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Last active December 20, 2018 20:24
Go 2 Error Handling - function and syntactic sugar
// ParseError wraps err with parse error message.
func ParseError(err error) error { return errors.Wrap(err, “parse error“) }
// WithMessagse wraps err with arbitrary message.
func WithMessage(message string) func(err error) error {
return func(err error) error { returns errors.Wrap(err, message) }
// Ignore ignores err.
func Ignore(_ error) error { return nil }
// MultiError aggregates multiple errors.
type MultiError struct {
Errors []error
// Append appends err to the error list.
func (me *MultiError) Append(err error) error {
me.Errors = append(me.Errors, err)
return nil
// Error is for error interface.
func (me *MultiError) Error() string {
return "multi error"
func doSomething() error {
i1 := check ParseError strconv.ParseInt(“123”, 10, 64)
i2 := check WithMessage(“parse error”) strconv.ParseInt(“123”, 10, 64)
i3 := check Ignore strconv.ParseInt(“123”, 10, 64)
me := &MultiError{}
i4 := check me.Append strconv.ParseInt(“123”, 10, 64)
i5 := check me.Append strconv.ParseInt(“456”, 10, 64)
if me.Errors != nil {
return me
return nil
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morikuni commented Sep 29, 2018

My proposal is "Use functions as an error handler, Add syntactic sugar to remove duplicated if statement".

check is a syntactic sugar.
check takes a function func(error) error and call it only when the err is not nil.
check returns err with zero values if the function returned a non-nil error.

v1, v2, ..., vN, err := chack <f func(error) error> <expr>
if err != nil {
	if err2 := f(err); err2 != nil {
		return zero1, zero2, ..., zeroN, err2

For example.

i2 := check WithMessage(“parse error”) strconv.ParseInt(“123”, 10, 64)

The above code equals to below.

i1, err := strconv.ParseInt(“123”, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
	if err2 := WithMessage(“parse error”)(err); err2 != nil {
		return err2

I think the name check is not the best, because it is widely used in existing code, but I have no good idea.

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haasted commented Dec 20, 2018

I've been skimming through the various proposals for Go 2 error handling, and I think this one is my favourite so far. Including the "official" proposal. Thanks for writing it up.

I love that it keeps things verbose about what's happening, while still providing full flexibility for handlers.

Did you ever consider using a syntax in the style of i4 := strconv.ParseInt(“123”, 10, 64) ? me.Append to keep the actual function call at the front of the line?

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