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Created March 19, 2013 01:48
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Some playing around with python
import re
subnums = [ ('cd',4*'c'),
nums = [ ('m',1000), ('c',100), ('x', 10), ('i',1) ]
def cal(x):
for (s, l) in subnums:
x = x.replace(s, l)
x = '+'.join(list(x))
for (c, w) in nums:
x = x.replace(c, str(w))
if x == '': x = '0'
return eval(x)
def ask():
roman = raw_input('Input the Roman Number: ').lower()
if ("^m*?(d|cm|cd)?c*?(l|xc|xl)?x*?(ix|v|iv)?(i{1,3})?$",roman)):
print " The Roman number %s is actually %s" % (roman.upper(), cal(roman))
print " This is definately not a Roman Number."
print " Please pay attention."
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