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Forked from TDahlberg/
Created October 26, 2018 20:59
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Convert Landsat 5&7 Thermal band to LST using Python
#! /usr/bin/env python
# A script using the GDAL Library to
# create a new image containing the LST
# of the original DN value from Landsat
# 5 or 7 imagery.
# Author: Tyler Dahlberg
# Import required libraries from python
import sys
import os
import struct
import math
import osgeo.gdal as gdal
# Define the class GDALCalcNDVI
class GDALCalcLST(object):
# A function to create the output image
def createOutputImage(self, outFilename, inDataset):
# This defines the output file format (e.g., GeoTiff)
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
# Check that this driver can create a new file.
metadata = driver.GetMetadata()
if metadata.has_key(gdal.DCAP_CREATE) and metadata[gdal.DCAP_CREATE] == 'YES':
print 'Driver GTiff supports Create() method.'
print 'Driver GTIFF does not support Create()'
# Get the spatial information from the input file
geoTransform = inDataset.GetGeoTransform()
geoProjection = inDataset.GetProjection()
# Create an output file of the same size as the inputted
# image but with only 1 output image band.
newDataset = driver.Create(outFilename, inDataset.RasterXSize, \
inDataset.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
# Define the spatial information for the new image.
return newDataset
# The function which loops through the input image and calculates the
# land surface temperature in degrees kelvin.
def calcLST(self, filePath, outFilePath, radianceup, radiancedown, lmin, lmax): ##, outFilePath after filepath
# Open the inputted dataset
dataset = gdal.Open(filePath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
# Check the dataset was successfully opened
if dataset is None:
print 'The dataset could not opened'
# Create the output dataset and file path
##outFilePath = filePath + '\\' + 'results'
##if not os.path.exists(outFilePath): os.makedirs(outFilePath)
outDataset = self.createOutputImage(outFilePath, dataset)
# Check the datasets was successfully created.
if outDataset is None:
print 'Could not create output image'
# Opens data from the sensor
band = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) # Input thermal band
# Retrieve the number of lines within the image
numLines = band.YSize
# Loop through each line in turn.
for line in range(numLines):
# Define variable for output line.
outputLine = ''
# Read in data for the current line from the
# image band representing the red wavelength
band_scanline = band.ReadRaster(0, line, band.XSize, 1, \
band.XSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
# Unpack the line of data to be read as floating point data
band_tuple = struct.unpack('f' * band.XSize, band_scanline)
# Loop through the columns within the image
for i in range(len(band_tuple)):
# Calculate the TOA Radiance for the current pixel.
qcalmax = 255 # Given
qcalmin = 1 # Given
TOA = 0
TOA = (((lmax - lmin) / (qcalmax - qcalmin)) * (band_tuple[i] \
- qcalmin)) + lmin
# Converts top-of-atmosphere radiance to surface-leaving radiance
emissivity = 0.95 # emissivity from the YALE paper
transmissivity = 0.66 # transmissivity from the YALE paper
SLR = ((TOA - radianceup) / (emissivity * transmissivity)) - \
((1 - emissivity) / (emissivity)) * radiancedown
if SLR <= 0:
SLR = 0.0001
# Converts top-of-atmosphere radiance to Temperature in Kelvin
k1 = 607.76
k2 = 1260.56
# Converts to degrees kelvin
tempkelvin = k2 / math.log((k1 / SLR) + 1)
# Add the current pixel to the output line
outputLine = outputLine + struct.pack('f', tempkelvin)
# Write the completed line to the output image
outDataset.GetRasterBand(1).WriteRaster(0, line, band.XSize, 1,
outputLine, buf_xsize=band.XSize,
buf_ysize=1, buf_type=gdal.GDT_Float32)
# Delete the output line following write
del outputLine
print 'LST Calculated and output to file'
# The function from which the script runs.
def run(self):
#Input parameters:
# Full path to input thermal image
filePath = 'D:\Landsat Downloader\Downloads\LE70290302002347EDC00.tar\LE70290302002347EDC00\LE70290302002347EDC00_B6_VCID_1.TIF'
# Full path with desired name of LST output image
outFilePath = 'D:\Landsat Downloader\Downloads\LE70290302002347EDC00.tar\LE70290302002347EDC00\lst_k.tif'
# Upwelling Radiance from NASA Atmospheric Parameter Calculator
radianceup = 2.2
# Downwelling Radiance from NASA Atmospheric Parameter Calculator
radiancedown = 4.2
# Lowest Radiance value from thermal image metadata
lmin = 1.50
# Highest Radiance value from thermal image metadata
lmax = 15.0
# Check the input file exists
if os.path.exists(filePath):
# Run calcNDVI function
self.calcLST(filePath, outFilePath, radianceup, radiancedown, lmin, lmax)
print 'The file does not exist.'
# Start the script by calling the run function.
if __name__ == '__main__':
obj = GDALCalcLST()
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