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Created December 28, 2023 04:59
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Converts the incoming webhook from falconfeeds to an RSS feed that you can ingest. please consider T&C of Falconfeeds before making the RSS public
#!/bin/env python3
from bottle import Bottle, request, response, static_file
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
import os
app = Bottle()
rss_file = 'rss_feed.xml'
# Route to serve the rss_feed.xml file
@app.route('/rss_feed.xml', method='GET')
def serve_rss_feed():
return static_file(rss_file, root='.', mimetype='application/rss+xml')
# Function to convert JSON data to RSS item
def json_to_rss_item(json_data):
title = json_data['data']['title']
content = json_data['data']['content']
# Prettify JSON data
prettified_json = json.dumps(json_data['data'], indent=4)
# Append prettified JSON to content
full_content = f"{content}\n\nPrettified JSON:\n{prettified_json}"
link = json_data['data']['publishedURL']
pub_date_timestamp = json_data['data']['publishedTimestampInMilliseconds'] / 1000
pub_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(pub_date_timestamp, tz=pytz.utc).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')
item = ET.Element('item')
ET.SubElement(item, 'title').text = title
ET.SubElement(item, 'description').text = full_content
ET.SubElement(item, 'link').text = link
ET.SubElement(item, 'pubDate').text = pub_date
return item
# Route to handle POST requests. This address is what you'll set up in falconfeeds as your webhook receiver
@app.route('/falconfeedshook', method='POST')
def update_rss():
json_data = request.json
# Load existing RSS feed or create new one
if os.path.exists(rss_file):
tree = ET.parse(rss_file)
rss = tree.getroot()
channel = rss.find('channel')
rss = ET.Element('rss', version='2.0')
channel = ET.SubElement(rss, 'channel')
# Convert JSON to RSS item and add to the feed
item = json_to_rss_item(json_data)
# Save updated RSS feed to file
tree = ET.ElementTree(rss)
response.content_type = 'application/json'
return {"message": "RSS feed updated successfully"}
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=10008, debug=False)
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