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AWS Certified Developer Associate certification preparation notes

AWS Certified Developer Associate certification preparation notes

Services to study




Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF)


Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Cloud Formation

Cross Account Access

##Shared Security Responsibility AWS is responsible for portions of the cloud, and you as the customer have portions of the cloud that you are responsible for - thus creating shared security responsibility.

Security Token Service

STS allows you to create temporary security credentials that grant trusted users access to your AWS resources.

Only called through API/SDK

Challenge - STS API Calls

AssumeRole: Cross-Account Delegation Federation Through a Custom Identity Broker

AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity: Federation Through a Web-based Identity Provider

AssumeRoleWithSAML: Federation Through an Enterprise Identity Provider Compatible with SAML 2.0

GetFederationToken: Federation Through a Custom Identity Broker

GetSessionToken: Temporary Credentials for Users in Untrusted Environments

Key Management Service (KMS)

Customer Master Keys (CMKs)



Data Keys

Envelope Encryption

API Actions





Create unique identities for application users

Authenticate identities

Save mobile data

Use credentials obtained to sync data with Cognito sync


AMI: The operating system and other settings

Instance Type: The hardware compute power, RAM, network bandwidth

Network Interface: public, private or elastic IP addresses

Storage: The instances “hard driver”

Elastic Block Store (EBS) - which is “network persistent storage”

Elastic File System (EFS) - “scalable, elastic file storage”

Instance Store - which is “ephemeral storage” - the data on the volumes only exists for the duration of the life of the instance

EFS can accessed by one (or more) EC2 instances at the same time

Can be attached to an instance using userdata script

Is elastic

Fully managed by AWS

Shared file access across all your EC2 instances

Applications that span multiple EC2 instances can access the same data

EC2 Key Pairs

Public key is stored on instance and you keep the private key (.pem file)

AWS Direct Connect

Managing session state with ELBs

Load balancer generated cookie stickiness

Application generated cookie stickiness

(Recommended) Non-ELB option - using Redis or Memcached for the session

AWS VPC - enables you to launch AWS resources into a virtual network that you’ve defined.

Ability to launch instances into a subnet

Ability to define custom CIDR (IP address range) inside each subnet

Ability to configure routes between subnets via route tables

Ability to configure an internet gateway to provide a route to the internet for resources launched inside the VPC

Ability to create a layered network of resources

To enable access to or from the internet for instances in a VPC subnet you must attach an internet gateway to your VPC

ensure that your subnet’s route table points to the IGW

ensure that instances in your subnet have a public/Elastic IP address

ensure that your network access control and security group rules allow the relevant traffic to and from your instance

Internet Gateway

Is a VPC component that allows communication between instances in your VPC and the internet

It imposes no availability risks or bandwidth constraints on your network traffic

Default VPC created for new accounts already has an IGW attached.

Route Tables

A route table contains a set of rules, called routes, that are used to determine where network traffic is directed

Has two main components

Destination: The CIDR block range of the target (where data is routed to)

Target: A name identifier of where the data is being routed to


Subnets must be associated with a route table

A public subnet has a route to the internet

It is associated with a route table that has an IGW attached

A private subnet does not have a route to the internet

It is associated with a route table that does not have an IGW attached

Instances launched into a private subnet can’t communicate with the internet. This is solved by routing traffic through a NAT instance/gateway.

By default all subnets traffic is allowed to each other available subnet within via the local target in the route table/ Security

Network ACLs - firewall on the subnet level - stateless

Rules are evaluated in order, starting with the lowest rule number

The last rule in every ACL is a “catch all” deny rule - unless a protocol/port is explicitly allowed, it will be denied

Must have inbound rules with corresponding outbound rules

Security group - firewall on the instance level - stateful

Bastion Host/NAT Networking


Is an EC2 instance that lives in a public subnet

NAT Gateway

Is designed to provide EC2 instances in a private subnet with a route to the internet

Prevents any hosts outside of VPC from initiating a connection

Will only allow incoming traffic through if a request if a request for it comes from an instance in a private subnet

MUST be created in a public subnet

Be part of the private subnets route table


Boto3 is available by default in lambda runtime

Pip install -r requirements.txt -t . (pip install requirements in dir (-t ) current one

Open . (in terminal opens current dir)

$LATEST version is the only mutable (changeable) version

Use context object to get running time left

Lambda aliases are like a pointer to a specific lambda version

Aliases have a static ARM but can point to any version of the same function

Aliases can also be used to split traffic between Lambda version

Using Alias traffic splitting between versions can also help test new versions in production

Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Is a docker-compatible container service provided by AWS. It allows for easy and fast container deployment onto fleets of EC2 instances, with the added benefit of AWS highly available and fault tolerant infrastructure. ECS is great for distributed applications and microservices.

ECS is a container management service that supports Docker

It allows you to easily create and manage a fleet of Docker containers on a cluster of EC2 instance

Why use ECS/Container

Create distributed applications and microservices

Batch and ETL jobs

Continuous Integration and Deployment

Container Registry

A container registry is a repository where container/docker images are stored (Elastic Container Registry ECR, Docker Hub or self hosted registry) and accessed from when needed

ECS Task Definition

A JSON file that contains the “blueprint” for your app

Which container/docker image to use

The repository (container registry) the image is located in

Which ports should be open on the container instance

What data volumes should be used with the containers

ECS Task

Actual representation of the task definition on an EC2 instance inside of your container cluster

ECS Agent will start/stop these tasks based on instruction/schedule

ECS Agent

It runs on each EC2 instance in the ECS cluster

It communicates information about instances to ECS such as running tasks, resource utilization

It is also responsible for starting/stopping tasks (when told to by ECS)


Can upload max size of up to 5TB

Single upload

Multipart upload

Allows for stopping/resuming file uploads

If transmission of any part fails, you can retransmit that part without affecting other parts

Required for objects 5GB and lager and highly suggested for objects 100MB and larger

Storage Gateway: connects local data center software appliances to cloud based storage such as S3

Gateway-Cached Volumes create storage volumes and mount them as iSCSI devices on the on-premises servers

The gateway will store the data written on this volume in S3 and will cache frequently accessed data on-premises in the storage device

Gateway-Stored Volumes

Store all the data locally (on-premises) in storage volumes

Gateway periodically takes snapshots of the data as incremental backups and stores them on S3.


A physical hard-drive sent to you by AWS to upload data to S3.

AWS Import/Export

gives the ability to take on-premises data and physically mail to AWS

Aws will import the data to either S3, EBS or Glacier within one business day of the physical device arriving at AWS


Prepend unique prefixes to keys optimize workload .ie bucket/zyz-key/key/key (Not true anyone)

Use cloudfront


All buckets and object are private by default

Resource Based Policies

Bucket policies are attached to s3 buckets not objects.

Written in JSON

ACLs can be used with s3 buckets and s3 objects

Written in XML


DynamoDB can have up to 256 tables per region

Fully managed NoSQL db

DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) - cache - for faster response time

AWS scales compute resources for you

Schemaless, key-value store

Every db requires a partition key

Partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute

Simple primary key is made of partition key only

Items must have unique partition keys

Composite primary key is made of partition key and sort key

Items must have a unique combination of partition key and sort key

Primary key attributes must have data type of string, number or binary

Provisioned throughput is the maximum amount of capacity that an application can consume from a table or index

Write Capacity Unit WCU = (items/sec) * size (strongly consistent) (round up to nearest 1kb)

Read Capacity Unit RCU = (items/sec) * (size/4) (roundup size to the next multiple of 4kb)

Eventually consistent reads require half the throughput of strongly consistent reads

Read operations:

GetItem, BatchGetItem, Query, Scan

Limit of 1MB of data returned

Eventual consistency does not guarantee the most recent writes to a table

Strong consistency does guarantee the read to reflect most recent writes

Secondary Indexes SI

A maximum of 5 local SI and 5 global SI per table

Indexes allow efficient queries of non-primary key attributes

Every SI is associated with only one table

Tables can have multiple SI


Is a petabyte-scale data warehousing service

Fully managed and scalable

Generally used for big-data analytics

Integrates well with popular business intelligence tools





Business Objects



Caching strategies

Lazy loading

With lazy loading, you write data to the cache when a cache miss occurs

Lazy loading avoids filling up the cache with data that won’t be requested

Write through

When using a write through strategy, the cache is updated whenever a new write or update is made to the underlying database.

Adding Time To Live (TTL) A TTL is the length of time before a key expires


Topics require unique names limited to 256 characters

Topic names allow alphanumeric characters plus hyphens and underscores


Messages can only live for 14 days

Default visibility timeout is 30 seconds

Provides the ability to have hosted/highly available queues that can be used to send and receive messages being sent between producers and consumers.

Messages between servers are retrieved through polling.

Long polling (1-20 seconds)

Occurs only when the queue or the message has a ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds > 0

Reduces API requests

Allows SQS service to wait until a message is available in a queue before sending a response

Short polling (0 second)

Occurs only when the queue or the message has a ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds = 0

SQS samples a subset of servers and returns messages from just those servers

Will not return all possible messages in a poll

Increases API requests (over long polling), which increases costs

Each message can contain up to 256kb of text

Standard Queues

Support a ‘nearly unlimited’ number of messages per second

Support multiple producers and multiple consumers

Guarantee delivery of each message at least once with best effort ordering

Are used with applications that can tolerate duplicate messages

Support 120,000 in flight messages

FIFO Queue

Support up to 3,000 messages per second with batching and 300 messages per second without batching

Support multiple producers but only support multiple consumers through the use of Group IDs

Are designed for applications where the order of operations and events is critical, or where duplicates can’t be tolerated.

Support 20,000 in flight messages

Queue settings

Dead-Letter Queues: used to deal with malformed data from consumers

DelaySeconds: How long messages take to be added to the queue upon creation

VisibilityTimeout: How long messages are invisible after being received by a consumer

Producers send SQS messages to a queue

Consumers are responsible for retrieving and deleting messages from a queue


Fully managed service

SWF workflow/decider allows an architect/developer to implement distributed, asynchronous application as a workflow.

Coordinates and manages the execution of activities that can be run asynchronously across multiple computing devices

Has consistent execution

Guarantees the order in which tasks are executed

There are no duplicates

A workflow execution can last up to 1 year


Workflows are a sequence of steps required to perform a specific task

A workflow is commonly referred to as a decider

Activities are a single step (or unit of work) in the workflow

Tasks are what interacts with the “workers” that are part of a workflow

Activity task: tells a worker to perform a function

Decision task: tells the decider the state of the workflow execution, which allows the decider to determine the next activity to be performed

Workers are responsible for receiving a task and taking action on it


Basic Monitoring

Data is available automatically in 5-minute periods at no charge.

Detailed Monitoring

Data is available in 1-minute periods


Infrastructure as code Cloudformation template can be written as JSON/YAML

Cloudformation stacks are a collection of AWS resources

Only Resources are required

Intrinsic Functions Fn::GetAtt



Systems Manager (SSM)

Provides a secure way to store configuration information and sensitive secrets


Traces requests as they move through your applications.

You can use it to gain insights and identify potential optimizations to make inside your application


A managed build service that can compile your source code, run unit tests, and produce deployment artifacts


Automates deployments of your applications to EC2, Lambda and so on


Automated deployments

Minimize downtime

Stop and rollback

Centralized rollback

By default, it uses in-place deployment

The existing servers are updated with the new version of an app

Blue/green deployment (EC2)

New app versions are deployed on a new set of instances

Blue/green deployment (Lambda)

Traffic is shifted from one lamba version to another

Canary A percentage of traffic is shifted to the new version

CodeDeploy then waits for a specified time and shifts the rest of the traffic if it sees no errors


Traffic is shifted in equal increments with an equal number of minutes between each increment

All at once

Traffic is immediately and completely shifted to the new version of the Lambda function


Develop, build and deploy applications

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