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Last active December 15, 2015 07:19
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require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/rdlowrey/Amp/autoload.php';
require __DIR__ . '/setup.php';
use Amp\Reactor,
class Hotplate {
* @var \Amp\Reactor
private $reactor;
* @var \Amp\Async\Dispatcher
private $dispatcher;
private $recalculated = 0;
private $workers = 0;
private $iterations = 0;
private $to = [];
private $from = [];
function __construct(Reactor $reactor, Dispatcher $dispatcher, $workers) {
$this->reactor = $reactor;
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
$dispatcher->setAutoTimeoutInterval($seconds = 10);
$this->workers = $workers;
$this->from = array_fill(0, ROWS, array_fill(0, COLUMNS, 50.0));
for ($i = 1; $i < LAST_ROW; $i++) {
$this->from[0][$i] = 0;
$this->from[$i][0] = 100.0;
$this->from[$i][LAST_COLUMN] = 100.0;
$this->from[LAST_ROW][$i] = 100.0;
$row_cache =& $this->from[400];
for ($column = 1; $column < 330; $column++) {
$row_cache[$column] = 100;
$this->from[200][500] = 100;
$this->to = $this->from;
function balance() {
function afterRecalculate(CallResult $result) {
$echo = "afterRecalculate . . .";
if ($result->isSuccess()) {
echo "$echo success\n";
list($row, $length, $recalculatedRow) = $result->getResult();
$stop = $row + $length;
echo "[$row:{$stop}]\n";
for (; $row < $stop; $row++) {
$this->to[$row] = $recalculatedRow[$row];
if (++$this->recalculated == $this->workers) {
$this->recalculated = 0;
echo "recalculations completed!\n";
if (!$this->isSteady()) {
list($this->to, $this->from) = [$this->from, $this->to];
} else {
} else {
echo "$echo failure:{$result->getError()}\n";
private function isSteady() {
echo "isSteady\n";
return TRUE;
protected function recalculate() {
echo "recalculate\n";
$chunkLength = ROWS / $this->workers;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->workers; $i++) {
$start = $i * $chunkLength - 1;
$length = $chunkLength + 1;
if ($start < 0) {
$start = 0;
$length = $chunkLength;
echo "\tdispatch($start, $length)\n";
[$this, 'afterRecalculate'],
array_slice($this->from, $start, $length, TRUE)
$start = microtime(true);
$pids = 1;
$bin = PHP_BINARY . ' -c /Users/levijm/Projects/Hotplate/src/php.ini';
$workerScript = __DIR__ . '/../vendor/rdlowrey/Amp/workers/process_worker.php';
$includes = __DIR__ . '/recalculate.php';
echo "$bin $workerScript $includes\n";
$reactor = (new ReactorFactory)->select();
$dispatcher = new ProcessDispatcher(
"$bin $workerScript $includes"
$hotplate = new Hotplate($reactor, $dispatcher, $pids);
require __DIR__ . '/setup.php';
function recalculate($start, $length, array $data) {
$stop = $start + $length;
$to = $data;
for ($row = $start + 1; $row < $stop && $row < LAST_ROW; $row++) {
$row_cache =& $to[$row];
$from_cache =& $from[$row];
for ($column = 1; $column < LAST_COLUMN; $column++) {
$row_cache[$column] = (
$from[$row - 1][$column]
+ $from[$row + 1][$column]
+ $from_cache[$column - 1]
+ $from_cache[$column + 1]
+ (4 * $from_cache[$column])
) / 8;
if (isset($data[400])) {
$row_cache =& $to[400];
for ($column = 1; $column < 330; $column++) {
$row_cache[$column] = 100;
if (isset($data[200])) {
$to[200][500] = 100;
return [$start, $length, $to];
define('ROWS', 768);
define('COLUMNS', 768);
define('LAST_ROW', 767);
define('LAST_COLUMN', 767);
set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) {
throw new ErrorException($errstr, $errno, 0, $errfile, $errline);
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