t103;
using closure = t104;
return f(x);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t109, typename t110, typename t111, typename t112>
t111 apply2(juniper::function<t112, t111(t109, t110)> f, juniper::tuple2<t109,t110> tup) {
return (([&]() -> t111 {
using a = t109;
using b = t110;
using c = t111;
using closure = t112;
return (([&]() -> t111 {
juniper::tuple2<t109,t110> guid0 = tup;
if (!(true)) {
t110 b = (guid0).e2;
t109 a = (guid0).e1;
return f(a, b);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t122, typename t123, typename t124, typename t125, typename t126>
t125 apply3(juniper::function<t126, t125(t122, t123, t124)> f, juniper::tuple3<t122,t123,t124> tup) {
return (([&]() -> t125 {
using a = t122;
using b = t123;
using c = t124;
using d = t125;
using closure = t126;
return (([&]() -> t125 {
juniper::tuple3<t122,t123,t124> guid1 = tup;
if (!(true)) {
t124 c = (guid1).e3;
t123 b = (guid1).e2;
t122 a = (guid1).e1;
return f(a, b, c);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t139, typename t140, typename t141, typename t142, typename t143, typename t144>
t143 apply4(juniper::function<t144, t143(t139, t140, t141, t142)> f, juniper::tuple4<t139,t140,t141,t142> tup) {
return (([&]() -> t143 {
using a = t139;
using b = t140;
using c = t141;
using d = t142;
using e = t143;
using closure = t144;
return (([&]() -> t143 {
juniper::tuple4<t139,t140,t141,t142> guid2 = tup;
if (!(true)) {
t142 d = (guid2).e4;
t141 c = (guid2).e3;
t140 b = (guid2).e2;
t139 a = (guid2).e1;
return f(a, b, c, d);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t160, typename t161>
t160 fst(juniper::tuple2<t160,t161> tup) {
return (([&]() -> t160 {
using a = t160;
using b = t161;
return (([&]() -> t160 {
juniper::tuple2<t160,t161> guid3 = tup;
return (true ?
(([&]() -> t160 {
t160 x = (guid3).e1;
return x;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t165, typename t166>
t166 snd(juniper::tuple2<t165,t166> tup) {
return (([&]() -> t166 {
using a = t165;
using b = t166;
return (([&]() -> t166 {
juniper::tuple2<t165,t166> guid4 = tup;
return (true ?
(([&]() -> t166 {
t166 x = (guid4).e2;
return x;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t170>
t170 add(t170 numA, t170 numB) {
return (([&]() -> t170 {
using a = t170;
return (numA + numB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t172>
t172 sub(t172 numA, t172 numB) {
return (([&]() -> t172 {
using a = t172;
return (numA - numB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t174>
t174 mul(t174 numA, t174 numB) {
return (([&]() -> t174 {
using a = t174;
return (numA * numB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t176>
t176 div(t176 numA, t176 numB) {
return (([&]() -> t176 {
using a = t176;
return (numA / numB);
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t179, typename t180>
juniper::tuple2<t180,t179> swap(juniper::tuple2<t179,t180> tup) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::tuple2<t180,t179> {
juniper::tuple2<t179,t180> guid5 = tup;
if (!(true)) {
t180 beta = (guid5).e2;
t179 alpha = (guid5).e1;
return (juniper::tuple2<t180,t179>{beta, alpha});
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t184, typename t185, typename t186>
t184 until(juniper::function<t185, bool(t184)> p, juniper::function<t186, t184(t184)> f, t184 a0) {
return (([&]() -> t184 {
using a = t184;
using closureP = t185;
using closureF = t186;
return (([&]() -> t184 {
t184 guid6 = a0;
if (!(true)) {
t184 a = guid6;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
while (!(p(a))) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(a = f(a));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return a;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t194>
juniper::unit ignore(t194 val) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
using a = t194;
return juniper::unit();
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t u8ToU16(uint8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
uint16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t u8ToU32(uint8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
uint32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int8_t u8ToI8(uint8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int16_t u8ToI16(uint8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int16_t {
int16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int32_t u8ToI32(uint8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
int32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
float u8ToFloat(uint8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> float {
float ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (float) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
double u8ToDouble(uint8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (double) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t u16ToU8(uint16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
uint8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t u16ToU32(uint16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
uint32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int8_t u16ToI8(uint16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int16_t u16ToI16(uint16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int16_t {
int16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int32_t u16ToI32(uint16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
int32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
float u16ToFloat(uint16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> float {
float ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (float) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
double u16ToDouble(uint16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (double) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t u32ToU8(uint32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
uint8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t u32ToU16(uint32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
uint16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int8_t u32ToI8(uint32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int16_t u32ToI16(uint32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int16_t {
int16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int32_t u32ToI32(uint32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
int32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
float u32ToFloat(uint32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> float {
float ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (float) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
double u32ToDouble(uint32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (double) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t i8ToU8(int8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
uint8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t i8ToU16(int8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
uint16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t i8ToU32(int8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
uint32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int16_t i8ToI16(int8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int16_t {
int16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int32_t i8ToI32(int8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
int32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
float i8ToFloat(int8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> float {
float ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (float) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
double i8ToDouble(int8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (double) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t i16ToU8(int16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
uint8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t i16ToU16(int16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
uint16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t i16ToU32(int16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
uint32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int8_t i16ToI8(int16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int32_t i16ToI32(int16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
int32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
float i16ToFloat(int16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> float {
float ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (float) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
double i16ToDouble(int16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (double) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t i32ToU8(int32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
uint8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t i32ToU16(int32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
uint16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t i32ToU32(int32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
uint32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int8_t i32ToI8(int32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int16_t i32ToI16(int32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> int16_t {
int16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
float i32ToFloat(int32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> float {
float ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (float) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
double i32ToDouble(int32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (double) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t floatToU8(float n) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
uint8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t floatToU16(float n) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
uint16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t floatToU32(float n) {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
uint32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int8_t floatToI8(float n) {
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int16_t floatToI16(float n) {
return (([&]() -> int16_t {
int16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int32_t floatToI32(float n) {
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
int32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
double floatToDouble(float n) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (double) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint8_t doubleToU8(double n) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
uint8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint16_t doubleToU16(double n) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
uint16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
uint32_t doubleToU32(double n) {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
uint32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int8_t doubleToI8(double n) {
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int16_t doubleToI16(double n) {
return (([&]() -> int16_t {
int16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
int32_t doubleToI32(double n) {
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
int32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
float doubleToFloat(double n) {
return (([&]() -> float {
float ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (float) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t252>
uint8_t toUInt8(t252 n) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
using t = t252;
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
uint8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t254>
int8_t toInt8(t254 n) {
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
using t = t254;
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int8_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t256>
uint16_t toUInt16(t256 n) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
using t = t256;
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
uint16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t258>
int16_t toInt16(t258 n) {
return (([&]() -> int16_t {
using t = t258;
return (([&]() -> int16_t {
int16_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int16_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t260>
uint32_t toUInt32(t260 n) {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
using t = t260;
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
uint32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (uint32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t262>
int32_t toInt32(t262 n) {
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
using t = t262;
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
int32_t ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (int32_t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t264>
float toFloat(t264 n) {
return (([&]() -> float {
using t = t264;
return (([&]() -> float {
float ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (float) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t266>
double toDouble(t266 n) {
return (([&]() -> double {
using t = t266;
return (([&]() -> double {
double ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (double) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t268>
t268 fromUInt8(uint8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> t268 {
using t = t268;
return (([&]() -> t268 {
t268 ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t270>
t270 fromInt8(int8_t n) {
return (([&]() -> t270 {
using t = t270;
return (([&]() -> t270 {
t270 ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t272>
t272 fromUInt16(uint16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> t272 {
using t = t272;
return (([&]() -> t272 {
t272 ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t274>
t274 fromInt16(int16_t n) {
return (([&]() -> t274 {
using t = t274;
return (([&]() -> t274 {
t274 ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t276>
t276 fromUInt32(uint32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> t276 {
using t = t276;
return (([&]() -> t276 {
t276 ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t278>
t278 fromInt32(int32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> t278 {
using t = t278;
return (([&]() -> t278 {
t278 ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t280>
t280 fromFloat(float n) {
return (([&]() -> t280 {
using t = t280;
return (([&]() -> t280 {
t280 ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t282>
t282 fromDouble(double n) {
return (([&]() -> t282 {
using t = t282;
return (([&]() -> t282 {
t282 ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (t) n;
return {};
return ret;
namespace Prelude {
template<typename t284, typename t285>
t285 cast(t284 x) {
return (([&]() -> t285 {
using a = t284;
using b = t285;
return (([&]() -> t285 {
t285 ret;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = (b) x;
return {};
return ret;
namespace List {
template<typename t292, typename t296, typename t289, int c4>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t296, c4>, uint32_t> map(juniper::function<t289, t296(t292)> f, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t292, c4>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t296, c4>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c4;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t296, c4>, uint32_t> {
juniper::array<t296, c4> guid7 = (juniper::array<t296, c4>());
if (!(true)) {
juniper::array<t296, c4> ret = guid7;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid8 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid9 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid8; i <= guid9; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
((ret)[i] = f(((lst).data)[i]));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t296, c4>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t296, c4>, uint32_t> guid10; = ret;
guid10.length = (lst).length;
return guid10;
namespace List {
template<typename t304, typename t300, typename t301, int c7>
t300 foldl(juniper::function<t301, t300(t304, t300)> f, t300 initState, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t304, c7>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> t300 {
constexpr int32_t n = c7;
return (([&]() -> t300 {
t300 guid11 = initState;
if (!(true)) {
t300 s = guid11;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid12 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid13 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid12; i <= guid13; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(s = f(((lst).data)[i], s));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return s;
namespace List {
template<typename t315, typename t311, typename t312, int c9>
t311 foldr(juniper::function<t312, t311(t315, t311)> f, t311 initState, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t315, c9>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> t311 {
constexpr int32_t n = c9;
return (([&]() -> t311 {
t311 guid14 = initState;
if (!(true)) {
t311 s = guid14;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid15 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
uint32_t guid16 = ((uint32_t) 0);
for (uint32_t i = guid15; i >= guid16; i--) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(s = f(((lst).data)[i], s));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return s;
namespace List {
template<typename t331, int c11, int c12, int c13>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c13>, uint32_t> append(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c11>, uint32_t> lstA, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c12>, uint32_t> lstB) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c13>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t aCap = c11;
constexpr int32_t bCap = c12;
constexpr int32_t retCap = c13;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c13>, uint32_t> {
uint32_t guid17 = ((uint32_t) 0);
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t j = guid17;
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c13>, uint32_t> guid18 = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c13>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c13>, uint32_t> guid19; = (juniper::array<t331, c13>());
guid19.length = ((lstA).length + (lstB).length);
return guid19;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t331, c13>, uint32_t> out = guid18;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid20 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid21 = ((lstA).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid20; i <= guid21; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((out).data)[j] = ((lstA).data)[i]);
(j = (j + ((uint32_t) 1)));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid22 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid23 = ((lstB).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid22; i <= guid23; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((out).data)[j] = ((lstB).data)[i]);
(j = (j + ((uint32_t) 1)));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return out;
namespace List {
template<typename t335, int c18>
t335 nth(uint32_t i, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t335, c18>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> t335 {
constexpr int32_t n = c18;
return ((i < (lst).length) ?
namespace List {
template<typename t348, int c20, int c21>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t348, (c21)*(c20)>, uint32_t> flattenSafe(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t348, c20>, uint32_t>, c21>, uint32_t> listOfLists) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t348, (c21)*(c20)>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t m = c20;
constexpr int32_t n = c21;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t348, (c21)*(c20)>, uint32_t> {
juniper::array<t348, (c21)*(c20)> guid24 = (juniper::array<t348, (c21)*(c20)>());
if (!(true)) {
juniper::array<t348, (c21)*(c20)> ret = guid24;
uint32_t guid25 = ((uint32_t) 0);
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t index = guid25;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid26 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid27 = ((listOfLists).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid26; i <= guid27; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid28 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid29 = ((((listOfLists).data)[i]).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t j = guid28; j <= guid29; j++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
((ret)[index] = ((((listOfLists).data)[i]).data)[j]);
(index = (index + ((uint32_t) 1)));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return {};
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t348, (c21)*(c20)>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t348, (c21)*(c20)>, uint32_t> guid30; = ret;
guid30.length = index;
return guid30;
namespace List {
template<typename t354, int c26, int c27>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t354, c27>, uint32_t> resize(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t354, c26>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t354, c27>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c26;
constexpr int32_t m = c27;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t354, c27>, uint32_t> {
juniper::array<t354, c27> guid31 = (juniper::array<t354, c27>());
if (!(true)) {
juniper::array<t354, c27> ret = guid31;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid32 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid33 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid32; i <= guid33; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
((ret)[i] = ((lst).data)[i]);
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t354, c27>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t354, c27>, uint32_t> guid34; = ret;
guid34.length = (lst).length;
return guid34;
namespace List {
template<typename t362, typename t359, int c30>
bool all(juniper::function<t359, bool(t362)> pred, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t362, c30>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> bool {
constexpr int32_t n = c30;
return (([&]() -> bool {
bool guid35 = true;
if (!(true)) {
bool satisfied = guid35;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid36 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid37 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid36; i <= guid37; i++) {
(satisfied ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(satisfied = pred(((lst).data)[i]));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return satisfied;
namespace List {
template<typename t371, typename t368, int c32>
bool any(juniper::function<t368, bool(t371)> pred, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t371, c32>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> bool {
constexpr int32_t n = c32;
return (([&]() -> bool {
bool guid38 = false;
if (!(true)) {
bool satisfied = guid38;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid39 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid40 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid39; i <= guid40; i++) {
(!(satisfied) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(satisfied = pred(((lst).data)[i]));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return satisfied;
namespace List {
template<typename t376, int c34>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t376, c34>, uint32_t> pushBack(t376 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t376, c34>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t376, c34>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c34;
return (((lst).length >= n) ?
juniper::quit<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t376, c34>, uint32_t>>()
(([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t376, c34>, uint32_t> {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t376, c34>, uint32_t> guid41 = lst;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t376, c34>, uint32_t> ret = guid41;
(((ret).data)[(lst).length] = elem);
((ret).length = ((lst).length + ((uint32_t) 1)));
return ret;
namespace List {
template<typename t386, int c36>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t386, c36>, uint32_t> pushOffFront(t386 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t386, c36>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t386, c36>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c36;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t386, c36>, uint32_t> {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t386, c36>, uint32_t> guid42 = lst;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t386, c36>, uint32_t> ret = guid42;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int32_t guid43 = (n - ((int32_t) 2));
int32_t guid44 = ((int32_t) 0);
for (int32_t i = guid43; i >= guid44; i--) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((ret).data)[(i + ((int32_t) 1))] = ((ret).data)[i]);
return juniper::unit();
return {};
(((ret).data)[((uint32_t) 0)] = elem);
return (((ret).length == i32ToU32(n)) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t386, c36>, uint32_t> {
((ret).length = ((lst).length + ((uint32_t) 1)));
return ret;
namespace List {
template<typename t398, int c40>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t398, c40>, uint32_t> setNth(uint32_t index, t398 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t398, c40>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t398, c40>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c40;
return (((lst).length <= index) ?
juniper::quit<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t398, c40>, uint32_t>>()
(([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t398, c40>, uint32_t> {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t398, c40>, uint32_t> guid45 = lst;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t398, c40>, uint32_t> ret = guid45;
(((ret).data)[index] = elem);
return ret;
namespace List {
template<typename t403, int c42>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t403, c42>, uint32_t> replicate(uint32_t numOfElements, t403 elem) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t403, c42>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c42;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t403, c42>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t403, c42>, uint32_t> guid46; = (juniper::array<t403, c42>().fill(elem));
guid46.length = numOfElements;
return guid46;
namespace List {
template<typename t413, int c43>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t413, c43>, uint32_t> remove(t413 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t413, c43>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t413, c43>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c43;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t413, c43>, uint32_t> {
uint32_t guid47 = ((uint32_t) 0);
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t index = guid47;
bool guid48 = false;
if (!(true)) {
bool found = guid48;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid49 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid50 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid49; i <= guid50; i++) {
((!(found) && (((lst).data)[i] == elem)) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(index = i);
(found = true);
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return (found ?
(([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t413, c43>, uint32_t> {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t413, c43>, uint32_t> guid51 = lst;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t413, c43>, uint32_t> ret = guid51;
((ret).length = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1)));
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid52 = index;
uint32_t guid53 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 2));
for (uint32_t i = guid52; i <= guid53; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((ret).data)[i] = ((lst).data)[(i + ((uint32_t) 1))]);
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return ret;
namespace List {
template<typename t417, int c47>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t417, c47>, uint32_t> dropLast(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t417, c47>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t417, c47>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c47;
return (((lst).length == ((uint32_t) 0)) ?
juniper::quit<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t417, c47>, uint32_t>>()
(([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t417, c47>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t417, c47>, uint32_t> guid54; = (lst).data;
guid54.length = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
return guid54;
namespace List {
template<typename t426, typename t423, int c48>
juniper::unit foreach(juniper::function<t423, juniper::unit(t426)> f, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t426, c48>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
constexpr int32_t n = c48;
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid55 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid56 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid55; i <= guid56; i++) {
return {};
namespace List {
template<typename t436, int c50>
t436 last(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t436, c50>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> t436 {
constexpr int32_t n = c50;
return (((lst).length == ((uint32_t) 0)) ?
((lst).data)[((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1))]);
namespace List {
template<typename t446, int c52>
t446 max_(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t446, c52>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> t446 {
constexpr int32_t n = c52;
return ((((lst).length == ((uint32_t) 0)) || (n == ((int32_t) 0))) ?
(([&]() -> t446 {
t446 guid57 = ((lst).data)[((uint32_t) 0)];
if (!(true)) {
t446 maxVal = guid57;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid58 = ((uint32_t) 1);
uint32_t guid59 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid58; i <= guid59; i++) {
((((lst).data)[i] > maxVal) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(maxVal = ((lst).data)[i]);
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return maxVal;
namespace List {
template<typename t456, int c56>
t456 min_(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t456, c56>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> t456 {
constexpr int32_t n = c56;
return ((((lst).length == ((uint32_t) 0)) || (n == ((int32_t) 0))) ?
(([&]() -> t456 {
t456 guid60 = ((lst).data)[((uint32_t) 0)];
if (!(true)) {
t456 minVal = guid60;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid61 = ((uint32_t) 1);
uint32_t guid62 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid61; i <= guid62; i++) {
((((lst).data)[i] < minVal) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(minVal = ((lst).data)[i]);
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return minVal;
namespace List {
template<typename t458, int c60>
bool member(t458 elem, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t458, c60>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> bool {
constexpr int32_t n = c60;
return (([&]() -> bool {
bool guid63 = false;
if (!(true)) {
bool found = guid63;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid64 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid65 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid64; i <= guid65; i++) {
((!(found) && (((lst).data)[i] == elem)) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(found = true);
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return found;
namespace List {
template<typename t470, typename t472, int c62>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>, uint32_t> zip(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t470, c62>, uint32_t> lstA, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t472, c62>, uint32_t> lstB) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c62;
return (((lstA).length == (lstB).length) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>, uint32_t> {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>, uint32_t> guid66 = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>, uint32_t> guid67; = (juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>());
guid67.length = (lstA).length;
return guid67;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>, uint32_t> ret = guid66;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid68 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid69 = (lstA).length;
for (uint32_t i = guid68; i <= guid69; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((ret).data)[i] = (juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>{((lstA).data)[i], ((lstB).data)[i]}));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return ret;
juniper::quit<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t470,t472>, c62>, uint32_t>>());
namespace List {
template<typename t483, typename t484, int c66>
juniper::tuple2<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t483, c66>, uint32_t>,juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t484, c66>, uint32_t>> unzip(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<juniper::tuple2<t483,t484>, c66>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::tuple2<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t483, c66>, uint32_t>,juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t484, c66>, uint32_t>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c66;
return (([&]() -> juniper::tuple2<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t483, c66>, uint32_t>,juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t484, c66>, uint32_t>> {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t483, c66>, uint32_t> guid70 = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t483, c66>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t483, c66>, uint32_t> guid71; = (juniper::array<t483, c66>());
guid71.length = (lst).length;
return guid71;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t483, c66>, uint32_t> retA = guid70;
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t484, c66>, uint32_t> guid72 = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t484, c66>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t484, c66>, uint32_t> guid73; = (juniper::array<t484, c66>());
guid73.length = (lst).length;
return guid73;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t484, c66>, uint32_t> retB = guid72;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid74 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid75 = ((lst).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid74; i <= guid75; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
juniper::tuple2<t483,t484> guid76 = ((lst).data)[i];
if (!(true)) {
t484 b = (guid76).e2;
t483 a = (guid76).e1;
(((retA).data)[i] = a);
(((retB).data)[i] = b);
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return (juniper::tuple2<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t483, c66>, uint32_t>,juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t484, c66>, uint32_t>>{retA, retB});
namespace List {
template<typename t493, int c70>
t493 sum(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t493, c70>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> t493 {
constexpr int32_t n = c70;
return List::foldl<t493, t493, void, c70>(juniper::function<void, t493(t493, t493)>(add<t493>), ((t493) 0), lst);
namespace List {
template<typename t505, int c71>
t505 average(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t505, c71>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> t505 {
constexpr int32_t n = c71;
return (sum<t505, c71>(lst) / cast<uint32_t, t505>((lst).length));
namespace Signal {
template<typename t511, typename t512, typename t513>
Prelude::sig<t512> map(juniper::function<t513, t512(t511)> f, Prelude::sig<t511> s) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t512> {
using a = t511;
using b = t512;
using closure = t513;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t512> {
Prelude::sig<t511> guid77 = s;
return ((((guid77).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid77).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t512> {
t511 val = ((guid77).signal()).just();
return signal<t512>(just<t512>(f(val)));
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t512> {
return signal<t512>(nothing<t512>());
namespace Signal {
template<typename t529, typename t530>
juniper::unit sink(juniper::function<t530, juniper::unit(t529)> f, Prelude::sig<t529> s) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
using a = t529;
using closure = t530;
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
Prelude::sig<t529> guid78 = s;
return ((((guid78).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid78).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
t529 val = ((guid78).signal()).just();
return f(val);
(true ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
return juniper::unit();
namespace Signal {
template<typename t535, typename t536>
Prelude::sig<t535> filter(juniper::function<t536, bool(t535)> f, Prelude::sig<t535> s) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t535> {
using a = t535;
using closure = t536;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t535> {
Prelude::sig<t535> guid79 = s;
return ((((guid79).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid79).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t535> {
t535 val = ((guid79).signal()).just();
return (f(val) ?
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t535> {
return signal<t535>(nothing<t535>());
namespace Signal {
template<typename t551>
Prelude::sig<t551> merge(Prelude::sig<t551> sigA, Prelude::sig<t551> sigB) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t551> {
using a = t551;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t551> {
Prelude::sig<t551> guid80 = sigA;
return ((((guid80).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid80).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t551> {
return sigA;
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t551> {
return sigB;
namespace Signal {
template<typename t553, int c72>
Prelude::sig<t553> mergeMany(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<Prelude::sig<t553>, c72>, uint32_t> sigs) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t553> {
constexpr int32_t n = c72;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t553> {
Prelude::maybe<t553> guid81 = List::foldl<Prelude::sig<t553>, Prelude::maybe<t553>, void, c72>(juniper::function<void, Prelude::maybe<t553>(Prelude::sig<t553>,Prelude::maybe<t553>)>([](Prelude::sig<t553> sig, Prelude::maybe<t553> accum) -> Prelude::maybe<t553> {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::maybe<t553> {
Prelude::maybe<t553> guid82 = accum;
return ((((guid82).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::maybe<t553> {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::maybe<t553> {
Prelude::sig<t553> guid83 = sig;
if (!((((guid83).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true))) {
Prelude::maybe<t553> heldValue = (guid83).signal();
return heldValue;
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::maybe<t553> {
return accum;
}), nothing<t553>(), sigs);
if (!(true)) {
Prelude::maybe<t553> ret = guid81;
return signal<t553>(ret);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t570, typename t571>
Prelude::sig<Prelude::either<t570, t571>> join(Prelude::sig<t570> sigA, Prelude::sig<t571> sigB) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<Prelude::either<t570, t571>> {
using a = t570;
using b = t571;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<Prelude::either<t570, t571>> {
juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t570>,Prelude::sig<t571>> guid84 = (juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t570>,Prelude::sig<t571>>{sigA, sigB});
return (((((guid84).e1).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && (((((guid84).e1).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<Prelude::either<t570, t571>> {
t570 value = (((guid84).e1).signal()).just();
return signal<Prelude::either<t570, t571>>(just<Prelude::either<t570, t571>>(left<t570, t571>(value)));
(((((guid84).e2).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && (((((guid84).e2).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<Prelude::either<t570, t571>> {
t571 value = (((guid84).e2).signal()).just();
return signal<Prelude::either<t570, t571>>(just<Prelude::either<t570, t571>>(right<t570, t571>(value)));
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<Prelude::either<t570, t571>> {
return signal<Prelude::either<t570, t571>>(nothing<Prelude::either<t570, t571>>());
juniper::quit<Prelude::sig<Prelude::either<t570, t571>>>())));
namespace Signal {
template<typename t601>
Prelude::sig<juniper::unit> toUnit(Prelude::sig<t601> s) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<juniper::unit> {
using a = t601;
return map<t601, juniper::unit, void>(juniper::function<void, juniper::unit(t601)>([](t601 x) -> juniper::unit {
return juniper::unit();
}), s);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t607, typename t615, typename t609>
Prelude::sig<t615> foldP(juniper::function<t609, t615(t607, t615)> f, juniper::shared_ptr<t615> state0, Prelude::sig<t607> incoming) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t615> {
using a = t607;
using state = t615;
using closure = t609;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t615> {
Prelude::sig<t607> guid85 = incoming;
return ((((guid85).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid85).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t615> {
t607 val = ((guid85).signal()).just();
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t615> {
t615 guid86 = f(val, (*((state0).get())));
if (!(true)) {
t615 state1 = guid86;
(*((t615*) (state0.get())) = state1);
return signal<t615>(just<t615>(state1));
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t615> {
return signal<t615>(nothing<t615>());
namespace Signal {
template<typename t631>
Prelude::sig<t631> dropRepeats(juniper::shared_ptr<Prelude::maybe<t631>> maybePrevValue, Prelude::sig<t631> incoming) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t631> {
using a = t631;
return filter<t631, juniper::closures::closuret_4<juniper::shared_ptr<Prelude::maybe<t631>>>>(juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_4<juniper::shared_ptr<Prelude::maybe<t631>>>, bool(t631)>(juniper::closures::closuret_4<juniper::shared_ptr<Prelude::maybe<t631>>>(maybePrevValue), [](juniper::closures::closuret_4<juniper::shared_ptr<Prelude::maybe<t631>>>& junclosure, t631 value) -> bool {
juniper::shared_ptr<Prelude::maybe<t631>>& maybePrevValue = junclosure.maybePrevValue;
return (([&]() -> bool {
bool guid87 = (([&]() -> bool {
Prelude::maybe<t631> guid88 = (*((maybePrevValue).get()));
return ((((guid88).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return false;
((((guid88).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> bool {
t631 prevValue = (guid88).just();
return (value == prevValue);
if (!(true)) {
bool filtered = guid87;
(!(filtered) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(*((Prelude::maybe<t631>*) (maybePrevValue.get())) = just<t631>(value));
return juniper::unit();
return filtered;
}), incoming);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t643>
Prelude::sig<t643> latch(juniper::shared_ptr<t643> prevValue, Prelude::sig<t643> incoming) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t643> {
using a = t643;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t643> {
Prelude::sig<t643> guid89 = incoming;
return ((((guid89).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid89).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t643> {
t643 val = ((guid89).signal()).just();
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t643> {
(*((t643*) (prevValue.get())) = val);
return incoming;
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t643> {
return signal<t643>(just<t643>((*((prevValue).get()))));
namespace Signal {
template<typename t658, typename t662, typename t654, typename t655>
Prelude::sig<t654> map2(juniper::function<t655, t654(t658, t662)> f, juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::tuple2<t658,t662>> state, Prelude::sig<t658> incomingA, Prelude::sig<t662> incomingB) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t654> {
using a = t658;
using b = t662;
using c = t654;
using closure = t655;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t654> {
t658 guid90 = (([&]() -> t658 {
Prelude::sig<t658> guid91 = incomingA;
return ((((guid91).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid91).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> t658 {
t658 val1 = ((guid91).signal()).just();
return val1;
(true ?
(([&]() -> t658 {
return fst<t658, t662>((*((state).get())));
if (!(true)) {
t658 valA = guid90;
t662 guid92 = (([&]() -> t662 {
Prelude::sig<t662> guid93 = incomingB;
return ((((guid93).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid93).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> t662 {
t662 val2 = ((guid93).signal()).just();
return val2;
(true ?
(([&]() -> t662 {
return snd<t658, t662>((*((state).get())));
if (!(true)) {
t662 valB = guid92;
(*((juniper::tuple2<t658,t662>*) (state.get())) = (juniper::tuple2<t658,t662>{valA, valB}));
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t654> {
juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t658>,Prelude::sig<t662>> guid94 = (juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t658>,Prelude::sig<t662>>{incomingA, incomingB});
return (((((guid94).e2).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && (((((guid94).e2).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && ((((guid94).e1).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && (((((guid94).e1).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && true)))) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t654> {
return signal<t654>(nothing<t654>());
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t654> {
return signal<t654>(just<t654>(f(valA, valB)));
namespace Signal {
template<typename t683, int c74>
Prelude::sig<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t683, c74>, uint32_t>> record(juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t683, c74>, uint32_t>> pastValues, Prelude::sig<t683> incoming) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t683, c74>, uint32_t>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c74;
return foldP<t683, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t683, c74>, uint32_t>, void>(juniper::function<void, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t683, c74>, uint32_t>(t683, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t683, c74>, uint32_t>)>(List::pushOffFront<t683, c74>), pastValues, incoming);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t693>
Prelude::sig<t693> constant(t693 val) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t693> {
using a = t693;
return signal<t693>(just<t693>(val));
namespace Signal {
template<typename t701>
Prelude::sig<Prelude::maybe<t701>> meta(Prelude::sig<t701> sigA) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<Prelude::maybe<t701>> {
using a = t701;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<Prelude::maybe<t701>> {
Prelude::sig<t701> guid95 = sigA;
if (!((((guid95).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true))) {
Prelude::maybe<t701> val = (guid95).signal();
return constant<Prelude::maybe<t701>>(val);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t706>
Prelude::sig<t706> unmeta(Prelude::sig<Prelude::maybe<t706>> sigA) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t706> {
using a = t706;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t706> {
Prelude::sig<Prelude::maybe<t706>> guid96 = sigA;
return ((((guid96).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid96).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && (((((guid96).signal()).just()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true))) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t706> {
t706 val = (((guid96).signal()).just()).just();
return constant<t706>(val);
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t706> {
return signal<t706>(nothing<t706>());
namespace Signal {
template<typename t718, typename t719>
Prelude::sig<juniper::tuple2<t718,t719>> zip(juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::tuple2<t718,t719>> state, Prelude::sig<t718> sigA, Prelude::sig<t719> sigB) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<juniper::tuple2<t718,t719>> {
using a = t718;
using b = t719;
return map2<t718, t719, juniper::tuple2<t718,t719>, void>(juniper::function<void, juniper::tuple2<t718,t719>(t718,t719)>([](t718 valA, t719 valB) -> juniper::tuple2<t718,t719> {
return (juniper::tuple2<t718,t719>{valA, valB});
}), state, sigA, sigB);
namespace Signal {
template<typename t750, typename t757>
juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t750>,Prelude::sig<t757>> unzip(Prelude::sig<juniper::tuple2<t750,t757>> incoming) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t750>,Prelude::sig<t757>> {
using a = t750;
using b = t757;
return (([&]() -> juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t750>,Prelude::sig<t757>> {
Prelude::sig<juniper::tuple2<t750,t757>> guid97 = incoming;
return ((((guid97).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid97).signal()).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t750>,Prelude::sig<t757>> {
t757 y = (((guid97).signal()).just()).e2;
t750 x = (((guid97).signal()).just()).e1;
return (juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t750>,Prelude::sig<t757>>{signal<t750>(just<t750>(x)), signal<t757>(just<t757>(y))});
(true ?
(([&]() -> juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t750>,Prelude::sig<t757>> {
return (juniper::tuple2<Prelude::sig<t750>,Prelude::sig<t757>>{signal<t750>(nothing<t750>()), signal<t757>(nothing<t757>())});
namespace Signal {
template<typename t764, typename t765>
Prelude::sig<t764> toggle(t764 val1, t764 val2, juniper::shared_ptr<t764> state, Prelude::sig<t765> incoming) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<t764> {
using a = t764;
using b = t765;
return foldP<t765, t764, juniper::closures::closuret_5<t764, t764>>(juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_5<t764, t764>, t764(t765,t764)>(juniper::closures::closuret_5<t764, t764>(val1, val2), [](juniper::closures::closuret_5<t764, t764>& junclosure, t765 event, t764 prevVal) -> t764 {
t764& val1 = junclosure.val1;
t764& val2 = junclosure.val2;
return ((prevVal == val1) ?
}), state, incoming);
namespace Io {
Io::pinState toggle(Io::pinState p) {
return (([&]() -> Io::pinState {
Io::pinState guid98 = p;
return ((((guid98).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> Io::pinState {
return low();
((((guid98).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> Io::pinState {
return high();
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printStr(const char * str) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
return {};
namespace Io {
template<int c75>
juniper::unit printCharList(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c75>, uint32_t> cl) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
constexpr int32_t n = c75;
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
Serial.print((char *) &[0]);
return {};
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printFloat(float f) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
return {};
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printInt(int32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
return {};
namespace Io {
template<typename t790>
t790 baseToInt(Io::base b) {
return (([&]() -> t790 {
Io::base guid99 = b;
return ((((guid99).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> t790 {
return ((t790) 2);
((((guid99).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> t790 {
return ((t790) 8);
((((guid99).id() == ((uint8_t) 2)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> t790 {
return ((t790) 10);
((((guid99).id() == ((uint8_t) 3)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> t790 {
return ((t790) 16);
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printIntBase(int32_t n, Io::base b) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int32_t guid100 = baseToInt<int32_t>(b);
if (!(true)) {
int32_t bint = guid100;
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
Serial.print(n, bint);
return {};
namespace Io {
juniper::unit printFloatPlaces(float f, int32_t numPlaces) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
Serial.print(f, numPlaces);
return {};
namespace Io {
juniper::unit beginSerial(uint32_t speed) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
return {};
namespace Io {
uint8_t pinStateToInt(Io::pinState value) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
Io::pinState guid101 = value;
return ((((guid101).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> uint8_t {
return ((uint8_t) 0);
((((guid101).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> uint8_t {
return ((uint8_t) 1);
namespace Io {
Io::pinState intToPinState(uint8_t value) {
return ((value == ((uint8_t) 0)) ?
namespace Io {
juniper::unit digWrite(uint16_t pin, Io::pinState value) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint8_t guid102 = pinStateToInt(value);
if (!(true)) {
uint8_t intVal = guid102;
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
digitalWrite(pin, intVal);
return {};
namespace Io {
Io::pinState digRead(uint16_t pin) {
return (([&]() -> Io::pinState {
uint8_t intVal;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
intVal = digitalRead(pin);
return {};
return intToPinState(intVal);
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> digIn(uint16_t pin) {
return signal<Io::pinState>(just<Io::pinState>(digRead(pin)));
namespace Io {
juniper::unit digOut(uint16_t pin, Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> sig) {
return Signal::sink<Io::pinState, juniper::closures::closuret_6<uint16_t>>(juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_6<uint16_t>, juniper::unit(Io::pinState)>(juniper::closures::closuret_6<uint16_t>(pin), [](juniper::closures::closuret_6<uint16_t>& junclosure, Io::pinState value) -> juniper::unit {
uint16_t& pin =;
return digWrite(pin, value);
}), sig);
namespace Io {
uint16_t anaRead(uint16_t pin) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
uint16_t value;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
value = analogRead(pin);
return {};
return value;
namespace Io {
juniper::unit anaWrite(uint16_t pin, uint8_t value) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
analogWrite(pin, value);
return {};
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<uint16_t> anaIn(uint16_t pin) {
return signal<uint16_t>(just<uint16_t>(anaRead(pin)));
namespace Io {
juniper::unit anaOut(uint16_t pin, Prelude::sig<uint8_t> sig) {
return Signal::sink<uint8_t, juniper::closures::closuret_6<uint16_t>>(juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_6<uint16_t>, juniper::unit(uint8_t)>(juniper::closures::closuret_6<uint16_t>(pin), [](juniper::closures::closuret_6<uint16_t>& junclosure, uint8_t value) -> juniper::unit {
uint16_t& pin =;
return anaWrite(pin, value);
}), sig);
namespace Io {
uint8_t pinModeToInt(Io::mode m) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
Io::mode guid103 = m;
return ((((guid103).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> uint8_t {
return ((uint8_t) 0);
((((guid103).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> uint8_t {
return ((uint8_t) 1);
((((guid103).id() == ((uint8_t) 2)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> uint8_t {
return ((uint8_t) 2);
namespace Io {
Io::mode intToPinMode(uint8_t m) {
return (([&]() -> Io::mode {
uint8_t guid104 = m;
return (((guid104 == ((int32_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> Io::mode {
return input();
(((guid104 == ((int32_t) 1)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> Io::mode {
return output();
(((guid104 == ((int32_t) 2)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> Io::mode {
return inputPullup();
namespace Io {
juniper::unit setPinMode(uint16_t pin, Io::mode m) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint8_t guid105 = pinModeToInt(m);
if (!(true)) {
uint8_t m2 = guid105;
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
pinMode(pin, m2);
return {};
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<juniper::unit> risingEdge(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> sig, juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState> prevState) {
return Signal::toUnit<Io::pinState>(Signal::filter<Io::pinState, juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>>(juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>, bool(Io::pinState)>(juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>(prevState), [](juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>& junclosure, Io::pinState currState) -> bool {
juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>& prevState = junclosure.prevState;
return (([&]() -> bool {
bool guid106 = (([&]() -> bool {
juniper::tuple2<Io::pinState,Io::pinState> guid107 = (juniper::tuple2<Io::pinState,Io::pinState>{currState, (*((prevState).get()))});
return (((((guid107).e2).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && ((((guid107).e1).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return false;
(true ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return true;
if (!(true)) {
bool ret = guid106;
(*((Io::pinState*) (prevState.get())) = currState);
return ret;
}), sig));
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<juniper::unit> fallingEdge(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> sig, juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState> prevState) {
return Signal::toUnit<Io::pinState>(Signal::filter<Io::pinState, juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>>(juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>, bool(Io::pinState)>(juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>(prevState), [](juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>& junclosure, Io::pinState currState) -> bool {
juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>& prevState = junclosure.prevState;
return (([&]() -> bool {
bool guid108 = (([&]() -> bool {
juniper::tuple2<Io::pinState,Io::pinState> guid109 = (juniper::tuple2<Io::pinState,Io::pinState>{currState, (*((prevState).get()))});
return (((((guid109).e2).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid109).e1).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return false;
(true ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return true;
if (!(true)) {
bool ret = guid108;
(*((Io::pinState*) (prevState.get())) = currState);
return ret;
}), sig));
namespace Io {
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> edge(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> sig, juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState> prevState) {
return Signal::filter<Io::pinState, juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>>(juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>, bool(Io::pinState)>(juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>(prevState), [](juniper::closures::closuret_7<juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>>& junclosure, Io::pinState currState) -> bool {
juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>& prevState = junclosure.prevState;
return (([&]() -> bool {
bool guid110 = (([&]() -> bool {
juniper::tuple2<Io::pinState,Io::pinState> guid111 = (juniper::tuple2<Io::pinState,Io::pinState>{currState, (*((prevState).get()))});
return (((((guid111).e2).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && ((((guid111).e1).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return false;
(((((guid111).e2).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && ((((guid111).e1).id() == ((uint8_t) 1)) && true)) ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return false;
(true ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return true;
if (!(true)) {
bool ret = guid110;
(*((Io::pinState*) (prevState.get())) = currState);
return ret;
}), sig);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t905, typename t906, typename t907>
Prelude::maybe<t906> map(juniper::function<t907, t906(t905)> f, Prelude::maybe<t905> maybeVal) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::maybe<t906> {
using a = t905;
using b = t906;
using closure = t907;
return (([&]() -> Prelude::maybe<t906> {
Prelude::maybe<t905> guid112 = maybeVal;
return ((((guid112).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::maybe<t906> {
t905 val = (guid112).just();
return just<t906>(f(val));
(true ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::maybe<t906> {
return nothing<t906>();
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t917>
t917 get(Prelude::maybe<t917> maybeVal) {
return (([&]() -> t917 {
using a = t917;
return (([&]() -> t917 {
Prelude::maybe<t917> guid113 = maybeVal;
return ((((guid113).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> t917 {
t917 val = (guid113).just();
return val;
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t919>
bool isJust(Prelude::maybe<t919> maybeVal) {
return (([&]() -> bool {
using a = t919;
return (([&]() -> bool {
Prelude::maybe<t919> guid114 = maybeVal;
return ((((guid114).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return true;
(true ?
(([&]() -> bool {
return false;
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t921>
bool isNothing(Prelude::maybe<t921> maybeVal) {
return (([&]() -> bool {
using a = t921;
return !(isJust<t921>(maybeVal));
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t926>
uint8_t count(Prelude::maybe<t926> maybeVal) {
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
using a = t926;
return (([&]() -> uint8_t {
Prelude::maybe<t926> guid115 = maybeVal;
return ((((guid115).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> uint8_t {
return ((uint8_t) 1);
(true ?
(([&]() -> uint8_t {
return ((uint8_t) 0);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t930, typename t931, typename t932>
t931 foldl(juniper::function<t932, t931(t930, t931)> f, t931 initState, Prelude::maybe<t930> maybeVal) {
return (([&]() -> t931 {
using t = t930;
using state = t931;
using closure = t932;
return (([&]() -> t931 {
Prelude::maybe<t930> guid116 = maybeVal;
return ((((guid116).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> t931 {
t930 val = (guid116).just();
return f(val, initState);
(true ?
(([&]() -> t931 {
return initState;
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t938, typename t939, typename t940>
t939 fodlr(juniper::function<t940, t939(t938, t939)> f, t939 initState, Prelude::maybe<t938> maybeVal) {
return (([&]() -> t939 {
using t = t938;
using state = t939;
using closure = t940;
return foldl<t938, t939, t940>(f, initState, maybeVal);
namespace Maybe {
template<typename t947, typename t948>
juniper::unit iter(juniper::function<t948, juniper::unit(t947)> f, Prelude::maybe<t947> maybeVal) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
using a = t947;
using closure = t948;
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
Prelude::maybe<t947> guid117 = maybeVal;
return ((((guid117).id() == ((uint8_t) 0)) && true) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
t947 val = (guid117).just();
return f(val);
(true ?
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
Prelude::maybe<t947> nothing = guid117;
return juniper::unit();
namespace Time {
juniper::unit wait(uint32_t time) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
return {};
namespace Time {
uint32_t now() {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
uint32_t guid118 = ((uint32_t) 0);
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t ret = guid118;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = millis();
return {};
return ret;
namespace Time {
juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>> state() {
return (juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>>(new juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>((([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t> guid119;
guid119.lastPulse = ((uint32_t) 0);
return guid119;
namespace Time {
Prelude::sig<uint32_t> every(uint32_t interval, juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>> state) {
return (([&]() -> Prelude::sig<uint32_t> {
uint32_t guid120 = now();
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t t = guid120;
uint32_t guid121 = ((interval == ((uint32_t) 0)) ?
((t / interval) * interval));
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t lastWindow = guid121;
return ((((*((state).get()))).lastPulse >= lastWindow) ?
(([&]() -> Prelude::sig<uint32_t> {
(*((juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>*) (state.get())) = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t> guid122;
guid122.lastPulse = t;
return guid122;
return signal<uint32_t>(just<uint32_t>(t));
namespace Math {
double pi = 3.141593;
namespace Math {
double e = 2.718282;
namespace Math {
double degToRad(double degrees) {
return (degrees * 0.017453);
namespace Math {
double radToDeg(double radians) {
return (radians * 57.295780);
namespace Math {
double acos_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid123 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid123;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = acos(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double asin_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid124 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid124;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = asin(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double atan_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid125 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid125;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = atan(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double atan2_(double y, double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid126 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid126;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = atan2(y, x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double cos_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid127 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid127;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = cos(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double cosh_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid128 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid128;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = cosh(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double sin_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid129 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid129;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = sin(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double sinh_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid130 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid130;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = sinh(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double tan_(double x) {
return (sin_(x) / cos_(x));
namespace Math {
double tanh_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid131 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid131;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = tanh(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double exp_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid132 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid132;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = exp(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
juniper::tuple2<double,int16_t> frexp_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::tuple2<double,int16_t> {
double guid133 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid133;
int16_t guid134 = ((int16_t) 0);
if (!(true)) {
int16_t exponent = guid134;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int exponent2 = (int) exponent;
ret = frexp(x, &exponent2);
return {};
return (juniper::tuple2<double,int16_t>{ret, exponent});
namespace Math {
double ldexp_(double x, int16_t exponent) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid135 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid135;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = ldexp(x, exponent);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double log_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid136 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid136;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = log(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double log10_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid137 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid137;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = log10(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
juniper::tuple2<double,double> modf_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::tuple2<double,double> {
double guid138 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid138;
double guid139 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double integer = guid139;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = modf(x, &integer);
return {};
return (juniper::tuple2<double,double>{ret, integer});
namespace Math {
double pow_(double x, double y) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid140 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid140;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = pow(x, y);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double sqrt_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid141 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid141;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = sqrt(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double ceil_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid142 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid142;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = ceil(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double fabs_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid143 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid143;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = fabs(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double floor_(double x) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid144 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid144;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = floor(x);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double fmod_(double x, double y) {
return (([&]() -> double {
double guid145 = 0.000000;
if (!(true)) {
double ret = guid145;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = fmod(x, y);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Math {
double round_(double x) {
return floor_((x + 0.500000));
namespace Math {
template<typename t1009>
t1009 min_(t1009 x, t1009 y) {
return (([&]() -> t1009 {
using a = t1009;
return ((x > y) ?
namespace Math {
template<typename a>
a max_(a x, a y) {
return ((x > y) ?
namespace Math {
double mapRange(double x, double a1, double a2, double b1, double b2) {
return (b1 + (((x - a1) * (b2 - b1)) / (a2 - a1)));
namespace Math {
template<typename t1013>
t1013 clamp(t1013 x, t1013 min, t1013 max) {
return (([&]() -> t1013 {
using a = t1013;
return ((min > x) ?
((x > max) ?
namespace Math {
template<typename t1018>
int8_t sign(t1018 n) {
return (([&]() -> int8_t {
using a = t1018;
return ((n == ((t1018) 0)) ?
((int8_t) 0)
((n > ((t1018) 0)) ?
((int8_t) 1)
-(((int8_t) 1))));
namespace Button {
juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>> state() {
return (juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>>(new juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>((([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>{
juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState> guid146;
guid146.actualState = Io::low();
guid146.lastState = Io::low();
guid146.lastDebounceTime = ((uint32_t) 0);
return guid146;
namespace Button {
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> debounceDelay(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> incoming, uint16_t delay, juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>> buttonState) {
return Signal::map<Io::pinState, Io::pinState, juniper::closures::closuret_8<juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>>, uint16_t>>(juniper::function<juniper::closures::closuret_8<juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>>, uint16_t>, Io::pinState(Io::pinState)>(juniper::closures::closuret_8<juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>>, uint16_t>(buttonState, delay), [](juniper::closures::closuret_8<juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>>, uint16_t>& junclosure, Io::pinState currentState) -> Io::pinState {
juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>>& buttonState = junclosure.buttonState;
uint16_t& delay = junclosure.delay;
return (([&]() -> Io::pinState {
juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState> guid147 = (*((buttonState).get()));
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t lastDebounceTime = (guid147).lastDebounceTime;
Io::pinState lastState = (guid147).lastState;
Io::pinState actualState = (guid147).actualState;
return ((currentState != lastState) ?
(([&]() -> Io::pinState {
(*((juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>*) (buttonState.get())) = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>{
juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState> guid148;
guid148.actualState = actualState;
guid148.lastState = currentState;
guid148.lastDebounceTime = Time::now();
return guid148;
return actualState;
(((currentState != actualState) && ((Time::now() - ((*((buttonState).get()))).lastDebounceTime) > delay)) ?
(([&]() -> Io::pinState {
(*((juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>*) (buttonState.get())) = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>{
juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState> guid149;
guid149.actualState = currentState;
guid149.lastState = currentState;
guid149.lastDebounceTime = lastDebounceTime;
return guid149;
return currentState;
(([&]() -> Io::pinState {
(*((juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>*) (buttonState.get())) = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>{
juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState> guid150;
guid150.actualState = actualState;
guid150.lastState = currentState;
guid150.lastDebounceTime = lastDebounceTime;
return guid150;
return actualState;
}), incoming);
namespace Button {
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> debounce(Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> incoming, juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_2<Io::pinState, uint32_t, Io::pinState>> buttonState) {
return debounceDelay(incoming, ((uint16_t) 50), buttonState);
namespace Vector {
uint8_t x = ((uint8_t) 0);
namespace Vector {
uint8_t y = ((uint8_t) 1);
namespace Vector {
uint8_t z = ((uint8_t) 2);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1060, int c76>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1060, c76>> make(juniper::array<t1060, c76> d) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1060, c76>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c76;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1060, c76>>{
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1060, c76>> guid151; = d;
return guid151;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1062, int c77>
t1062 get(uint32_t i, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1062, c77>> v) {
return (([&]() -> t1062 {
constexpr int32_t n = c77;
return ((v).data)[i];
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1072, int c79>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> add(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> v1, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> v2) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c79;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> guid152 = v1;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1072, c79>> result = guid152;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int32_t guid153 = ((int32_t) 0);
int32_t guid154 = (n - ((int32_t) 1));
for (int32_t i = guid153; i <= guid154; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((result).data)[i] = (((result).data)[i] + ((v2).data)[i]));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return result;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1076, int c83>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1076, c83>> zero() {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1076, c83>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c83;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1076, c83>>{
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1076, c83>> guid155; = (juniper::array<t1076, c83>().fill(((t1076) 0)));
return guid155;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1085, int c84>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> subtract(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> v1, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> v2) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c84;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> guid156 = v1;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1085, c84>> result = guid156;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int32_t guid157 = ((int32_t) 0);
int32_t guid158 = (n - ((int32_t) 1));
for (int32_t i = guid157; i <= guid158; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((result).data)[i] = (((result).data)[i] - ((v2).data)[i]));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return result;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1093, int c88>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1093, c88>> scale(t1093 scalar, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1093, c88>> v) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1093, c88>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c88;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1093, c88>> {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1093, c88>> guid159 = v;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1093, c88>> result = guid159;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int32_t guid160 = ((int32_t) 0);
int32_t guid161 = (n - ((int32_t) 1));
for (int32_t i = guid160; i <= guid161; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((result).data)[i] = (((result).data)[i] * scalar));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return result;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1104, int c91>
t1104 dot(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1104, c91>> v1, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1104, c91>> v2) {
return (([&]() -> t1104 {
constexpr int32_t n = c91;
return (([&]() -> t1104 {
t1104 guid162 = ((t1104) 0);
if (!(true)) {
t1104 sum = guid162;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int32_t guid163 = ((int32_t) 0);
int32_t guid164 = (n - ((int32_t) 1));
for (int32_t i = guid163; i <= guid164; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(sum = (sum + (((v1).data)[i] * ((v2).data)[i])));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return sum;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1113, int c94>
t1113 magnitude2(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1113, c94>> v) {
return (([&]() -> t1113 {
constexpr int32_t n = c94;
return (([&]() -> t1113 {
t1113 guid165 = ((t1113) 0);
if (!(true)) {
t1113 sum = guid165;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int32_t guid166 = ((int32_t) 0);
int32_t guid167 = (n - ((int32_t) 1));
for (int32_t i = guid166; i <= guid167; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(sum = (sum + (((v).data)[i] * ((v).data)[i])));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return sum;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1115, int c97>
double magnitude(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1115, c97>> v) {
return (([&]() -> double {
constexpr int32_t n = c97;
return sqrt_(toDouble<t1115>(magnitude2<t1115, c97>(v)));
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1133, int c98>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> multiply(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> u, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> v) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c98;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> guid168 = u;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1133, c98>> result = guid168;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int32_t guid169 = ((int32_t) 0);
int32_t guid170 = (n - ((int32_t) 1));
for (int32_t i = guid169; i <= guid170; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((result).data)[i] = (((result).data)[i] * ((v).data)[i]));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return result;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1144, int c102>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1144, c102>> normalize(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1144, c102>> v) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1144, c102>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c102;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1144, c102>> {
double guid171 = magnitude<t1144, c102>(v);
if (!(true)) {
double mag = guid171;
return ((mag > ((t1144) 0)) ?
(([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1144, c102>> {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1144, c102>> guid172 = v;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1144, c102>> result = guid172;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int32_t guid173 = ((int32_t) 0);
int32_t guid174 = (n - ((int32_t) 1));
for (int32_t i = guid173; i <= guid174; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((result).data)[i] = fromDouble<t1144>((toDouble<t1144>(((result).data)[i]) / mag)));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return result;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1157, int c105>
double angle(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1157, c105>> v1, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1157, c105>> v2) {
return (([&]() -> double {
constexpr int32_t n = c105;
return acos_((dot<t1157, c105>(v1, v2) / sqrt_((magnitude2<t1157, c105>(v1) * magnitude2<t1157, c105>(v2)))));
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1175>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1175, 3>> cross(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1175, 3>> u, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1175, 3>> v) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1175, 3>> {
using a = t1175;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1175, 3>>{
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1175, 3>> guid175; = (juniper::array<t1175, 3> { {((((u).data)[((uint32_t) 1)] * ((v).data)[((uint32_t) 2)]) - (((u).data)[((uint32_t) 2)] * ((v).data)[((uint32_t) 1)])), ((((u).data)[((uint32_t) 2)] * ((v).data)[((uint32_t) 0)]) - (((u).data)[((uint32_t) 0)] * ((v).data)[((uint32_t) 2)])), ((((u).data)[((uint32_t) 0)] * ((v).data)[((uint32_t) 1)]) - (((u).data)[((uint32_t) 1)] * ((v).data)[((uint32_t) 0)]))} });
return guid175;
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1202, int c118>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> project(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> a, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> b) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c118;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> guid176 = normalize<t1202, c118>(b);
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1202, c118>> bn = guid176;
return scale<t1202, c118>(dot<t1202, c118>(a, bn), bn);
namespace Vector {
template<typename t1215, int c119>
juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1215, c119>> projectPlane(juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1215, c119>> a, juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1215, c119>> m) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_3<juniper::array<t1215, c119>> {
constexpr int32_t n = c119;
return subtract<t1215, c119>(a, project<t1215, c119>(a, m));
namespace CharList {
template<int c120>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c120>, uint32_t> toUpper(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c120>, uint32_t> str) {
return List::map<uint8_t, uint8_t, void, c120>(juniper::function<void, uint8_t(uint8_t)>([](uint8_t c) -> uint8_t {
return (((c >= ((uint8_t) 97)) && (c <= ((uint8_t) 122))) ?
(c - ((uint8_t) 32))
}), str);
namespace CharList {
template<int c121>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c121>, uint32_t> toLower(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c121>, uint32_t> str) {
return List::map<uint8_t, uint8_t, void, c121>(juniper::function<void, uint8_t(uint8_t)>([](uint8_t c) -> uint8_t {
return (((c >= ((uint8_t) 65)) && (c <= ((uint8_t) 90))) ?
(c + ((uint8_t) 32))
}), str);
namespace CharList {
template<int c122>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c122)>, uint32_t> i32ToCharList(int32_t m) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c122)>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t n = c122;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c122)>, uint32_t> {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c122)>, uint32_t> guid177 = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c122)>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c122)>, uint32_t> guid178; = (juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c122)>().fill(((uint8_t) 0)));
guid178.length = ((uint32_t) 0);
return guid178;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c122)>, uint32_t> ret = guid177;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
int charsPrinted = 1 + snprintf((char *) &[0], n + 1, "%d", m);
ret.length = charsPrinted >= (n + 1) ? (n + 1) : charsPrinted;
return {};
return ret;
namespace CharList {
template<int c123>
uint32_t length(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, c123>, uint32_t> s) {
return (([&]() -> uint32_t {
constexpr int32_t n = c123;
return ((s).length - ((uint32_t) 1));
namespace CharList {
template<int c124, int c125, int c126>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c126)>, uint32_t> concat(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c124)>, uint32_t> sA, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c125)>, uint32_t> sB) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c126)>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t aCap = c124;
constexpr int32_t bCap = c125;
constexpr int32_t retCap = c126;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c126)>, uint32_t> {
uint32_t guid179 = ((uint32_t) 0);
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t j = guid179;
uint32_t guid180 = length<(1)+(c124)>(sA);
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t lenA = guid180;
uint32_t guid181 = length<(1)+(c125)>(sB);
if (!(true)) {
uint32_t lenB = guid181;
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c126)>, uint32_t> guid182 = (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c126)>, uint32_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c126)>, uint32_t> guid183; = (juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c126)>().fill(((uint8_t) 0)));
guid183.length = ((lenA + lenB) + ((uint32_t) 1));
return guid183;
if (!(true)) {
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c126)>, uint32_t> out = guid182;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid184 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid185 = (lenA - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid184; i <= guid185; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((out).data)[j] = ((sA).data)[i]);
(j = (j + ((uint32_t) 1)));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
uint32_t guid186 = ((uint32_t) 0);
uint32_t guid187 = (lenB - ((uint32_t) 1));
for (uint32_t i = guid186; i <= guid187; i++) {
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
(((out).data)[j] = ((sB).data)[i]);
(j = (j + ((uint32_t) 1)));
return juniper::unit();
return {};
return out;
namespace CharList {
template<int c133, int c134>
juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, ((1)+(c133))+(c134)>, uint32_t> safeConcat(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c133)>, uint32_t> sA, juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, (1)+(c134)>, uint32_t> sB) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<uint8_t, ((1)+(c133))+(c134)>, uint32_t> {
constexpr int32_t aCap = c133;
constexpr int32_t bCap = c134;
return concat<c133, c134, (c133)+(c134)>(sA, sB);
namespace Random {
int32_t random_(int32_t low, int32_t high) {
return (([&]() -> int32_t {
int32_t guid188 = ((int32_t) 0);
if (!(true)) {
int32_t ret = guid188;
(([&]() -> juniper::unit {
ret = random(low, high);
return {};
return ret;
namespace Random {
juniper::unit seed(uint32_t n) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
return {};
namespace Random {
template<typename t1279, int c138>
t1279 choice(juniper::records::recordt_0<juniper::array<t1279, c138>, uint32_t> lst) {
return (([&]() -> t1279 {
constexpr int32_t n = c138;
return (([&]() -> t1279 {
int32_t guid189 = random_(((int32_t) 0), u32ToI32((lst).length));
if (!(true)) {
int32_t i = guid189;
return List::nth<t1279, c138>(i32ToU32(i), lst);
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> hsvToRgb(juniper::records::recordt_6<float, float, float> color) {
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> {
juniper::records::recordt_6<float, float, float> guid190 = color;
if (!(true)) {
float v = (guid190).v;
float s = (guid190).s;
float h = (guid190).h;
float guid191 = (v * s);
if (!(true)) {
float c = guid191;
float guid192 = (c * toFloat<double>((1.000000 - Math::fabs_((Math::fmod_((toDouble<float>(h) / ((double) 60)), 2.000000) - 1.000000)))));
if (!(true)) {
float x = guid192;
float guid193 = (v - c);
if (!(true)) {
float m = guid193;
juniper::tuple3<float,float,float> guid194 = (((0.000000 <= h) && (h < 60.000000)) ?
(juniper::tuple3<float,float,float>{c, x, 0.000000})
(((60.000000 <= h) && (h < 120.000000)) ?
(juniper::tuple3<float,float,float>{x, c, 0.000000})
(((120.000000 <= h) && (h < 180.000000)) ?
(juniper::tuple3<float,float,float>{0.000000, c, x})
(((180.000000 <= h) && (h < 240.000000)) ?
(juniper::tuple3<float,float,float>{0.000000, x, c})
(((240.000000 <= h) && (h < 300.000000)) ?
(juniper::tuple3<float,float,float>{x, 0.000000, c})
(juniper::tuple3<float,float,float>{c, 0.000000, x}))))));
if (!(true)) {
float bPrime = (guid194).e3;
float gPrime = (guid194).e2;
float rPrime = (guid194).e1;
float guid195 = ((rPrime + m) * 255.000000);
if (!(true)) {
float r = guid195;
float guid196 = ((gPrime + m) * 255.000000);
if (!(true)) {
float g = guid196;
float guid197 = ((bPrime + m) * 255.000000);
if (!(true)) {
float b = guid197;
return (([&]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid198;
guid198.r = toUInt8<float>(r);
guid198.g = toUInt8<float>(g);
guid198.b = toUInt8<float>(b);
return guid198;
namespace Color {
uint16_t rgbToRgb565(juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> color) {
return (([&]() -> uint16_t {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid199 = color;
if (!(true)) {
uint8_t b = (guid199).b;
uint8_t g = (guid199).g;
uint8_t r = (guid199).r;
return ((((u8ToU16(r) & ((uint16_t) 248)) << ((uint32_t) 8)) | ((u8ToU16(g) & ((uint16_t) 252)) << ((uint32_t) 3))) | (u8ToU16(b) >> ((uint32_t) 3)));
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> red = (([]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid200;
guid200.r = ((uint8_t) 255);
guid200.g = ((uint8_t) 0);
guid200.b = ((uint8_t) 0);
return guid200;
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> green = (([]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid201;
guid201.r = ((uint8_t) 0);
guid201.g = ((uint8_t) 255);
guid201.b = ((uint8_t) 0);
return guid201;
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> blue = (([]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid202;
guid202.r = ((uint8_t) 0);
guid202.g = ((uint8_t) 0);
guid202.b = ((uint8_t) 255);
return guid202;
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> black = (([]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid203;
guid203.r = ((uint8_t) 0);
guid203.g = ((uint8_t) 0);
guid203.b = ((uint8_t) 0);
return guid203;
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> white = (([]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid204;
guid204.r = ((uint8_t) 255);
guid204.g = ((uint8_t) 255);
guid204.b = ((uint8_t) 255);
return guid204;
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> yellow = (([]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid205;
guid205.r = ((uint8_t) 255);
guid205.g = ((uint8_t) 255);
guid205.b = ((uint8_t) 0);
return guid205;
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> magenta = (([]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid206;
guid206.r = ((uint8_t) 255);
guid206.g = ((uint8_t) 0);
guid206.b = ((uint8_t) 255);
return guid206;
namespace Color {
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> cyan = (([]() -> juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>{
juniper::records::recordt_4<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> guid207;
guid207.r = ((uint8_t) 0);
guid207.g = ((uint8_t) 255);
guid207.b = ((uint8_t) 255);
return guid207;
namespace Blink {
uint16_t boardLed = ((uint16_t) 13);
namespace Blink {
juniper::shared_ptr<juniper::records::recordt_1<uint32_t>> tState = Time::state();
namespace Blink {
juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState> ledState = (juniper::shared_ptr<Io::pinState>(new Io::pinState(low())));
namespace Blink {
juniper::unit loop() {
return (([&]() -> juniper::unit {
Prelude::sig<uint32_t> guid208 = Time::every(((uint32_t) 1000), tState);
if (!(true)) {
Prelude::sig<uint32_t> timerSig = guid208;
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> guid209 = Signal::foldP<uint32_t, Io::pinState, void>(juniper::function<void, Io::pinState(uint32_t,Io::pinState)>([](uint32_t currentTime, Io::pinState lastState) -> Io::pinState {
return Io::toggle(lastState);
}), ledState, timerSig);
if (!(true)) {
Prelude::sig<Io::pinState> ledSig = guid209;
return Io::digOut(boardLed, ledSig);
namespace Blink {
juniper::unit setup() {
return Io::setPinMode(boardLed, Io::output());
void setup() {
void loop() {
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