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Last active March 10, 2020 14:45
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Clean Docker Images From Private Registry
import requests
import argparse
import functools
import operator
import re
MANIFEST_JSON_ACCEPT_HEADER = 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json'
class RegistryClean:
def __init__(self, registry_url, image_name, retain_count, test):
self.registry_url = re.sub(r'/$', '', registry_url)
self.image_name = image_name
self.retain_count = retain_count
self.test = test
def execute(self):
images = []
if self.image_name == 'all':
images = self.get_all_images()
print('Found %d images to process' % (len(images)))
print('Processing on one image, [%s]' % (self.image_name))
for image in images:
def get_all_images(self):
print('Getting list of all images in repository')
response = requests.get('%s/v2/_catalog' % (self.registry_url))
json = response.json()
if not 'repositories' in json:
raise 'Unexpected JSON response to catalog request'
return json['repositories']
def clean_image(self, image_name):
print('Getting list of all tags for [%s]...' % (image_name))
tags = self.get_all_tags(image_name)
if 'latest' in tags:
tags.remove('latest') # Special case
tags.sort(reverse = True)
# Convert tags to SHAs and generate unique list
# We do this because multiple tags can point to one SHA
# and we want to make sure we keep the latest N *shas*
# Also keep a mapping of shas to all tags so that we can
# properly alert the user to what's being deleted
print('Iterating all tags and gathering info...')
keep_shas = []
delete_shas = []
sha_to_tags = {}
for tag in tags:
sha = self.get_tag_sha(image_name, tag)
if sha not in keep_shas and sha not in delete_shas:
if len(keep_shas) < self.retain_count:
if sha not in sha_to_tags:
sha_to_tags[sha] = []
print('Found %d SHAs to delete (%d tags), retaining %d SHAs (%d tags)' % (len(delete_shas),
functools.reduce(operator.add, map(lambda x: len(sha_to_tags[x]), delete_shas), 0),
functools.reduce(operator.add, map(lambda x: len(sha_to_tags[x]), keep_shas), 0)))
for sha in delete_shas:
print('Deleting %s tagged as %s%s' % (sha, sha_to_tags[sha], ' (Test Only)' if self.test == True else ''))
if self.test is False:
self.delete_sha(image_name, sha)
def get_all_tags(self, image_name):
response = requests.get('%s/v2/%s/tags/list' % (self.registry_url, image_name))
json = response.json()
if not 'tags' in json:
raise 'Unexpected JSON response to tags request'
return json['tags']
def get_tag_sha(self, image_name, tag):
response = requests.head('%s/v2/%s/manifests/%s' % (self.registry_url, image_name, tag), headers={'Accept': MANIFEST_JSON_ACCEPT_HEADER})
if not 'Docker-Content-Digest' in response.headers:
raise 'No content digest returned for tag %s' % tag
return response.headers['Docker-Content-Digest']
def delete_sha(self, image_name, sha):
response = requests.delete('%s/v2/%s/manifests/%s' % (self.registry_url, image_name, sha), headers={'Accept': MANIFEST_JSON_ACCEPT_HEADER})
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Remove Docker tags older than <N> count')
parser.add_argument('registry_url', help='The URL of the docker registry')
parser.add_argument('image_name', help='The name of the image to clean, or "all" for all')
parser.add_argument('retain_count', type=int, help='The count of tags to retain')
parser.add_argument('--test', help='Perform a test run only', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
executor = RegistryClean(args.registry_url, args.image_name, args.retain_count, args.test)
if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as e:
print("Caught error")
# sudo docker exec -ti registry /bin/sh
# registry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.yml
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