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Created March 10, 2024 18:21
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import { Executable } from "../../common/use-case";
import { Board } from "../entities/board.entity";
import { CellAlreadyTakenException } from "../exceptions/cell-already-taken.exception";
import { StepDoesNotExistException } from "../exceptions/step-does-not-exist.exception";
import { GameDomainModel } from "../game.domain-model";
import { IBoardRepository } from "../ports/board-repository.port";
export type Input = {
square: number;
step: number;
export type Output = {
winner: GameDomainModel.Winner;
history: GameDomainModel.Squares[];
xIsNext: boolean;
step: number;
export class Play implements Executable<Input, Output> {
constructor(private boardRepository: IBoardRepository) {}
async execute(input: Input) {
const { square, step } = input;
const history = await this.boardRepository.findHistory();
const currentBoard = history[step];
if (!currentBoard) {
throw new StepDoesNotExistException();
const xIsNext = currentBoard.xIsNext();
const winner = currentBoard.calculateWinner();
if (winner) {
return {
history: => board.squares),
if (currentBoard.squares[square]) {
throw new CellAlreadyTakenException();
const board = new Board({
squares: currentBoard.squares.slice() as GameDomainModel.Squares,
if (xIsNext) {
board.squares[square] = GameDomainModel.Square.X;
} else {
board.squares[square] = GameDomainModel.Square.O;
this.boardRepository.setHistory([...history.slice(0, step + 1), board]);
return {
history: [
...history.slice(0, step + 1).map((board) => board.squares),
winner: board.calculateWinner(),
xIsNext: board.xIsNext(),
step: step + 1,
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