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Created August 2, 2016 21:07
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// Issue::PhanAccessPropertyPrivate
class C1 { private static $p = 42; }
print C1::$p;
// Issue::PhanAccessPropertyProtected
class C2 { protected static $p = 42; }
print C2::$p;
// Issue::PhanCompatibleExpressionPHP7
// Issue::PhanCompatiblePHP7
// Issue::PhanContextNotObject
new parent;
// Issue::PhanDeprecatedFunction
/** @deprecated */
function f1() {}
// Issue::PhanNoopArray
// Issue::PhanNoopClosure
function() {};
// Issue::PhanNoopConstant
class C3 { const C = 42; }
// Issue::PhanNoopProperty
class C4 {
public $p;
function f() { $this->p; }
// Issue::PhanNoopVariable
$v3 = 42;
// Issue::PhanNoopZeroReferences
class C5 {}
// Issue::PhanParamReqAfterOpt
function f2($p1 = null, $p2) {}
// Issue::PhanParamSpecial1
// Issue::PhanParamSpecial2
// Issue::PhanParamSpecial3
// Issue::PhanParamSpecial4
// Issue::PhanParamTooFew
function f6($i) {}
// Issue::PhanParamTooFewInternal
// Issue::PhanParamTooMany
function f7($i) {}
f7(1, 2);
// Issue::PhanParamTooManyInternal
strlen('str', 42);
// Issue::PhanParamTypeMismatch
// Issue::PhanRedefineClass
class C15 {}
class C15 {}
// Issue::PhanRedefineClassInternal
class DateTime {}
// Issue::PhanRedefineFunction
function f9() {}
function f9() {}
// Issue::PhanRedefineFunctionInternal
function strlen() {}
// Issue::PhanStaticCallToNonStatic
class C19 { function f() {} }
// Issue::PhanNonClassMethodCall
$v8 = null;
// Issue::PhanTypeArrayOperator
// Issue::PhanTypeArraySuspicious
$v4 = false; if($v4[1]) {}
// Issue::PhanTypeComparisonFromArray
if ([1, 2] == 'string') {}
// Issue::PhanTypeComparisonToArray
if (42 == [1, 2]) {}
// Issue::PhanTypeConversionFromArray
// Issue::PhanTypeInstantiateAbstract
abstract class C6 {} (new C6);
// Issue::PhanTypeInstantiateInterface
interface C7 {} (new C7);
// Issue::PhanTypeInvalidLeftOperand
// Issue::PhanTypeInvalidRightOperand
// Issue::PhanTypeMismatchArgument
function f8(int $i) {}
// Issue::PhanTypeMismatchArgumentInternal
// Issue::PhanTypeMismatchDefault
// Issue::PhanTypeMismatchForeach
foreach (null as $i) {}
// Issue::PhanTypeMismatchProperty
function f3(int $p = false) {}
// Issue::PhanTypeMismatchReturn
class C8 { function f() : int { return 'string'; } }
// Issue::PhanTypeMissingReturn
class C9 { function f() : int {} }
// Issue::PhanTypeNonVarPassByRef
class C10 { static function f(&$v) {} } F::f('string');
// Issue::PhanTypeParentConstructorCalled
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredTypeParameter
function f4(Undef $p) {}
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredTypeProperty
class C11 { /** @var Undef */ public $p; }
// Issue::PhanParentlessClass
class C12 { function f() { $v = parent::f(); } }
// Issue::PhanTraitParentReference
trait T1 { function f() { return parent::f(); } }
// Issue::PhanUnanalyzable
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredClass
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredClassCatch
try {} catch (Undef $exception) {}
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredClassConstant
class C16 {}
$v7 = C16::C;
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredClassInstanceof
$v5 = null;
if ($v5 instanceof Undef) {}
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
function f5(Undef $p) { $p->f5(); }
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredClassReference
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredConstant
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredExtendedClass
class C13 extends Undef {}
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredFunction
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredInterface
class C17 implements C18 {}
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredMethod
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredProperty
class C14 {}
$v6 = (new C14)->undef;
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredStaticMethod
class C21 {}
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredStaticProperty
class C22 {}
$v11 = C22::$p;
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredTrait
class C20 { use T2; }
// Issue::PhanUndeclaredVariable
$v9 = $v10;
// Issue::PhanVariableUseClause
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