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Last active October 27, 2021 16:56
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Alastair Reynolds - Revelation Space (2000)
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World (1932)
Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man (1953)
Alfred Bester - The Stars My Destination (1956)
Anthony Burgess - A Clockwork Orange (1962)
Arthur C Clarke - 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968)
Arthur C Clarke - Childhood's End (1954)
Arthur C Clarke - Rendezvous With Rama (1973)
Arthur C Clarke - The City and the Stars (1956)
Arthur Conan Doyle - Benedict Cumberpatch Reads Sherlock Holmes (2015)
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Lost World (1912)
B. A. Paris - Behind Closed Doors (2016)
Ben Garrod - A Grown-Up Guide to Dinosaurs (2019)
Blake Crouch - Abandon (2016)
Blake Crouch - Dark Matter (2016)
Blake Crouch - Luther Kite 1 - Desert Places (2014)
Blake Crouch - Luther Kite 2 - Locked Doors (2014)
Blake Crouch - Luther Kite 3 - Break You (2014)
Blake Crouch - Recursion (2019)
Blake Crouch - Run (2012)
Blake Crouch - Summer Frost (2019)
Blake Crouch - Wayward Pines 1 - Pines (2012)
Blake Crouch - Wayward Pines 2 - Wayward (2013)
Blake Crouch - Wayward Pines 3 - The Last Town (2014)
C S Lewis - Out of the Silent Planet (1938)
Carl Sagan - Contact (1985)
Carol Kranowitz - The Out-of-Sync Child-Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder (2016)
Caroline Overington - The Cuckoo's Cry (2020)
Carrie Fisher - The Princess Diarist (2016)
Christine Ann Lawson - Understanding the Borderline Mother-Helping Her Children Transcend the Intense, Unpredictable, and Volatile Relationship (2016)
Claudia Gray - Star Wars Lost Stars (2015)
Clifford Simak - Way Station (1963)
Colleen Hoover - It Ends with Us (2016)
Colleen Hoover - Verity (2019)
Connie Willis - Doomsday Book (1992)
Cormac McCarthy - The Road (2006)
Craig Alanson - Expenditionary Force 1 - Columbus Day (2016)
Dan Simmons - Hyperion (1989)
Dan Simmons - Ilium (2003)
Daniel Keyes - Flowers for Algernon (1959)
David Brin - Startide Rising (1983)
David Brin - The Postman (1985)
David Brin - The Uplift War (1987)
David Lagercrantz - Millennium Series 4 - The Girl in the Spider's Web (2015)
David Lagercrantz - Millennium Series 5 - The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye (2017)
Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979)
Drew Karpyshyn - Star Wars - Darth Bane Trilogy - Legends 1 - Path Of Destruction (2012)
Drew Karpyshyn - Star Wars - Darth Bane Trilogy - Legends 2 - Rule Of Two (2012)
Drew Karpyshyn - Star Wars - Darth Bane Trilogy - Legends 3 - Dynasty Of Evil (2012)
E E 'Doc' Smith - Gray Lensman (1940)
Edgar Rice Burroughs - A Princess of Mars (1912)
Edwin A Abbott - Flatland (1884)
Ellison Cooper - Caged (2018)
Ernest Cline - Ready Player Two (2020)
Frank Herbert - Dune (1965)
Frederik Pohl - Gateway (1977)
Gene Wolfe - The Shadow of the Torturer (1980)
George Orwell - 1984 (1949)
George R.R. Martin - Fevre Dream (2012)
Greg Bear - Eon (1985)
Guillermo Del Toro, Chuck Hogan - The Strain Trilogy 1 - The Strain (2009)
Guillermo Del Toro, Chuck Hogan - The Strain Trilogy 2 - The Fall (2010)
Guillermo Del Toro, Chuck Hogan - The Strain Trilogy 3 - The Night Eternal (2011)
H G Wells - The Invisible Man (1897)
H G Wells - The Time Machine (1895)
H G Wells - The War of the Worlds (1898)
Harlan Coben - The Boy from the Woods (2020)
Harlan Coben - Win (2021)
Harry Harrison - The Stainless Steel Rat (1961)
Iain M Banks - The Player of Games (1988)
Iain M Banks - Use of Weapons (1990)
Isaac Asimov - Foundation (1951)
Isaac Asimov - I, Robot (1950)
Isaac Asimov - The Caves of Steel (1954)
Isaac Asimov - The End of Eternity (1955)
Isaac Asimov - The Gods Themselves (1972)
J.K. Rowling - Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (2017)
J.K. Rowling - The Tales of Beedle the Bard (2020)
JD Kirk - DCI Logan Crime Thrillers 1 - A Litter of Bones (2019)
Joe Haldeman - The Forever War (1974)
Joe Haldeman - The Forever War (2008)
Joe Hill - NOS4A2 (2013)
John Scalzi - Old Man's War (2005)
John Wyndham - The Chrysalids (1955)
John Wyndham - The Day of the Triffids (1951)
John le Carré - George Smiley 5 - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011)
Josh Malerman - Bird Box 1 - Bird Box (2014)
Josh Malerman - Bird Box 2 - Malorie (2020)
Jules Verne - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1870)
Jules Verne - Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864)
Julian May - The Many-Colored Land (1981)
Kathe Koja - The Cipher (2020)
Kim Stanley Robinson - Red Mars (1992)
Kristin Hannah - Firefly Lane (2008)
Kurt Vonnegut - Cat's Cradle (1963)
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse Five (1969)
Kurt Vonnegut - The Sirens of Titan (1959)
L Ron Hubbard - Battlefield Earth (1982)
Larry Niven - Ringworld (1970)
Larry Niven, Steven Barnes - Dream Park 2 - The Barsoom Project (2017)
Leigh Bardugo - Grisha 1 - Shadow and Bone (2012)
Leigh Bardugo - Grisha 2 - Siege and Storm (2013)
Leigh Bardugo - Grisha 3 - Ruin and Rising (2014)
Leigh Bardugo - King of Scars 1 - King of Scars (2019)
Leigh Bardugo - King of Scars 2 - Rule of Wolves (2021)
Leigh Bardugo - Ninth House (2019)
Leigh Bardugo - Six of Crows 1 - Six of Crows (2015)
Leigh Bardugo - Six of Crows 2 - Crooked Kingdom (2016)
Leigh Bardugo - The Language of Thorns-Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic (2017)
Lem Stanislaw - Solaris (1961)
Lindsay C. Gibson PsyD - Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents-How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved (2016)
Lisa Jewell - Then She Was Gone (2018)
Lucy Foley - The Guest List (2020)
M. R. Carey - The Girl with All the Gifts 1 - The Girl with All the Gifts (2014)
M. R. Carey - The Girl with All the Gifts 2 - The Boy on the Bridge (2017)
Madelein L'Engle - A Wrinkle in Time (1962)
Madeline Miller - Circe (2018)
Madeline Miller - The Song of Achilles (2012)
Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid's Tale (1985)
Margarita Morris - Goodbye to Budapest-A Novel of the Hungarian Uprising (2020)
Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries 1 - All Systems Red (2017)
Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries 2 - Artificial Condition (2018)
Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries 3 - Rogue Protocol (2018)
Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries 4 - Exit Strategy (2018)
Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries 5 - Network Effect (2020)
Mary Shelley - Frankenstein (1818)
Matt Goldman - The Nils Shapiro Series 4 - Dead West (2020)
Michael A. Kamins Ph.D. - The New York Times Pocket MBA - Sales & Marketing (2000)
Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park (1990)
Michael Crichton - Sphere (1987)
Michael Crichton - The Andromeda Strain (1969)
Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon (1999)
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash (1992)
Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age (1995)
Neil Gaiman, Dirk Maggs - The Sandman (2020)
Nico Walker - Cherry (2018)
Niven & Pournelle - Lucifer's Hammer (1977)
Niven & Pournelle - The Mote in God's Eye (1975)
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game 1 - Ender's Game (1985)
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game 2 - Speaker for the Dead (1986)
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Shadow 1 - Ender's Shadow (1999)
Paul S Kemp - Star Wars - Lords of the Sith (2015)
Peter F Hamilton - The Reality Dysfunction (1996)
Philip Jose Farmer - To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971)
Philip K Dick - A Scanner Darkly (1977)
Philip K Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (1968)
Philip K Dick - The Man in the High Castle (1962)
Philip K Dick - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1964)
Philip K Dick - UBIK (1969)
Philip K Dick - VALIS (1981)
Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451 (1954)
Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles (1950)
Richard Morgan - Altered Carbon (2002)
Robert A Heinlein - Citizen of the Galaxy (1957)
Robert A Heinlein - Have Space-Suit Will Travel (1958)
Robert A Heinlein - Starship Troopers (1959)
Robert A Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land (1961)
Robert A Heinlein - The Door Into Summer (1957)
Robert A Heinlein - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966)
Robert A Heinlein - The Puppet Masters (1951)
Robert A Heinlein - Time Enough For Love (1973)
Roger Zelazny - Lord of Light (1967)
Scott Sigler - Infected 1 - Infected (2008)
Stephen King - 11.22.63 (2011)
Stephen King - Bag of Bones (1998)
Stephen King - Bill Hodges Trilogy 1 - Mr Mercedes (2014)
Stephen King - Bill Hodges Trilogy 2 - Finders Keepers (2015)
Stephen King - Black House (2001)
Stephen King - Blaze (2007)
Stephen King - Blockade Billy (2010)
Stephen King - Carrie (1974)
Stephen King - Cell (2006)
Stephen King - Christine (1983)
Stephen King - Cujo (1981)
Stephen King - Cycle of the Werewolf (1983)
Stephen King - Danse Macabre (1981)
Stephen King - Desperation (1996)
Stephen King - Different Seasons (1982)
Stephen King - Dolores Claiborne (1992)
Stephen King - Dreamcatcher (2001)
Stephen King - Duma Key (2008)
Stephen King - Everything's Eventual (2002)
Stephen King - Faithful (2004)
Stephen King - Firestarter (1980)
Stephen King - Four Past Midnight (1990)
Stephen King - From a Buick 8 (2002)
Stephen King - Full Dark, No Stars (2010)
Stephen King - Gerald's Game (1992)
Stephen King - Hearts in Atlantis (1999)
Stephen King - Insomnia (1994)
Stephen King - It (1986)
Stephen King - Just After Sunset (2008)
Stephen King - Later (2021)
Stephen King - Lisey's Story (2006)
Stephen King - Misery (1987)
Stephen King - Morality (2009)
Stephen King - Needful Things (1991)
Stephen King - Night Shift (1978)
Stephen King - Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993)
Stephen King - On Writing (2000)
Stephen King - Pet Sematary (1983)
Stephen King - Rage (1977)
Stephen King - Roadwork (1981)
Stephen King - Rose Madder (1995)
Stephen King - Salem's Lot (1975)
Stephen King - Skeleton Crew (1985)
Stephen King - Storm of the Century (1999)
Stephen King - The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (2015)
Stephen King - The Colorado Kid (2005)
Stephen King - The Dark Half (1989)
Stephen King - The Dark Tower 1 - The Gunslinger (1982)
Stephen King - The Dark Tower 2 - The Drawing of the Three (1987)
Stephen King - The Dark Tower 3 - The Waste Lands (1991)
Stephen King - The Dark Tower 4 - Wizard and Glass (1997)
Stephen King - The Dark Tower 5 - Wolves of the Calla (2003)
Stephen King - The Dark Tower 6 - Song of Susannah (2004)
Stephen King - The Dark Tower 7 - The Dark Tower (2004)
Stephen King - The Dead Zone (1979)
Stephen King - The Eyes of the Dragon (1987)
Stephen King - The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (1999)
Stephen King - The Green Mile (1996)
Stephen King - The Institute (2019)
Stephen King - The Long Walk (1979)
Stephen King - The Regulators (1996)
Stephen King - The Running Man (1982)
Stephen King - The Shining (1977)
Stephen King - The Stand (1978)
Stephen King - The Stand (1990)
Stephen King - The Talisman (1984)
Stephen King - The Tommyknockers (1987)
Stephen King - The Wind Through the Keyhole (2012)
Stephen King - Thinner (1984)
Stephen King - Throttle (2009)
Stephen King - UR (2009)
Stephen King - Under the Dome (2009)
Suzanne Collins - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2020)
Suzanne Redfearn - In an Instant (2020)
Taylor Jenkins Reid - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (2017)
Temple Grandin - The Autistic Brain
Ursula K Le Guin - The Dispossessed (1974)
Ursula K Le Guin - The Lathe of Heaven (1971)
Ursula K Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness (1969)
V. E. Schwab - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (2020)
Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep (1991)
Walter M Miller - A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)
William Gibson - Neuromancer (1984)
_Coming Soon/Dave Grohl - The Storyteller - Tales of Life and Music (2021)
_Coming Soon/Luigi Pirandello - One, No One and a Hundred Thousand (1926)
_Coming Soon/Stephen King - Billy Summers (2021)
_Language/Learn in Your Car Italian
_Language/Teach Yourself Mandarin Chinese Complete Course/Disc 01
_Language/Teach Yourself Mandarin Chinese Complete Course/Disc 02
_Unorganized Audiobooks/Stephen King/Stephen King - It (1986)
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