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morisk /
Created January 8, 2019 21:37 — forked from belst/
Deploy Rocket in production

Deploy Rocket using Letsencrypt and nginx


This guide uses the domain your-domain.tld and its www. prefixed version. It starts the rocket application on and as the user www-data. The proxy listens on port 80 and 443 though.
If you need other values, update them accordingly in your nginx and systemd configs.


You need to have nginx, certbot and rust installed.

morisk /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24 — forked from mackuba/

Here's my own list of the interesting stuff announced during this year's WWDC, collected from the keynotes, various Apple docs, blog posts and tweets.

If you're planning to watch the videos, I really recommend this Mac app that helps you download and watch them:

OS X El Capitan

  • split view - two apps side by side on full screen