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Last active September 28, 2018 19:56
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Example of how to use ABAGAIL for Randomized Optimization of Neural Network Weights
package opt.test;
import func.nn.backprop.BackPropagationNetwork;
import func.nn.backprop.BackPropagationNetworkFactory;
import func.nn.backprop.BatchBackPropagationTrainer;
import func.nn.backprop.RPROPUpdateRule;
import opt.OptimizationAlgorithm;
import opt.RandomizedHillClimbing;
import opt.SimulatedAnnealing;
import opt.example.NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem;
import shared.*;
import util.linalg.Vector;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
* Created by osama on 3/6/16.
public class PokerTest {
/* Dataset Params */
* If you have not preprocessed your data, you MUST do so if it doesn't follow the convention
* specified using the following script:
// TODO: Your dataset filename. Expected format is CSV
private static final String FILENAME = "src/opt/test/poker.csv";
// TODO: How many examples you have
private static int num_examples = 6139;
// TODO: How many attributes you have. This is (number_of_columns - 1)
private static int num_attributes = 10;
/* Randomization */
* Randomizing your rows
* If you enable the randomization, your rows will be shuffled.
* The seed value can be any arbitrary value. Having a seed ensures that each run of the
* script has the same randomized shuffle ordering as any other run.
private static final boolean shouldRandomize = true;
private static final long SEED = 0xABCDEF;
/* Cross Validation and Testing params */
* Set K for number of folds.
* Set PERCENT_TRAIN for the percentage to be used for training
private static final int K = 10;
private static final double PERCENT_TRAIN = 0.7;
/* Neural Network Params*/
* Tweak the following as needed. The maxLearningRate and minLearningRate are the default
* hardcoded values in
* The accuracy threshold to stop backprop. Set this EXTREMELY low to ensure training ends only
* when absolutely sure network output is correct
private static double initialLearningRate = 0.1;
private static double maxLearningRate = 50;
private static double minLearningRate = 0.000001;
private static double backprop_threshold = 1e-10;
/* Backprop Params */
* If true, shouldFindNNParams determines the best params for your neural network. Since this
* process is lengthy, you don't want to repeat it often. Do it once, record the value, and
* place the value for numberHiddenLayerNodes.
private static final boolean shouldFindNNParams = false;
private static int numberHiddenLayerNodes = 30;
/* Simulated Annealing */
* Same as above, if you've already run it once, just record the values and store them in
* best_temp and best_cooling. Otherwise, the temps[] and cooling[] values will be cycled
* through until the best param configuration for simulated annealing is found.
// TODO: Set this to false if you retained the best SA params from a previous run
private static final boolean shouldFindSAParams = false;
// TODO: Modify these to try different possible temp and cooling params
private static double[] temps = {1e5, 1E8, 1E10, 1E12, 1E15};
private static double[] coolingRates = {0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999};
// TODO: Place values here from previous run if you set shouldFindSAParams to false.
private static double best_temp = 1E12;
private static double best_cooling = 0.95;
/* Genetic Algorithms */
* Same as above, if you've already run it once, just record the values and store them in
* populationSize, toMate, and toMutate. Otherwise, the ratios will be cycled
* through until the best param configuration for genetic algorithms is found.
* NOTE: min(populationRations) >= max(mateRatios) + max(toMutateRatio)
* This condition must be upheld or Exceptions will be thrown later in the script
private static final boolean shouldFindGAParams = false;
private static double[] populationRatios = {0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25};
private static double[] mateRatios = {0.02, 0.04};
private static double[] mutateRatios = {0.02, 0.04};
// TODO: Place values here from previous run if you set shouldFindGAParams to false
private static double populationRatio = 0.25;
private static double toMateRatio = 0.02;
private static double toMutateRatio = 0.02;
/* Other global vars - Don't mess with these unless you have a reason to */
// Number of input nodes is the same as the number of attributes
private static int inputLayer = num_attributes;
// This is determined dynamically
private static int outputLayer;
// Determines how many possible classifications we can have
private static Set<String> unique_labels;
private static Instance[] allInstances;
private static Map<String, double[]> bitvector_mappings;
private static BackPropagationNetworkFactory factory = new BackPropagationNetworkFactory();
private static ErrorMeasure measure = new SumOfSquaresError();
private static DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
// Train and Test sets
private static DataSet trainSet;
private static DataSet testSet;
// Cross validation folds
private static List<Instance[]> folds;
/* Begin actual code */
* Comment out anything you don't want to immediately run.
* Advice: Write loops to do certain numbers of iterations and output results for rand opt
* algorithms
* @param args ignored
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Creates K-folds for cross-validation
folds = kfolds(trainSet);
int trainIterations;
// Determine best NN params, which happen to just be the number of hidden layer nodes.
if (shouldFindNNParams) {
// TODO: Tweak this value for better results
// This is how Weka does it: # of attributes + # of classes / 2
int weka_technique = num_attributes + outputLayer / 2;
int[] hiddenLayerNodes = {weka_technique, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200};
trainIterations = 200;
determineNNParams(trainIterations, hiddenLayerNodes);
/* Backprop */
trainIterations = 200;
// Now determine the NN performance. Results are simply printed out.
/* RHC */
trainIterations = 2000;
// RHC has no params. Just run it directly
/* SA */
if (shouldFindSAParams) {
trainIterations = 100;
// Run actual SA with best params here
trainIterations = 2000;
runSA(trainIterations, best_temp, best_cooling);
/* GA */
if (shouldFindGAParams) {
// TODO: Keep this very small
trainIterations = 20;
// Run actual GA with best params here
trainIterations = 20;
* Uses k-folds cross validation to determine the best number of hidden layers to configure a
* nueral network among the list provided
* @param trainIterations the number of iterations to run
* @param hiddenLayerNodes an int[] of hidden layer nodes to try
public static void determineNNParams(int trainIterations, int[] hiddenLayerNodes) {
System.out.println("===========Cross Validation for NN Params=========");
double[] errors = new double[hiddenLayerNodes.length];
for (int m = 0; m < hiddenLayerNodes.length; m++) {
int numHiddenNodes = hiddenLayerNodes[m];
BackPropagationNetwork[] nets = new BackPropagationNetwork[K];
double[] validationErrors = new double[K];
// Create and train networks
for (int i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) {
Instance[] validation = getValidationFold(folds, i);
Instance[] trainFolds = getTrainFolds(folds, i);
DataSet trnfoldsSet = new DataSet(trainFolds);
// Creates a network with specified number of hidden layer nodes
nets[i] = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[]{inputLayer, numHiddenNodes, outputLayer});
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = nets[i];
ConvergenceTrainer trainer = new ConvergenceTrainer(
new BatchBackPropagationTrainer(trnfoldsSet, backpropNet, new SumOfSquaresError(),
new RPROPUpdateRule(initialLearningRate, maxLearningRate, minLearningRate)),
backprop_threshold, trainIterations);
validationErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, validation);
// Find the average error for this network configuration
double error = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < validationErrors.length; j++) {
error += validationErrors[j];
error /= validationErrors.length;
errors[m] = error;
System.out.printf("Nodes: %d\tError: %s%%%n", numHiddenNodes, df.format(errors[m]));
// Find the index with the min avg validation error
int best_index = 0;
double minError = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < errors.length; j++) {
if (errors[j] < minError) {
minError = errors[j];
best_index = j;
int bestNumNodes = hiddenLayerNodes[best_index];
System.out.printf("%nBest Num Hidden Nodes: %d\tError: %s%%%n", bestNumNodes, df.format
numberHiddenLayerNodes = bestNumNodes;
* This method will run Backpropagation using each
* combination of (K-1) folds for training, and the Kth fold for validation. Once the model
* with the lowest validation set error is found, that is used as the "best" model and the
* training and test errors on that model are recorded.
* @param trainIterations the number of epochs/iterations
public static void runBackprop(int trainIterations) {
double starttime = System.nanoTime();;
double endtime;
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[]{inputLayer, numberHiddenLayerNodes, outputLayer});
ConvergenceTrainer trainer = new ConvergenceTrainer(
new BatchBackPropagationTrainer(trainSet, backpropNet, new SumOfSquaresError(),
new RPROPUpdateRule(initialLearningRate, maxLearningRate, minLearningRate)),
backprop_threshold, trainIterations);
double trainError = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, trainSet.getInstances());
double testError = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, testSet.getInstances());
System.out.printf("Train Error: %s%% %n", df.format(trainError));
System.out.printf("Test Error: %s%% %n", df.format(testError));
endtime = System.nanoTime();
double time_elapsed = endtime - starttime;
// Convert nanoseconds to seconds
time_elapsed /= Math.pow(10,9);
System.out.printf("Time Elapsed: %s s %n", df.format(time_elapsed));
* Determines optimal weights for configured neural network using Randomized Hill Climbing with
* Random Restarts and evaluates a neural networks performance on train and test sets with
* those weights
* @param trainIterations the number of iterations
public static void runRHC(int trainIterations) {
System.out.println("===========Randomized Hill Climbing=========");
double starttime = System.nanoTime();;
double endtime;
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[]{inputLayer, numberHiddenLayerNodes, outputLayer});
NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem nnop = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem(trainSet,
backpropNet, measure);
OptimizationAlgorithm oa = new RandomizedHillClimbing(nnop);
// TODO: Vary the number of iterations as needed for your results
train(oa, backpropNet, trainIterations);
double trainError = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, trainSet.getInstances());
double testError = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, testSet.getInstances());
System.out.printf("Train Error: %s%% %n", df.format(trainError));
System.out.printf("Test Error: %s%% %n", df.format(testError));
endtime = System.nanoTime();
double time_elapsed = endtime - starttime;
// Convert nanoseconds to seconds
time_elapsed /= Math.pow(10,9);
System.out.printf("Time Elapsed: %s s %n", df.format(time_elapsed));
public static void determineSAParams(int trainIterations) {
System.out.println("===========Determining Simulated Annealing Params=========");
double[][] errors = new double[temps.length][coolingRates.length];
for (int x = 0; x < temps.length; x++) {
double temp = temps[x];
for (int y = 0; y < coolingRates.length; y++) {
double cooling = coolingRates[y];
BackPropagationNetwork[] nets = new BackPropagationNetwork[K];
NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[] nnops = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[K];
OptimizationAlgorithm[] oas = new OptimizationAlgorithm[K];
double[] validationErrors = new double[K];
for (int i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) {
Instance[] validation = getValidationFold(folds, i);
Instance[] trainFolds = getTrainFolds(folds, i);
DataSet trnfoldsSet = new DataSet(trainFolds);
// Creates a network with specified number of hidden layer nodes
nets[i] = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[]{inputLayer, numberHiddenLayerNodes, outputLayer});
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = nets[i];
nnops[i] = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem(trnfoldsSet, backpropNet, measure);
oas[i] = new SimulatedAnnealing(temp, cooling, nnops[i]);
train(oas[i], nets[i], trainIterations);
validationErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, validation);
// Find the average error for this network configuration
double error = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < validationErrors.length; j++) {
error += validationErrors[j];
error /= validationErrors.length;
errors[x][y] = error;
int best_temp_index = 0;
int best_cool_index = 0;
double minErr = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int x = 0; x < temps.length; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < coolingRates.length; y++) {
if (minErr > errors[x][y]) {
best_temp_index = x;
best_cool_index = y;
minErr = errors[x][y];
double bestCooling = coolingRates[best_cool_index];
double bestTemp = temps[best_temp_index];
System.out.printf("Best Cooling: %s%n", df.format(bestCooling));
System.out.printf("Best Temp: %s%n", df.format(bestTemp));
public static void runSA(int trainIterations, double temp, double cooling) {
System.out.println("===========Simulated Annealing=========");
double starttime = System.nanoTime();;
double endtime;
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[]{inputLayer, numberHiddenLayerNodes, outputLayer});
NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem nnop = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem(trainSet,
backpropNet, measure);
OptimizationAlgorithm oa = new SimulatedAnnealing(temp, cooling, nnop);
train(oa, backpropNet, trainIterations);
double trainError = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, trainSet.getInstances());
double testError = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, testSet.getInstances());
System.out.printf("Train Error: %s%% %n", df.format(trainError));
System.out.printf("Test Error: %s%% %n", df.format(testError));
endtime = System.nanoTime();
double time_elapsed = endtime - starttime;
// Convert nanoseconds to seconds
time_elapsed /= Math.pow(10,9);
System.out.printf("Time Elapsed: %s s %n", df.format(time_elapsed));
public static void determineGAParams(int trainIterations) {
System.out.println("===========Determining Genetic Algorithms Params=========");
double[][][] errors =
new double[populationRatios.length][mateRatios.length][mutateRatios.length];
// Training population size is always 9/10 of the total training set, or equivalently
// 9 times the validation set
int trainingPopulation = getValidationFold(folds, 0).length * 9;
for (int x = 0; x < populationRatios.length; x++) {
int population = (int) (Math.max(populationRatios[x] * trainingPopulation, 10));
for (int y = 0; y < mateRatios.length; y++) {
int mate = (int) (Math.max(mateRatios[y] * trainingPopulation, 10));
for (int z = 0; z < mutateRatios.length; z++) {
int mutate = (int) (Math.max(mutateRatios[z] * trainingPopulation, 10));
BackPropagationNetwork[] nets = new BackPropagationNetwork[K];
NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[] nnops = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[K];
OptimizationAlgorithm[] oas = new OptimizationAlgorithm[K];
double[] validationErrors = new double[K];
for (int i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) {
Instance[] validation = getValidationFold(folds, i);
Instance[] trainFolds = getTrainFolds(folds, i);
DataSet trnfoldsSet = new DataSet(trainFolds);
nets[i] = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[]{inputLayer, numberHiddenLayerNodes, outputLayer});
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = nets[i];
nnops[i] = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem(trnfoldsSet, backpropNet, measure);
oas[i] = new StandardGeneticAlgorithm(population, mate, mutate, nnops[i]);
train(oas[i], backpropNet, trainIterations);
validationErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, validation);
// Find the average error for this configuration
double error = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < validationErrors.length; j++) {
error += validationErrors[j];
error /= validationErrors.length;
errors[x][y][z] = error;
int best_pop = 0;
int best_mate = 0;
int best_mutate = 0;
double minErr = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int x = 0; x < populationRatios.length; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < mateRatios.length; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < mutateRatios.length; z++) {
if (errors[x][y][z] < minErr) {
best_pop = x;
best_mate = y;
best_mutate = z;
minErr = errors[x][y][z];
populationRatio = populationRatios[best_pop];
toMateRatio = mateRatios[best_mate];
toMutateRatio = mutateRatios[best_mutate];
System.out.printf("Population Ratio: %s%n", df.format(populationRatio));
System.out.printf("Mate Ratio: %s%n", df.format(toMateRatio));
System.out.printf("Mutate Ratio: %s%n", df.format(toMutateRatio));
System.out.printf("Error: %s%% %n", df.format(minErr));
* Run genetic algorithms.
* @param trainIterations the iterations to run
public static void runGA(int trainIterations) {
System.out.println("===========Genetic Algorithms=========");
double starttime = System.nanoTime();
double endtime;
int trainSetSize = trainSet.size();
int populationSize = (int) (trainSetSize * populationRatio);
int toMate = (int) (trainSetSize * toMateRatio);
int toMutate = (int) (trainSetSize * toMutateRatio);
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[]{inputLayer, numberHiddenLayerNodes, outputLayer});
NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem nnop = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem(trainSet,
backpropNet, measure);
OptimizationAlgorithm oa = new StandardGeneticAlgorithm(populationSize, toMate, toMutate, nnop);
train(oa, backpropNet, trainIterations);
double trainError = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, trainSet.getInstances());
double testError = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, testSet.getInstances());
System.out.printf("Train Error: %s%% %n", df.format(trainError));
System.out.printf("Test Error: %s%% %n", df.format(testError));
endtime = System.nanoTime();
double time_elapsed = endtime - starttime;
// Convert nanoseconds to seconds
time_elapsed /= Math.pow(10,9);
System.out.printf("Time Elapsed: %s s %n", df.format(time_elapsed));
* Train a given optimization problem for a given number of iterations. Called by RHC, SA, and
* GA algorithms
* @param oa the optimization algorithm
* @param network the network that corresponds to the randomized optimization problem. The
* optimization algorithm will determine the best weights to try using with this
* network and assign those weights
* @param iterations the number of training iterations
private static void train(OptimizationAlgorithm oa, BackPropagationNetwork network, int
iterations) {
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
Instance optimalWeights = oa.getOptimal();
* Given a network and instances, the output of the network is evaluated and a decimal value
* for error is given
* @param network the BackPropagationNetwork with weights already initialized
* @param data the instances to be evaluated against
* @return
public static double evaluateNetwork(BackPropagationNetwork network, Instance[] data) {
double num_incorrect = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
Vector actual = data[j].getLabel().getData();
Vector predicted = network.getOutputValues();
boolean mismatch = ! isEqualOutputs(actual, predicted);
if (mismatch) {
num_incorrect += 1;
double error = num_incorrect / data.length * 100;
return error;
* Compares two bit vectors to see if expected bit vector is most likely to be the same
* class as the actual bit vector
* @param actual
* @param predicted
* @return
private static boolean isEqualOutputs(Vector actual, Vector predicted) {
int max_at = 0;
double max = 0;
// Where the actual max should be
int actual_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < actual.size(); i++) {
double aVal = actual.get(i);
if (aVal == 1.0) {
actual_index = i;
double bVal = predicted.get(i);
if (bVal > max) {
max = bVal;
max_at = i;
return actual_index == max_at;
* Reads a file formatted as CSV. Takes the labels and adds them to the set of labels (which
* later helps determine the length of bit vectors). Records real-valued attributes. Turns the
* attributes and labels into bit-vectors. Initializes a DataSet object with these instances.
private static void initializeInstances() {
double[][] attributes = new double[num_examples][];
String[] labels = new String[num_examples];
unique_labels = new HashSet<>();
// Reading dataset
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(FILENAME)));
// You don't need these headers, they're just the column labels
String useless_headers = br.readLine();
for(int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(br.readLine());
attributes[i] = new double[num_attributes];
for(int j = 0; j < num_attributes; j++) {
attributes[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(;
// This last element is actually your classification, which is assumed to be a string
labels[i] =;
catch(Exception e) {
// Creating a mapping of bitvectors. So "some classification" => [0, 1, 0, 0]
int distinct_labels = unique_labels.size();
outputLayer = distinct_labels;
bitvector_mappings = new HashMap<>();
int index = 0;
for (String label : unique_labels) {
double[] bitvect = new double[distinct_labels];
// At index, set to 1 for a given string
bitvect[index] = 1.0;
// Increment which index will have a bit flipped in next classification
bitvector_mappings.put(label, bitvect);
// Replaces the label for each instance with the corresponding bit vector for that label
// This works even for binary classification
allInstances = new Instance[num_examples];
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
double[] X = attributes[i];
String label = labels[i];
double[] bitvect = bitvector_mappings.get(label);
Instance instance = new Instance(X);
instance.setLabel(new Instance(bitvect));
allInstances[i] = instance;
* Print out the actual vs expected bit-vector. Used for debugging purposes only
* @param actual what the example's actual bit vector looks like
* @param expected what a network output as a bit vector
public static void printVectors(Vector actual, Vector expected) {
System.out.print("Actual: [");
for (int i = 0; i < actual.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf(" %f", actual.get(i));
System.out.print(" ] \t Expected: [");
for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf(" %f", expected.get(i));
System.out.println(" ]");
* Takes all instances, and randomly orders them. Then, the first PERCENT_TRAIN percentage of
* instances form the trainSet DataSet, and the remaining (1 - PERCENT_TRAIN) percentage of
* instances form the testSet DataSet.
public static void makeTestTrainSets() {
List<Instance> instances = new ArrayList<>();
for (Instance instance: allInstances) {
Random rand = new Random(SEED);
if (shouldRandomize) {
Collections.shuffle(instances, rand);
int cutoff = (int) (instances.size() * PERCENT_TRAIN);
List<Instance> trainInstances = instances.subList(0, cutoff);
List<Instance> testInstances = instances.subList(cutoff, instances.size());
Instance[] arr_trn = new Instance[trainInstances.size()];
trainSet = new DataSet(trainInstances.toArray(arr_trn));
// System.out.println("Train Set ")
Instance[] arr_tst = new Instance[testInstances.size()];
testSet = new DataSet(testInstances.toArray(arr_tst));
* Given a DataSet of training data, separate the instances into K nearly-equal-sized
* partitions called folds for K-folds cross validation
* @param training, the training DataSet
* @return a list of folds, where each fold is an Instance[]
public static List<Instance[]> kfolds(DataSet training) {
Instance[] trainInstances = training.getInstances();
List<Instance> instances = new ArrayList<>();
for (Instance instance: trainInstances) {
List<Instance[]> folds = new ArrayList<>();
// Number of values per fold
int per_fold = (int) Math.floor((double)(instances.size()) / K);
int start = 0;
int end = per_fold;
while (start < instances.size()) {
List<Instance> foldList = null;
if (end > instances.size()) {
end = instances.size();
foldList = instances.subList(start, end);
Instance[] fold = new Instance[foldList.size()];
fold = foldList.toArray(fold);
start = end + 1;
end = start + per_fold;
return folds;
* Given a list of Instance[], this helper combines each arrays contents into one, single
* output array
* @param instanceList the list of Instance[]
* @return the combined array consisting of the contents of each Instance[] in instanceList
public static Instance[] combineInstances(List<Instance[]> instanceList) {
List<Instance> combined = new ArrayList<>();
for (Instance[] fold: instanceList) {
for (Instance instance : fold) {
Instance[] combinedArr = new Instance[combined.size()];
combinedArr = combined.toArray(combinedArr);
return combinedArr;
* Given a list of folds and an index, it will provide an Instance[] with the combined
* instances from every fold except for the fold at the given index
* @param folds the K-folds, a list of Instance[] used as folds for cross-validation
* @param foldIndex the index of the fold to exclude. That fold is used as the validation set
* @return the training folds combined into once Instance[]
public static Instance[] getTrainFolds(List<Instance[]> folds, int foldIndex) {
List<Instance[]> trainFolds = new ArrayList<>(folds);
Instance[] trnfolds = combineInstances(trainFolds);
return trnfolds;
* Given a list of folds and an index, it will provide an Instance[] to serve as a validation
* set.
* @param folds the K-folds, a list of Instance[] used as folds for cross-validation
* @param foldIndex the index of the fold to use as the validation set
* @return the validation set
public static Instance[] getValidationFold(List<Instance[]> folds, int foldIndex) {
return folds.get(foldIndex);
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Your test set uses the training data. This makes both the training set and the test set the same thing. Line 570 should be testInstances, not trainInstances.

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Thanks for the catch! I just saw this, and fixed line 570. Other updates to come soon, hopefully tonight!

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  • Fixes cross validation issues for NN hyper-params, Simulated Annealing, and Genetic Algorithms
  • Better organization of configs (all at the top, neatly labeled)
  • Random Seed for consistency when shuffling rows, and ability to disable shuffling
  • Fixed issue with test/training sets not being split properly

Note: Apparently the RHC provided in ABAGAIL doesn't do Random Restarts. I have yet to figure out how to implement this. If anyone has ideas though, please let me know.

It's about 1:30 am as I post this. I'm hoping I caught all bugs/errors, but please look through the code before running it in case I missed anything. Thanks!

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Hi, can you also share your csv file or maybe a part of it? Wanted to reproduce the results. Getting some error for my csv file.

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0,2,2,2,1,1,0,2,2,2,'One pair'
1,2,3,3,1,2,2,2,1,3,'One pair'

Preprocess your dataset with this script if you're getting errors:

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I created my own RHC with Random Restarts implementation but I've gotten consistently better results using the RHC implementation provided in ABAGAIL, so I'll stick with it how it is right now.

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Okay. thanks for your help. Was able to resolve dataset issue. But getting some other errors now.
This code is supposed to work properly for binary classification problems, right? I am seeing below errors. Do you know what's causing these rrrors?

$ java -cp ABAGAIL.jar opt.test.PokerTest
at Source)
at java.util.Scanner.(Unknown Source)
at opt.test.PokerTest.initializeInstances(
at opt.test.PokerTest.main(
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at util.linalg.DenseVector.size(
at func.nn.Layer.setActivations(
at func.nn.LayeredNetwork.setInputValues(
at func.nn.backprop.BatchBackPropagationTrainer.train(
at shared.ConvergenceTrainer.train(
at opt.test.PokerTest.runBackprop(
at opt.test.PokerTest.main(

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Make sure you set the num_examples and num_attributes variables.

thank you for this code, you are a life saver.

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@vmgarcia haha thanks, happy to help :)

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I did change the variables. those are the only variables right that need to be changed for a new dataset? not sure what is happening.

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jluo80 commented Mar 12, 2016

Thank you for your help. But I have two question and I don't know if it is stupid. I thought the training error should be the average of those ten folds cross validation error which I check the result and doesn't make sense. Second, the error result from Backprop is lower than the other which has been optimized. Is it my data set problem? Thank you.

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This is legitimately incredible. Very well written. Thank you for your work!

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First of all, thanks for your hard work !

I am having issues results printing out same results for all 3 algorithms at 1000, 2000, .. , 5000 iterations for some reason. I only changed the code as below in the main driver after finding the best parameters for hiddlenlayers, Simulated Annealing, and Genetic Algorithm. If anyone can help me what's wrong with it, I would greatly appreciate

// /* RHC */
// trainIterations = 2000;
//// RHC has no params. Just run it directly
// runRHC(trainIterations);

===========Randomized Hill Climbing=========
Train Error: 6.195%
Test Error: 7.474%
Time Elapsed: 3.447 s
===========Randomized Hill Climbing=========
Train Error: 6.195%
Test Error: 7.474%
Time Elapsed: 6.982 s
===========Randomized Hill Climbing=========
Train Error: 6.195%
Test Error: 7.474%
Time Elapsed: 8.886 s
===========Randomized Hill Climbing=========
Train Error: 6.195%
Test Error: 7.474%
Time Elapsed: 11.542 s
===========Randomized Hill Climbing=========
Train Error: 6.195%
Test Error: 7.474%

Time Elapsed: 14.470 s

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