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Created September 13, 2022 19:22
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Cloudflare dynamic DNS
set -eu
token='<your API token>'
zone='<your DNS zone ID>'
record='<your DNS record ID>'
call() {
json="$(curl --silent \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
"$@" "$url")"
if [ "$(echo "$json" | jq .success)" != "true" ]; then
echo "API request ($* $url) failed:" >&2
echo "$json" | jq .errors >&2
exit 1
echo "$json"
dns_ip="$(call "zones/$zone/dns_records/$record" | jq -r .result.content)"
current_ip="$(curl --silent "$ip_url")"
if [ "$dns_ip" = "$current_ip" ]; then
echo "DNS IP address up to date ($dns_ip). Nothing to do."
exit 0
echo "IP address changed: '$dns_ip' -> '$current_ip'. Updating..."
template='{"type": "A", "name": "", "content": $ip, "ttl": 1}'
call "zones/$zone/dns_records/$record" -X PUT \
--data "$(jq --null-input --arg ip "$current_ip" "$template")" >/dev/null
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