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morganp / flatten.rb
Created September 2, 2010 02:14 — forked from Whoops/flatten.rb
require 'pp'
pp a.inject([]){|b,x| if Array===x then x.each {|y| b << y } else b << x end;b;}
center = [500,500]
radius = 500
height = 100
width = 100
num_edge = 50
num_hour = 10
num_min = 10
length_hour = 300
morganp / .bashrc
Created June 29, 2010 13:17 — forked from justintv/.bashrc
# If you work with git, you've probably had that nagging sensation of not knowing what branch you are on. Worry no longer!
PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\h \[\033[01;34m\]\W' #\$ \[\033[00m\]'
PS1=$PS1"\$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '^*' | colrm 1 2 | xargs -I {} echo ' (\[\033[01;31m\]'{}'\[\033[01;34m\])')"
export PS1=$PS1" \$ \[\033[00m\]"
# This will change your prompt to display not only your working directory but also your current git branch, if you have one. Pretty nifty!
# host ~/code/web (beta_directory) $ git checkout master