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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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function Get-MappedDrives {
Returns the Mapped Drives on the system
This function uses WMI to query computers on the network and return the mapped drives, not local drives.
If no user is logged on there will likely be an error about RPC server not available.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
The name of the system(s) you want to check
Get-MappedDrives system1
Get-MappedDrives -ComputerName system1,system2 -FileLoc "c:\myfile.txt"
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=computers,DC=contoso,DC=net" | select -ExpandProperty Name | Get-MappedDrives
(Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=computers,DC=contoso,DC=net").Name | Get-MappedDrives -ToFile
Param (
HelpMessage='The name of the system(s) you want to check. Leave blank for local system.')]
HelpMessage='Location to save the ouput files, defaut: C:\PSResults\')]
HelpMessage='Use this flag if you want to save the results to a file')]
Begin {
if ($ToFile) {
if (!(Test-Path $FileLoc)) { # Check if we have an output directory, if not, create one
New-Item -Path $FileLoc -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$err = @()
Process {
if ($ToFile) {
$file = "$FileLoc\DriveMaps.txt"
foreach ($n in $Name) {
$n | FT | Out-File -Append $file
try {
Get-WmiObject Win32_MappedLogicalDisk -ComputerName $n -ErrorAction Stop |
FT @{Label="Drive Letter";Expression={$_.Name}},@{Label="Drive Path";Expression={$_.ProviderName}} |
Out-File -Append $file
} catch {
Add-Content -Path $file -Value "Could not connect to the system"
} else {
try { Get-WmiObject Win32_MappedLogicalDisk -ComputerName $Name -ErrorAction Stop |
FT @{Label="Drive Letter";Expression={$_.Name}},@{Label="Drive Path";Expression={$_.ProviderName}},@{Label="Computer";Expression={$_.SystemName}}
} catch {
$err += $Name
End {
if ($ToFile) {
if (!($err[0] -eq $null)) { Write-Warning "Could not connect to some systems" }
} else {
if (!($err[0] -eq $null)) {
Write-Host "Could not connect to the following systems:"
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