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Created May 30, 2016 13:36
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Getting Computer Uptime Using PowerShell
#requires -version 2
Outputs the last bootup time and uptime for one or more computers.
Outputs the last bootup time and uptime for one or more computers.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
One or more computer names. The default is the current computer. Wildcards are not supported.
.PARAMETER Credential
Specifies credentials that have permission to connect to the remote computer. This parameter is ignored for the current computer.
PSObjects containing the computer name, the last bootup time, and the uptime.
begin {
function Out-Object {
[System.Collections.Hashtable[]] $hashData
$order = @()
$result = @{}
$hashData | ForEach-Object {
$order += ($_.Keys -as [Array])[0]
$result += $_
New-Object PSObject -Property $result | Select-Object $order
function Format-TimeSpan {
process {
"{0:00} d {1:00} h {2:00} m {3:00} s" -f $_.Days,$_.Hours,$_.Minutes,$_.Seconds
function Get-Uptime {
# In case pipeline input contains ComputerName property
if ( $computerName.ComputerName ) {
$computerName = $computerName.ComputerName
if ( (-not $computerName) -or ($computerName -eq ".") ) {
$computerName = [Net.Dns]::GetHostName()
$params = @{
"Class" = "Win32_OperatingSystem"
"ComputerName" = $computerName
"Namespace" = "root\CIMV2"
if ( $credential ) {
# Ignore -Credential for current computer
if ( $computerName -ne [Net.Dns]::GetHostName() ) {
$params.Add("Credential", $credential)
try {
$wmiOS = Get-WmiObject @params -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
Write-Error -Exception (New-Object $_.Exception.GetType().FullName `
("Cannot connect to the computer '$computerName' due to the following error: '$($_.Exception.Message)'",
$lastBootTime = [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($wmiOS.LastBootUpTime)
Out-Object `
@{"ComputerName" = $computerName},
@{"LastBootTime" = $lastBootTime},
@{"Uptime" = (Get-Date) - $lastBootTime | Format-TimeSpan}
process {
if ( $ComputerName ) {
foreach ( $computerNameItem in $ComputerName ) {
Get-Uptime $computerNameItem $Credential
else {
Get-Uptime "."
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