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Created November 30, 2018 21:24
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PDDL Barman Domain
(define (domain barman)
(:requirements :strips :typing)
(:types hand level beverage dispenser container - object
ingredient cocktail - beverage
shot shaker - container)
(:predicates (ontable ?c - container)
(holding ?h - hand ?c - container)
(handempty ?h - hand)
(empty ?c - container)
(contains ?c - container ?b - beverage)
(clean ?c - container)
(used ?c - container ?b - beverage)
(dispenses ?d - dispenser ?i - ingredient)
(shaker-empty-level ?s - shaker ?l - level)
(shaker-level ?s - shaker ?l - level)
(next ?l1 ?l2 - level)
(unshaked ?s - shaker)
(shaked ?s - shaker)
(cocktail-part1 ?c - cocktail ?i - ingredient)
(cocktail-part2 ?c - cocktail ?i - ingredient))
(:action grasp
:parameters (?h - hand ?c - container)
:precondition (and (ontable ?c) (handempty ?h))
:effect (and (not (ontable ?c))
(not (handempty ?h))
(holding ?h ?c)))
(:action leave
:parameters (?h - hand ?c - container)
:precondition (holding ?h ?c)
:effect (and (not (holding ?h ?c))
(handempty ?h)
(ontable ?c)))
(:action fill-shot
:parameters (?s - shot ?i - ingredient ?h1 ?h2 - hand ?d - dispenser)
:precondition (and (holding ?h1 ?s)
(handempty ?h2)
(dispenses ?d ?i)
(empty ?s)
(clean ?s))
:effect (and (not (empty ?s))
(contains ?s ?i)
(not (clean ?s))
(used ?s ?i)))
(:action refill-shot
:parameters (?s - shot ?i - ingredient ?h1 ?h2 - hand ?d - dispenser)
:precondition (and (holding ?h1 ?s)
(handempty ?h2)
(dispenses ?d ?i)
(empty ?s)
(used ?s ?i))
:effect (and (not (empty ?s))
(contains ?s ?i)))
(:action empty-shot
:parameters (?h - hand ?p - shot ?b - beverage)
:precondition (and (holding ?h ?p)
(contains ?p ?b))
:effect (and (not (contains ?p ?b))
(empty ?p)))
(:action clean-shot
:parameters (?s - shot ?b - beverage ?h1 ?h2 - hand)
:precondition (and (holding ?h1 ?s)
(handempty ?h2)
(empty ?s)
(used ?s ?b))
:effect (and (not (used ?s ?b))
(clean ?s)))
(:action pour-shot-to-clean-shaker
:parameters (?s - shot ?i - ingredient ?d - shaker ?h1 - hand ?l ?l1 - level)
:precondition (and (holding ?h1 ?s)
(contains ?s ?i)
(empty ?d)
(clean ?d)
(shaker-level ?d ?l)
(next ?l ?l1))
:effect (and (not (contains ?s ?i))
(empty ?s)
(contains ?d ?i)
(not (empty ?d))
(not (clean ?d))
(unshaked ?d)
(not (shaker-level ?d ?l))
(shaker-level ?d ?l1)))
(:action pour-shot-to-used-shaker
:parameters (?s - shot ?i - ingredient ?d - shaker ?h1 - hand ?l ?l1 - level)
:precondition (and (holding ?h1 ?s)
(contains ?s ?i)
(unshaked ?d)
(shaker-level ?d ?l)
(next ?l ?l1))
:effect (and (not (contains ?s ?i))
(contains ?d ?i)
(empty ?s)
(not (shaker-level ?d ?l))
(shaker-level ?d ?l1)))
(:action empty-shaker
:parameters (?h - hand ?s - shaker ?b - cocktail ?l ?l1 - level)
:precondition (and (holding ?h ?s)
(contains ?s ?b)
(shaked ?s)
(shaker-level ?s ?l)
(shaker-empty-level ?s ?l1))
:effect (and (not (shaked ?s))
(not (shaker-level ?s ?l))
(shaker-level ?s ?l1)
(not (contains ?s ?b))
(empty ?s)))
(:action clean-shaker
:parameters (?h1 ?h2 - hand ?s - shaker)
:precondition (and (holding ?h1 ?s)
(handempty ?h2)
(empty ?s))
:effect (and (clean ?s)))
(:action shake
:parameters (?b - cocktail ?d1 ?d2 - ingredient ?s - shaker ?h1 ?h2 - hand)
:precondition (and (holding ?h1 ?s)
(handempty ?h2)
(contains ?s ?d1)
(contains ?s ?d2)
(cocktail-part1 ?b ?d1)
(cocktail-part2 ?b ?d2)
(unshaked ?s))
:effect (and (not (unshaked ?s))
(not (contains ?s ?d1))
(not (contains ?s ?d2))
(shaked ?s)
(contains ?s ?b)))
(:action pour-shaker-to-shot
:parameters (?b - beverage ?d - shot ?h - hand ?s - shaker ?l ?l1 - level)
:precondition (and (holding ?h ?s)
(shaked ?s)
(empty ?d)
(clean ?d)
(contains ?s ?b)
(shaker-level ?s ?l)
(next ?l1 ?l))
:effect (and (not (clean ?d))
(not (empty ?d))
(contains ?d ?b)
(shaker-level ?s ?l1)
(not (shaker-level ?s ?l))))
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