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Forked from fguillen/
Created July 24, 2014 08:03
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(Several of these git examples have been extracted from the book 'Pragmatic guide to GIT' of Travis Swicegood )

Git tips

Global git user

git config --global "Fernando Guillen"
git config --global ""

Repository git user

cd /develop/myrepo
git config "Fernando Guillen"
git config ""

Git editor

git config --global core.editor /usr/bin/vim

Init a local repo and first commit

cd /develop/myrepo
git init
git touch
git add
git commit -m "first commit"

Clone a remote repo

git clone myrepo

Clone but taken only the las 50 commits

git clone --depth 50 my_repo


git status
git status --short                  # status decorated


git add path/to/file
git add path/to/folder
git add .
git add -A|--all
git add -u|--update
git add -p|--patch [path/to/file]  # choose the changes
git add -e [path/to/file]          # edit the diff


git commit -m "Message"
git commit -a -m "Message"         # adding all changed files
git commit                         # open editor for Message
git commit --amend
git commit --amend -C HEAD


git stash
git stash apply
git stash pop                     # apply and remove from the stack
git stash list
git stash save --patch
git stash drop <stash_name>       # remove
git stash clear                   # remove all
git stash <branch_name> [<stash_name>]  # create a branch from an stash

Global ignore

echo ".DS_STORE" >> ~/.gitignore
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

Unstage a file

git reset HEAD -- path/to/file

Undo all uncommited changes

git checkout -- path/to/file       # posible data lost!!

Git file commands

git mv path/to/file path/to/file2
git rm -- path/to/file
git rm -r -- path/to/folder
git rm -f -- path/to/file
git clean -n                        # secure remove not stashed files


git branch <branch_name>
git branch <branch_name> 99a0de8    # from an starting point
git branch <branch_name> <other_branch>
git branch --track <branch_name>
git branch --track <branch_name> <repository>/<branch_name>
git branch --no-track <branch_name>

git checkout <branch_name>
git checkout -b <branch_name>       # create branch and checkout into it
git checkout --track -b <branch_name> <repository>/<branch_name>

git branch                        # only locals
git branch -r                     # only remotes
git branch -a                     # all
git branch --merged
git branch --no-merged
git branch --contains 99a0de8     # branchs that contain this commit

git branch -d <other_branch>
git branch -D <other_branch>

git push <remote_repo> :<remote_branch>  # deleting a remote branch

git show-branch                   # show the branch history

Cherry picking

git cherry-pick 99a0de8
git cherry-pick --edit 99a0de8    # edit the message
git cherry-pick --no-commit 99a0de8


git tag
git tag v1.0
git tag beta1 99a0de8

git push <remote_repo> v1.0
git push --tags <remote_repo>

git fetch --tags <remote_repo>

git tag -d <tag_name>                 # remove local tag
git push origin :refs/tags/<tag_name> # remove remote tag


git merge <other_branch>
git merge --no-commit <other_branch>  # no create a commit
git merge --no-ff <other_branch>      # force create a merge commit
git merge --log <other_branch>        # one-line log for each merged commit
git merge -m "Message" <other_branch> # message for this merge commit log


git rebase <other_branch>
git rebase 99a0de8
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD          # undo last rebase after it completes

git rebase --continue
git rebase --abort

git rebase -i 99a0de8
git rebase -i <other_branch>
git rebase -i HEAD~5
git rebase -i HEAD^^^^^


git log
git log --oneline

git log -5
git log HEAD^^^^^..HEAD
git log HEAD~5..HEAD
git log -1 -p HEAD              # see changes in last commit

git log -- path/to/folder       # commits affecting path/to/folder
git log -- path/to/file
git log --patch -- path/to/file # commits affecting path/to/file in diff format

git log --since="1 week"
git log --after="7 days"
git log --before="1 week"
git log --until="7 days"

git log --grep="some [Rr]eg[Ee]x"
git log --grep="some [Rr]eg[Ee]x" --regexp-ignore-case

git log --author="<user_name>"
git log -S"my string"           # 'my string' commits matching
git log -S"my string" --patch   # 'my string' commits matching in diff format

git log ..67aab84               # commits in 67aab84 that are not in HEAD

git reflog                      # history log of the branches changes

Find the commits that have modified a file

git log --raw --abbrev=40 --pretty=oneline | grep -B 1 `git hash-object <filename>`

Commits in branchA that are not in branchB

git log branchA ^branchB


git diff
git diff --staged
git diff HEAD
git diff 99a0de8
git diff 99a0de8..67aab84

git diff -- path/to/file

git log <branch1>..<branch2>      # commits in <branch2> those are not in <branch1>

Remote repositories

git remote add <remote_repo>
git remote rm <remote_repo>

git fetch <remote_repo>
git fetch <remote_repo> <local_branch>:remotes/<remote_repo>/<remote_branch>
git fetch --all

git pull
git pull <remote_repo> <remote_branch>
git pull <remote_repo> <remote_branch>:<local_branch>
git pull -f
git pull --rebase <remote_repo> <remote_branch>  # fetch and rebase

git push
git push <remote_repo> <remote_branch>
git push <remote_repo> <local_branch>:<remote_branch>
git push -f


git diff --stat HEAD~10
git diff --stat HEAD~10 HEAD
git diff --stat 99a0de8 67aab84

git diff --shortstat HEAD~10
git diff --numstat HEAD~10

git diff --stat -p HEAD

git log --stat
git log --shortstat

Fixing commits

git commit --amend
git commit --amend -C HEAD

git reset --hard HEAD^
git reset --soft HEAD^         # removing last commit without removing the changes


git revert 99a0de8
git revert --no-commit 99a0de8

Removing commits

git reset --hard HEAD~3        # removing the last 3 commits
git reset --hard origin/master # reseting to the remote state
git rebase -i 99a0de8^         # using editor to remove the line with 99a0de8


git bisect start
git bisect bad
git bisect good 99a0de8
# bisect process
git bisect reset

git bisect start HEAD 99a0de8
git bisect run /path/to/test/script
git bisect reset


git blame path/to/filename

Init a remote (bare) repository

git init --bare path/to/repo.git

Creating and Applying patches

Patch with diff

git diff --no-prefix > path/to/patch
patch -p0 < path/to/patch

Patch with format-patch

git format-patch -M 99a0de8                             # creating one patch file for each commit
git format-patch master --stdout > path/to/patch.patch  # creating one full patch file
git apply --stat path/to/patch.patch                    # check differences before appling
git apply --check path/to/patch.patch                   # checking problems before appling
git am path/to/patch.patch                              # apply the patch
git am --signoff path/to/patch.patch                    # apply the patch and sign off it
git apply path/to/patch.patch                           # apply the patch but not stage the changes

Playing with index

git update-index --assume-unchanged .rvmrc
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