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Created May 17, 2010 10:07
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- Una presentación sobre nada
"nothing happens on the show. You see, it's just like life. You know, you eat, you go shopping, you read.. You eat, you read, You go shopping." (Seinfield)
- The Lunar Society
"The Lunar Society of Birmingham was a dinner club and informal learned society of prominent industrialists, natural philosophers and intellectuals who met regularly between 1765 and 1813 in Birmingham, England."
- John Snow - The Ghost Map
"John Snow (15 March 1813 – 16 June 1858) was a British physician and a leader in the adoption of anaesthesia and medical hygiene. He is considered to be one of the fathers of epidemiology, because of his work in tracing the source of a cholera outbreak in Soho, England, in 1854."
- Historias individuales intricadas en un marco histórico
- Macroscopios como instrumentos en la psicología ambiental
"Macroscopes give us a kind of superpower: an ability to feel the human scale and the grand view all at once."
- Here & There
- Los tubos neumáticos
- El telégrafo (1792)
- The Victorian Internet
"The idea embedded in the phrase is that instantaneous global communication is not a recent invention, but rather developed in the mid-19th century, and that the changes wrought by the telegraph outweigh the changes in modern society due to the Internet. In this view, the ability to communicate globally at all in real-time was a qualitative shift, while the modern Internet was merely a quantitative shift."
- El primer email enviado (1971)
"The first email message was something like "QWERTYUIOP". It is equally likely to have been "TESTING 1 2 3 4" or any other equally insignificant message."
- La primera página web
- La web como metáfora que a la vez explica y impulsa / Lakoff
- Olinda es modular y social. No es simplemente una "radio con internet". Es un concepto que incorpora las metáforas principales de Internet y que solo tiene sentido en este concepto histórico.
- The mass amateurization of everything
- La transición al software social
"there's a 22 year old college student living in the dorms. How will this software get him laid" (jwz)
- Tuenti, Facebook, Twitter
- La privacidad está muerta
- Girls gone wild
- Los superpúblicos
- Ambient Awareness
- "Señoras qué .." / Modulando la personalidad
- Yo también
- Los sitios sociales como codificación de estructuras sociales existentes / la tecnología no es neutral
- danah boyd y la clase en Fb vs Myspace
- ¿Por qué Myspace es tan feo?
- La movilidad
"the value proposition of mobile phones, the ability to transcend space and time in a personal," - Jan Chipchase
- Psicogeografía y la derive
- Comparar Urbanspoon con Around Me (Determinismo vs estocastismo)
- The street as platform
- Paisajes wifi
Centralizado vs descentralizado
- Clay Shirky
"Unfortunately for us, though, the intellectual fate of our historical generation is unlikely to matter much in the long haul. It is our misfortune to live through the largest increase in expressive capability in the history of the human race, a misfortune because surplus always breaks more things than scarcity. Scarcity means valuable things become more valuable, a conceptually easy change to integrate. Surplus, on the other hand, means previously valuable things stop being valuable, which freaks people out."
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