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Created September 4, 2009 01:03
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$ bin/migrate newfisk
** App Name newfisk
** App ID 55811
** Pulling code from S3
** Untarring code tp /tmp/hg933960/
** Git commiting all open changes in the garden working tree
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Heroku Garden Export' -a
** Pulling Data From S3 ->
** Creating temp local postgres database and user
$ createuser -h -SDRl hg933960
$ createdb -h -O hg933960 hg933960
$ psql -h hg933960 hg933960 -f /tmp/hg933960.dump
** Done.
$ heroku create newfisk
** name newfisk already taken on heroku - trying again
$ heroku create newfisk16
Created |
$ heroku config:add RACK_ENV=development --app newfisk16
Adding config vars:
RACK_ENV => development
Restarting app...done.
$ heroku db:push postgres://hg933960:hg933960@ --app newfisk16
Sending schema
Sending data
7 tables, 843 records
Sending indexes
Resetting sequences
$ git push master
/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rush-0.5/lib/rush/local.rb:315:in `bash': Identity added: /Users/morten/code/garden/.ssh/id_rsa (/Users/morten/code/garden/.ssh/id_rsa) (Rush::BashFailed) not authorized for edit access to that app
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rush-0.5/lib/rush/box.rb:75:in `bash'
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rush-0.5/lib/rush/dir.rb:123:in `bash'
from /Users/morten/code/garden/lib/garden_app.rb:76:in `migrate_bash'
from /Users/morten/code/garden/lib/garden_app.rb:67:in `local_to_heroku'
from /Users/morten/code/garden/lib/garden_app.rb:29:in `migrate'
from bin/migrate:32
tubbs:garden morten$
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