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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Function Get-SharedFolderACL {
Recursively steps through folders and collects the Access Control List
Run the cmdlet against one or more Mapped Drives or Shares and it will create a .txt file with the ACLs of every folder in the structure
If you are getting the ACL from a share with many nested folders then it will take a significant amount of time to run
and the resulting .txt files can be quite large
Either the drive letter or UNC path of the share you want to collect ACLs from
The location where you want to save the file
Get-COS-SharedFolder-ACL z:
Get-COS-SharedFolder-ACL z:,\\share\folder
Get-COS-SharedFolder-ACL z:,\\share\folder -FileLoc c:\MyFavoriteFolder
Version: 2.0
Revision Date: 6/16/2014
Param (
HelpMessage='The UNC path or Mapped Drive letter you wish to process on')]
HelpMessage='Location to save the ouput files, defaut: C:\PSResults\')]
Begin {
if (!(Test-Path $FileLoc)) { # Check if we have an output directory, if not, create one
New-Item -Path $FileLoc -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Process {
foreach ($share in $shares) {
# Mapped drives start at F: in my environment, this checks if it's a mapped drive
if ("$share" -match "^[f-zF-Z]:") {
# Splitting to get just the drive letter
$share = $share.Split(':\')[0]
Write-Debug "Step one, Share is $share"
# This will get me the root of the mapping, i.e. \\share\folder
$share = (Get-PSDrive -Name $share).DisplayRoot
Write-Debug "Step two, Share is $share"
if (Split-Path $share -Resolve) {
Write-Debug "Split-Path $share -Resolve is TRUE"
# I learned that Split-Path doesn't return TRUE if you map to \\share\folder `
# it has to be \\share\folder\folder
$path = Split-Path $share -Leaf
} else {
Write-Debug "Split-Path $share -Resolve is FALSE"
# Again, if mapped to \\share\folder, this will return 'folder'
$path = $share.Split('\')[-1]
$filepath = $fileloc + '\' + $path + '-ACL.txt'
Write-Debug "the file path is $filepath"
# build the report file
Write-Output "Permissions for directories in: $share" | Format-Table | Out-File -Append $filepath
Write-Output "Report Run Time: $((Get-Date).DateTime)" | Format-Table | Out-File -Append $filepath
Write-Output `n | Format-Table | Out-File -Append $filepath
# processing the folders here
Get-ChildItem -path $share -force -Recurse -Directory | ForEach-Object {
(Convert-Path $_.pspath) | Format-Table | Out-File -Append $filepath
Get-Acl -path (Convert-Path $_.pspath) | Format-List -property AccessToString | Out-File -append $filepath
} #end Get-Acl ForEach
} #end $share ForEach
End {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "`nFinished writing share ACL(s)"
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