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Last active April 18, 2022 21:27
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: print

(print (arg:any)*) -> none

Print the arguments to 'stdout', separated by a space.

: not

(not val:bool) -> bool

Return a bool value that's the inverse of its argument.


(not true) -> false
(not false) -> true

: +

(+ (val:number)*) -> number

Return all the numbers added together.


(+ 10 20) -> 30
(+ 33) -> 33
(+ 1 2 3 4 5) -> 15
(+) -> 0

: -

(- (val:number)*) -> number

Return all subsequent numbers subtracted from the first number. If there's only one argument, return the negative of that number.


(- 10) -> -10
(- 10 3) -> 7
(- 10 2 3) -> 5
(-) -> 0

: *

(* (val:number)*) -> number

Return all numbers multiplied by each other.


(* 10) -> 10
(* 10 3) -> 30
(* 10 2 3) -> 60
(*) -> 0

: /

(/ (val:number)*) -> number

Return all subsequent numbers divided from the first one. If there's only one argument, return the reciprocal of that number.


(/ 10) -> 0.1
(/ 10 2) -> 5
(/ 30 3 2) -> 5
(/) -> 0

: ==

(== (val:any)*) -> bool

Return true if all values are equal, false otherwise.


(== 10 10) -> true
(== 20 10) -> false
(== "Hello" "Hello" "Hello") -> true
(== "Hello" "Hello" 11) -> false
(== "11" 11) -> false
(==) -> true

: !=

(!= (val:any)*) -> bool

Return false if all values are equal, true otherwise.


(!= 10 10) -> false
(!= 20 10) -> true
(!= "Hello" "Hello" "Hello") -> false
(!= "Hello" "Hello" 11) -> true
(!= "11" 11) -> true
(!=) -> false

: <=

(<= (val:number)*) -> bool

Returns true if every value is less than or equal to the value to its right.


(<= 10 20 30) -> true
(<= 10 10 10) -> true
(<= 4 5) -> true
(<= 50 40 30) -> false
(<= 10 20 30 50 40) -> false
(<= 10) -> true
(<=) -> true

: <

(< (val:number)*) -> bool

Returns true if every value is less than the value to its right.


(< 10 20 30) -> true
(< 10 10 10) -> false
(< 4 5) -> true
(< 50 40 30) -> false
(< 10 20 30 50 40) -> false
(< 10) -> true
(<) -> true

: >=

(>= (val:number)*) -> bool

Returns true if every value is greater than or equal to the value to its right.


(>= 10 20 30) -> false
(>= 10 10 10) -> true
(>= 4 5) -> false
(>= 50 40 30) -> true
(>= 10 20 30 50 40) -> false
(>= 10) -> true
(>=) -> true

: >

(> (val:number)*) -> bool

Returns true if every value is greater than the value to its right.


(> 10 20 30) -> false
(> 10 10 10) -> false
(> 4 5) -> false
(> 50 40 30) -> true
(> 10 20 30 50 40) -> false
(> 10) -> true
(>) -> true

: ||

(|| (val:any)*) -> bool

Returns true if any argument is truthy, and false otherwise. All values other than 'false' and 'none' are considered truthy.


(|| "hello" false) -> true
(|| false false) -> false
(|| true) -> true
(|| true false true) -> true
(||) -> false

: &&

(&& (val:any)*) -> bool

Returns false if any argument is falsy, and true otherwise. The values 'false' and 'none' are considered falsy.


(&& "hello" false) -> false
(&& false false) -> false
(&& true) -> true
(&& true true) -> true
(&& true false true) -> false
(&&) -> true

: ??

(?? (val:any)*) -> bool

Returns the first value that's not 'none'.


(?? none 10 20) -> 10
(?? none) -> none
(?? "Hello" none "Goodbye") -> "Hello"
(?? none none none 3) -> 3
(??) -> none

: def

(def (name:string value:any)*) -> none

Defines the given values in the current scope.


(def 'x 10) -> none
(== x 10) -> true

(def 'x 40 'y 50) -> none
(+ x y) -> 90

: func

(func name:string (arg:string)* body:block) -> none

Defines a lambda with the given name and parameters in the current scope.


(func 'square 'x {
    [x * x]
(square 10) -> 100
(square 5) -> 25

(func 'add 'a 'b {
    [a + b]
(add 10 20) -> 30
(add 9 10) -> 19

: set

(set (name:string value:any)*) -> none

Replace the value with the given name with the given value.


(def 'x 100)
(== x 100) -> true
(set 'x 50) -> none
(== x 50) -> true

    (set 'x 3)
(== x 3) -> true

: mutate

(mutate name:string cb:func (arg:any)*) -> any

Replace the value with the given name with the return value of the callback function.


(mutate 'x + 1)

Is semantically the same as this:

(set 'x (+ x 1))

Except that it might allow for refcount==1 optimizations, and that the modified value is returned.


(def 'x 10)
(== x 10) -> true
(mutate 'x + 5) -> 15
(== x 15) -> true

: if

(if cond:bool if-body:func (else-body:func)?) -> any

Run the if-body if the condition is truthy, and the else-body if the condition is falsy. Returns the return value of whichever function is executed (or none if the condition is false and there's no else-body).


(if [10 == 10] {"10 is 10"} {"10 is not 10"}) -> "10 is 10"
(if [20 == 10] {"20 is 10"} {"20 is not 10"}) -> "20 is not 10"
(if true {
    (def 'x 10)
    [x + 30]
}) -> 40
(if false {10}) -> none

: match

(match (case:block)) -> any

Each argument should be a "block", where the first expression is a condition, and the subsequent expressions form a "body".


(def 'x 10)
    {[x == 20] "x is 20"}
    {[x == 10] "x is 10"}
) -> "x is 10"

    {false 50}
        (def 'num 99)
        [num + 1]}
) -> 100

: dict-mutate

(dict-mutate d:dict key:string cb:func (arg:any)*) -> dict

Create a new dict with the key modified by the callback function.


(dict-mutate d 'x + 1)

Is semantically the same as this:

(dict-set d 'x (+ d.x 1))

Except that it might allow for refcount==1 optimizations.

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