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Created May 23, 2019 07:47
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Owl Carousel v2 Accessibility Plugin
// forked from
// + some modifications
* Owl Carousel v2 Accessibility Plugin
* Version 0.2.1
* © Geoffrey Roberts 2016
;(function($, window, document){
var Owl2A11y = function(carousel) {
this._core = carousel;
this._initialized = false;
this._core._options = $.extend(Owl2A11y.defaults, this._core.options);
this.$element = this._core.$element;
var setCurrent = $.proxy(function(e) {
}, this);
var setNames = $.proxy(function(e) {
}, this);
this._handlers = {
'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) {
if (e.namespace && !this._initialized) {
}, this),
'initialize.owl.carousel': setNames,
'changed.owl.carousel': setCurrent,
'translated.owl.carousel': setCurrent,
'refreshed.owl.carousel': setCurrent,
'resized.owl.carousel': setCurrent
* Contains default parameters, if there were any.
Owl2A11y.defaults = {};
* Adds support for things that don't map nicely to the root object
* such as event handlers.
Owl2A11y.eventHandlers = {};
* Get a callback for keyup events within this carousel.
* @return callback
* An event callback that takes an Event as an argument.
Owl2A11y.prototype.getDocumentKeyUp = function(){
var self = this;
return function(e) {
var eventTarg = $(,
targ = self.focused(eventTarg),
action = null;
if (!!targ) {
if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 38) {
action = 'next.owl.carousel';
else if (e.keyCode == 39 || e.keyCode == 40) {
action = 'prev.owl.carousel';
else if (e.keyCode == 13) {
if (eventTarg.hasClass('owl-prev')) action = 'prev.owl.carousel';
else if (eventTarg.hasClass('owl-next')) action = 'next.owl.carousel';
else if (eventTarg.hasClass('owl-dot')) action = 'click';
if (!!action) targ.trigger(action);
* Assign attributes to the root element.
Owl2A11y.prototype.setupRoot = function() {
role: 'listbox',
tabindex: '0'
* Setup keyboard events for this carousel.
Owl2A11y.prototype.setupKeyboard = function(){
// Only needed to initialise once for the entire document
if (!this.$element.attr('data-owl-access-keyup')) {
this.$element.bind('keyup', this.getDocumentKeyUp())
.attr('data-owl-access-keyup', '1');
this.$element.attr('data-owl-carousel-focusable', '1');
* Setup focusing behaviour for the carousel.
Owl2A11y.prototype.setupFocus = function(){
// Only needed to initialise once for the entire document
this.$element.bind('focusin', function(){
'data-owl-carousel-focused': '1',
// 'aria-live': 'polite'
// .trigger('stop.owl.autoplay');
}).bind('focusout', function(){
'data-owl-carousel-focused': '0',
// 'aria-live': 'off'
// .trigger('play.owl.autoplay');
// Add tabindex to allow navigation to be focused.
if (!!this._core._plugins.navigation) {
var navPlugin = this._core._plugins.navigation,
toFocus = [];
if (!!navPlugin._controls.$previous) {
if (!!navPlugin._controls.$next) {
if (!!navPlugin._controls.$indicators) {
$.each(toFocus, function(){
this.attr('tabindex', '0');
* Assign attributes to the root element.
Owl2A11y.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.$element.unbind('keyup', this.eventHandlers.documentKeyUp)
.removeAttr('data-owl-access-keyup data-owl-carousel-focusable')
.unbind('focusin focusout');
* Identifies all focusable elements within a given element.
* @param DOMElement elem
* A DOM element.
* @return jQuery
* A jQuery object that may refer to zero or more focusable elements.
Owl2A11y.prototype.focusableElems = function(elem) {
return $(elem).find('a, input, select, button, *[tabindex]');
* Identifies all focusable elements within a given element.
* @param jQeury elems
* A jQuery object that may refer to zero or more focusable elements.
* @param boolean enable
* Whether focus is to be enabled on these elements or not.
Owl2A11y.prototype.adjustFocus = function(elems, enable){
var item = $(this);
var newTabIndex = '0',
storeTabIndex = '0';
currentTabIndex = item.attr('tabindex'),
storedTabIndex = item.attr('data-owl-temp-tabindex');
if (enable) {
newTabIndex = (
typeof(storedTabIndex) != 'undefined' && (storedTabIndex != '-1') ?
item.attr('data-owl-temp-tabindex') :
storedTabIndex = newTabIndex;
else {
newTabIndex = '-1';
storedTabIndex = (
(typeof(currentTabIndex) != 'undefined') || (currentTabIndex != '-1') ?
currentTabIndex :
tabindex: newTabIndex,
'data-owl-temp-tabindex': storeTabIndex
* Get the root element if we are focused within it.
* @param DOMElement targ
* An element that might be within this carousel.
* @return mixed
* Either the jQuery element containing the root element, or NULL.
Owl2A11y.prototype.focused = function(targ){
var targ = $(targ);
if (targ.attr('data-owl-carousel-focused') == 1) {
return targ;
var closest = targ.closest('[data-owl-carousel-focused="1"]');
if (closest.length > 0) return closest;
return null;
* Identify active elements, set WAI-ARIA sttributes accordingly,
* scroll to show element if we need to, and set up focusing.
* @param Event e
* The triggering event.
Owl2A11y.prototype.setCurrent = function(e) {
var targ = this.focused($(':focus')),
element = this._core.$element,
stage = this._core.$stage,
focusableElems = this.focusableElems,
adjustFocus = this.adjustFocus;
if (!!stage) {
// var offs = stage.offset();
// if (!!targ) {
// window.scrollTo(
// offs.left,
// - parseInt($('body').css('padding-top'), 10)
// );
// }
this._core.$stage.children().each(function(i) {
var item = $(this);
var focusable = focusableElems(this);
// Use the active class to determine if we can see it or not.
// Pretty lazy, but the Owl API doesn't make it easy to tell
// from indices alone.
if (item.hasClass('active')) {
item.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
adjustFocus(focusable, true);
else {
item.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
adjustFocus(focusable, false);
// if (!!targ) {
// // Focus on the root element after we're done moving,
// // but only if we're not using the controls.
// setTimeout(function(){
// var newFocus = element;
// if ($(':focus').closest('.owl-controls').length) {
// newFocus = $(':focus');
// }
// newFocus.focus();
// }, 250);
// }
/* set name for buttons */
Owl2A11y.prototype.setNames = function(e) {
var eventTarg = $(;
$(eventTarg).find('.owl-dot').each((index, item) => {
$(item).attr('aria-label', `slide ${index + 1}`)
$(eventTarg).find('.owl-next').each((index, item) => {
$(item).attr('aria-label', 'next slide')
$(eventTarg).find('.owl-prev').each((index, item) => {
$(item).attr('aria-label', 'previous slide')
$.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins['Owl2A11y'] = Owl2A11y;
})(window.jQuery, window, document);
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